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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Marland might have been better then the writer he replaced...but he didnt get the essence of the show...and his decisions gutted the show long term.  the show was more about the family of doctors/nurses...then about actual families.  He was a bad fit...and he is a tad over rated...imho.

  2. The one thing that stuck out anout Jacqueline Courtney was that she wasnt insipid nor timid.  She actually was fairly strong willed and sarcastic...and based on reading about the character Pre Lemay...she was pretty fiesty.  Lemay seemed to be the only writer with the need to make alice all teary eyed and weak willed.  Id say this was 9nly with Jacqueline acourtney...but when her replacement came in....the character still was acting weak.  Her 80s returns..Alice was much more confident and string willed..

  3. 9 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    The thing is it fits with OC and NJ as the extended family is very much apart of the women's storylines and onscreen lives. Moreso than any of the other franchises. I think Kyle's family is the only one on this show that is really showcased to the extent that we see on OC and NJ.


    Yolanda had a lot of stuff with her daughters and son...i used to wish that both her daughters had been given talking heads. 


    Dont forget Lisa rinna had her daughters on a lot her 1st season...till they got in teouble for their fat shaming lol

  4. Its obvious that Marland and this show were a bad fit.  It proves that even talented writers can have a misfire....and maybe he realized that he messed up on the Doctors..cause he did tailor his style to fit within GH, GL, and ATWT( though he was a better fit on ATWT then he was on GL).


    I didnt realize that Julia Duffy quit....I figured he fired her along with Elizabeth Hubbard....fascinating.  I will be excited to see Julia Duffy as Penny...

  5. Kyles tagline so fits her....all she has to do when spotting a phony is look in a mirror.


    Shade over.


    The one thing I wish the housewife franchise would do is have the families in the intros again.  I like that the OC and jersey do that...and since all the women are married on BH this season...I wish the families were in the intro.


    Trips, day to day livesx and family stuff are what Id love to see on BH with a littlw drama thrown in for accent.  

  6. I always say that Susan winning that emmy was the beginning of the end for the daytime emmys since didnt ratings start falling after she won it?


    To me, I think had she appeared on the online AMC...that Prospect would have easily found more investora...imho

  7. I often wonder how Jessica would have fared if Erin hadnt quit.  She had a more mature, townboy edge that makes me think that the whole Tess/Bess story would have turned out differently.


    Bree's early take was fiesty...yet had a more sensual/sexual undertone that writers took note of..and went too far with it...especially Ron.



  8. Wow...Margo dying instead of Reid?!?!?  Of course...the focus qould have been on Katie and her grief just like it was pretty much on her when Reid died.  


    Speaking of which...ATWT killing Reid off makes sense in the sense that life is fragile...the show was known for doing so in the past...i.e. Clare, Jim, Liz, Dan...etc I think that in a sense...this made sense.

  9. I loved the irony of Blake setting up situations for Holly to catch her with Ross...but nothing panned out.  I still recall when Blake just decided she did like Ross and was enjoying being with him is when Holly walked in with the tray.


    I do think the timing of the recast affected the story.  I liked Keifer as Blake..but I think the recast either should have happened before the Ross/blake story...or perhaps convinced Stingfield to stay a little longer to play out the Holly vs blake arc of it.


    With that said, I think Keifer played up the comedic aspects of the Blake character...and was somewhat warmer then Stingfield was as Blake.  i do think Keifer played Blake in a more tragic/own worst enemy sort of way...which is a dark aspect in itself...  She just didnt have the sardonic edge that stingfield did....in fact, Keifer's take up till the late 90s was a little closer to Elizabrth dennehy's take...imho.  

  10. Josh/reva were on way too long....i guess the downside of supercouples are the ways writers have to come up with plaudible stories to break up and make up characters.  They were an example of many super couples that had that happen to them.  by the last episode, I cared less about them reuniting...then Ed/Holly...Billy/Vanessa...and alex/fletcher

  11. RHOA...


    Sheree...how Ive missed thee.  She's been a breath of fresh air..and i like that so far she isnt letting Kenya slide in her shadiness.


    I dont recall...but did Sheree have a temper in her previous stint like Nene did?  If not, shes the perfect person to go against Kenya...but I hope she doesnt take her ex husband back.




    Oddly...i thought this wasnt quite a toxic season even with jacqueline.  I do ha e to say i agreed with jacquelines points..she just went about expressing them in the wrong way.


    Delores...doesnt belong on the show...anf thats a compliment....She seems normal ( for a housewife..that is).  plus...I liked her family especially her 102 year old grandma.


    Siggy....i have a feeling her son will be like michael on OC and not give his mothet his address when he is an adult lol




    Its not fun...too toxic....either vicki or kelly needs to go.


    If I woule have a former housewife come back...Id choose Lizzie...she is married, has kids, and a business...and can call out BS.  And I think she shouldnt have been a 1 season wonder.


  12. I will say some things I thought in the final months...


    Rachel acting more like Rachel including the dimishing of that odd accent.


    The Grant murder case with Paulina confessing to cover for who she thought was her child.


    I think the marley story would have worked better if she were trying to keep Jake and Vicky apart because of feeling her twin was being disloyal for marrying her rapist...instead of trying to get Jake back.


    Lila was a winner...though I think she worked best single then with a relationship.


    Cindy was fascinating and it seemed like she was coming into her own as the show ended.


    Points for getting the 1st adult Amanda back...but points deducted for that Amelie story plus lackluster pairing with camereon.


    I can see why Anna Stuart wanted to quit.

  13. I recall the show and heche worked hard to make Marley a more seperate character..not known as Vicki's twin...and the last year of her stint proved she could play two very different characters.


    I liked that even though Alice was nice, she wasnt inspid and was kind of sarcastic.  I could have seen Alice function on the show will into the late 80s/eaely 90s.  She had a nice rival chemistry with Donna...and cordial/tension still with Rachel...plus with Jamie becoming a doctor later...it would have been interesting seeing Alice and Jamie bond as doctors...her giving him advice/mentoring him....and Rachel a little jealous.



  14. I'd rather Kristen not come back.  Even with this ashley madison scandal possibly buying her another season, I'd rather she think of her children and not subject them to all this.  Part of me wishes Shannon had taken a year off the OC, cause you can tell her three daughters are so sad and miserable.


    People kept saying Heather needed to stop interrupting and to STFU, but I think Bethanny is just as bad.. or even worse in some cases.  Viewers have a double standard when it comes to Heather and Bethanny.. actually when it comes to bethanny and all the other women.


    I like that it's more realistic (for a reality show).. and we aren't seeing women trying to pick up men at bars.. yet.  I've actually liked this season thus far.

  15. I like that the Steve/Alice/Rachel triangle was a slow build up that didn't come out of left field.  I do think with people wanting things quicker, that a 2 year build up won't cut it... but I certainly think you can cover your bases and move things along a nice, brisk pace..imho


    Also, there are a lot of videos on youtube from 1984 and 1985 during Alice's brief return to the show.. and I think she fit in quite well, the problem was that there were a lot of women in her age group on the show at the time (Felicia, Quinn, Donna, Rachel) that there wasn't much room for Alice on the show... though I did like the tension shown in some scenes between Donna and Alice.  Shame Alice wasn't given a stronger love interest during her brief return.

  16. I recall during the Janet album era that the record company wanted If to be the 1st single..but she wanted that's the way love goes. It turned out well..but I could have seen IF as the lead singer...a bridge between rhythm nation and Janet...just like Miss you Much was a nice bridge between Control and Rythm nation.

    I was in 4th grade when RN hit it big... 1989 to 1990 was a fun era of music...with janet, madonna, Paula abdul, and early Mariah Carey :)

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