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Posts posted by Dion

  1. 1 hour ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Starting w/1995, my memory gets fuzzy – what am I missing?

    The closest I can think of is the rape storyline involving Matt Clark, Sharon and Amy, though that started long before the summer (Sharon's rape was in December '94) and I think the social issue aspect was downplayed somewhat.


    56 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Notice how almost all the summer social issue storylines from 1986-1994 involve Cricket in some way.

    I did enjoy the run of social stories that Cricket was involved in post David Kimball; kept her and Danny busy for a few years without having them cheat on each other. Of course that didn't last forever.


    18 minutes ago, SoapDope said:

    Danny & Traci were involved in a campus drug storyline and the ring leader forced them to take drugs.

    Danny always seemed to be getting into trouble with drugs lol, often through not fault of his own.

  2. @cassadine1991


    Thought I'd reply here rather than in the ATWT thread.


    Frankie Greco was the brother of Carla Greco (Carla was Colton's new love interest once Felicia had reunited with Frisco and was played by Laura Harring). Frankie was on for at least 6 - 7 months; involved in storylines with Colton, Ned, Decker and Dawn etc. I don't know what happened to him, but it's likely he got axed when Gloria Monty returned.

  3. 7 hours ago, kalbir said:

    I remember Jill was seeing both Rex and John at the same time but got exposed when Katherine invited John to an engagement party she set up for Rex and Jill.


    Dina told the family she had an illness but she was actually broke.


    Thanks kalbir; yes, come to think of it I do vaguely remember the engagement party and Dina pretending to be ill.

  4. 9 hours ago, Chris 2 said:

    can someone explain to me how Jill and John wound up remarrying after a super-bitter divorce that involved blackmail?


    It did take Jill several years to convince John to remarry her.


    In 1990, Rex and Jill were together as a result of the original Marge storyline. But they quickly split and Rex ended up with Leanna Love for a time and Jill ended up pursuing John again (she may have actually cheated on Rex with John, but I'm not sure).


    Unfortunately for Jill, John was reluctant to commit. In 1991, John wasn't happy when Jill sought custody of Little Phillip (Chance) during Nina's imprisonment ordeal after she shot David Kimball; Jill had wanted her and John to raise Phillip together but John wasn't having it.


    Later that year, Dina returned to Genoa City for Brad and Traci's second wedding and John got engaged to her. Jill hired Paul to find some info about Dina's past. Paul sent Nathan to look into it because he was busy helping Lauren grieve for the baby that Sheila had switched. I think Nathan found out something (I forget what) and Jill managed to use the info to stop John from getting married again.


    In 1992, Rex and Katherine were back together and about to get remarried. IIRC, I think Jill tried to convince John to have a double wedding, but again John wasn't having it! Jill ended up seeing Blade for a period, but Blade broke up with Jill as he wanted her to work things out with John. However, Jill fell into an affair with Victor; he was on the rebound from both his failed marriage to Ashley and his failed reconciliation with Nikki (who'd gone back to Jack after learning she was pregnant with Jack's baby). Jill allowed herself to believe that Victor was going to propose,  he dumped her instead. This made John take pity on Jill and they finally got engaged.


    In 1993, Jack tried to pressure Jill into a pre-nup. This enraged John and he ended up marrying Jill in a quickie ceremony partly to spite Jack!

  5. 9 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Thanks to a Kind person on Facebook here's the full episode of the Dru/Lillie Bell confrontation at Olivia's birthday. This episode has always been requested so I'm glad I was able to download and upload properly! :D 



    Oh interesting! I recognise the TV2 channel idents; this is actually a recording of the New Zealand airing in 1997 (New Zealand was 4 years behind). If you pause at the right time you can also see about one frame of a Shortland Street promo after the opening credits, and one frame of a Friends promo after the end credits.


    As for the episode itself, the Dru/Lillie Bell confrontation was a long time coming. It took a long time but it was great to see Dru finally vindicated.


    I've always wondered what the original intention was supposed to be with Danny and Bernadette. Seemed like it was building up to something like what later happened with Phyllis the following year.

  6. 4 hours ago, Darn said:

    Olivia was so sweet in her earlier appearances, when did she become such a harridan? Was it after Nathan's death?


    I'm thinking that a significant turning point was when she discovered Nathan's affair with Keesha. Olivia completely lost it, though at the time her rage was completely reasonable and justified considering the circumstances.


    It's probably one of Tonya Lee Williams' most memorable performances, and could have been the beginning of a more complex, stronger and hardened Olivia. Unfortunately, later storylines instead placed Olivia into situations where she acted unreasonably and often out of spite. While her behaviour in later years mostly made sense in the context of Nathan's betrayal, I do think it is a shame that the writers (Alden?) chose to take her in a bitter direction.




  7. 42 minutes ago, WebberFan said:

    GH Jason and Sam, for sure. She flopped with Jax and Sonny so the obvious next step was to throw her at Jason just to keep KM frontburner on the show. I think everyone knew Jasam was coming when Jason agreed to fake being the father of Baby McCall. 

     And that re-shuffling of love interests left Jax and Courtney out in the cold so they were paired up as well.

  8. 15 minutes ago, cassadine1991 said:

    I think later that year or in 2011; Lucky in a drunken stupor trashed and later set fire to the house 


    @titan1978 I'd stopped watching by this time so I didn't know this myself, but yes, Lucky burned down the house 😔



  9. On 7/10/2020 at 4:33 PM, titan1978 said:

    Does anyone know what happened to Laura’s house?  The one from the 90’s to mid 2000’s?  I dropped out from the show quite a bit during the later Guza years.  I remember it got a facelift with brighter colors before Genie quit in 2002, was still around when Laura woke up from her catatonic state, and then I have no memory of it.

    I seem to recall Lucky (I think it was still GV then) wanted Liz and the kids to move in there with him when they got engaged in 2009 and Lucky surprised her with an engagement party there.


    Of course, Liz and the kids never moved in there because her affair with Nikolas was exposed; Liz ended up staying in her house in Queens Point near to Patrick and Robin while Lucky got an apartment for himself (Patrick's old apartment).


    On April 1st, 2010 (the 47th anniversary, but I don't know if it was intentional or not because celebrating the anniversary every year seems to be more of a Valentini thing), Lucky (now JJ) took Maya Ward on a tour around the house. However, we only saw them talk on the exterior porch, we didn't actually see the interior.



  10. On 7/8/2020 at 4:08 AM, DRW50 said:

    If I were a longtime fan, bringing back an original character just for the umpteenth serial killer story might make me feel upset.

    Yes, it is a bit frustrating but on the other hand, the fact that Michaela Rooney already works behind the scenes and probably wasn't interested in having Emily recur does lessen the disappointment somewhat.


    That said, Shortland Street does tend to rely on serial killers, killer epidemics  and Big pharma a bit too often.


    23 hours ago, Forever8 said:


    I'm wondering because of COVID did her stint end prematurely ?


    It's possible but I think that it was intended to be a short stint all along. It was filmed shortly after the show resumed production in May but would have been written earlier in the year when COVID didn't yet have such a foothold; as far as I know, the show hasn't had to make wholesale rewrites.

  11. 1 hour ago, janea4old said:

    I don't know the character Jay.  When Jay arrives at the party, Nick says "I almost didn't recognize you without your apron."  Did Jay work at the coffeehouse?  I didn't find him in any of the recaps.


    I think Jay ran (but not sure if he owned) Crimson Lights from 1994 - 99, before Nick and Sharon bought it.

  12. And in a surprise move, Michaela Rooney has reprised the role of Dr. Emily Devine after 23 years. Emily originally appeared from 1995 - 1997.


    Like many former actors from the show, Michaela Rooney has moved to working behind the scenes on Shortland Street (as a scriptwriter).


    It will be interesting to see where this goes. I found it interesting that the intruder was planned to be Emily all along, but that Jennifer Ludlam's leave of absence delayed the storyline for a while.









  13. 11 hours ago, j swift said:

    After commenting on the 1991 SOD thread I researched Connor Olivera and came up with this old thread: 

    What ended up being Connor's storyline?
    according to,  http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/7967/mlynch.html
    "His character was a singer at TheOutback, and he was pals with Mac.
    He also used to teach Robin dance moves. He had a crush on Dominique,
    but she was hung up on Mac, and ended up marrying Scotty. Connor found
    out that Sean Donnely is his biological father. Connor left PC to
    further his music career."


    Sean Donnelly's son?  Did he go to the wedding with Tiffany?  How long was he on the show?  The actor and his song styling did not age well, but the idea of an expanded Donnelly family tree is intriguing.  If anyone has any additional information on this character I would appreciate it.



    If you use ctrl + F to search for 'Conn' at the curlyqgirl recaps (Connor and Conner are spelt interchangeably, hence you have to shorten his name to get all the mentions, but unfortunately it will also pick up 'connected' and 'Connecticutt' as well) you'll get an idea of his storylines.







    Basically the TLDR version is that Connor first appeared June 24, 1991. Mac and Dominique encountered him first and Mac hired him to sing at his new jazz club, The Outback and the now infamous wedding rehearsal scene takes place on June 27, 1991. Connor also became friends with Dominique and Robin. Connor performed again the following month at the opening of The Outback.


    By September 1991, Felicia had become suspicious of Connor. Connor revealed that he was looking for his father and that Mariah might have some answers since as @AdelaideCate007 mentions, they were connected. Mac, Connor, Felicia and Maxie went to Texas where a friend of Mariah's told them about Connor's father, El Patron.


    By December 1991, Connor was in trouble with immigration and needed to prove that his father was American. Sean tried to help Connor and was shocked when Connor told Sean that his father was El Patron. Sean revealed to Robert that he was El Patron. This is where the video - "He's my son" - that @victoria foxton posted comes in. Sean saved Connor from deportation by revealing that he was Connor's father. They took blood tests at the beginning of 1992 and the results came back in February. Connor was hesitant to accept Sean as his father (and they still had an uneasy relationship as late as July).


    Then there was a brief storyline about Connor being hired by Lucy to write a theme song for Deception.


    By September, Connor had feelings for Dominique but she got ended up getting married to Scott. There is no further mention of Connor in these recaps after October 22, 1992.

  14. 11 hours ago, FrenchFan said:

    Kira scorned Steves warnings of possible danger to everyone connected with Mai-Lins defection from a fanatical group of spies who wishes to see her return to China. Steve appeared to be followed and Kira realized the danger. She warned Dr. Henry Pinkham to be cautious as he was falling in love with Mai-Lin. A night, a man with a tattooed hand broke in to Kiras searching for the bible. Mai-Lin surprised him and was shot in the abdomen. She was saved and the tattoed mans superior ordered him to try again at the hospital.

    It's weird reading about a pre-Monty spy storyline on GH. It does feel very Dobson-ish though.


    Also good to see what Steve Hardy was getting up to. Those yearly summaries they used to have on Abc.com always seemed to suggest that all Steve did in the early - mid 70s was pining after Audrey.

  15. On 6/12/2020 at 12:50 PM, Antoyne said:

    Why did Brad and Traci divorce?

    Not sure why they divorced the first time as I wasn't watching (something to do with Traci having a miscarriage and Lisa locking Brad up in a cage?)

    **Edit** I didn't see the post by will81**


    The second time round Brad pretty much lost interest in Traci and had only re-married her because she was pregnant with Colleen. So when Colleen was a few months old, Traci left Brad for her publisher Steve (from memory it wasn't even a big affair storyline or anything, Traci had realized her marriage was over and decided to pursue things with Steve who had been showing interest in her). Taci and Steve left with Colleen to live in New York City.


    A year or so after that, Traci had married Steve. Brad - concerned that Colleen (now SORASed to 5 years old) didn't know him and viewed Steve as her father - pursued joint custody and/or visitation rights. That lead to a brief quadrangle as Traci still had lingering feelings for Brad but Brad was involved with Lauren. At one point, Brad had a heart attack while being intimate with Lauren; Traci and Lauren feuded over Brad at the hospital. I don't know how that exactly all got resolved because I stopped watching for a while and when I resumed; Brad was with Nikki, Lauren had moved to L.A (for B&B) and Traci and Steve were back in New York.

  16. 6 hours ago, Darn said:


    16 year old Laura...law student Scotty? How old was he supposed to be?

    I've read somewhere that Scotty was 23, but I think that may have been in 1979 when he married Laura, who was 17 at the time, so nearly a six year age gap. They actually started dating when Laura was only 15, which I've always thought was a bit problematic (but may have been more common in the 70s? I don't know).


  17. Just caught part of an episode of the 1980s UK sitcom Duty Free (produced by Yorkshire Television) and Frazer Hines was on it playing a womanizing caricature of himself, trying to seduce both of the married female leads. One of the husbands on the show also kept calling him 'Joe' despite Frazer Hines explaining that Joe was the character he played on Emmerdale Farm.


    The episode was from September 1984 during the time that Frazer was off the show for a few years, and one of the female characters does say that he has left Emmerdale Farm.

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