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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. The mini series Bare Essence just got uploaded to youtube the other day.  The success of that mini series led to a short lived prime time soap on NBC in early 1983.  
    As we know, like all attempts at a prime time soap at NBC, the show tanked either due to bad time slot, recasting of key parts, or how the show proceeded from the mini series to series.
    From what Genie Francis said, she didnt think the show handled her character well in the tv show since her character had gotten everything she worked for including her love interest by the end of the mini series.
    Based on reading episode guides, even watching old episodes years ago that someone had uploaded on youtube.  It appears that the show picks up after the mini series concludes..and promptly has the lead character Tyger become a widow in the 1st episode thus having her fight for her place in the company while her late husbands family bands against her.
    In a way, the show opts to go with the premise that Dallas originally was planning for Pam (losing her husband at the start of the series/marriage and having to battle his family).  Based on what i recall....Dallas changed their mind because it didnt make sense for Pam to stay around to fight the family so early in her marriage to Bobby without any ties like a child.  As we see with Bare Essence, we see that the showrunners at Dallas were right to not pursue that premise
    It makes me wonder if perhaps It would have been better to make the tv series start with Tyger coming into the lives of the Marshalls....a reboot of sorts of the mini series.
  2. Im wondering if the problem sith the show is that OWN is ordering too many episodes that tyler perry's quality has declined?  Of course, it would help if he had co writers...but since he refuses...maybe OWN should lower the episode order.


    Ive been watching Too close to home on TLC..and each season is 8 episodes...and while the scenes are still long...there is actual movement in plot and they arent repeating words too much.



  3. People say Patrick duffy leaving killed the show..but the dream season finished in the top 5...others say that the show died when they came up with the dream season explanation...the show did drop to 10 or 11...but Pam quitting caused the show to leave the top 20.  The backbone of the show was JR vs Pam...imho

  4. 15 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Toronto doesn't look as good as the first season of Vancouver, but it looks watchable. I don't know what to make of the cast, very hard looking women. I do like that it's a multi-ethnic cast and that you have a plus sized wife which you don't get anymore in the US. I'm cautiously optimistic. 


    I almost gave you side eyed for the vancouver mention till I saw you referenced season 1 of vancouver...which was a good season and not as toxic as season 2.


    What Im noticing about all the new housewide shows here and abroad us that theyre only focusing on the petty fights with less focua on the day to day stuff.


    What made the earlier versions work was a healthy balance between drama and the day to day stuff (which is why I love that the hamlin girls are getting talking heads where theyre eye rolling their mom lol). 

  5. 34 minutes ago, Chris B said:


    I agree. I feel like she can fill the void they'll need with Heather gone. Someone VERY wealthy with a happy family who is more above the fray. The benefit for her over Heather is that she is more open and natural and not playing for the cameras like Heather was. But with so many dynamic and controversial personalities like Tamra, Vicki and Kelly you need that balance. This is why I also want Lizzie back. We need more balance. I still don't understand getting rid of Lizzie. She has the look and the money and fit in so well. I understand she wasn't the most dramatic, but that's okay. Look at Eileen on Beverly Hills or Cynthia on ATL. They get involved here and there but are mostly normal and mellow. You need balance!


    Lizzie opted to drop down to a friend role because she was busy eith her line and working the USA pagaent to focus on promoting the show..or doing all the group activities.

  6. As we've seen with Atlanta (sheree), NJ (Dina), and NY (bethenny)...bringing back a past housewife isn't always a good thing.


    With that said, if I could choose a past housewife to come back for the OC..it would be Lizzie because she has stuff going on in her personal life, plus she could spare with tamra..and is more sympathetic then Gretchen ever was. Plus, I feel there is more of her story that could be told.


    Gretchen has nothing going on in her life..and production in the season 8 special seemed happy to be rid of her.  Plus, she was kind of like tamra....and one is enough LOL


    That said, I think it's time to perhaps evolve the franchise beyond petty fights, toxic behavior, and forced get togethers.  I'm not sure where it would go...but given how mean spirited our society is nowadays...perhaps not rewarding bad behavior aNd shade on a reality show might be a good 1st step.

  7. Erika and LVP are more alike..hence why Erika admitted the LVP that she is like a spider...and that while her questions are innocent, her intent behind the questions leave a lot tip be desired.  Plus, Erika's almost blame response the Dorit's thirst and bethenny's attacks make her a unique personality on the franchise.

  8. Before naked wasted...tamra was fairly liked and/or tolerated...but after that...all bets were off.  I recall hearing rumors that Jeana was demanding behind the scenes for production to interfere during that episode...and I guess she knew where the show was going..hence why she left at the start of next season.


    Meghan seemed almost mature and a adult compared to the other women...she seemed more at home with her family during the gender cake reveal scene.  She left at the right time..imho.


    Three housewives left after season 8...and season 9 was a great season with shannon and Lizzie joining.  Kelly may provide drama..but I think for her sake..she needs to sit on the sideline and get herself together.


    Gretchen visiting would be ok..but I don't want a full time return unless she ditches Slade and is married....so at least she has something going on that's interesting.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Seeing as I saw Penny had a close bond with Nick and doesn't know John, I'd assume that she'd possibly be against John. It only makes sense. 


    I did read up on Ann a bit to see and Nick does get involved. I was just wondering if the recent scene with Althea berating Nick was the last straw for him. 


    Honestly, I think that this was the end of the road when it comes to Cathy. She needed to go whether it was a body bag or being put in an asylum. Keeping her around would be like squeezing blood from a turnip. That's the issue with soaps nowadays as they allow villains to long overstay their welcome. It is good to see TV where the villains get their comeuppance. 


    I think up till Cathy kidnapped the baby...she still was redeemable...but once she snatched the baby...she was written into a corner.

  10. 17 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Today was absolutely stellar. 


    Can I say that I love Nick Bellini?! That dog will hunt when he has a scent. Oh I am so glad that he has John pegged. It just frustrates me that now Althea does not believe Nick. I guess this is where Penny might come into play. 


    Is this scene an indicator that Nick will now be tossed into Ann's orbit going forward? 


    Cathy was a great, complex character. I love how she delivered a fatal blow to John by taking him down before taking her fatal fall. 


    There is a doctors fan page on facebook and the actress who played cathy last said that the writers wrote her out cause her story got too complicated...and that she would have stayed longer if the show hadn't written her off.


    I thought nick and Ann had chemistry

    ..so you might be right.


    From what I hear...john/althea/penny form a family unit for awhilw...and that there are some interesting scenes between John and penny...so you could be right that penny has john's #

  11. When watching the Melrose revival show...there was a scene between Jo and Amanda...where they went to toe to toe..and Jo got the best of her verbally and via blackmail.  Did the two interact all that much on the show (I know they did some in season 2..but can't recall inn season 3 or 4 if they did).


    While most peeps remember Allison vs Amanda....I liked when Amanda would tangle with other female characters.  Sydney was like a knat to Amanda...but I did love when the two had to bunk together in season 4...hilarious lol. And I liked that Sydney double crossed Amanda before dying in the revival (even though I thought Sydney was more bitter then quirky...but years had passed so I could understand why)

  12. Maybe Nene is in good spirits because she isn't on the show anymore.  I think the show was fine last season..and it's still fine this season.  I think the show needs new blood since Sheree's return hadn't worked as well.   I'm for Nene coming back for visits...but not as a full time cast mate.

  13. Rinna saying she was spared the addiction gene was laughable...someone should tell her that addiction manifests itself in different ways....for her... Kim seems to be her addiction.  


    So Dorit, Eileen, and rinna are still talking pantygate....yet Erika is having fun in Greece... hmmm.. I guess having a life spares one from talk of pantygate

  14. For a first day, Julia Duffy did well...and she and Liz Hubbard played well opposite each other.  Plus, I didn't see any traces of her Newhart character at all.


    I can see why this was a golden era for the show...crazy Kathy ryker is hitting a climax...while we are getting the starts of 3 new characters (laurie, ann, and penny)

  15. Sheree popped last season cause she was just a friend....the Greek chorus that commented on the train wreck of the other women.  She should have stayed supporting..so she could go ton the events..maybe even the vacation...but not have to produce individual day to day scenes.


    I think if you have nothing going on in your personal day to day life...you should just be a friend....Brandi, on RHOBH should never have been full time due to not being allowed to film half of her life.

  16. Season 8 had some good scenes for Val...where she wasnt a joke...but still an actual character with layers.


    I do think that the Lechowicks were decent writers...but wrote characters in very basic ways...meaning characters tropes...Karen the goody goody..Abby the bitch..Val the victim....hence why Laura was fired....she was not a character that fit a specific trope.


    I think theveryone Sumnerve Group focus helped the show transition into the late 80s/early 90s.  Had the show continueed into the mid 90s..I think the show would have changed...maybe more focus in the cul de sac...since the mid to late 90s was a back to basic era.

  17. Was Paulina's back story from the moment she arrived thst she came from the foster system...or did that get added once judi Evans took over?  I could buy the chip on their shoulder foster child angle with Evans playing the part...while Cali's take was softer, yet more manipulative...if that makes sense.


    Wasn't John getz's Neil also paired briefly with Angie perini?  I assume the first angie..not The second one, right?

  18. Season 2 was better because the show was more itself then trying to copy Full house.


    DJ is different in season 2 then she was in season 1.  I think it is due the the backlash CCB got from her religious fans...hence the changes in season 2.


    Though it makes sense that she qould began different from the original show...She's more like a female danny in this show.

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