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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. 18 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Why must Roger and Holly torture me?! As I predicted, the spar between them was heated, tense, and sexual, but I didn't enjoy Roger grabbing Holly by the arm. It didn't get any better with Holly trying to make excuses for Roger's behavior with Daniel. Even at his worst, Holly can't help but make excuses for him. She just could not get that man out of her blood stream. 


    Nadine v. Vanessa was funny. Though Vanessa was refined by this time, I love how she'd revert back to her old, petty ways to stick it to Nadine; however, it was funny how Nadine took that ugly dress and made into something hot. It was always Vanessa's flaw to sleep on the girls (Nola, Nadine) from the wrong side of the track. 


    These episodes just get better and better, and though I know how it'll end, it all seems fresh and still entertaining to me.


    Reading this makes me even sadder that Buzz is soon to arrive and cause Nadine to become isolated from the canvas.  Nadine vs vanessa was good..and I even liked the unlikely friendship between Nadine and Holly.

  2. Who would everyone say was their favorite non Roger love interest for Holly?  And who would everyone say was their favorite non Holly love interest for Roger?


    In terms of story...id say Ross and holly were decent together...though in terms of chemistry...i did like Holly with that ex convict...that got cut short.


    For me...I liked Roger with sonni...especially since Sonni and Blake were clashing a lot.  It was a shame that got cut short.

  3. 7 hours ago, Cat said:

    That preview of the rest of the season is a hot mess!


    I wonder when the other cast members will point out the obvious, which is that Ramona is using... something, she has done for years, and it has made her belligerent and crazy. If somebody was acting like Ramona in my friendship group, that would be the first thing everybody would be asking.


    @Nothin'ButAttitude IA about Bethenny, I would also add that she has entitlement issues. She feels far, far above the other women (highest paid cast member, EP credit, Andy's BFF), which is why whenever they have something good going for them (especially professionally), she smacks them down, like 'Only one of us around here is allowed a successful business, and that would be me!' She is so wrapped up in what the business does for her status as a person. Now that she has scored two other shows, I would be stunned if she was still on RHONY next year.


    Carole attaches herself to whichever Alpha female is on the show, strokes their ego, and somehow convinces them to fight her battles. This contributed to Heather's downfall and did not help Bethenny's standing with the audience last season. Let's not forget that Carole was the one who first had an issue with Luann, because Adam. :rolleyes: Then Heather and later Bethenny jumped in to tear down Luann in the eyes of the audience, and it rebounded badly on them both times.


    Image result for luann not really gif

    Image result for luann not really gif


    Image result for bethenny luann you sleep with everybody gif



    Image result for hey nene gifs


    Yes we did miss you, mama, and we can't wait for your take on the braniacs of the OC!


    What you said about Bethenny is in the money.  She does have entitlement issues and thinks she's above all the other women.  What was fascinating was that she couldn't pull that with Heather...since Heather had her own business, was married, and had a legit career at Sean John well before the Housewives..plus was a slightly more nurturing alpha then Bethenny could ever be.


    If I recall, Bethenny grew to respect her by the end of the season.  


    With that said, it was nice Bethenny just let Ramona hang herself out to dry...like Heather did numerous times in season 5 to Ramona (remember her following Ramona grinning lol).


    In some ways, I think Bethenny and Ramona are more alike then either would like to admit....its just that Ramona is crazy and drunk more.

  4. I know Carolyn hinsey (soap columnist) is not liked..but I give people the benefit of the doubt..but she was upset that soaps weren't being shown due to comey testifying being shown live as she shared on her Facebook page.


    Seeing the replies to her rant made me pissed...and I said this is way more important then a soap episode not being shown.  She said that it will be old news by the time people get home from work.  You c ant reason with stupid..I guess


    In my view, Trump basically revealed his guilt..or knowledge of corruption (even if he didn't do it himself) the day he fired Comey as well as the day he tried to tweet a threat to Sally Yates.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mitch said:

    I disagree, I think Long was a terrible fit for both SB and OLTL as neither one of them were "family" shows per se.. the first two years of her GL term were great as the Bauers were the center with the other families having their turn..it wasn,t until TPTB interfered that it came apart...and her second tenure on GL she got to straighten some of that out. I think she would have respected the Hughes and would have been really good with Nancy (I thought her writing of Bert was great..matriarch of SF but human and fallible too.) I just would fear she would bring Zimmer ...(imagine Zimmer as a Diana McColl recast....her and Fulton together on screen....either great or diva disaster....)  Co head writing with Curlee would have been great...( I always loved Curlees quote that a poster here uses but she also ammended for soaps in general..."You can scare the hell out of the viewer, throw anything you want at them, as long as they can run out of that dark backyard, run up the porch steps and bang through the screen door and Nancy Hughes is in the kitchen baking cookies."


    I still think Pam Long would have been a good replacement for Marland.  The Snyder's and hughes families would have been up her alley..and I think she would have had a good take on Lucinda.


    Her Texas and GL were good...and I've heard her brief stint closing out SFT was decent.  


    What did everyone think of Lorraine Broderick?  She had potential, but according to Eileen Fulton...all of her ideas were over ruled..and she was the last writer to feature Lisa (other then the brief 40 and 50 year celebration of her being on the show).

  6. When during the shows run would everyone agree that Ceuz/Eden dominated the show?


    Watching alot of the 1985 episodes...the show is working like a true ensemble with an equal focus on Lional/Augusta, Ted/Christy story, Mary/Mason, Amy/Brick, and Kelly/Nick/Dylan...and Sophia coming back from the dead...along with Santana/Gina....as well as Julia working as the crusading lawyer that tries to be Augusta's conscious.

  7. On 6/2/2017 at 9:59 AM, Mitch said:



    Some of his stuff was good and natural...like Nancy asking where the serving spoon was and I liked that people actually used their kitchens and made dinner (in today's soaps its as if no one does anything "normal") and worried about who was going to watch their kids...(in between kidnappings and murder trials..) but when it came down to people having a conversation that moved plot along it was stiff and unnatural and contrary to what someone posted above...everyone sounded the same...like they just stepped out of a touchy feeling group therapy session ("honesty..feelings) GL at the time ..while their plots were sloppier, made their characters sound like real people talking..and sometimes, even the "good" people didn't like other "good" people and made bitchy gossip about them...(Marland's characters were too earnest to do that...)



    Like others mentioned...pam long and Marland would have worked well as co head writers.  He was organized, and disciplined with plot points and character....and she knew how to make each character have their own voice and was good at the emotional writing.


    She did well with the Reardons and expanded on the Lewis family on GL (Marland's creations)...so I think she could have written the Snyder's as well...and even maybe the Hughes family too.  



  8. 9 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    The 1036 clip shows how sheltered and entitled Eden was.  I liked that the show didn't portray Eden as all good...that some characters called her out on her entitlement.


    Which Capwells daughter would you all say was most entitled...Kelly or Eden?

  9. No wonder his shows were very talky talky and more like gossip then actual conversations people would have in real life. (Regarding fine tuning each script).  I know at GL...that the dobsons had a few writers write each script based on outlines provided by the Dobsons..it was more of a team effort...while Marland came in and seemed like a micromanage.


    His plots and pacing were good..but the day to day scripts were weak sometimes.

  10. Marland did seem to water down his creations.  I almost felt maybe he should habe left after 2 or 3 years.


    Keg and iba are prime examples of his creations that started out with spirit/personality but got bogged down over time.


    I could understand Iva changing since her rapist married into the family and never truly got punished.  It's realistic and happens in more families then one would think.


    At least she kind of got a happy ending.

  11. 1 hour ago, BetterForgotten said:

    ABC almost hired Curlee twice, but she backed out at the last minute both times. Once was for Loving in mid/late 1994 (but she must have realized that show was a lost cause no matter who wrote it) and then GH after the Labine's left/were fired in late 1995/early 1996.


    To think, we may have never gotten Guza at GH had she accepted the offer...




    Of the two offers, I think Loving would have been a better fit.  And I know she would habe done well with the college town with scandalous secrets well.  

  12. Bridget/julie/kat. Good years with those three.


    I would like to also say (changing subject) that Guiding light had a great unlucky in love character back in the 70s that the dobsons created yet didn't make pathetic..Katie. that is until Marland took over and made her pathetic..only somewhat reversed by Pam Long.

  13. I've liked a lot of the Pollack's stuff...but I do agree it isn't as character driven as it was under lakin/Edelstein.


    I will say that the Pollack' s could write a climax like no one else...and I think perhaps if lakin/Pollack's worked together...it would have been dynamite.


    Who knew Gil Gerald was hot back then :)  I'm most intrigued with how his wife will fit in.  She doesn't seem keen on Hope Memorial.

  14. I actually thought seyfried got better once the show moved her character out of the JR/Jamie orbit..and interacted her with other people.


    Her character had a promising romeo/Juliet type of story with Reggie before both were written out.

  15. 1 hour ago, GH_Girl said:


    Ha, reading that I want to say NO NO NO but then I did love Bryce's Craig and I do agree somewhat that he was what you say... so maybe? lol I haven't seen much of bad early Craig with MR's Betsy, but I loved the Craig that was in love with but separated from Sierra, Craig that was still friends with Frost's Betsy, Craig that loved Dani like his own when she was little. Craig and Iva was, just no. I don't understand the actresses popularity, did people like Iva at the time??


    I think the iva factor was due to the actress being popular as Nola.  My mom had a soft spot for Iva..the unlucky in love heroine.


    I liked Craig with Emily (Melanie Smith's version)..even with Samantha (the first one).

  16. 6 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    I never put the same stock into the finale as everyone else seemed to ... like Dan would ever stay dead in any kind of revival. LOL. Come on. And there's no way they'd undo Becky/Mark (though making Mark dumber than a box of rocks made me have a hard time seeing Lecy's Becky with him anymore) or Darlene/David. Darlene would have never been with Mark. Sarah's Becky and David maybe but not Lecy's Becky.


    The writing for Sarah's Becky vs. Lecy's Becky was so obvious too. They made Sarah's Becky a flighty almost dumb blond who was often bested by Darlene compared to Lecy's Becky who suddenly wanted to do more than work at a Hooters knock off and go back to college and could hold her own with Darlene ...


    Lecy's Becky was kind of a brat...so Darlene bursting her bubble was always entertaining season 1 through 3 before Darlene went gothic.


    With Sarah's Becky...yoi felt kind of sorry for her because she seemed cheerful and Darlene looked bitter and mean spirited bursting her bubble.



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