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Posts posted by Dion

  1. 42 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    What were the Alphabet Wars on GH?


    WSB vs DVX I think.


    Basically there was a storyline where Bobbie's step-daughter Terry Brock fell in love with Dusty, played by Shaun Cassidy. And the two started singing together. But Dusty had been brainwashed by the DVX or something and his song was the trigger. Everyone ended up at Mt Rushmore for their concert and I think Duke, Anna and Robert had to chase down a train with a nuclear bomb on board.

  2. @DRW50Laura has a fair bit to do with Lulu, Valentin, Nikolas and lately Cyrus (I'd like to think that after almost losing her for good in 2018, GH has finally learnt it's lesson where Genie Francis is concerned), but Kevin's only on like twice a month (and Lucy even less).

  3. 4 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Oddly, Ashley seems to go crazy and mental when Eileen plays her.  Brenda's Ashley never would have gone over the edge nor would Shari's Ashley either. 


    Plus, Ashley wasn't so pathetic with Victor when Brenda played Ashley.  I wonder why the show only plays the Ashley is crazy game when Eileen plays the part. 

    I think Brenda's Ashley was showing signs that she was about to break down again right at the very end, after Blade died and she found out Rick had posed as Blade and then realised Rick had basically raped her for several weeks/months. But that was Brenda's exit story in the role and Ashley fled Genoa City to Paris immediately afterwards. When Ashley returned played by Shari, the whole thing was glossed over and forgotten.


    After that, I think the only mention of Ashley's time in Paris post Blade/Rick was when Eileen was back in the role and it was revealed that during that time in Paris, Ashley had apparently gotten herself involved in a caper with her never before or since - once the storyline had ended that is - mentioned step-brother Rafael Delgado (Brent Davis' step-son from one of his marriages).

  4. 14 hours ago, AdelaideCate007 said:

    Even now, I feel like Laura has no support outside of Lulu. Does Laura have any friends? Even if we don't see them onscreen together, you can at least assume people like Felicia & Lucy and Felicia & Anna are still friends. Who are Laura's friends? 


    Curtis and Laura are friends, he's probably the closest friend she's had since Mary Mae.


    And Carly and Laura are close now too, though it's usually more Laura supporting Carly than the other way round. Carly does become somewhat of a decent human being when she is with Laura and actually felt bad for keeping Nikolas' return a secret from Laura.

  5. Here's a clip with three examples for you @Darn - both hit and miss.


    The first flashback in the clip - Brando and Molly hooking up - is probably the usual, normal kind of flashback you'd expect to see on a soap and imo fits into the scene well.


    The second flashback with Sam randomly having a flashback to a conversation with Jordan while grabbing a coffee cup  (lol) is an obvious insert.


    And in normal times it would definitely not be necessary for Molly to have a minute long flashback about her and TJ deciding that they would become domestic partners before telling her sisters that that is what she and TJ had decided.



  6. 8 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    What was the family feud involving The Cramer's? This was before or after Blair's miscarriage?

    I'm guessing this would be after Blair's miscarriage. I think Blair was feuding with Kelly for most of the year because Kelly had caused the crash which led to Blair losing Patrick's baby and tried to become between Kelly and Ian Armitage.


    Interestingly, Todd blamed Patrick for the crash (Todd was upset because the baby was going to be a bone marrow donor for Starr) and that ended up leading to the 'Patrick is a terrorist' storyline which is listed as worst story.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Aback said:


    'Bubbles' - I love it.


    Wonder how it will impact the writing though! There's only so much you can do when characters can't kiss, some actors cannot shoot together, some sets can be used...


    Yes it's a cute little term that has caught on in New Zealand. I don't know if the term has caught on in Australia (I don't think it has) but basically what Neighbours is doing is dividing people up into separate 'work bubbles'.


    Sharon Johal (Dipi) said we're going to start seeing more phone conversations, production tricks, long zoom lenses and limiting scenes to 3 people - https://www.abc.net.au/radio/melbourne/programs/drive/neighbours-sharon-johal-on-long-running-soap-resuming-production/12166504

  8. Jack got married to Matiu! But no, they didn't come back. The wedding was entirely offscreen and only mentioned by Esther and Eddie to create unnecessary drama (since Curtis would be there and Eddie had caught Esther lying about still texting him just before Esther gave birth to Kiwa).

  9. 3 hours ago, Aback said:


    I had no idea but I read in the comments it's "Karen/Faith" if that makes sense to you guys.


    Faith was the name Karen grew up with after she was kidnapped as a baby (and just as mysteriously, grew up as a brunette! lol)


    I think Eric was faking blindness to hold onto Brooke at this point. IIRC at the party, Eric slipped up and Sally realised he could see.

  10. Stefan and Katherine was my immediate thought when seeing the thread title lol...I thought (shooting aside of course) they had a promising start but it all eventually came unstuck.


    I guess Matt (Jason Cook) and Maxie (Kirsten Storms) were another attempt, but Maxie ended up cheating on Spinelli with both Johnny (emotionally) and Franco (physically) before dating Matt and I believe the bulk of their storyline - including their quickie marriage - was when Jen Lilley was playing Maxie.


    Otherwise, GH never seemed to know what to do with Matt (who incredibly was actually on the show for four years!).

  11. On 4/6/2020 at 10:11 AM, Taoboi said:

    So I'm still playing catch up (with popping in on clips here and there, WELCOME BACK, BRITT!!!), but did they do anything for the anniversary this year?

    It was a week late this year due to the Impeachment pre-emptions earlier in the year but (in spoiler tags just in case you haven't seen it)



    The latest episode with flashbacks of the Nelle storyline and Eden McCoy playing a young pre-Port Charles Carly in flashbacks was probably intended to be this year's anniversary episode.


  12. 2 hours ago, Khan said:


    If Bill Bell had had his way, DAYS' Doug and Julie never would have married.  Therefore, I'm inclined to think a part of him liked the idea of Nina never reuniting with her child.  He didn't always like everything tied into neat, little bows with his characters.


    I think you're right there...Bell did like playing around with audience expectations and leaving stories unresolved. I don't think he would have had Nina reunite with her firstborn and I don't think he would have revealed Lily's true paternity to Neil either, just like John never found outthat Ashley wasn't his.


    Another unresolved Nina storyline had her spend weeks obsessed with proving that Jed Sanders (Josh Taylor) was her father since Jed had a scar, only for Flo - when she finally met him - to say that Nina's father's scar was on the other side of his face! Nina never bothered looking for her father again after that.


    31 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I could be wrong, but didn't Nina's missing child come up as she was leaving in 2001? I could've sworn her exit was sudden and they had to pretty much scrap what was planned for Nina which is a shame. 


    Yes, she wrote a book about it. I think there were even rumours that Raul would turn out to be her son.

  13. On 3/31/2020 at 1:53 PM, victoria foxton said:

    I would hardly call Mike's romances with Robin and April ''b stories''. Later on the quad of Mike, April, Eve and Nick was also a front burning story.


    On 3/31/2020 at 2:25 PM, titan1978 said:

    I never considered them the three days a week crowd though.  When you watched back then people like Kim, Shane, Bo, Roman, Steve and Kayla were on 3 to 4 times a week.  Every week.


    I’m not saying the characters you pointed out were not popular and driving story.  I just never thought of them as the “A” story group of characters.  Eve and Nick certainly got there though, there was a period of time I though Nick was also always on screen.  I loved Mike Horton back then but he never got the play of Bo Brady.


    That was also part of the balance problem back then.  I can remember thinking Steve and Kayla in particular were always on screen.


    Speaking of Mike and April, I do believe they were at one point being groomed to be the show's next supercouple - and the storylines with Robin's return, Jeremy, April's marriage to Nick were supposed to be the classic supercouple obstacles - but for whatever reason (changing HWs, balance issues with too much focus on Steve and Kayla, Michael T. Weiss leaving etc) it fizzled out and Jack and Jennifer eventually emerged as the supercouple instead.

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