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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. 2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Question to my fellow AW fans--what are your thoughts and opinions on the Justine story?


    I've been rewatching clips from that era again and maybe it is b/c soaps are dreadful now, but I find the story not as bad as I did when I'd originally watch it. Yes, some things could've been taken out the story to prevent it from going all the way over the top (i.e. Justine locking Vicky in the basement), but the basic gist of the story isn't all that bad. 


    Is it just me?


    I think when the Justine story came out..it contradicted some of the backstory established.


    There was a confrontation between Spencer and Carl after Carl was revealed as Ryan's father where he said he was thankful that Ryan inherited his mothers goodness and none of carl's negative traits.


    Plus..the show tried to establish that Carl wad obsessed with Rachel for years due to her resembling Justine...when the truth was that Carl came to town because of Felicia and Donna....and had an axe to grind against Mac...nothing to do with Rachel.


    It was poorly planned..and resulted in ryan gettinf killed...and Vicky eventually reuniting with her sisters rapist Jake.   1995 to 1999 werw horrible years with some redeeming elements.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Roman said:

    Also...John Forsyte wanted Blake to be toned down. he didn't like Blake being how he was....almost out and out evil, their version of JR. 


    And priginally alexis was going to be a more subdued passive aggressive villiamess...but Joan Collins pushed for her to be the female JR Ewing.

  3. Netflix has the 1st season...and ive watched 3 episodes within 24 hours.


    I like it.  The scenes arent too long nor too short...just right.  I cant wait to binge through the next ten episodes

  4. So I get that the network mandated that Ryan and Greenlee were to be a couple...but it takes a talented writer to make that mandate make sense.


    I think of all the headwriters that were forced to follow that mandate...Lorrain Broderick did the best job with writing to that.  All other writers wrote it as if the two were destined to be together...but lorraine wrote the coupling in a way that made sense.  To show that they both had lost a spouse (the loves of their life) and that they each knew ehat the other was feeling.  And having both Gillian and Leo return for brief cameos...and seeing how much Ryan and greenlee missed them really drove that point across.


    This is the best example of how to make a mandate from the network make sense...imho

  5. Been watching the early episodes (when Roy Winsor was still story consultant)..and I like that its a traditional soap...with some christian overtures...which I hear became more then overtures as the show continued.


    Whats interesting is an article from 1984 announcing the show being cancelled..with the reason being low ratings and a lack of advertising revenue.  Also, the reason for this was due to a huge drop in stations carrying the show...hence the drop in ratings and revenue.  Guess even cable soaps/shows had affialiate issues as well.  It also shows that the 80s killed more soaps not due to people being disinterested...but cause of a lack of access to the shows.



  6. Reva from 1983 to 1985...and 1989 through 1990 were her best years...when she wasnt being shoved down everyones throats.  She was fromt burning...yet other characters had a chance to shine.


    I liked the Bridget/julie/kat trio of the early 90s.  It was the last time the show truly had younger characters with decent talent (outside the brief time Joie Lenz played Michelle).

  7. I do agree Kim and Brandi were kept on longer then they should of...but theyre gone now (at least Brandi is)..with Kim only back for guest appearances.


    Carleton was too toxic and Joyce was too intelligent and normal (by housewife standards) for the show.  Though I would have had Carleton on the OC just to see how vicki and tamra wpuld have reacted to her especially seeing Vicki go all spastic.


    I recall once when ramona was a guest on bethannys talk show..Ramona described Carleton as the scaryblady who cast spells on people so i think Ramona reacting to carleton would have been funny lol

  8. 9 minutes ago, Cat said:


    The chances of Erika doing better than LVP are high, considering LVP was the second to leave when she was on DWTS.


    Interestingly, Erika's partner will be Gleb Savchenko, the same dancing hottie that was LVP's partner! Bravo couldn't have scripted it better themselves. You better believe LVP vs. Erika is ON. I think LVP views Erika as her biggest rival on the show. 


    As for BH this season, I don't know about boring but... BH lost some of its lustre last season. Rinna and Eileen really went scorched earth with LVP; LVP's denials, plus Yolanda's 'miraculous recovery' made things worse. I didn't like anybody. This season's theme of lingering payback of seasons past is not helping matters. Erika seems one of the least tarnished, but she also feels calculated and ruthless. LVP has aged in the space of a year and is going through the motions doing the same old charity work/back-biting combo. Rinna bulldozes people for a story. Eileen is... Iceleen. And Kyle is... Kyle. I don't feel there's a core of niceness left with anyone. Just a lot of meanness and resentment. And that dulls some of the sparkle. JMO.


    Sorry I seem like such a downer on BH this year. I hope I don't spoil the enjoyment of those who love it. I still watch it because it's always been one of my fave franchises.


    Production needs to stop scripting....this LVP and Erika both being on dancing with the stars could be a fun back and forth.  Erika is snarky and season 6 proved that they were able to banter.


    Erika seems like someone that doesnt care about petty stuff...or as much as anyone else.  You could see how much she didnt care about Dorit and pantygate.  


    Eileen...im cutting some slack to because of being in grief.  I think cause ive been in grief for about a yeae...sometimes you shut down, come across as cold...but some people dont like expressing grief with tears.  I do think her beef with lVP was due to grief..imho.



    6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    In a lot of ways it seems like BH has been lucky to last this long. Almost every season since the third or so seems to be tainted by all kinds of unspoken and yet overly exposed and covered drama with someone who always ends up feeling like a burden or some sort of headache that just doesn't go away (Brandi, Kim, Yolanda, Rinna).


    BH knows when to cut loose those toxic people eventually...unlike OC and NJ

  9. LVP should take the high road...but at the same time, Rinna did do a number on her last season...so I cant blame her for feeling a little vindicated that Rinna is looking like a liar.


    Can rinna vs Kim be put to bed already? 


    Eileen's expressions were a high light..and you could tell even in her talking heads that she was struggling to put a positive spin to Rinna lol


    Some people on Twitter are saying this season of BH is boring...but I disagree.  Its finally gotten the balance between the old and current version down at least in the 1st part of the season...then thr second half of the season becomes too much about feuds/storylines with little focus on their indivisual day to day activities.


    Im hoping when season 8 films..that it falls during Erika's Dancing with the star stint...especially with LVP being on there before..could be fun to see how Erika does....and flashbacks to when LVP did it before...with some British shade from LVP especially of Erika does better then her lol

  10. Watching season 1 and surprised at different the show is.  It really is like the Waltons, but with vineyards.


    I laugh that the late Earl hamner sidnt want the show to turn into another Dallas..yet is does just that in the 2nd season.


    Seeing the first few episodes, im not thinking Julia's change into a psycho makes perfect sense.  The foundation was being laid out.

  11. Amanda was an underwritten character, which was proven once Oxenberg was fired and recast with that horrid recast.  In essence, Oxenberg has a certain charisma then helped make Amanda more then what the writers provided.


    Dynasty, Falcoln Crest, and Dallas pretty much ended in the 80s even though two of them lasted into 1990 and 1991.  Knots Landing made a pretty good transition into the 90s..and had the budget not gotten slashed so badly...the show could have had a 15th season (since CBS wanted to renew it).  The 90s was back to the basics..hence why KL did well in the early 90s 

  12. 9 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Ugh at kelly...guess OC is the show with the trashy housewives.


    I guess Erika has sealed her pitch for material for season 8 of the housewife show...since BH usually films in the summer/early fall.

  13. 4 hours ago, te. said:


    Bliss was on for the entire run of The Colby's, though her storylines were so crap that you'd be forgiven if you forgot that... though it was rumoured if there was a season three of The Colby's she would've been out.


    Her title card was more interesting than her character.


    The only time Bliss had any sort of putpose was when she sided eith her mother over her father..and was cold and bitchy to her future step mother Frankie.


    She could have been the free spirit..anti money and more a free spirited hippie that shunned all that the Colby family offered.

  14. The problem with all the franchises is this need for a storyline.  This is why reality shows have become so scripted..because real life isnt a storyline..its about vignettes..or one off scenes that dont lead anywhere.


    With that said, BH needs women with interesting lives.

  15. Ive never forgiven the CW for how they basically trashed Ringer...even though it got decent ratings because it didnt reach the demo they wanted.  CW banked in drawing in SMG fans...yet didnt realize her fan base was outside their target demo.


    So with this wisdom, im expecting Dynasty to also fail because it probably wont appeal to the demos CW wants.  Still Ill do a wait and see.

  16. 15 minutes ago, te. said:


    Amanda and Sydney as roommates were one of those plotlines they needed to do more with - or more scenes with rather. But Sydney as a character? Annoying bug to Amanda.


    As for Amanda tangling with other females... post-Alison years you can literally just replace them with Alison. As I said - change "Sam" to "Alison" in season six and their scenes become a lot better and logical (well, for Melrose). Change "Jane" for "Alison" in their scenes and it becomes more logical. Jane worked better because she had an history with Amanda, so there's that.


    I honestly didn't like Alison in the original run and still unsure if I do now, but she was vital to the show.


    Which is why in season 7 I liked Lexi vs Amanda...hoe the show set that up made no sense...but i forgave it because it worked

  17. 6 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    I dont see a quality decline. The show has never been good. Its been a hot mess since day one which can be frustrating yet entertaining at times. With that said, I think this current season has been better than recent ones bc things seem to actually happen in each episode and the plot is moving along. Before there was too many episodes where literally nothing happened


    Thats why Im wondering if perhaps OWN should pick up fewer episodes per season...maybe just pick up 10 episodes per season...thst way Mr perry wont feel the need to add filler to pad out the episodes.

  18. Yipee!!!  Im betting a late fall drop date for season 3 if they are taping in march.


    I didnt get the point of Eva la rue being on as Danny's wife.  I would have coaxed the actress that played his lady love vicky out of retirement..especially if it was a one episode a season gig.

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