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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Rhoc


    I love the balance between the old format and the drama/confrontation style.


    I was hesitant about having seven women as housewives...but if it means that Vicki or Kelly aren't featured so much during certain episodes..i might change my mind.


    Peggy is intriguing so far...and seeing that she is dealing with breast cancer and a double mastectomy..reminds me of the struggles my late mom had with breast cancer.  


    Regarding Lydia vs. Shannon...both are in the wrong.  I think Lydia was a little pot stirrer...but Shannon reacted too over the top.  Had some flashbacks to season 9 when Lydia kept saying Shannon was yelling...but the footage the editors shown didn't really support Shannon yelling.  In this case, it's all perception over what one defines as yelling.


    After the harshness of RHONY, the toxic elements of Potomac and Atlanta(I think season 3 could stand for some timeouts where none of the women film together and do separate narrarices)...RHOC is my fav :)

  2. Isn't it true when Bethenny returnes...a lot of heathers stuff wasn't shown and kristen didn't have a whole lot focused on her till the end of the season?  I admit when season 7 of NY came..i was interested to see Ramona post divorce, and how heather/kristen/Carole would mesh eith Bethenny.  Sadly...the show became all Bethenny...and we hardly got to see Ramona in her day to day life...and come on...Ramona on dates would have been comic/reality gold.  So I get why Ramona is pissed at Bethenny.

  3. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    The other women in the steakhouse giggling, hugging and teasing each other in the steakhouse was fun to watch -- even Carole was enjoying herself. Then an angry dark cloud walks in, and its Bethenny.


    Carole came across well this episode. She's trying to give Tinsley a helping hand without knocking her or tearing her down. I am on of the few who enjoyed the Tinsley-Scott date; Tinsley came into her own and was a lot of fun to watch. The new boyfriend is cute and a great match for her.. And even Adam/Man-Bun was tolerable!


    Even though Ramona and Luann have hated each other in the past, Luann is there for Ramona when she's being iced out of the group. There is a clip on Bravo's website for next week, and Lu and Ramona are sitting outside on the steps of the villa at night and kind of chewing the fat. It's a good moment between the two of them.


    Luann dipping into her drawer of statement necklaces and grabbing a fistful to take with her to Mejico was :lol:


    Luann and Ramona have always worked as friendlies.  Once the two made up in season 5...they were fun to watch.


    Is it bad that I have grown to love season 5?

  4. 2 hours ago, GH_Girl said:


    It's funny that they couldn't do it with them, when they had just done it with Blake and adjusting her character to Liz Kiefer.


    Blake had to be adjusted...just seeing Liz's first days as Blake and how she delivered her lines...they had to adjust the character.  SS had a very dry and sarcastic way she delivered her lines...made Blake cool and calm...with a biting wit.  Liz's reading of those lines was more like a spoiled rich girl hence the adjustment to the character.

  5. This is why I'm not feeling NY....because bethenny is calling the shots and all focus is on her.  Heather, kristen, and Jules were cut cause they happened to let Bethenny know that she ain't all that....though I think Bethenny actually respected Heather.


    That's why I dread Nene coming bacj to Atlanta...cause she almost had that same power before she left.  Teresa is the same on NJ.


    That's why I kind of still like OC cause none of the women hold that power..not even Vicki.  Headther dubrow found out she didn't have that power quickly.   OC is the show that gets little love from Andy....heck Wendy Williams hardly talks about the OC anymore on her show....yet the OG keeps going.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Cat said:



    I'm so glad this show is back, as lowkey as the opener was. In a way, it is too bad Heather and Terry are gone, if only to see their new house and see her get her long-awaited comeuppance. Kelly Dodd was on E! News (or whatever they call it -- FYI, it's not really news, lol) and said that Heather was asked back in a FOH capacity and she got offended and walked. Since then, she and her former BFFs have distanced themselves from one another.


    Shannon has definitely... gained some poundage. She is also clearly transferring her issues with David onto Vicki. Looks to me like David is once again disinterested in his wife. Shannon is so unhappy, and it is not because of what Vicki said last year. Her SL is the most watchable right now, though. Also, her new house is not as great as the one with the basketball court, which was SPECTACULAR.


    Tamra is quick to repeat certain self-help/I'm-Chrishun-yall stock phrases, including the ever useful "God has a plan for me" which can be inserted into almost any conversation! However, apart from that, I... liked Tamra this episode? Voice of reason, especially with regards to her friendship with Shannon and calling out the truth. I also liked Tamra on WWHL afterwards. She answers any question, seems like a good sport about her face-lift, which along with her haircut looks great! BTW, I would never have recognised her in those flashback shots from her prom/knocked-up years. She looked like her mom in a permed wig. That is a lot of plastic surgery Simon paid for! Yikes, I need a Tamra intervention, @Nothin'ButAttitude !


    Vicki is going to lose me damn quick with this "I'm still in love with Brooks" nonsense. That "bad boy" is not James Dean on a motorcycle, Vicki. I just do not understand why she is still thirsting after that tubby, balding, slimey turd. Also did Vicki say she was 54?? She is younger than I thought.


    The fact that Meghan is on her THIRD season with this show is mind-blowing to me. Now that there is no Heather to call out on her hypocrisy, what role is there left for Meghan? I did melt when I saw her adorable baby, though. And I've always had a soft spot for Jazz Hands, so seeing Jimmy coo over his little girl was sweet, too.


    Maybe Tamra is serious about finding Jesus...she does seem calmer...and she was at Sydney's graduation per Instagram.


    I think Shannon moved to start over fresh...but as I learned from watching the tv show Sisters.  You can move houses, but you also bring your problems with you along with the furniture.  I hope for some fun scenes of Shannon with her three girls.  Her oldest Sophie has grown up!


    Lydia...i just love :)


    Vicki...she needs to stop mentioning brooks...or im praying to God that she gets demoted come season 13.


    And I'm glad Eddie asked T amra not to meet Vicki.  I'm sick of the contrived gatherings...and people being angry having to be in the same room.  The thing that made all the old fights and drama pop..wad that it was organic and not so contrived.  Vicki and take a don't film much together this season...so I hope the show uses the anticipation of a face off between Vicki and tamra...as must see tv.


    And I think the group vacation should be one of the only times all the housewives should be required to be together.


    That's why I'm not into RHONY this season...they are always together and very little is shown of their lives.  At least Jules had stuff to show last season with her kids and marriage.

  7. 1 hour ago, adrnyc said:

    I'm up to January 23, '87 on my ATWT watch (first viewing) and the actress who plays Josie Frame on AW (I'm also doing a re-watch of that show) just started as a character named Sage (not to be confused with Carjack's daughter later) who seems to be involved with Dusty. I love little surprises like this. It seems as if AW and ATWT shared many of the same actors over the years (as well as actual characters much later).


    I must admit that I don't know what's going on with the ruckle and The Falcon and now somehow the Sabrina storyline is tied into that as well? Lansing has just showed up killing people in Oxford and he was also blackmailing Dr. John D and Rick Ryan. Since most of December '86 is missing, I'm not sure if I"m supposed to know what's happening or if the audience is still clueless. It looks as if there is one more ep in January, one ep in February and then jumps to March. Time to pull out the old 40 anniversary book and see if I can put the pieces together. There's such a fine line between figuring out what happened during the gaps and accidentally getting spoiled!


    On the plus side, Jessica Griffin has just showed up! I'm looking forward to seeing her early stories. I'm losing interest in the show a bit right now - probably because of the gaps. But nothing seems to be HAPPENING in Jan '87. It feels as if the show is treading water. The Sabrina storyline isn't interesting me much but, again, I missed a lot, and am trying to put pieces of that storyline together when the audience may just not have it all yet. I'm kinda hoping that, after the February jump, the Falcon and Sabrina info will have come out and it'll move on to something else.


    Oh, and so sad that John and Emma broke up. I knew it wouldn't last because John never had a change of heart but I was still rooting for them. John would've been a completely different character had Emma been able to soften him up. And does she ever have another love interest? (I didn't start watching until 2000 - at that point, Emma was just the sweet old mother giving out advice on the farm.)


    Emma had two more love interests in the late 80s and early to mid 90s.  Cal Stricklyn and Ned Simon.


  8. 43 minutes ago, KeMoLove said:



    I'm not a fan of any of the tag lines. Vicki's is the best because it reminds everyone that she is the queen of OC, but it doesn't excite me.


    I am excited to see the show with this group of women because I think they can bring the drama. I still hate Shannon, but at least self-righteous Heather won't be returning.




    I won't miss Eileen. Love her on the soaps but she was annoying on housewives. She definitely had class and elegance, but she was condescending and refused to let anything go. It didn't make her likable, in my opinion.


    I really wish Lisa Rinna would have been let go. She may bring the drama but I think she is just mean.


    I am happy Dorit is coming back. I loved her at the reunion this year because she wasn't afraid to put Lisa R, Eileen and Erika in their place. I love that she called them out on their stuff, especially Erika.


    Speaking of Erika; I really enjoyed her season 6, but this past year I thought she came off as self-righteous and snooty. Next season I want to see someone knock her off her high horse.


    LOVE Camille and would love to see her hold a diamond again!



    Well with RHOC, you're goinna have to be patient if you want drama since all of them don't film together much till the last quarter of filming.  A lot more cliques and less group gatherings...and more focus on their family lives.


    I think that might work...get out appetites and anticipation for when certain foes face off.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    It's too soon to confirm anything, but for the first group event in Vegas I believe, these are the girls we know went for BH:


    LVP, Rinna, Dorit, Erika, Kyle, Adrienne, Camille and newbie one hit wonder Willa Ford (I Wanna Be Bad was her one hit). 


    Many speculated Brandi was also back but it was Willa in the picture not Brandi. Looks like Eileen might be gone considering this was their first major group event and she wasn't there. I'd also expect ether Adrienne or Camille back full time if they're being included on a trip this early. We shall see!


    I loved willa Ford...and she did dancing with the stars...i think.

  10. On 7/6/2017 at 11:13 AM, Cheap21 said:

    i watch NYC. I enjoy it but IMO its not really worth talking about. This season doesnt really feel buzzworthy. Its not bad or anything but its not extraordinary


    The problem I'm finding with this season is that it's the same ole same ole.  Tinsley is ok, but doesn't have an interesting life to explore and doesn't bring a spark that the show needs.


    I'm also noticing there is way too much group interaction and a lack of an indiVicsual narrative.  I miss the days when the women did their own thing and didn't need another housewife in the scene with them.


    I think at least 2 or 3  should be cut..and hire 1 or 2 newbies...married with kids and lives outside the group that we can see and gasp in awe.


    RHOC sounds like it will be less group...and I think that works better...it where our appetite for a showdown if we are made to wait for it.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:




    Don't hate! 


    RHOC s12 intro is here, everyone!!! 




    Megan's tagline is made of win!!!


    I love that the families are still in the intro.  Seeing vicki's new man in the intro makes me wonder...hmmm.

  12. Actually Seth and Betsy were involved...right before she left town.


    I think Lindsay frost brought a fierce and fiesty element to Betsy that Meg Ryan  didnt provide...probably why her betsy and steve didnt work.  So Marland probably didn't know how to write/position her on the canvas.  She couldn't be the dumb ingenure, nor was she the villianess either...and anti heroine was filled nicely by Emily....so supportive character was probably the best Marland could do.

  13. 50 minutes ago, GH_Girl said:


    Oh my gosh, Ed was a huge hole in that storyline for sure. I think Blake had to have some great writing and good acting to remain even partly likable given all her shenanigans over the years! 


    Agree that Ed was missing from that story...given the close bond he and Blake always had...plus you know it would habe caused strife with Roger and Holly given the complicated history of those three...plus even organically caused Fletcher to realize that Holly would always be tied to Roger and Ed.



  14. 2 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:


    I loved AW during this era. I personally think that Agnes Nixon's very best writing was on The Guiding Light and Another World. The best aspect of the show during the Alice/Steven/Rachel storyline is that it was naturalistic. Heightened and romanticized, sure, but everything worked so well because you could believe what you were seeing. The writers did not use cheap, idiotic gimmicks like devil possession, clones, time travel, mad scientists freezing the world, or whatever. The drama arose from the interpersonal-relationship conflict among complex, driven, human characters. 


    I know Agnes Nixon used part of her A MC bible to create Rachel and ada....as well as marry Rachel off to a med student.  The difference was Alice w asnt like Tara...and that's what made the rachel/steve/Alice story work at first...Alice was no shrinking violet..



  15. 1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    But I liked Liz Keifer's Blake. :ph34r:


    She was no Sherry but she was decent. I just think that they kept giving Blake the same stories time and time again. By the time she slept with Ben, it grew tiring of watching Blake have affairs, Ross getting mad, and them eventually reconciling. 




    That's why I liked the Tory story...because Ross was the one who cheated...and he did lead Torry on.


    I liked the twist where Blake was the one to save the day..and that the obsession was for Blake..not Ross.

  16. Which of the two actresses did you guys prefer as Mindy...Krista T or Kimberly Simms (not even going to include Ann Hamilton nor Barbara Frampton as choices).


    To me..it seemed like Mindy and Mallet were being tested as a couple...but then the gears shifted.  Was this once Pam Long left the show?



  17. 28 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I do not agree that Dorinda seems to be an alcoholic. The Housewives franchise is notorious for plying the housewives with alcohol whenever they film. Dorinda just happens to be loud when she's drunk. She doesn't seem dependent on it at all. Her life is far too functional for her to have an actual problem with alcohol. 


    Acrually...an alcoholic is one when they drink...they can't stop and they become vicious and black out.  If anything she's a functional alcoholic


    And after naked wasted...Bravo should have stopped with the alcohol.  

  18. Dorinda seems to be an alcoholic...cant stop drinking...blacks out... and gets almost verbally violent.  I think the alcphol needs to stop neing peovided.


    She's interesting enough when sober.


    Tinsley is a dud.  They need an older and married woman with kids.  Jules was a better addition then Tinsley was...and she was too bohemian for the show (carole...jules was a real.bohemian )

  19. Ironically...Luann is actually married...you know...a 'housewife.  So that could play a bit into it.


    I'm hoping for next season for NY to have less group..and more one on one..or individual scenes.  Id rather see more scenes of Luann as a newlywed.


    And I think the season 4 purge for MY was too much.  I would have fired Cindy and Kelly....but kept Jill and Alex...and added just Heather in season 5.   That way..the show could have taken time to introduce Heather...i would have loved to have seen how Jill and Alex would have interacted with Heather.  


    RHOC season 12....i can't wait.  I shouldn't be excited but I am.

  20. 10 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    That could've been a more reasonable, but which era of the show do you think Diane would've later fit into? The mid to late 80s? The mid 90s and onwards when Alan returned with Ron Raines?


    The late 80s when Roger/Holly came back....diane vs alexandra...diane vs blake...and it would have been interesting to see Diane' s reaction to Vanessa being married to billy...

  21. Last season on RHOC...shannon's vow renewal only had heather, meghan and Tamra there...and it was a fun event..with all of Shannons friends there.  No one fought and it proved an event can commence in housewife land without a fight.  Also, Vicky's birthday didnt have shannon nor heather there...and it was kinda fun (loved Brianna trying to figure out who merv Griffin was lol).  


    And RHONY didnt have all the women together as much.

  22. 2 hours ago, zanereed said:

    While the murder mystery on TGL with Diane Ballard was very good, it was a shame to lose such a rich character like Diane. Joe Bradley I didn't care either way, but I wish it would have been someone other than Diane.


    Would you say Diane was a Dobson creation that Marland wrote well?  I know he had trouble with a lot of the Dobson characters.


    And do you think Diane could have worked well beyond summer 1981?  If so, in what way?

  23. Murder mysteries require a different skill set imho.  You have to have a build up to the murder, you need strong suspects, great red herrings, and the killer needs to be someone surprising yet plausible.


    Perhaps Lemay figured he couldn't do one and just acted superior to mask an insecurity.  Also, it sounds like he was more concerned with twisting characters to fit his purposes/whims...then writing how they were established (i.e. Alice).


    Diane Ballard murder mystery was awesome..it was built up for weeks, lots of suspects, and a good reveal of the killer...someone left field yet made sense.  Only downside was losing a fun villianess to accomplish this though.

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