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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. I did happen to watch some of the January 1969 episodes, I do agree with previous posters that Liz seems isolated in some bizarre kidnapping plot. In the episode I watched, she has concluded she has to pretend to accept what her captor is saying instead of fighting him outright. How much longer does this last?

    The one thing I wish modern day soaps would go back to is the voice over technique. What I mean is as the character is looking into the camera, we hear a voice over of their thoughts as opposed to having the character talk out loud.

  2. To me, it seemed like Eileen should be a moderator for reunions. The way she would effortlessly follow up on statements that Kim and Brandi made was awesome.

    Eileen was giving Kim that look of 'are you kidding me' when Kim stumbled through that apology.. but sometimes you just have to accept the apology.. given that Kim has never apologized on camera before at all. I think Kim and Eileen didn't click.. but there wasn't any hatred between the two of them.. that there appears to be between Lisa R and Kim. Also, Kim tried that whole.. focus on your own home line on Eileen.. and it didn't have the same effect on Eileen as it did on Lisa R.

  3. Only thing that would have made Eileen's effortless shut down of Brandi epic was if during the segment where Brandi was slamming Eileen's decorating style.. Eileen could have said 'at least I own a house to decorate.. how's that rental working for ya'.

    I have a feeling that had Yolanda stayed for the whole reunion, I don't think Eileen would have been able to fully shut down Brandi..imho. I don't think Yolanda would have tried to block Eileen from speaking like she did with Joyce, but I know that she would have tried to further excuse Brandi's behavior.

  4. I'd prefer something closer to this type of comedy then the more mean-spirited stylings of 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, etc.

    However, my favorite sitcom is The Middle... it has the quirks/sentimental elements of a Full House along with the more cynical elements of the above mentioned shows... it's a perfect melding of those two types of genres.

  5. The first two or three seasons when Stephanie was the cute little kid were decent...but when mihelle grew up...that's when the show veered off. I think Stephanie had the most developed character of the three girls..imho

  6. Spill the tea plz.

    Only thing I've heard is that Brooks is still sick and one housewife had to drop out because of drug addict husband [allegedly]. Any more tea?

    Vicki's mother died recently as well as the mentioned Brooks situation.

    Tamra is a grandmother, plus lost custody of her children. Apparently she's being playing nice with Lizzie, Shannon and newbie Meghan. Rumors state that she's fallen out with another housewife just recently.. not sure if during the trip to Tahati.. or afterwards... rumor has it Vicki and her are still not getting along.


    Katie H. apparently did drop out, unknown what will come of what she filmed. Rumor has it she and Heather had issues during filming.

    For the most part, there has been drama.. but it hasn't been too toxic... and there have been some fun moments, too.

    Heather has been groveling/trying to be besties with Shannon... while Shannon/Vicki are still getting along.

    And I guess the women took a trip to Napa Valley early in filming.

    All rumor thus far.

  7. I think Eileen needs to channel Kristen a bit more at these reunions since her peacemaking and common sense approach r lost on these women.

    I think Kyle looks a combo of work done and losing too much weight. Anyone over a certain age needs a little extra weight on them to look younger especially in the facial.area

  8. Brandi's 'slaying' and comebacks are as old as that tampon string. Plus, she's only 3 1/2 years younger then Kyle so that line really fell flat for me.

    The fact that most of these women (kyle and Brandi especially) can't seem to argue without swearing, threatening bodily harm, etc.. just shows how much they lack in intelligence. The only reason Brandi swears and threatens bodily harm is because she can't articulate verbally so she resorts to name calling, threatening bodily harm, etc.. I doubt Brandi could even hurt someone. She's all bark and no bite.

    For me, Kyle has a mean streak... but she is so emotionally that she can't properly harness that mean streak. Kim, on the other hand, has no trouble harnessing that mean streak. It's ironic seeing Kim and Brandi so buddy buddy when during the season 3 reunion, Kim was the only one to rightfully defend Paul and Adrienne.. and went after Brandi.

    With that said, Lisa R looks like she's a train-wreck.. and can easily replace Brandi as the stirrer of drama. Brandi has run her course, it is time to send her on her way. It worked for the OC when they sent Gretchen and Alexis packing so I think it can work for BH, as well

  9. I think why RhOc worked last season was due to Shannon. She came on, didn't want to.hide anything...and worked to.improve herself and her marriage. Plus, the other women under estimated her. Will be intrigued to.see how season 10 will.handle new housewife katie h quitting midway through filming.

    Rhobh worked this season due to Lisa r and eileen.. it would serve the show long term to axe Brandi since Kim actually behaved somewhat when Brandi wasn't around.

    Rhonj should have added a newbie or two during season 4 and 5 to keep things from getting stale.

    Rhony..too many cast mates and only two r married. I would have dropped Kristen and Carole..and had bethanny as a friend..since it appears that bethanny can't feature her child, isn't sharing about her relationship that has since ended..etc.

    Rhoa...too much shade and teams... can porsha and phadra...have Kenya and Claudia as friends...and cast well off housewives who r married.

  10. Reading some of the past pages, I noticed that the most popular of the Sally Frame's was MPK.. and seeing her youtube work.. I agree she was pretty good. I've never seen Taylor Miller's take on Sally, but everyone seems to think it was subpar so I'll have to agree.

    What were the thoughts on the other actresses who played Sally Frame? I know there was one that eventually played Cindy Brady in a Very Brady Christmas, plus one or two grown versions before her.

  11. Yes...I remember Garrett saying she would have stayed if Holly was shown getting stronger after the roger ordeal.

    I'm surprised Maryland had trouble writing such complex characters like Rita, holly, and Jackie. I think the only reason Nola was so fleshed out was due to Lisa brown more so then the writing itself

    I know the actress who played katie said she regretted staying after the dobsons left as well.

    Hence why I think Pam long and Marland would have worked well since she was great with emotion and heart...and he was good with plotting.

  12. I think Kim didn't really have anything on Harry.. she was just saying that as a defense mechanism.. and it just happened to be true. You can see that Kim tried that with Eileen as well and it didn't work.

    When Eileen had her time to discuss her issues with Brandi and Kim.. the fact that she just hit them with logic and common sense.. actually deflated them.

  13. I dont get why they didn't just cast Chris Robinson as Vince Mckinnon.. especially if the show wanted to take advantage of hiring Denise Alexander and having them paired together again.

    All of the stunt casting on AW in the mid 80s of luring big name stars from other soaps.. just proves that the practice isn't a new one. Though if you are going to get a big name soap actor.. make sure that there is a good character for them to play.

  14. the last few episodes prove we don't need brandi for drama.. lisa Rinna has a temper and is a people pleaser.. which can rub people the wrong way ironically... shame andy cohen is blind to the fact that Brandi is just played out.

    To those that say Brandi brings it at reunion time, this maybe true.. but must we suffer watching her all season just to get to the reunion? I say keep her off the show during the season and have her come out during reunion time. Orange County had Jo come back for the season 3 reunion even though she wasn't a cast member so it isn't out of left field.

  15. Kal is going.

    It doesn't just hurt US soaps - it hurt Ken and Deirdre quite a bit. I liked Kevin and Sally more than Ken and Deirdre as a couple, but I agree that they shouldn't reunite.

    Didn't Ken and Deirdre spend a decade apart before reuniting?

    If a former couple reunites, it should be organic and natural.. not cause the writers have nothing better to write.

  16. No to sally/kevin reuniting. One of.things that hurt US soaps are when couples make up.and break up. I like that they get along with one another for the most part. They seem better divorced.then when married. Sally has a strong relationship with someone...now the show needs to find a strong relationship for Kevin. Its a shame that brief flirtation with the sofa owner went no where.

    Lose kal and his parents..keep the two teen characters. The adult members of that family could still.be living on the street only never seen..mentioned but not seen.

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