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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. I've watched a handful of episodes where Maggie was portrayed by Bethel Leslie and Lydia B. They look kind of similiar, so the recast wasn't jarring lookswise.

    However, the main difference between them is how they come across playing the character. I think Lydia's Maggie seems more maternal and warmer, but seems to lack the sarcastic edge that Bethel L provided for the character. In recent episodes, whenever there are sarcastic lines written for Maggie.. Lydia doesn't seem to deliver them as well as Bethel did. At the same time, Lydia's Maggie seems warmer and more affectionate with her husband vs. Bethel's Maggie.. where she and her husband had more of witty banter between the two of them.. but not as much warmth/affectionate.

    Also, I just can't imagine Carolee circa 1968/1969 having what happened to her in 1975 happen..if that makes sense.

  2. According to twitter...rhoc shot their finale party over the weekend...according to pics...looks like Lizzie is a friend of..and Meghan is a housewife. Only looks to have five housewives only. Still wont believe it till the cast photo and trailer are released.

    Looks like Lynn and Tammy Knickerbocker went to the finale party too. I miss having visits from past housewives at the finale parties.

  3. rewatched RHONY this morning.. my thoughts:

    Kristen: Yes, she was a little bummed, but in her talking head she figured she didn't have a gift so it was a win win for her. And when her nanny said it wouldn't matter to her, then it seemed like Kristen was fine with it.

    Heather: I don't get why she is fighting Kristen's battle especially since Kristen didn't seem all that bothered by it. Also, Kristen tangled with Ramona and Aviva last season and did pretty well.. so I don't see why she needs a bodyguard.. unless it is for airtime.

    Ramona: I had read the rumor that she would be down-graded to a 'friend of' but judging by the first four episodes.. I can see why she got to keep that apple.

    Luann: Not in the episode all that much.

    Carole: I guess she disproves the notion that age brings wisdom? No way would I accept some random candy or drink from a stranger. I'm wondering if she's regressed to a 20 something due to the intense grief she felt at her husband, john john and carolyn's death. I bet she's more somber and serious in her private life then what she portrays on the show. I'd rather see her drop the ditzy act and be more like she was in season 5.

    Dorinda: She seems like a true New Yorker... in your face and abrasive. Not a bad thing and I like she's getting individual scenes so that we get to know her.. warts and all. I think she isn't over her late husband's death.. and I think that's why she isn't really reigning in her daughter Hannah. I wish more housewives had grown children to interact with.. I bet we'd see more of Kristen/heather's home life if they had older children. With that said, I do think Dorinda was pretty good at holding her own with Bethanny.. and even unsettled Bethanny a little. I can see them becoming friends down the road.

    Bethanny: She's abrasive, but I do like that she doesn't want to keep playing these petty conflicts. She shuts them down as quickly as they start. You can tell she's from the old school housewife format when it was more about their lives then petty disagreements.

    With that said, I did like Bethanny not inviting Dorinda and kristen to her gathering because she doesn't know them and the gathering was for her birthday. She only invited Carole cause they instantly clicked.. and Carole bought along heather as her plus 1. I miss the days of seeing the women host events for their friends.. and none of the other women attended the event. This is a reality show.. i want some realism.. rather then a rejected Sex and the City script.

  4. How the show spent most of 1968 slowly bring nick and Althea.back together.. makes me wish that bold and the beautiful did that for Bill and Katie instead of just having.them reunite and remarry in a three week span.

    Shows nowadays do need to operate at a faster pace but not so.fast that all the beats are missed.

    I do think a character like Carolee wouldn't exist nowadays or she would be written as pathetic. This show proves that.you can feature a good girl character like Carolee but still.have her be interesting and not pathetic nor boring.

  5. I have watched some of the 1981 episodes.. and it seemed like L. Virginia browne was trying to restore the Matthews family with bringing back Alice and Sally. It's interesting that the majority of the Matthews family were written off in 1982 when Jacker took over.

    It seems that Lemay and Jacker.. theatre writers didnt seem too interested in writing the Matthews family.. was it cause they were too boring?

  6. Kandi and Nene have a very interesting dynamic.. its like nene can't get the best of Kandi and hasn't ever tried....and kandi had never really stepped up to Nene cause she doesn't care about her.

    I wouldn't call.them frienemies..but I would say they are social friends but not close or real.friends.

  7. Bethanny is a bull in a china shop...wouldn't want it any other way :). She is also more bark then bite. At the same time, someone needs to take her down a peg or two.

    Was Kristen even on? I was questioning why she isn't a friend of...but then I realized her bestie is Brandi glanville..latest bestie of Andy Cohen..and it all came clear to me.

    Dorinda is interesting to me...can't figure out why yet...but she is.

  8. I think Atlanta focused too much on the tea/shade.. and didn't have the family and friendship aspect to balance the shade/tea. If this Carlos King was responsible for that, then its good he was let go. With that said, a major revamp is needed for Atlanta.

    Even though Nene is vile, she is a marquee name.. and should be kept to keep consistency. Kandi should remain since she has the family aspect, the career aspect as well.. Porsha should go bye-bye.. Phaedra has been played out.. Kenya is welcome to stay as a friend as well as Claudia. Cynthia should focus more on the scenes with her daughter as well as some of her modeling school antics and not be a shade thrower.. since that isn't a good look on her.

    Cast two newbies that are married, successful, and have grown kids.. and do what OC did in the early years.. feature the grown kids more. Also, cut the episode order down to 13 to 15 episodes plus a 2 part reunion and an outtake episode of scenes not shown during the season.

  9. So my mom.. having watched all of the RHOBH reunion.. declared it to be toxic.. and that all the women are mean though she said she could tell Eileen and Yolanda have good hearts. She said Kyle and Lisa R are mean girls, and that Brandi and Kim Richards are professional victims..and really hopes Kim Richards doesn't return for season 6 for her own sake even though she's fascinated with her.

    So I recommended my mom check out Real Housewives of New York since the new season had just started. She hadn't watched the show since season 4's reunion where she thought all the women were psycho LOL So I got to hear her assessments of all the 'newbies' plus new thoughts on Luann, Sonya, Ramona, and Bethanny.

    Luann is her fav.

    Ramona is crazy funny

    Bethanny is Bethanny.. though she got a kick out of the whole homeless comment.. stating only Bethanny would say she was homeless LOL

    Sonja is self-absorbed and blissfully unaware of how selfish she appears to others

    Carole is intriguing though doesnt think the blonde suits her. She also read her book about her late husband as well.

    Dorinda intrigues her.. wanted to know the 411 on her.. told her she just started this season.. but she is a socialite that she used to own a cashmere clothing company years ago in London

    Heather was bland (told her that Heather was anythign but bland.. but because of the 8 housewives being featured.. she's been at best a background character).

    Kristen is bland and non-descript (told her that is true.. but cause she's besties with Brandi.. she remained when she should have been cut last season).

    All in all, she said it was a breath of fresh air watching NY thus far vs. how BH turned out... though I told her BH started out not so bad until episode 10.

  10. Yeah there were reports of Kelly filming again to try to get some conflict going with bethanny since early reports said that bethanny was too closed off and didn't want to engage in conflict.

    Ugh! I wanted it a little sooner like Mid-May. I wonder when we'll get pictures and a trailer. I WANT IT NOW!!!! In other news, I read an article that said a former RHONY housewife is returning and that we'll know who it is by the end of tonights episode. It also said that she didn't get along with a current wife and that when they reunite it isn't very pleasant in episode 3. I think it's obviously Kelly, but the website was trying to hype it up like it might be Jill, Alex or Aviva. I am going to confidently say it is Kelly.

    I was.thinking may as well due to the fact that season 10 intro scenes were filmed last week. They r still keeping the families in the intros.

    I wonder why only the OC and NJ have the families in the background...yet the others abandoned that?

  11. Its interesting to read the outlines on the another world site from the first few years regarding Alice.

    Even though she was a background character for the first three or years of the show. The show wisely still incorporated the experiences her older sister pat had to develop Alice. Alice being unable to emotionally committed to either her first boyfriend and her second boyfriend made perfect sense if you take into account witnessing all that pat went through with tom Baxter, the abortion, her killing him and almost going to jail. For Alice...the natural response was to go the opposite extreme and become all about nursing with little to.no time for.men. Rachel was able to take advantage of this fact to snag Steve for awhile.

    And it made sense Alice would have a nervous breakdown in 1974...and given the whole fire and aftermath...develop ptsd in 1979.

    I think had harney stayed on..the ptsd would have played out and not been forgotten once that brief recast took over. Did the brief recast they to play the ptsd or was it abandoned the moment she took over?

  12. So I hear that part 2 of the RHOBH hit 2.9 million viewers according to recent reports today (facturing in DVR ratings).. I'm sure Bravo and Andy Cohen think it is due to Brandi and Kim... but I think the fact that Eileen effortlessly dragged both bitches without breaking a sweat had something to do with it.

    When Brandi G says Eileen doesn't bring anything to the table, I think she's dead wrong.. Eileen brings ratings and the ability to spot BS a mile away. Very few can do that, and if I were Miss Glanville.. i'd be worried that Lisa Rinna was bought on and causing just as much drama as Ms. Glanville did.. Conflict causers can be replaced in a heart-beat... just saying :)

  13. Fernanda was close to.being a housewife for season 6 of OC yet was dropped.at the last second to a friend of status.

    And I'm all for unmarried women being on the show...but I think.being single and having no kids kind of defeats the purpose of the shows being about all aspects of their lives.

    Brandi on rhobh should just be a friend. We cant see her as a mom, her pod cast and book.thing really didn't excite nor did her scenes with her parents. At best, she's friend material..not diamond holding material.

    Same with Carole on new York. All she seems to be featured doing is playing a kooky writer with writers block and chasing younger men...same with Sonja.

    And Jo was unmarried when OC started...but she was the only one...and was engaged when on the show.

    Though I like the promising new casting for NJ...

  14. I watched yesterday, and how can anyone find this thing rootable. Thirsty and pathetic. Some folks love finding out the hard way. Sheree tried and now I believe she's scooping up horse sh!t for a living. Kenya tried and she realized that sometimes its best to be a bridesmaid. Claudia now figures if she faces off with Nene, she will retain that ill gotten peach. Nene IS the highest paid HW, and she barely has to try. Claudia is so pathetic and I sort of feel bad for her. Besides trying to climb unattainable mountains, what does she do? Who is she exactly?

    Porsha and Phay were married, so they qualify. Kenya never did, and again, who in the sam hell is Claudia? Why is she here?

    Was being the key word...once you aren't married then out the door you go. It isn't called the women of Atlanta or whatever city...its called real housewives..

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