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Posts posted by Dion

  1. 44 minutes ago, Bill Bauer said:

    And I don't remember Blake not being Fallon's father. Was Sammy Jo lying? 

    Sammy Jo overheard Alexis telling Steven that Blake wasn't Fallon's father. After Sammy Jo told Fallon, Fallon went for a drive with her mother. Alexis admitted that either Blake or Cecil could be her father. Fallon drove off the road and went into premature labor, giving birth to  LB.


    Blake knew there was a possibility that he wasn't Alexis' father but didn't really believe it and didn't know that the other potential father was Cecil. He eventually got Alexis to confess that the other candidate was Cecil and so they did a blood test which proved that Blake was Fallon's father after all.


    Here is the car crash scene:



  2. 16 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I don't think this ever happened, but SOD teased GH's Felicia and Ned back in 2002 or so. This was after his previous love interest, Kristina (sister of Alexis), had been killed off.

    In 2004, Ned did try to charm Felicia when he figured out that Felicia had been appointed the judge in the competition over who would get Lila's inheritance. I believe she saw right through him and eliminated him from the contest lol. At the time some people thought it may have been a chem test but it went no further.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Legacy said:

    Hey could anyone answer this for me, since we are talking about Sharon/nick history does anyone know if Grace was like Phyllis back then or i guess only difference is Sharon and grace were actually friends in the 90's but since i heard she might be coming back was curious if she would match Phyllis craziness.

    Grace was always more of an opportunist rather than out and out crazy like Phyllis was. Phyllis was actively hostile and would often scheme to create havoc; Grace was a lot more passive-aggressive and she would usually bide her time and wait for circumstances to work in her favour before making a move.

  4. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I really wish someone had delved into Heather's past and explained why she was (or is) the way she was.

    Yeah, we have been given crumbs such as her father apparently being abusive (slapping her a child) and both parents being drinkers etc etc but some therapy sessions that really explored Heather's backstory in depth would have been good to tie together all these tidbits that we keep getting.


    We have actually gotten more insights into the causes of Sarah's behaviour (the tragic drowning death of her sister Edie) than we have Heather.


    As it is my own theory is that a lot of it does have to do with Alice basically projecting her own anxieties and frustrations onto Heather, which could be what Pat Falkien Smith had in mind but never fully explored due to her and her writing team quitting.


    I do know that Heather ends up attending therapy with a psychiatrist, Dr. Katz for the first half of 1982 (in fact I believe in these 1981 episodes she's already seeing him but he's not an onscreen character yet), but I'm not holding onto hope that we'll get to see Heather's past truly explored as I believe that storyline was mostly about scheming against both Anne and Dr. Katz.

  5. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    They have been teasing Robert and Olivia since what, 2013? They are winning together and I've always wanted it. The fact that she is now Lady Quartermaine would make an affair even soapier.

     2012 I think, back when Olivia was a psychic (post LSD trip with Heather) and had visions about Duke actually being Faison in a Duke mask (lol). And yes, they do go well together.


    8 minutes ago, MontyB said:

    Maybe you're right, it just seem weird.

    It's been an ongoing problem with GH for around 20 years now. There are so many characters who are close family members actually living in Port Charles and yet not enough budget (or writing nous or actor availability or simply a writer or producer actively choosing not to use a character despite them still being officially on the canvas) to have them in scenes where once upon a time it would be a given that they would be there.


    That said, until fairly recently GH was pretty good about giving Alexis scenes with all her daughters (Or, at least in the case of Kristina, they had her living out of town and off canvas for a while so at least her absences had a good explanation) and often with all of them together, which does make me wonder if social distancing may be playing a part in this particular instance.

  6. 25 minutes ago, MontyB said:

    I just started watching GH again after many many years. I have a question about Molly. Is she Alexis's daughter? If so, is there a reason they haven't been in any scenes together? Alexis has been going through "stuff" and her young daughter is nowhere around. Are they estranged?

     I think it's more that Haley Pullos is recurring so these days they're only using her in scenes that specifically advance Molly's storyline. It's the same situation with Lexi Ainsworth, who plays Alexis' middle daughter Kristina.


    The COVID situation may also be influencing their lack of use, but i'm not sure as to what extent.


  7. September 1 & September 2 (Partial), 1981


    Georgia is surprised when Alan and Monica arrive at GH completely soaking wet. Things are also frosty between the Drs. Quartermaine. After Alan and Monica have gone up the lift, Burt arrives and talks to Georgia about Hutch. Georgia tells Burt that Rick and Lesley are back from Beecher's Corners so Burt goes to find them. Meanwhile Lesley is surprised to learn from Rick that the charges against Heather have been dropped. Burt arrives and tells Rick and Lesley that their gun was not the one used to kill Diana Taylor. He gives them back the gun and tells Rick to be a bit more careful with the handling of guns. Burt tells Rick and Lesley about everything that Heather did on the night that Diana died and that Heather has admitted to everything except killing Diana. Lesley is glad that Jeff took 'PJ' away after everything that she has just heard.


    Jeremy finishes off a book report and complains about having to do book reports during the summer. Jeremy is ill so Anne sends him off to bed. Unbeknownst to her, Heather is lurking outside. Later, Anne answers the door to Heather who tells Anne that she wants Jeff's address so that she can discuss getting a divorce. Anne offers to write to Jeff on Heather's behalf. Heather says that she has other men interested in her now, including Joe.  Heather tells Anne that Burt has brainwashed Joe into thinking that she killed Diana but adds that Joe is falling in love with her. Heather tells Anne that the gun used was not the one used to kill Diana. Heather suggests that since she remembers writing Anne's name in blood then maybe it's because she saw Anne do it instead. Heather starts throwing around accusations about Anne and intimidates her, but Jeremy comes down from upstairs and very bravely tells Heather to get out.


    Burt arrives at Kelly's and asks Rose is Heather is around. Burt asks Rose if she feels sorry for Heather, but Rose says she is just felling a bit numb at the moment as Hutch is leaving. Jeremy calls and tells Rose that Heather was at their house harassing his mom. Rose passes the phone to Burt who tells Jeremy to lock all the doors and wait for him to come over. Later Burt questions Anne; Anne is convinced Heather is out to kill her. Anne also tells Burt that Heather accused her of the murder. Burt assures Anne that Heather is just trying to scare her. Burt promises Anne that he is going to nail Heather and put her away forever.


    At the Webber's, Amy opens the door to Heather, much to Alice's surprise. Amy heads off to the hospital and Heather sarcastically thanks her mother for caring so much about her when Ramsey tried to pin a murder rap on her. Heather asks Alice if she is disappointed that she has been released. Heather then talks about Anne and says that she is a bigger threat than Diana ever was and that she has got to stop Anne. Alice tells Heather that she will be put away in Forest Hills for life if someone heard her talk like that. Heather is annoyed with her mother and says that Alice must really believe that she killed Diana.


    Larry Corrigan tells Georgia that he wants to see Monica. Alan is surprised that when Larry tells him that he is there to meet Monica about the renovations at the Disco. Monica arrives and promises Alan that they will have a big surprise for him at the Disco - "and Susan Moore, if she ever comes back". A short while later, Larry and Monica have coffee in the cafeteria. Larry assures Monica that despite working for Alan at the Disco, his first priority is still to her. Rick interrupts their conversation and Monica introduces Larry to Rick. Larry leaves and Rick questions Monica about Edward having a sore cough. Monica brushes him off, saying that Edward's health isn't her responsibility. When Rick asks her if he interrupted something between her and Larry, Monica says that she really doesn't have to answer to him for anything in her life just like he doesn't have to answer to her.


    Amy tells Lesley about how Heather came over and that Alice seems almost frightened of Heather. This prompts Lesley to tell Georgia that she and Rick will be heading home for lunch. Meanwhile Alice and Heather's confrontation continues at the Webber house. Alice tells Heather that she was mean and hateful even as a child and blames Heather for driving her father out of the house. Heather suggests that Alice wasn't woman enough to hold a husband and that she remembers that Alice and her father used to drink. Alice tells Heather to leave and that she doesn;t want Heather to come near her again. "You're evil and you just destroy everything you touch"', Alice says. "And so help me god I am sorry that I have to claim you as my child!". With that Heather leaves.


    After Burt has gone, Jeremy and Anne sit by the fire and Anne compliments Jeremy for protecting her tonight. Jeremy asks Anne if she still loves Jeff, noting that she doesn't talk about Jeff anymore. Anne decides to write a letter to tell Jeff how she feels. Later Anne finishes the letter and reads it (cue voiceover of Anne reading the letter). She asks Jeff for a definite answer about when they can be together. She seals the letter in an envelope.


    Alice gulps down a glass of what probably was a spirit just as Rick and Lesley come home. Lesley comments on the cold weather and then asks Alice if she is alright. Rick and Lesley ask Alice about her visit from Heather. Alice tells the Webbers that Heather is sick in the head. Rick and Lesley confirm that Heather was cleared of the charges but Alice is still upsets and mentions that Heather went to visit Anne. Alice says that Heather hates Anne Logan so much that she could kill her. Rick says that it is time that Jeff came back to sort out the divorce. Meanwhile Heather arrives at Kelly;s and apologises to Rose for being late. Heather sits down and cries. Burt approaches her and warns her to leave Anne alone.


    Georgia asks Noah and Bobbie about what is going on outside. Noah mentions the possibility of snow. Bobbie mentions that at least her brother is out of the cold weather. Meanwhile far away on the island, Robert and Luke continue constructing the raft. Luke is concerned when Laura arrives carrying a load of bamboo. Just then they all spot the ape that stole the gun. Robert sends Luke up a tree to catch the ape but Luke fails. The trio then examine the map of the compound that Tiffany provided them with and try to come up with a plan to enter the compund and destroy the weather machine before it destroys Port Charles.


    Mikkos and General Caluga talk about the plans for military deployments after the takeover. Caluga says that he has noticed tension between Mikkos and the Van-Stadts. Mikkos tells Caluga to leave it to him. Max and Noel then arrive and tell Mikkos that they have decided to contact the five countries they represent in order to tell them that the mission has failed. Mikkos attempts to placate Max and Noel by apologising to them for letting his feelings get the better of him. Mikkos says that if Ballantine won't budge, he'll rethink the plan (i.e. he'll stop freezing Port Charles and consider a plan whereby the weather machine is used in one place and then moved onto another place before anyone is annihilated) and then asks for one more day. Max and Noel agree that that is reasonable. Mikkos then invites Max and Noel on a tour of the plant but warns them not to tell any of the others about this. With the rift supposedly healed, the others arrive. An annoyed Corinne asks Mikkos about letting Tiffany go above, Mikkos whines about Tiffany's nagging forcing him to do so.


    Victor and Tiffany are above and Tiffany is anxious to get Victor back to the compound. Victor asks Tiffany what she is hiding; Tiffany makes up a story about being annoyed with Alex. Victor hears something in the bushes and fires his gun, it turns out it was only Monkeys. Tiffany and Victor conclude the monkey must have stolen Tiffany's bag. Meanwhile Robert, Luke and Laura wonder who fired the shots.


    Edward comes into GH with a cough and is annoyed when Bobbie comments that people with cardiac difficulties sometimes get in trouble when the weather is like this (cold). Meanwhile Rick and Monica are talking about their heavy workload (that has been caused by the cold weather). Dan and Lesley arrive and the four discuss Lesley's trip to the Greek Islands. Lesley shows Monica the picture of Mikkos Cassadine.


    Tiffany and Victor arrive for lunch. Alex questions Mikkos about the supposed healing process of Carbonic Snow, but Victor manages to change the subject, regaling the others with the anecdote about the monkey stealing Tiffany's bag.


    Rick finishes giving Edward a preliminary check up. Monica arrives and after Edward is gone, he tells Monica that he is concerned about Edward's cough. Rick tells Monica that he is also concerned about AJ (since AJ once had heart surgery). Monica is annoyed and tells Rick that he should be more worried about finishing his own daughter. Later, Rick is giving Edward a more in-depth physical and tells him that he wants Edward to check into GH. Edward apologises to Rick for being uncooperative about Laura's disappearance and promises to let Rick know when Alex gets in touch. After Edward leaves, Monica and Rick look over Edward's charts and are very concerned.


    Tiffany meets with Luke and Robert and tells them that things are frayed in the compound below. She mentions that Victor is so on edge that he fired shots at some monkeys. Luke and Robert are relieved to learn the source of the shots they heard earlier. Meanwhile Mikkos escorts Max and Noel on their tour. He goes back to the control panel to get some keys and surreptitiously pulls the control panel lever back even further.


    Corinne is sunbathing when Nigel (who has been conducting a survey of the island) stops by to chat with her. Caluga (whose first name is Conrad) finds them laying next to each other and sends Nigel on his way. When Corinne complains about the island, Caluga warns her not to act the same way Alex behaved lunch and tells her to put some clothes on. Meanwhile, Tony is admonishing Alex for the way that she behaved at lunch, but Alex is upset because people could be dying in Port Charles. Alex notes that none of her questions were answered and says that Tony mustn't believe that Mikkos is going to bring the Earth to it's knees for the good of the people as it isn't going to be like that and Tony knows it. Alex notes the increasing tension and says that if it is going to be such a terrific new world than what is everyone afraid of. Tony says that if Alex cares for him then she should believe the way he believes without question. Alex asks Tony what he would do if he learned that not one single solitary person was left in Port Charles, Tony says that Mikkos wouldn't let it get that far as the whole world would retaliate. Alex says that in order for the whole world to retaliate, they would have to find Mikkos first.


    Bobbie and Noah have coffee in the cafeteria and Bobbie asks Noah if it is really going to snow. Noah suggests a snowball fight and says that the prize would be that the winner would get to invite the other home for the night. Bobbie declines and Noah says that he's struck out again. Bobbie note Noah's impatience and says that she doesn't want to make a mistake with him as he is too important to her. Bobbie says that if they were to be together it would probably be the most special moment of her entire life but that she has to be sure. Noah agrees to wait.


    Luke, Robert and Tiffany go over their plan to get them into the compound. Tiffany will create a diversion but Luke wonders what they will do when they get inside. Tiffany agrees to get them disguises, but is reluctant to let the others hide in their room. Robert and Luke suggest Tiffany kick Victor out of her room. Robert and Luke asks Tiffany to find out how the control room works. Just then Victor calls out to Tiffany so Tiffany runs back to meet him. Robert and Luke decide to eavesdrop on their conversation. An excited Victor tells Tiffany that Mikkos is going to put on a special dinner and that this may signal that Ballantine may be ready to surrender.


  8. 6 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    Actually, I'm not surprised by this exit. 


    I'm not surprised either.


    Max hasn't really served any purpose since his revenge story flopped and was truncated by two years.



  9. 13 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    Y&R - thought of another one.  I Know what you did Last Summer.  When Summer was married to the guy playing Thomas on B&B and the hot Cop was gaslighting all the teens.  Can’t even remember now but was a few years ago.  They killed hot cop off - I liked him.  What is the actor’s name? Anyone know? 

    Det. Mark Harding played by Chris McKenna?

  10. 51 minutes ago, OzFrog said:

    What was the truth that Lois was trying to get out of Ned here? Was it the fact that he was Ned Quartermaine rather than Eddie Mayne?

    Yes. Lois was watching Tiffany's news coverage on the TV of a city council meeting about the Incinerator project planned near the Charles Street neighbourhood. When Tiffany attempted to interview Ned (he tried to block his face from the camera), Lois finally found out that Ned was her 'Eddie'. Lois went to Tiffany and Tiffany showed her a tape of the broadcast; Lois then went to talk to Edward and Lila. Edward told Lois he'd seen Ned and Lois together before and Lila (at that time temporarily being played by Meg Wyllie) ended up telling Lois most of Ned's life story and spilled the tea his marriages to Dawn, Jenny and Katherine! (Though unfortunately Lila only tells Lois that Ned's marriage to Dawn broke up because of his affair, Lila doesn't tell Lois that it was with Monica!). That eventually leads to the scenes in the tweets.


    Here's a clip:



  11. August 28 & 31, 1981


    Heather is at the airport trying to get a ticket to leave the country. Unfortunately for her, Burt catches her as she is telling the ticket agent a fake name for her ticket. Heather is arrested. At the Police station, Heather phones Lee. Lee is reluctant to help as he is about to leave for the convention, but promises to get in touch with Zelda Bernstein on her behalf. While Heather waits for Zelda to arrive, Burt continues to try and prompt her to confess to her activities. Fortunately for Heather, Zelda arrives and puts a stop to his questioning.


    Corinne is helping Tiffany use the sauna in order to fool Victor into thinking Tiffany has a high temperature. Victor goes to fetch Mikkos. Mikkos is convinced that Tiffany has Jungle Fever and hands over the medicine. Victor wants to stay with Tiffany but Mikkos says that there is nothing he can do, so Victor should go with Mikkos. Victor still wants to stay with Tiffany but Corinne insists he leave. After Victor has gone, Corinne and Tiffany celebrate successfully fooling the Cassadines. Tiffany asks Corinne to cover for her while she slips out of the compound.


    Laura is feeling a bit better and Robert and Luke tell her that Tiffany will get medicine for her. Robert adds that Tiffany may have to let them in underground. Luke says that they have enough explosives to blow Cassadine's operation but worries that they won't be able to keep themselves from being blown up. Robert goes off to see where Tiffany is.While Robert is gone, Luke puts on a French accent and begins to shampoo Laura's hair. Robert returns and reports that there is still no sign of Tiffany but is still sure that she will show up, even though Luke is skeptical. Luke, Laura and Robert discuss making a raft to escape the island. Robert and Luke go off to get bamboo for the raft, leaving Laura with a stun gun (as the real gun was stolen by the ape).


    Mikkos and the other men watch the weather report from Port Charles. The temperature is now 43 degrees. Stocks of fruits and vegetables are now in short supply at the supermarket, and Fall fashion lines have also sold out due to the cold weather. Mikkos contacts Ballantine and asks him to relay a message to all world leaders: that what is happening to Port Charles can happen anywhere in the world at the mere touch of a lever. Mikkos wants to be recognised as "supreme commander of all nations". Mikkos tells Ballantine that his true purpose is world peace and an end to poverty, greed and conflict among nations. Ballantine wants to know who is assisting him, Mikkos tells Ballantine that he is being assisted by Victor (finances), General Caluga (Security), Max (diplomacy), and Anthony (Poor Tony doesn't seem to have a purpose lol). After the call ends with Ballantine still refusing to budge, Mikkos refers to Ballantine as a doubting Thomas and says that they will have to ease those doubts.


    Max questions Mikkos about his plans, telling him that he cannot allow Mikkos to overstep the bounds that have been set out by the nations that support him (Max). Mikkos promises that he will do nothing to jeopardize his alliance with Max. Later, Mikkos uses the control panel to eavesdrop on a conversation between Max and Noel in their quarters. Max tells Noel that he was shocked that Ballantine said no so adamantly, but even more shocked by how calm Mikkos was when he pulled the lever. Noel wonders if Mikkos has any feelings and says that she doesn't trust Mikkos and that he is capable of going the whole way. Max and Noel agree to wait for one more 'no' from Ballantine before calling on their countries to withdraw their support. "We Shall see, we shall see", Mikkos says.


    Corinne distracts a guard so Tiffany can escape the compound with the medicine. Tiffany heads to the camp where Laura almost shoots her with the stun gun. Tiffany is glad to see that Laura is doing better and tells Laura some of what she had to go through. Robert and Luke return with the bamboo. Tiffany finally gets another chance to tell Luke, Laura and Robert about the plan. She tells them about the rockets and how they shoot diamond dust into the air over a city, blocking out the sun and it gets colder. Tiffany relates that she has already seen it happen. Luke asks where... "Someplace in New York, it's where Alexandria comes from. Oh you know where it is, it's the place we got on the yacht, Port Charles", Tiffany says.


    Zelda asks Burt what he has on Heather. Burt says that he has witness and enough evidence to charge Heather for premeditated murder. Zelda talks to Heather and asks her if she is guilty. Heather confesses everything she did in the lead up to the murder, but that she blanked out and doesn't remember what happened, except for writing Anne's name in blood. Zelda thinks she may not be able to take Heather's case as she (Zelda) also knew Diana and that's what is bothering her about the case. Later, Burt books Heather on suspicion of first-degree murder. Heather is about to attack Burt when another cop runs in with the ballistics report and says that Heather's gun was not the one used in the murder!


    The following morning, Burt is harangued by the DA, a Mr Richardson, about holding Heather overnight without sufficient evidence. Burt is still determined to prove that Heather committed the murder.


    On the island, Luke, Robert and Laura wake up. Luke and Laura are skeptical about the possibility of Tiffany bringing them breakfast. Alex catches Tiffany hoarding food and suggests that she isn't getting everything that she needs. Meanwhile, Mikkos is on another call to Ballantine, who refuses to be blackmailed by Cassadine. Mikkos wants to make another demonstration of his power, much to Max's dismay. Mikkos says that Port Charles is expendable. Max threatens to withdraw support but Mikkos refuses to listen. Alex and Tiffany see Max storm out of the control room. Alex advises Tiffany not to get caught between Mikkos and Max. Mikkos interrupts their conversation and reminds them not to discuss things and that he is in control. Tiffany convinces Mikkos to let her out of the compound and tells Alex to work on her personality.


    Steve, Audrey, Rick, Lesley and Jessie discuss the weather. It is now 42 degrees. Rick and Lesley tell Steve and Audrey about their trip to Beecher's Corners and that they are now certain that Laura went onto the yacht. Dan joins the conversation and mentions that he and Lamont used to have dealings with the Cassadines. Dan reckons that the yacht may have sailed to the Greek Islands and shows Rick and Lesley a picture of Mikkos. Dan says that Mikkos makes Frank Smith look like an angel.


    Mikkos eavesdrops via the control panel as Max tells Noel that their only option is to convince Tony and Victor to turn against Mikkos. Max says that Mikkos won't back down and that Mikkos can't see that his crusade to attain utopia can also destroy the world.


    Rick, Steve, Audrey and Lesley have lunch in the cafeteria. Lesley asks Steve if she can get some time off to go to Greece so she can see if she can find Tony. Rick wants to go with her, but as he has a heavy schedule for the rest of the week Lesley will go first and Rick will join her in a few days. Steve gets a call from Burt Ramsey, regarding Hutch's transfer back to prison. Burt won't go into too much detail about it but says that he wanted to give Steve as much warning as possible. After Burt finishes the call, Heather comes in and gloats about being released since the gun was not the one used to kill Diana. Burt warns her that he will find the real murder weapon and will pick her up as soon as he has enough evidence to convict her on first degree murder.


    Robert and Luke discuss their plans while building the raft. Tiffany arrives with the food and tells Robert and Luke about the falling out between Max and Mikkos. Robert, Luke and Tiffany discuss what to do about the radar; Robert and Luke invite Tiffany to join their team. Tiffany says that she has no choice. Luke finds Laura and brings her back to the camp. Robert and Tiffany tell Laura that there have been squabbles down below; Tiffany adds that Mikkos has her totally baffled. Meanwhile, Mikkos informs his brothers that Max has chosen to defy them. Victor and Tony pledge their loyalty to Mikkos, though Mikkos notes that Tony says that less than enthusiastically.  Mikkos also wants to give Ballantine another demonstration of their power. Tony suggests patience in dealing with Ballantine, but Mikkos pulls the lever down even further as a woman can be seen running toward a taxi in the rain on the monitors above.


    Steve talks to Hutch and the two briefly discuss the unseasonable rain. Steve tells Hutch that they will be moving him back to prison that week, but assures him that precautions are being taken to ensure that no attempt is made on his life. Rose arrives and Steve exits. Rose asks Hutch to be positive and says that he will be living for a long time. Hutch says that he needs something to live for on the other side. Rose says that he will have his friendships with everyone, including herself. The two are holding hands when Rick comes in. Rose leaves and Hutch makes a comment to Rick about people always being able to talk about the weather when they don't know what to say to each other. "I don't know whether this is symbolic or something but take a look at the weather, I think anybody would say it's pretty lousy right now", Hutch says.


    Victor tells Tony that Mikkos was right about Tony seeming less than enthusiastic. Alex interrupts their conversation and tells Victor and Tony that Tiffany has gone outside. Tony says that he wishes Alex would join Tiffany sometime but Alex would rather slit her wrists. Victor goes to look for Tiffany. Max and Noel come to speak with Tony and Alex about their concerns about Mikkos, which Tony tries to downplay. Max tells Tony and Alex that Mikkos will kill thousands of innocent people if he is not stopped. Alex becomes concerned and asks Tony if Max is talking about Port Charles, but Tony insists that Mikkos is not going to harm Port Charles. Meanwhile Mikkos is in the control room silently reveling in the havoc that he sees playing out on the monitors. At the same time, Tiffany is showing Robert, Luke and Laura some plans that she has drawn of what she remembers about the compound.


    Rick and Rose chat in the cafeteria. Rose doesn't want Rick to get the wrong idea about her and Hutch, she says that she just wanted to give Hutch something to hold on to. Rick is understanding. Meanwhile, Heather arrives at the Nurses' station and asks Jessie where Rick is, Jesse sends Heather to the cafeteria. When she gets there, Heather greets Rose and Rick. Rose has to go, but promises to keep Heather's job for her at Kelly's. Heather tells Rick that Rose has been good to her. Heather then asks Rick to get in touch with Jeff, insisting that she loves Jeff and Jeff loves her. Heather gets angry when Rick tells her that Jeff wants to marry Anne and starts using her usual emotional blackmail tricks, eventually culminating with the Laura card: "If Laura was in this kind of trouble would you be this hard on her, would you?"


    Burt talks with Hutch about the plan to transfer him back to prison. After Burt has gone, Hutch stares out the window, deep in thought.


    Robert and Luke are poring over Tiffany's plans but Luke is still hesitant to trust her. Meanwhile Tiffany runs back to the compound and comes face to face with Victor who is pointing a gun at her. The two argue for a second and Tiffany claims that she has lost her beach bag. Victor wants to go search for it but Tiffany convinces him not to. Victor then says that he will accompany Tiffany on her sunbathing trips from now on.



  12. August 26 & 27, 1981


    Heather enters Joe's apartment at Kelly's but he is not there. Meanwhile, Lee finds Joe asleep at their office and tells him that he looks terrible. Lee and Joe talk about the cold weather, they are both mystified by the drop in temperature. Joe decides to take off, despite Lee saying that he needs Joe's help. At the police station, Burt is on the phone with a crank caller about the weather. After the call ends, Joe arrives. Burt tells him he looks like an unmade bed. Joe explains how he convinced Sarah that Heather was using Edie's death against her and then hands over Lesley's gun to Burt. Burt is not happy when Joe tells him that he showed Heather the gun and decides to go get a warrant before Heather can skip town. 


    Mikkos, Max, Tony, Victor and Caluga watch a news report on the drop in temperature in Port Charles (complete with generic blizzard footage lol). The anchor notes that it is the largest drop in temperature on record and that the temperature has now dropped to 52 degrees. Mikkos finally contacts Ballantine to issue his demands. After ranting on about how he plans to bring about world peace and the WSB can only stop wars, Mikkos tells Ballantine that he can control the weather and tells him to watch the weather in Port Charles. Meanwhile, Luke and Robert are concerned about Laura's condition. Luke says that he is going down to the Cassadine compound but Robert stops him. Laura wakes up and starts moaning feverishly. Robert assures Luke that chills are a normal part of a fever and speculates that she may have dengue fever, although she doesn't have all the symptoms. Robert goes off to find Tiffany, while Luke tries to get Laura to drink some water. Laura feels cold, so Luke decides to stoke up a fire in an attempt to get Laura to sweat the fever out.


    Lesley is watching a news report about the weather, while Alice opens the door to Rick. The two discuss the matter of Laura's whereabouts again and decide to contact Balantine, but Balantine is busy 'in a crucial discussion' (with Mikkos, see above). After the call, Rick and Lesley make a few quips about the weather with Alice, not realising that it's connected to the situation that Robert, Luke and Laura have found themselves in. Later Ballantine calls and Rock answers. Rick tells Ballantine that Robert and Luke got on the yacht, but Ballantine only tells them that he spoke with Mikkos. Rick is frustrated that Ballantine won't tell them more information. Amy arrives home wanting hot chocolate (because of the cold weather). Amy is annoyed that Rick and Laura are huddled talking about Laura again. Amy snidely refers to Luke and Laura going off to "Butcher's Hollow" last year. "Beecher's Corners" Lesley corrects her. This gives Lesley and Rick the idea to go see the Whittakers at Beecher's Corners.


    Robert returns to find Luke trying to build up the fire. An ape (a chimpanzee I think, but Robert and Luke also refer to it as a monkey) randomly shows up and steals Laura's black wig much to Luke's anger. Later, Robert notes that a guard is headed in their direction. Since they can't move Laura, Robert takes him down with a poisoned dart. Robert assures Luke that when the guard wakes up he won't want to tell anyone. Robert goes back to move the guard further away from the camp. The ape returns and steals Luke's gun. Robert is not happy when he returns and learns about it.


    Tiffany is unhappy that she is not allowed out of the compound and complains to Mikkos and Victor. Tiffany feigns loyalty to the Cassadine cause but refuses to stay 'in prison' as she puts it. Tiffany points out that she is a success on the stage, but Mikkos says that he is the writer, producer and director of this 'unfolding drama' and tells her that she can go sit in her dressing room if she won't take direction. He orders Victor to get Tiffany out of his sight.


    Heather is frantically packing. Rose arrives as Heather is about to flee and asks her where she is going; Heather pushes past her with her suitcases, so Rose tries to get in touch with Joe. Meanwhile Joe tells Lee how Heather stole Lesley's gun from the Webber home last Christmas. Joe is very upset and thinks that Heather will be committed to an institution for the criminally insane. Joe decides to go and have a drink.


    Rick and Lesley meet Mrs Whittaker for the first time at her farm in Beecher's Corners. They tell her about the situation with Luke and Laura. Mrs Whittaker assures the Webbers that Luke wouldn't leave Laura to face a situation on her own.


    Robert and Luke continue to argue about Laura's condition. When Laura becomes even more feverish, Luke is determined to go seek help from the Cassadines. Robert knocks Luke to the ground with a rabbit punch in order to stop him.


    Bryan and Claudia arrive at Kelly's. Claudia notes that it is now 48 degrees and it's still August. Bryan notes that Rose is a little uptight. Burt and some cops arrive but Rose tells them that it is too late as Heather has already left. Rose suggests that Heather might go to her mother.


    Mrs Whittaker tells Rick and Lesley about the time a few months ago when Luke and Laura both visited her separately. She also shows them a photo of Luke and Laura at the barn dance. Lesley sees that Laura is wearing the Lucy Johnson wig and both she and Rick realise that Laura used to wig to get onboard the Titan. Lesley calls Alice to tell her that they are at Beecher's Corners. After the call ends, Alice is surprised when Heather arrives. Heather tells Alice what is going on and begs her mother to hide her from the police. Burt arrives soon after, but Alice lies for Heather. After Burt has gone, Heather insists that she doesn't remember killing Diana even though she did plan to do it. Alice eventually gives her some money so she can leave town. Heather apologises to Alice and hugs her before she leaves.


    Luke is not happy with Robert but Robert says that he loves both Luke and Laura and that he is worried about Luke risking his life. He promises to go and figure something out, Luke gives him one hour. However, as Laura's illness continues to worsen, Robert and Luke are instead forced to cool Laura down with wet blankets. Robert climbs a tree and sees that Tiffany is on her way. When Tiffany arrives, she is shocked to see Laura in such a state. Tiffany begins to tell Robert and Luke about the Cassadine scheme to sprinkle diamond dust on some city to control it's weather, but Luke is more concerned about Laura. "Who cares!" he says; not realising that the weather machine is to be used on Port Charles. Tiffany promises to get some medicine and has to go quickly when Kemo calls for her.


    Lee and Gail are concerned about Joe; Lee - a recovering alcoholic - is particularly concerned about Joe potentially drinking too much. Gail calls Rose. Rose tells Gail that she has heard that Joe has gone to the Bucket of Blood. Lee heads there and as he walks in one of the bar patrons is blaming atomic bombs for changing the weather. Lee talks to Joe, pointing out that he is at war with himself; that it is ok to love both Heather and his job, but not ok to deal with it this way (by drinking). Lee offers Joe an alternative way to get his mind off Heather. He asks Joe to help him search for Scotty, but first they will go to a conference in Atlanta to come up with strategies for the search. Later, Joe returns to Kelly's and tells Rose that it is time that he took a long, hard look at himself and his future. He tells Rose that he is going to go and search for Scotty. Rose tells Joe that she will miss him and gives him a hug, telling him to stay warm.


    The Cassadines and their guests have dinner. When Noel says that women are just as interested in changing the world, Mikkos chauvinistically says that they lack the vision, much to Alex's annoyance. Mikkos goes on about his plans for the world but Alex is still skeptical. Tiffany fakes an illness and feigns passing out at the table. Corinne helps her away. Mikkos says that Tiffany doesn't know how to relax and continues to wax lyrical about his plan. Mikkos says that the temperature has now dropped to 47 degrees and the mercury is still falling. Later Corinne returns and reports that Tiffany is very sick, but prevents Victor from going to see her. Mikkos isn't too concerned and says that Tiffany should have an aspirin. Corinne insists that Tiffany is very sick, but Mikkos says that they will wait until morning before giving Tiffany more medicine.


    Mrs Whitaker makes things awkward for Rick and Lesley by noting how much in love they are. She insists that they stay in Luke and Laura's room, so Lesley is forced to tell her that they got divorced. After Mrs Whitaker goes off to make up their rooms, Rick and Lesley reminisce about their trip to Canada before heading out for a walk. Later Rick and Lesley head to the barn, meet Bessie the Cow, and play with the baby chicks. The two end up having their very own barn dance with imaginary music before Rick lifts her onto a hay bale. They compose themselves and Rick asks Lesley if there is a future for them.They agree that it will take some time; the two share a kiss before heading for dinner.


    More guards approach the camp so Robert throws a coconut in an attempt get them to go in another direction. He is successful. Luke is still worried that Tiffany won't be able to come back to them, but Robert says that he is sure she'll make it. Robert says that Luke and Laura helped him deal with O'Reilly's death and that he understands how Luke feels as he still wishes he could've taken the pain away for O'Reilly when she died. Laura wakes up and says she is hungry. For the moment, this is enough to cheer Luke up. He embraces her.



  13. 1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    Wild that I also just remembered Valerie Spencer, Luke and Bobbie’s niece that was introduced a couple of years ago and was headed into a romance with Kristina not that long ago.  I haven’t seen the show lately, but I don’t remember her being in many episodes before the shutdown.  Has she been on at all recently?

    Yeah she popped up again just last week (Monday 31st) to ask Carly questions about what happened with Nelle (and yes, their cousin connection was acknowledged) and to give Michael an update on the search; in the following episode (Tuesday 1st) Valerie questioned Alexis about Neil's death and gave her condolences.


    34 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    However, the actress herself tested positive for Co-Vid so I don't how things stand with the character now.

    Actually I read the hospital she went to would not test her for COVID, even though the symptoms were pretty much consistent with COVID and the doctors had ruled out everything else.


    Since everything else had come up negative though, the doctor told her that they couldn't confirm that she'd had it but she should act accordingly.


    This was back in March and she has returned to GH so hopefully that means she has made a full recovery (that is without long term symptoms).

  14. On 9/9/2020 at 6:53 AM, titan1978 said:

    Until now, I would have had no idea Alex Quartermaine was uneasy with aligning herself with The Cassadines as the plans are revealed.  I thought she was always a part of it.

    Poor deluded Alex really thought it was all merely a get-rich-quick scheme involving the manufacture of diamonds; only to find herself embroiled in a plot to bring about a new world order via the threat of a new Ice Age.  I'll miss her though.


    On 9/9/2020 at 6:53 AM, titan1978 said:

    Doug Sheehan was adorable then, and I loved him on Knots Landing (and a sitcom I watched that was cancelled in the late 80’s).  Joe deserved better pairings.

    I never realised just how prominent Joe was a character until I started watching these old episodes. He literally got like two or three mentions in the ABC yearly recaps (which I think were sourced from the GH scrapbook) and yet there he is, day in and day out, chipping away at the Diana Taylor case through most of 1981. With Jeff gone, he's basically the leading man (outside of Luke's stories of course). That said, he's not really driving story himself, just chasing leads on what Heather got up to.


    On 9/9/2020 at 11:48 AM, Paul Raven said:

    Notice in these recaps that vet/supporting characters are lumped together in scenes like meeting at the disco/nurses station and given  seemingly a few lines.

    I wonder why there was no interest in giving them any sort of storylines?

    I'm not up to there yet; but, If I'm not wrong, there was an attempt to create stories for the younger supporting players Bryan, Claudia, Amy etc in 1982. Unfortunately this coincided with the post-Laura rough patch, so once the Robert and Holly show got off the ground they went back to supporting.


  15. August 21, 24 & 25 (Partial), 1981


    Joe comes by GH to offer Bobbie a ride home upon her release; Burt jokes to Georgia that Joe won 'Mr Nice Guy'. The two discuss the case against Heather. Later, Joe meets with Noah and Bobbie (who is wearing a massive pair of glasses). Bobbie declines Joe's offer to give her a ride home as Noah will be taking her instead.


    Laura has finished making curtains for the hut, Luke jokes that she is turning into Mrs Whittaker. Laura hints to Luke that tonight will be the night. Robert returns and says that Tiffany hasn't shown up. Luke goes off somewhere, but not before kissing Laura, which disgusts Robert. Later Robert suggests that Laura come for a walk with him, she declines and then feels faint while hanging up the curtains.


    The Cassadine guests have another round of champagne, though Tiffany questions whether it is safe to drink out of the champagne fountain after the demonstration. Alex notices that the plant next to the Champagne fountain has died. This disturbs the other guests and Max queries whether Mikkos will be able to stop the freezing process from killing Human beings. Caluga interjects and says that they will be able to inspire more fear in their enemies. Later Tiffany convinces a guard to let her out of the compound.


    Joe heads off to meet with Sarah (who is on day release) at the park. Joe makes a paper boat and drops it in the park fountain where it starts sinking. Sarah freaks out (because her sister Edie drowned in a boat), but Joe calms her down and explains to her that she isn't responsible for Edie's death. Sarah hands over the gun to Joe and thanks him for her freedom before she leaves.


    Luke speaks to Robert and asks him to make himself scarce tonight since he and Laura want to... After Luke leaves to head back to camp, Tiffany arrives and finally tells him which rock is the entrance to the compound. Tiffany says that she is now convinced that the Cassadines are evil and agrees to help Robert. Meanwhile, Luke arrives back at the camp. Laura assures Luke that she is ready and doesn't have any hang-ups except for one: she doesn't like his stubble and tells him to shave with a shell. After Luke is shave, Laura makes Luke look away while she undresses to take a dip in the pond. Luke feels really tempted, but Robert and Tiffany arrive. Tiffany is shocked to see 'Thor' and 'Lucy'.


    Noah accompanies Bobbie home and tells her about how he helped out at the clinic while Rick and Lesley chased after leads on Luke and Laura. Bobbie changes into some nightclothes; Noah sweeps her into his arms, kisses her, and gently places her on the couch. He tells her not to watch TV or do any reading.


    Max and Noel relay their concerns to Mikkos; they say that they are not murderers and want Mikkos to stop the freezing process if the WSB doesn't acquiesce to their demands. Their meeting is interrupted by Kemo, who tells Mikkos that Tiffany has absconded. Meanwhile, Tiffany tells Luke, Laura and Robert how Mikkos froze the fountain. Laura notes that it was the same night that things froze on the island. Tiffany tells them a little about Mikkos' plans for weather control before they hear the guards come looking for her. Later, Robert, Laura and Luke have dinner before Robert departs to go on night watch. Alone, Luke and Laura get intimate but before they can make love, Laura suddenly gets a bad headache. Luke leaves her to sleep and goes to chat to Robert. Back in the hut, Laura starts tossing and turning.


    At Kelly's the following morning; Rose sees that Joe is in a bad mood but he knocks back her attempts to cheer him up. Joe apologises to Rose and just then, Heather comes down from upstairs. Meanwhile, Lesley gives a patient (who sorta looks like Laura) the good news that she will be released from the hospital. When the patient says that she is planning on moving out of home, Lesley tries to dissuade her and then gets a bit upset. Rick comforts Lesley. Back at Kelly's, Heather accuses Joe of avoiding her and won't leave Joe alone. This causes Joe to storm out of Kelly's just as Rick and Lesley arrive. Lesley talks to Slick while Rick and Rose try to calm Heather down. After Rose leaves the room, Rick tries to get Heather to open up with him, but she accuses him of being like Joe and kicks him out of her room. Downstairs, Rose and Lesley briefly discuss Heather and when Rick returns, Slick tells them that he will go off and find the man who fell into the harbor.


    Robert and Luke are concerned about Laura who appears to be ill. Laura wakes up feeling cold and Luke realises that she is burning up with fever. Robert decides to go and seek out Tiffany's help in getting medication. With Robert gone, Luke comforts Laura. Meanwhile, Tiffany is in a bad mood and demands that Victor speak to Mikkos about allowing her out again. Alex makes quips about the situation before the others arrive for a meeting. Max says that America should be the first to fall to the Cassadines; Mikkos agrees and says that he has made a decision. He takes the others into the control room. Everybody tries to guess which city will be the first target for the weather machine: New York, Los Angeles and Miami are among the guesses. However, Mikkos announces that he has decided that a more average city will be the target. He turns on a news report about a heatwave and Alex is horrified when she realises that the city in the news report is Port Charles. Mikkos pulls a lever to begin the freezing process. Alex tries to stop it but Tony restrains her; Mikkos says that it is already too late as the rockets have been launched


    Slick arrives with a man who fell into the harbor. Unfortunately, Slick has brought them the wrong person as he fell into harbor four months ago! Once again it is Mike who upstages Slick once again by saying that he has found the man who fell into the harbor on the day that the Titan left.


    Joe is with Lee when Lee receives a call from Burt. Lee makes a joke about asking Burt to do something about the (hot) weather. Joe doesn't want to take Burt's call and gets Lee to tell Burt that he isn't there. Joe decides that he isn't feeling well, so Lee gives him the day off. Meanwhile Heather attempts to phone Sarah from the Kelly's payphone. Sarah won't take her call. Two workers come in and tell Rose that the heatwave has suddenly ended. They order some hot soup to celebrate the end of the heatwave.


    Joe heads down to the docks, passing a fisherman who has called it quits for the day because of the cold weather. Joe starts having visions of Heather being locked up in a padded cell with a straitjacket on. He contemplates throwing the gun into the harbor but decides against it. A cop notices his distress and tells him to go inside as there is a cold wind coming in. Rick, Lesley and Mike arrive and comment on how the weather has changed. Joe just walks off, prompting Mike to ask Rick what is wrong with Joe. Later, Rick, Lesley and Mike meet with the man who fell into the harbor on the day that the Titan left. The man admits that he was paid by Luke and Robert to do so and that they most likely went onto the yacht. While the man did not see Laura, this is enough to confirm to Rick and Lesley that Laura went with them.


    Max and Mikkos watch news reports about the sudden end to the heatwave in Port Charles. Meteorologists are apparently mystified by the change as the high pressure ridge that caused the heatwave has not moved at all.  Max wants Mikkos to warn people about the freezing process, but Mikkos says that they have plenty of time.


    Joe confronts Heather in her room and tells her that he went to see Sarah. Heather attempts to paint Sarah as living in a fantasy world and says that the gun doesn't exist. Heather is shocked when Joe shows her the gun.


    Robert returns to Luke and Laura. Robert is worried about jeopardizing the mission but Luke doesn't care, saying that he will get help from the guards if Laura doesn't get better. Later, while Robert is off waiting for Tiffany again,  a delirious Laura wakes up and is insistent about washing her hair. Luke manages to stop her from jumping into the pond and embraces her.


    At the hospital, Bobbie waits for Noah while chatting to Bryan, Gail and Jesse. Bryan jokes that Bobbie looks like an undercover movie star with her huge glasses. Gail tells Bryan about the change in the weather, saying that the temperature has dropped from 98 to 55. Bryan invites Gail, Jesse and Bobbie to the disco but Jesse has to work. Gail is hesitant, but is eventually convinced to accept the invitation and decides to invite Monica. Bryan leaves with Zack and Stacy while Bobbie waits for Noah.


    Monica agrees to go to the disco with Gail and tells Edward that she is going out. Monica says that she will need her coat, the two briefly talk about the change in the weather. Monica says that the Disco is more enjoyable now that Susan Moore has left. Meanwhile, a tense Alice looks at an address book. She phones the Quartermaine mansion and speaks to Edward. She tells him that she will come by his house to drop something off for Alan (Most likely Susan's address). Later, Alan finds Edward starting a fire in the fireplace. The two discuss Lila's whereabouts (she's gone to Palm Beach). Alan changes the subject to Lesley Webber and the Ice Princess.


    Bobbie is still waiting for Noah when Steve and Audrey drop by. They also talk about Bobbie's glasses and her looking like a movie star. Steve and Audrey give Bobbie a brief update on Hutch before they leave. When Noah arrives he also makes a joke about Bobbie being a movie star. After Bobbie and Noah leave, Anne stops by the nurses station on her way out and talks to Jesse. Anne bemoans the fact that Joe hasn't been answering her calls and that everyone else has dinner plans. Jesse suggests that Anne go to the Disco, but Anne is too worried about Joe.


    Kathy, Bryan, Claudia, Zack and Stacy are all at the Disco. Corrigan assures them that the disco is only closing for a remodel. Noah and Bobbie arrive, followed soon after by Gail and Monica. Since Gail doesn't know that Monica has hired Corrigan to spy on Alan, Kathy pretends to introduce Corrigan to Monica as well as Gail. Later, Stacy attempts to flirt with Corrigan by telling him that he looks like Robert Redford. Corrigan knocks her back, so Bobbie allows Stacy to dance with Noah. Bobbie, Gail and Monica discuss the remodel of the disco with Corrigan; Monica says that she has had some remodeling experience so Corrigan suggests that she help him with the remodel. Corrigan asks Monica to dance.


    Heather comes to Joe's room and finally admits everything she did in the lead up and aftermath of Diana's murder (including the fire escape, getting a copy of Diana's keys from Alice, stealing Lesley's gun, posing as Shelly Vernon several times, finding Jeff and Diana in bed together, the capes, the car accident etc etc). However, she insists that she doesn't remember killing Diana and refuses to admit to something that she didn't do. Heather embraces Joe and they fall onto the couch. Heather begs Joe to make love to her; when Heather won't let Joe go, he slaps her, calls her a liar and forces her out of the room. Joe phones Burt and says that he has just wound up the Diana Taylor case. Joe then leaves his room and Heather attempts to hold onto his leg but he breaks free and walks away. Heather begins to follow him.


  16. 22 hours ago, LondonScribe said:

    Curious question, totally hypothetical (as I imagine he has his next gig lined up) but if he did go over to America, what soap (or show as a whole) do you think he would suit most?


    I'd say General Hospital.


    The show had quite a lot of it's guts ripped out during the Guza years and is currently in a bit of a rut, which would theoretically make it ripe for a Kirkwood style revamp. It's also had some very successful transformations in the past. The cast is large and there is a precedent at GH for having both OTT stories and family/social drama.


    33 minutes ago, soapfave06 said:

    DAYS doesnt have the budget


     I agree and I also think that Kirkwood would probably struggle with the veteran supercouples at DAYS.


    34 minutes ago, soapfave06 said:

    the Bell soaps will never take any long term chances against the bible belt.


     I think you are right again.

    In addition, I would also say that ideally Y&R should go to an updated version of the Classic Bell style which might not suit Kirkwood, while I think the smaller cast and scope of B&B would be too limiting.


    1 hour ago, soapfave06 said:

    But I really don't see anyone taking on the US Soaps at this point.


    I think the last person from outside who tried was Mal Young at Y&R and that wasn't too successful. That said, I think if he'd gone to GH he would have had more luck.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Franko said:

    No worries. I was getting a kick out of the idea that Georgia was hardcore into disco and wouldn't accept anything else.

    Actually, that thought did cross my mind too lol

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