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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Actually i like Dorinda and think she's a great addition. I would have dropped Kristen, Carole, and had Sonja as a friend. Five housewives and one friend...

    I think five or six main women are the best in terms of equal focus...seven is kind of pushing it...though BH did pretty well this past season with seven.

  2. I'm unpopular but the only time I've liked bethanny sans her talking heads was the scene of her in the business meeting. Otherwise, she's been an insuffable Debbie downer.

    Ratings haven't been all that good this season for NY..and I think its due to too many women, too much focus on bethanny..and too much contrived group outings without proper individual scenes (barring bethanny and Dorinda).

    With that said, anything with Ramona is reality gold...she and Vicki G are the stiff reality shows are made of :)

  3. Rewatching the pre.Barnabas episodes...I can.honestly say I liked the show better before Barnabas and.Julia.Hoffman hogged all the airtime and character development.

    It seems like a mix of Jane Eyre as well as secret storm..pre supernatural elements. I can also see why it struggled some as well.

  4. Iva was a tragic character...and I'm glad that she got her happy ending when the character was written off.

    Nowadays, she would have been kidnapped,murdered, gone psycho, etc if the character was being written off.

    Or worse, shed be written like how Nicole is written on Days.. hamster wheel, punching bag, etc.

  5. I must be watching a different show because bethanny is such a Debbie downer. The vibe was so much happier and fun before she showed up.

    With that said, I do think heather also was in the wrong for keeping things going instead of backing off.

    And quite frankly if heather is jealous of bethanny then she needs help. I don't find one thing about Bethanny I'd be jealous of. She's probably the most unhappy I've ever met...and that's sad.

    To me...heather is that know it all girl we all went to school with. You smile to her face and roll your eyes behind her back.

    Lastly, the web exclusives on hulu I wish were on the actual.episode. we got to get talking heads from.behannys staff as well as Sonja's interns.

    I want to see them in their day to day lives with some group introduction.

  6. Didn't Jennifer runyon's Sally start the peter/sally coupling? I could have seen her with peter...but I think.when mpk took over as Sally by summer 1983...I couldn't buy her Sally with Peter...if that makes sense. Perhaps the change in actresses shifted.the story?

  7. Its funny that in the mid 90s and thereafter that the show considered Reva the main draw when she wasn't even the main reason several people I knew in college and post college started watching the show.

    The character that caught their attention was Blake. In fact, my one college roommate started watching with me in late 2001/early 2002 right when the toru grainger story was starting. Her favorite story was that...and I remember her being crushed during the summer that she had to go study abroad and when she returned in the fall..the story was wrapped up with no long lasting effects. So I explained it to her..about the final showdown.between Blake.and Tory and she thanked me and thought the ending sounded fascinating.

    With that said, the Blake they all saw was Liz K's version. She took the comical undertones that Sherry S infused and ran with it...the writers took advantage of that and made Blake almost a caricature.. when Liz k was capable of playing Blake the way sherry S played her.

    E. Dennehy's Blake was almost tragic, sherrys Blake had the tragic element but was more sardonic...Liz's Blake was more comical but could be sarcastic/sardonic as well.

    Thoughts on the three primary Blake's?

  8. Michelle.being the focus hurt the show...so glad they aren't doing it. Michelle could be referred to as out of town in new York and mentioned off.screen.

    I think for this to stand on its own...it has to separate itself from full house a.bit. DJ was always peacemaker between Stephanie and Kimmy...and it was focused on.a.nit during the original show..

  9. I say no Michelle... the overuse of her character at the expense of others hurt the show..making it worse then it was in the early years.

    The early years had a little more.balance..and Stephanie was adorable when she was little as was DJ.

  10. I think Kate Jackson was hired to fill the ingenure/governess role that Alexandra MOltke filled to prefection the first 2 1/2 years. While KLS was decent in the governess/ingenure part... she was much pretty playing the tough as nails diner worker and the fortune hunting Kitty Soames.. then the weaker maggie Evans/Rachel Drummond.

    I know Alex M. was approached to return.. and she did say she considered it.. if she could be a dark character for awhile.. or even have Victoria W possessed.. just something new to do. I don't think she was opposed to playing Vicki W.. just wanted some variety like the other cast members got.

  11. I do.remember molly's realization that her choice to.always accept.being a second choice influenced her own daughter Abigail to do the same thing and she broke up with Holden before leaving town.

    It was the one decisions pass ante/gout man did that I actually agreed with. A woman finally deciding to.choose herself and her daughter first over some man. Sad that was seen as a marvel.when as much as ten to.fifteen years earlier..that was par for the course.

  12. I'm hoping that Retro TV shows reruns into 1971 at least.. then we can see a young Anna Stuart as Toni.

    I do enjoy watching Nancy, but I agree that they are a mismatch. At least some of the other characters are commenting on this... if this were nowadays, then all the other characters would be propping the relationship.

  13. What did you guys think.of the moderator for the Melbourne reunion? I liked that he was telling all.of them to shut up lol

    Part 1 was a nice balance of fun and conflict. Jackie/Gina are like a mother and daughter lol

    Gamble totally dragged pettifleur with little to no effort..and I think gamble being honest about her thoughts on the book was better then if she lied about liking it. Damned if u do, damned if u don't.

    Andy Cohen doesn't have power at bravo anymore..right? Isn't he only in charge of the housewife shows and wwhl? He might not have agreed with the decision to show Melbourne on bravo?

    I think cohen needs to not be involved with the housewives anymore...and someone else take over. Someone who can strike a balance between the conflict and fun. He has shown he no longer can find the pulse of what.viewers want anymore...if that makes sense.

  14. RHOBH: It felt like two mini seasons in one.. For the first 9/10 episodes.. I would give the show a B+/A-.. only because it wasn't toxic and it harkened back to the original format of the franchise with individual narratives especially in episodes 2 through 6. Plus, I thought the first few functions were kind of fun with little to no fighting. For the 2nd half of the season.. I'd give it a C+/B-.. since it was too focused on Kim/Brandi.. with little to not focus on the housewives day to day life (except for Lisa V's interactions with her adoptive son Max.. and her presiding over a gay marriage). So altogether.. i would give the season a B/B-

    RHOA: I should give it a C or lower because it was too much shade and not enough sunlight. I think they need to film less together as a group.. and film more in their day to day lives.. or at least in pairs. However, I guess a C+ because Kandi, Nene, and Phadra had actual stuff going on in their private lives. If Porsha hadn't been shown at all. I would have given the season a B- LOL

    RHOMelbourne: I stopped watching midway through the season because I was sick of this whole Gamble past activity gossip that dominated the season. Seeing Pettifleur almost made me miss Andrea.. almost being the key word LOL Andrea was more delusional with some bitchiness thrown in... but Pettifleur was just a straight up bitch without any redeeming charactistics. However, I did rewatch the episodes I missed the other day.. so I guess a C+/B- due to Janet's funny pot stirring/talking heads, Gamble's whimsical personality.. Chyka actually having some nice moments with her husband and daughter (plus, loved the segment on her closet)..though I think Gina is still bitter over the gang up on season 1 and it showed in season 2.

    RHOC: season 10 looks interesting.. and given that Vicki, Tamra, and Heather had stuff going on in their personal lives.. it makes sense only five women were featured since it allows the chance for a balance between individual narratives and group dynamics. Plus, I read that newbie housewife Meghan just got married in october/November 2014.. and started filming in January 2015.. so reading that makes me understand why she's more of a bitch because of the stress of a new marriage, being a step mom to a 17/18 year old daughter.. and hubby traveling alot. I do wonder if Vicki is ok with her dramatic breakdown at the receipt of news of her mother's death being shown on tv.

  15. Lizzie shows the long list of 1 season wonders for RHOC that includes Kimberly, Quinn, Peggy, Lydia, and now Lizzie.

    With that said, Meghan looks like she'll be a firecracker... Tamra better watch out.. she could eventually steal the head bitch crown from her LOL

  16. Yeah..I don't like that hippie cowboy Jody whatsoever. The characters are saying hoe wonderful he is..but I'm not seeing it. Good to know some tropes such as that were around even then :)

    Still I'm wondering what Liz will be doing for the next year or so of her stint. She's had a couple of failed relationships, bad reaction to drugs, kidnapped, etc. What else can they throw on the poor girl?

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