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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Actually I wish they would film less together...im old school housewives format over the current one that requires drama, shade and Cattiness all the time.  Don't get me wrong..drama is good but.balance is key.


    I'm not even Gretchen is coming back foenjust one episode.  She should be a one season and over housewife.  If she loses Slade, gets an actual job, maybe married someone with kids...i could see her coming back...but she brings nothing other then to rattle Tamra..and that isn't hars to do.  Peggy does that already without even trying lol



  2. My guess is that they paired Hogan (show hog) with Patti to tie him to Jo...since 1986 was when the show started focusing back on Jo again.  Didnt they deage Patti when the last actress came on to play her?  I think the character would have been 40 at least...and the shoe could habe cast a 40 year old and still paired her with Hogan..who was late 30s.



  3. I wouldn't have a problem w9th RHOC being an island..because most of season 3 of RHONY had two islands with Jill and friends on one island..and Bethenny and friends on the other island..and it was one of their best seasons ever.  The difference was that jill/Luann were friends....and ramona/Alex were friends.


    I can't believe she by she ree has been revived....



  4. Ever since Audrey did her dance at the start of season 1, I've always wondered if she was connected to the spirit world...not that she's a spirit..but has a connection with it.  Glad to see she does...im just wondering if she's in a coma..or if she is also on a journey to get back to Twin Peaks as well?

  5. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    Rumor has it that Andy will have sit-down solo interview with Luann on Wednesday Sep 6th!


    Wonder if Bethenny will be there to direct Andy on his line of questioning. :ph34r:


    OC is def at a turning point -- at this point all current incumbents could go, starting with Peggy, Lydia and Meghan. Somehow, though, Meghan is like a cockroach who keeps turning up no matter how many times you call pest control. And then there is Tamra, Vicki and Shannon, any of which could go, too. Bravo definitely needs a plan of action. I could be wrong on this but I think Bravo and Andy want Shannon to stay. They love Shannon the way they love Erika Jayne. They think a new queen is in town.


    I agree that Andy adores Shannon...in fact, he seems display genuine concern for her during her WWHL visits.


    Vicki seems a nightmare behind the scenes....and I think the show would be fine if she left.  The show might get a new leash on life if she left.  Almost everyone I know hates Vicki..and message board comments are just over her.




    I like the new housewife dandria...her mom's inability to adapt will cause the company to go under...maybe as a way to ensure her daughter d oesnt inherit it?




    Wow on Tinsley not voting...but I give her props for admitting it...moreso then Ramona, s onja or luann pleading the 5th.

  6. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I thought the Sally and Macy scenes were very beautifully done - it was obvious that Bill Bell had a lot of respect for Darlene Conley. As much as I enjoyed the Sally campery, this more classic, women's picture-esque Sally had so much heart and Conley always played it with such pathos. I sometimes forget how well Bobbie and Darlene worked together. 


    Lauren Koslow is also making the most out of B-material, as she often did. I can't remember how much longer Margo was around after this. 


    The whole Kristen and Jeff Conaway thing is odd. 


    Margo stays around till mid 1992.  She has a story arc coming up with her brother Jake, her family, then has a brief flirtation with Taylor's ex husband before she leaves.

  7. Someone posted on a different board that Andy Cohen kept Vicki on the show after season 10 to redeem her and see if she could win back favors with the others.  I could see his reasoning but after she again blew it in season 11...he should have cut ties with Vicki.  If he and the show fired Gretchen for making up the proposal and not owning her part in things then certainly Vicki should be fired (im not even a fan of Gretchen, but I can see the double standard at work).

  8. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    Brooks' cancer scam continues to hang over this season of the OC and the women's relationships. Do any of you now believe that Vicki was in on the scam? Maybe even from the beginning? Or do you think she was blindsided and unfairly blamed by Tamra/Shannon?


    I think over time she found out...felt humiliated and didn't want to admit she was wrong.


    I think the show is veering into Lake Bass territory And the only resolution will be to clean house for season 13...and I think it's time Vicki needs to take a break.  



  9. It says a lot that Ed and Norma had the epic longing love story that hopefully will end happily...but considering the twist at the end of season 2 where their future was up in the air...we still have three episodes to go.

    Gersten hayward, there was talk by fans when the original show aired that she had a link to the darker forces in Twin Peaks...eith her playing the piano during a haunting closing credit.  I do wonder what happened to her sisters Donna and Harriet.

    It's ironic that Shelly was in An abusive marriage and she managed to break free thanks to Bobby..and Leo getting shot and eventually dying (we assume)...yet her daughter Becky ends up in an abusive marriage and might not be as lucky.  Sins of the parents are repeated by the children.


    I still think it's glaring that Annie hasn't been mentioned except in episode 7 in the missing diary pages.  How odd that a last minute character with No plan except as a fill in for Audrey has left a hole in the show.  My theory is maybe she is like Dawn from Buffy the vampire slayer...someone that can appear and no one realizes she appeared from out of thin air...and can vanish as if she never existed.

  10. From watching YouTube's from 1981 to 1989...id have to say the following..


    love Angie/Jesse.


    Greg/Jenny were kind of boring hence why Lisa then Amanda were used as onterlopera...cause on their own..the couple was boring.  The anticipation of them getting together outweighed the actual coupling.  The fact she was killed a few months after they finally got together is partly why they are so memorable.  Had she lived...i have no doubt they would have either left town or broken up.


    Loved Dottie...loved her early friendship with Jesse...even loved her whimsical mother Edna.  I did think she and Tad were a true couple...thiugh I did like that she eventually worked for Erica and became buddies/roommates with Greg before briefly dating Andrew.  She left for greener pastures...nowadays she would have gone crazy and tried to kill Hilary or kidnap Tad...she loved Tad but realized he didn't love her in that way and broke free to find herself.


    Hilary...is it weird I liked her better once she and Tad broke up...and she and Skye were rivals at work and over Mitch?  A shame she left just before Tad came back...wpuld have been interesting to see if tad/dixie would have happened if the actress playing Hilary hadn't left.


    I liked how Eric was isolated from the canvas from 1981 to 1984 before her marriage to Adam Chandler reconnected her to the canvas till 1986 when her adventures with Jeremy/Natalie isolated her again till 1988/89.  In the 1990s, she was more integrated with the canvas.  On y and r...that type of isolation wad the norm..but AMC was more about the cimmunity..smaller town...more close knit..where pine valley was just as much of a character.


  11. I do think New York needs a slight revamp...the question is how to tweak it without it turning into season 5(which turned out to be my favorite season of NY...some drama, some individual scenes...and loved the new girls reactions to Ramona...heather eith the grinning, carole trying to use logic and Aviva just losing it after toleratimg Ramona/Sonja for over half the season lol)


    OC needs a revamp for season 13...no previous housewives coming back as full time (Bethenny, Dina and Lydia proving that sometimes you c Ant go back).  I think Kelly will need to go because anyone can cause drama...vicki is actually funny in her family scenes (sadly that was what made Vicki fun..her family scenes and her spastic talking heads)..and Shannon is oddly fascinating in her individual scenes (by herself or with her girls...not with her husband).  Meghan and Lydia seem to serve the same function...and Peggy..jury is out.  Tamra has enough material on her own or with family that she doesn't have to cause too much drama anymore. 


    Still Gretchen got fired cause she made up stuff for a story and refused to say sorry (not that I like her..but at least she was honest that she wasn't sorry)...yet Vicki remains due to her dubious role in Brooks cancer scam because she said sorry even though she didn't mean it and hasn't changed the behavior.


    I will say T amra has changed her behavior with Shannon to an extent.  I am also one of those people that believe she is trying to change...but she still has to pay the price for the years she was a troublemaker..karma and all :)


    BH...is R inna really more toxic then Brandi?!?!?  I liked Adrienne...she and LVP had a fun love/hate relationship...competetive yet could have fun together.  Still loved when LVP tried to teach adrienne how to cook..or when Adrienne couldn't even slice a sandwich correctly :)

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