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Posts posted by Dion

  1. 14 hours ago, carolineg said:

    And hope was very young when she had Shawn. And I think Shawn D was ready to be aged.


    Funnily enough, I'm not sure whether Shawn was actually SORASed in 1999. Recasted with a much older  actor in Jason Cook, sure. But being a sophomore in high school meant his age was still consistent with Collin O'Donnell's version. In any case, Shawn was only three years older than his real age during the Last Blast era, whereas Belle and Phillip were respectively like 9 and 11 years older than their real ages!


    50 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Does poor Liz's mom even have a name?

    Not sure if it has ever been mentioned onscreen (Maybe Hayden's mom might have actually said her name) but most sites seem to agree on Carolyn.

  2. 10 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    Aww and June Brown left? Was she somehow driven off? I was always expecting to hear her say she was leaving but that seemed abrupt. I do apologize as I don't closely follow the UK soap news. I try but can't see or read everything.

    Not sure exactly what happened but it seems she wasn't happy with the storylines she was getting and decided she didn't want to sign another retainer/contract.


    EastEnders apparently was under the impression that she was only on a break and was coming back (hence the low key exit), leading me to remark at the time that she seemed to have done a "Beverlee McKinsey"


    Here's the interview with Rani Singh (who played Sufia Karim in the late 80s). She drops the bombshell that she's left 21 minutes in...followed by a limerick she composed about it!



  3. Kylie decided to hand herself in after remembering she killed Dylan and her old primary school teacher (but sadly not Ian Reid, so it seems Claire was guilty of that one). It seems Friday may have been her last show. This puts an end to the two year saga of Kylie and Dylan --> Killer Kylie.


    A bit anti-climatic in the end, the least they could have done is get TK and Kylie to the altar (although a bit hard considering Kylie was still married to Daniel and basically the only grounds for divorce in NZ are a two year separation - it has only been six months or so for Kylie and Daniel, but that hasn't stopped the writers from bending the rules before) and have Kylie remember everything in front of a much larger audience (a soap cliche yes, but I do feel five years of TK and Kylie should have at least resulted in a wedding or a jilting lol). They did do a good job of tying up Frank and Kylie's relationship by having them return to the beach where they went skinny dipping back in 2017.


    Meanwhile Phoenix has run off after embezzling more than $1million from the hospital, leaving behind his partner Tess and their daughter Amelie. I'm predicting he won't be back and Frank will be paired up Tess soon enough.


    I'm sure TK and Cece will be having an affair in the near future also. They've already kissed.

  4. 5 hours ago, alexisfan07 said:


    I'm glad Molly and TJ are getting airtime and story but there was no build up to this proposal and we know nothing of their off-screen lives so it's hard to get invested.


    Bizarrely enough, TJ was planning to propose as far back as November (when Jordan was opposed to it and TJ had that chat with Stella) but then he went AWOL for three months.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Probably when Simone, Mary Mae, and Keesha were on the show in the mid-‘90s. 

    Despite having a somewhat prominent story with Justus and Tom, I'm not sure whether Felecia Bell's Simone was ever on contract...I don't recall her appearing in the credits unlike Mary Mae and Keesha.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Khan said:

    It's always fascinating to watch early DAYS and see how they did so much with so little.  For that scene in particular, all that was needed to hold your interest was Doug and Julie.  No expensive set or lighting (although, getting the rights to that instrumental recording of "The Look of Love" probably cost a few extra dollars); just a man and a woman who ache to be together but whose present circumstances forbid it.  That's what soap opera is, ladies and gentlemen.  Pure, and simple.


    I'm sure I read somewhere (possibly in Days of Our Lives: A Complete History of the Long-Running Soap Opera By Maureen Russell) that they were able to use "The Look of Love" relatively cheaply (or perhaps even for free) because the show was co-produced by Screen Gems (Columbia Pictures).

  7. Wednessday July 1, 1981


    Luke and Robert visit Benny the fence in their endless search for the Ice Princess. Benny points out that every time that Luke is around there is trouble and calls Luke a lousy con-artist. Luke and Robert try to entice Benny by hinting at a big deal, but Benny wants no part of it. Luke dangles $30k in cash in front of Benny and Benny starts naming names.


    Edward, Alan and Monica are very content (for once) after finishing dinner. After remarking that Lila and Alex have gone out for the evening, Edward says he enjoys this time of evening when they (Alan and Monica) start coming up with excuses to go out. Edward is surprised that for once Alan and Monica insist they will spend the evening at home. Alan questions Edward about the financial troubles at ELQ, but Edward says that he has been assured that the financial troubles will soon be over. Alan says that Alex has been giving those assurances ever since she came to Port Charles. Alan eventually excuses himself to make a phone call (to Susan at the Disco of course). Larry, the PI watches as Susan talks to Alan on the phone.


    Charlie Lutz is watching baseball with his feet soaking in a foot spa, much to the chagrin of his wife Emma, who is expecting a visit from Lila and Alex. When Lila and Alex arrive, Emma is too embarrassed to let them in and tries to arrange a meeting with them at the mansion. Alex asks Emma to give them the statue - promising to arrange a photographer to put her on the society pages, but Emma refuses to handover the statue and shuts the door. A mad Emma blames Charlie and pours his beer into the foot spa. Later, Emma sobs as she kisses the Ice Princess, calling it her 'ticket to high society' and sits down to eat a box of chocolates. Charlie comes in looking for his coat and is agitated when he can't find it. Emma is upset and calls him a slob, saying she had to slam the door to the Quartermaines. Charlie says that he'll make it up to her by taking her to the 'Bucket of Blood'. The two discuss how they met (turns out they married after a five day courtship) and Emma is pacified when Charlie reminds her that he told her that he'd been looking for a broad like her his entire life. The two kiss.


    Kemo reports to Tony that his men have not been able to find Luke and Robert. Alex comes to him and Tony tells her that Luke and Robert have escaped. Alex tells Tony that she has found the statue. Tony is anxious to get the statue but Alex says that the situation requires a more delicate feminine touch and that she wants to get the statue back for him as she is the one who took it in the first place. The two embrace. A short while later though, Tony is still worried about the statue. Alex explains that the statue is currently in the possession of a woman who doesn't know its worth. This calms Tony down and the two embrace again.


    Larry speaks to Susan, introducing himself as 'Leonard' and claiming that he is a production manager looking for disco locations for a big picture. Susan is skeptical, saying that she thought sets would be built for that. Larry Leonard says that these days the public wants more realist locations. Susan says that she would have to talk to her partner (Alan) about it first. Leonard offers to buy Susan a drink, but she refuses because of her pregnancy. Leonard offers his best wishes.


    Benny tries hard to think of people that Luke and Robert might be looking for, but Luke and Robert aren't satisfied with his suggestions. Luke and Robert go off to the Bucket of Blood to leave Benny alone to think. Not long afterwards, Benny's pawnbrokers is raided by the police and he is arrested.


    Lila returns to the Mansion just in time to play a game of bridge with Edward, Alan and Monica. Monica asks Alan if they will play as husbands and wives or if they will mix and match. Lila begins to tell Monica about her visit with Emma, but Edward says that he doesn't want to hear about her miserable evening. Monica convinces Edward to switch partners, but Alan refuses saying that he'd prefer to play with his wife as always. Edward makes a crack about double entendres and starts dealing out the cards, with the husbands playing with their wives as per usual.


    Luke plays on the pinball machine at the Bucket of Blood. Luke and Robert then discuss what could have happened to the statue. Emma and Charlie arrive with some friends, Robert teases Luke about Emma being one of his romantic assignations but Luke hides his face from Emma and says that she is likely to beat him to death with her lip gloss. Robert goes to call Benny, but a police officer answers and Robert learns that Benny has been arrested. Robert tells Luke and Luke believes that Benny won;t be talking to them once he gets out. Luke and Robert go back to talking about past events and Luke suddenly gets an idea and looks at Charlie.


    Larry Leonard explains the plot of his movie to Susan, Bryan, Claudia and Amy, saying that it is a horror film about a doctor that goes off the deep end and it is a Jekyll and Hyde type story. Amy is excited at the thought of being in a movie, but Bryan and Claudia point out that it will only be as an extra. After exchanging further pleasantries with Susan, Leonard Larry calls Monica, interrupting the Quartermaine bridge game. Alan answers the call and tells Monica. Edward subtly suggests to Alan that he eavesdrop on the call, but Alan decides not to. Meanwhile Larry tells Monica that she'll have grounds for divorce sooner than she thinks (but doesn't tell her about the pregnancy yet).


    Having finished making love with Tony, Alex gets ready to depart the yacht. She promises Tony that she will get the Ice Princess first thing in the morning. Tony asks why he trusts Alex when he doesn't trust the rest of the world. Alex tells Tony to get some sleep and that tomorrow they will begin their lives of wealth power and love.


  8. 23 hours ago, Khan said:

    All I can do is sit and imagine how Bill Bell and/or Kay Alden might have written this story w/ Amanda and Ripley.

    We'd be treated to a monthly (eventually becoming fortnightly then weekly) update on what Ripley was up to from the moment Amanda first said his name and he'd finally arrive in town after about a year, by which time their relationship would have been fleshed out in flashbacks.

  9. Ummm, this situation is really odd. It seems June Brown's done a Beverlee McKinsey:






    Seems her final airdate was last month when Dot left for Ireland!


    Somebody recorded the radio interview with June Brown's limerick.




    2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    You have this singularly iconic couple, and a wedding that is equally iconic inside and outside of daytime.  I was fine with them fighting, with the storyline issues that had driven them further and further apart.  But there was a point where I think it went too far, and the divorce was like a line in the sand.  You were all in on what Guza had started in his second HW stint- deconstructionist storytelling with no going back once that happened.  I know he wasn’t there at the time, but JFP was and she has no problem destroying shows.


    It’s not even really about them.  It’s about the type of story the show was going to do now.  The breaking of tradition in such fundamental ways.  I see a direct line from that divorce to Alan being killed off, the show centering fully on Jason/Carly/Sonny, Ethan is Luke’s son, Rick as having drugged Laura, etc.  if we can break them up, fully, we can do anything to these characters.  Even toss them aside.


    The Deconstruction era should have been really great but unfortunately the required reconstruction that needed to happen with Tony, Luke and Laura etc was either sloppily executed or non-existent.


    Days' point of no return was when John and Princess Gina had sex on that submarine. Instead of trying to get the characters naturally into a space where it would be emotionally credible for them to have an affair, contrived plot points such as brainwashing, microchips etc got them there instead.


    B&B went downhill when Brooke went through a period of getting married every year. And bring Taylor back from the dead a second time was a sign that Brooke and Ridge would never settle down.


    Y&R was definitely making Katherine and Jill mother and daughter. It set a bad precedent.

  11. 53 minutes ago, OldGHFan said:


    Yea, I was shocked that Genie wasn't even nominated.  Genie should have WON!  But that was also the year Susan Lucci finally won her Emmy.  A great moment in soap history.

    Actually, Lucky was presumed dead in 1999, so Genie Francis wouldn't have been eligible to be nominated for Lucky's death until the following year, when Susan Flannery won.

  12. 15 hours ago, ~bl~ said:

    I thought Guiding Light first was on the radio out of Chicago, and then I thought the Schemering said it was in California, before it made its way to the NYC. I wonder if the location changes for the broadcasts, (as it was radio in those days) was influenced by the real life changes behind the scenes. (Does anyone know the timeline of Selby Flats to Five Points to Springfield?)


    13 hours ago, Neil Johnson said:


    I don't believe the location changes were connected to the location of the broadcasts.  I don't know the timeline, but Five Points was first, followed by Selby Flats, and then Springfield.  Although I'm not sure, I believe the Bauers never lived in Five Points.  They joined the show while it was located in Selby Flats, which was supposedly a suburb of Los Angeles.   


    12 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Meta was the first Bauer introduced  as she was the natural mother of a child adopted by the Brandons. She went by the name Jan Carter. She was re-united with her family and that's how the Bauers were introduced to the show.


    (The following is all pieced together from Wikipedia and the whos who profiles on soapcentral which are surprisingly extensive for some of the early GL characters).






    NBC cancelled the show in November 1946, CBS picked it up in June 1947. The CBS version shifted production from Chicago to Hollywood and the show's locale from Five Points to Selby Flats. Rev. Dr. Ruthledge appears to have died just before the end of the NBC/Five points run, with his lamp being transferred to his friend the Rev. Dr. Matthews in Selby Flats.


    Selby Flats originally revolved around Rev. Dr. Charles Matthews and his interactions with an ex con, Roger Barton sr. aka Ray Brandon, who'd been framed for a crime he didn't commit. There was a roughly year-long storyline involving Ray wanting to reconcile with his son and get revenge on the man who'd framed him, while falling in love with Charlotte at the same time. When that was all cleared up and Ray was exonerated, Ray became a lawyer, married Charlotte, and together they adopted Chuckie who was Meta Bauer's son in 1948. This heralded the arrival of the Bauers.


    Meta was initially estranged from her family and as @Paul Ravensays, was going by the name Jan Carter. Mama Bauer had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and this was the impetus for Meta's reunion with her family.


    The show moved production to New York City in 1949, Bert was introduced and she and Bill married at the end of 1949. Mama died whilst Bill and Bert were on their honeymoon. At some point, Rev. Dr. Matthews was replaced by Rev. Dr. Keeler and eventually the religious aspects were phased out as the Bauer's become the central point of the show.


    Meta eventually reclaimed her son and married son's father Ted White, later shooting Ted dead after Chuckie was killed in an accident while in Ted's care. This lead to the famous trial storyline in 1951.


    The show stayed in Selby Flats until 1965-66 when it began to transition to Springfield.

  13. 1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:



    I would love to see how they originally edited the season 3 finale, since the explosion was supposed to air at the very end until Oklahoma City happened in real life. I wonder what the last shot would've been before they faded/froze to black. 


    My guess is that they would have shown everything up to and including the iconic shot of Amanda looking through the railings and mouthing "Oh my god" before being hurled down the stairs by a secondary blast. After that point it cuts abruptly to a series of shots showing some of the characters starting to get up (Michael first, Peter and Jo next, then Sydney...).

  14. Tuesday June 30, 1981


    Hutch and Toby are in the prison infirmary with digitalis poisoning. The doctor says that they will have to be moved to General Hospital. Soon afterwards, Rick, Noah, Georgia and Bobbie discuss the case. Rick gets Georgia to take care of the security arrangements and Georgia says that she has assigned Bobbie to the case so Hutch will see a familiar face when he wakes.


    Emma is surprised to find the Ice Princess. She rings up the Quartermaine mansion. Stella answers and Emma asks to speak to Lila. Emma and Lila speak on the phone. Emma apologises to Lila for being rude to her at the auction. Lila is shocked when Emma says that she has the statue as she thought that Luke stole it. Emma suggests that she can give it back to Lila over a nice glass of sherry. Alex walks in as Lila is getting Emma's contact details. After finishing the call, Lila tells Alex that Emma has the statue. Lila says that she won't go over and have sherry with Emma, but Alex convinces her that they could sell the statue to raise money for General Hospital. Alex gets Emma's address.


    Slick brings an excited Laura (wearing her Lucy wig) to the apartment. Luke and Laura are reunited again. Luke asks Laura questions about Duval. Laura reports that Duval got nervous when she mentioned the Ice Princess. Robert asks Laura if she saw a formula, but Laura says she didn't see it. Robert asks for Duval's address but Laura refuses to give it until she receives some answers. Laura asks about O'Reilly and why Robert is there. Robert admits that he is an agent. Luke tells Laura that the cops who picked him up at the mission were Cassadine's men. This is enough to satisfy Laura and she gives the address. Luke, Slick and Robert head off to Duval's apartment.


    Joe comes over to visit Lesley and asks her if she still has Rick's gun. They check the box and sure enough the gun is gone. Later, Joe accompanies Lesley to the hospital where she picks up some messages from Amy. Rick informs them about Hutch. Joe informs Rick that the gun is missing.


    Luke and Robert break into Duval's apartment. Slick helps them search the apartment for the formula. They have no luck finding anything, even though Robert resorts to cutting off the heels of Duval's shoes.


    Bobbie watches over Hutch and Toby. Toby begins to stir so Bobbie gets Noah to come check on him. Meanwhile, Amy asks Georgia if Joe's presence has anything to do with Hutch. Georgia tells her that she is in training to watch patients, not visitors. Joe paces back and forth until Burt arrives. Joe tells Burt about the gun being missing. Burt tells Joe that he still hasn't found the gun.


    Alex calls Emma. Alex tells Emma that she wants to buy the statue. Alex says she'll come over with her aunt (a lie since Lila has refused to meet with Emma). Emma realises that her apartment is still too messy so begins to tidy up again.


    Laura visits GH accompanied by O'Reilly. Amy asks her sister where she has been and who is the lady accompanying her. Their conversation is interrupted by Georgia, who sends Amy away. Laura thanks Georgia. Georgia says that Amy has a habit of putting her nose in business where she doesn't belong. Laura tells Georgia that she'd like to see her mother. Georgia tells Laura that Lesley is in CICU with Rick.


    Lesley says that Hutch is doing very well considering his history of heart surgery and is lucky that the prison got him here so fast. Rick agrees with her assessment. Rick and Lesley note that Toby looks like he's starting to come around. Rick says it should take around two or three weeks for them to recover. Rick and Lesley mention the security at the prison. Lesley notes that it would be safer for them at the Hospital and says that it is very depressing as a doctor to make someone well and cure and release them, then send them back to get poisoned again. Rick says they can;t control that. "Imagine how he's going to feel about going back there" Lesley says.


    Laura and O'Reilly talk in the lounge. O'Reilly gives Laura some love advice and then sings a line from a song - "A good man is hard to find, You always get the other kind". O'Reilly tells Laura that she can live happily for ever after. Just then Lesley arrives. Lesley tells Laura that Hutch has been brought to the hospital, but that the prognosis is good. Lesley explains that Hutch and another prisoner were poisoned. Laura is enraged and suggests that the prison officials are either incompetent or as crooked as the cons. Lesley says that maybe it's a little bit of both. Lesley says that Hutch was poisoned with a combination of digitalis and arsenic in the coffee but adds that he should recover, but says that no one can visit them. Lesley then changes the subject to O'Reilly. O'Reilly awkwardly introduces herself. Laura then tells Lesley that she can't see Tony anymore as he is involved in dangerous things with the Quartermaines. As O'Reilly, Amy and Georgia look on, Laura and Lesley start arguing when Lesley realises that this is all based on what Luke has said and Laura refuses to go into details. Lesley remembers that O'Reilly was the woman Luke locked in the mummy case at the auction. "I can't deal with this! I can't deal with any of this!" Lesley says as she angrily storms off.


    James Duval finds that his apartment has been trashed. He tries to ring Alex but when he fails to get through to her he starts packing. At one point he opens the heel of the shoe he is wearing and pulls out the formula (thus showing that Robert wasn't so crazy to check the shoes after all, just that Duval was wearing the pair with the formula hidden in them at the time).


    O'Reilly says that while she is disappointed that Lesley didn't believe Laura's warnings, she can't blame her. Laura says that she'll have to find some way of convincing Lesley, O'Reilly says that they will have to come up with something. Laura tells O'Reilly that she wants to be alone to do some things but O'Reilly won't leave her alone. "I'm sorry kid, but from now on you and I are sticking together like the Siamese twins, in other words, like glue". Laura wants to go over to Duval's apartment, but O'Reilly won't allow it and convinces Laura to go someplace else with her instead.


    Slick brings Luke and Robert some soggy fast food dinner. Robert and Luke figure out that Duval must keep the formula with him (in the heel of his shoe like Robert though earlier). Robert suggests Slick watch over Duval's apartment  while he and Luke go to Benny (the pawnbroker). Meanwhile, Duval hides the formula in the lining of his suitcase. He tries to call Laura to no avail, before leaving his apartment with the suitcase.



  15. Monday June 29, 1981


    A new day dawns over Port Charles.


    Anne and Amy are on shift together at the Hospital. Amy questions why Anne never goes to the disco, then goes off on a tangent about the way that Joe is treating Heather. Joe interrupts her!


    In prison, Big Ralph speaks to Toby. Toby tells Ralph that he thinks people aren't happy that he failed to kill Hutch. Ralph says that he will get someone else to kill Hutch and that he'll take care of Hutch. Big Ralph tells Toby that there is a new guard in the prison that can't be bought. After Toby leaves, Ralph starts laughing as the guard walks past for some reason. Later Hutch fakes anger when Toby is sent to bring his food to him. Toby warns Hutch that Big Ralph is still out to get him and that Ralph told him about a new guard who is on the level. Hutch is skeptical. The new guard interrupts their conversation. He tells them that he knows everything and that he is there to protect both of them.


    Luke finally wakes up with a very sore head. He is surprised when Robert reveals that they are in a secret room in his penthouse. O"Reilly calls and warns Robert that Cassadine's men are swarming all over the place. The two then hear noises and run back into the secret room. Luke is amazed by all the 'James Bond" stuff in the secret room. The two bicker as Robert still refuses to tell Luke the full facts about the Ice Princess. Cassadine's men break into the apartment and search for Luke and Robert but exit to search the other apartments when they don't find Luke and Robert.


    Anne moans about Amy's meddling to Joe. Anne tells Joe that she spoke to Jeff and says that Jeff and Steven-Lars have settled into their new lives. Anne says that she thinks that Jeff will never come back to Port Charles and that Jeff asked her to consider moving her and Jeremy out there. The conversation returns to Heather. Anne wonders where Heather would have gotten the gun. Joe begins to wonder the same thing.


    Luke complains about O'Reilly causing him trouble but is somewhat amazed when Robert tells him that it was O'Reilly who cut the power 'the other night'. Luke tells Robert that Alex has been using Laura as a go between between her and Duval and adds that they have to warn Laura about the frame up. Just then, Cassadine's men return, followed by O"Reilly posing as a maid. She absolutely eviscerates the henchmen for causing a mess in the penthouse and drives them out, before giving the all clear to Luke and Robert. O"Reilly then smuggles Luke and Robert out in the garbage cans, whilst complaining about possibly getting a hernia.


    Anne and Joe continue talking, with Joe saying that he is enjoying being back in his old neighborhood (The Waterfront). Rick arrives and tells Amy off for forgetting an admissions list. Amy leaves to run that errand. Joe then suggests to Rick that Heather could have gotten a gun when she was out of the sanitarium last Christmas. Rick suggests that Joe check Lesley's house.


    The new guard explains that the warden has sent him down as he wants to know what is really going on. He sends Toby away so the others won;t get suspicious. Hutch is still skeptical of the new guard, but the guard says that it is his job to see that Hutch doesn't get out, but it's also his job to ensure that Hutch stays alive. Later Toby is out in the yard. The new guard says he wants to break Big Ralph's operation in the prison and advises Toby to come up with a system so he and Hutch can help each other. The new guard gives Toby and Hutch 15 minutes to talk. The two figure out that Big Ralph will take them out at the same time. The new guard gives them coffee and Hutch plays a tune on his guitar, but suddenly starts to feel ill. Toby decides to go and get help, but he quickly collapses. Obviously something was in that coffee!


    O'Reilly meets with Slick and tells him that they have to get Luke and Robert over to Laura's apartment without being seen. Slick is amused when O'Reilly tells him that she hid Robert and Luke in some garbage cans. Soon afterwards, Luke, Robert, Slick and O'Reilly are all at Laura's apartment. Luke explains to Slick about the plan to frame Laura. Robert says that it's likely that Alex would have planted items that Laura couldn't possibly afford. Slick quickly finds the fur coat, while Luke finds the airline tickets. Slick sits down at the window seat, after a while he eventually realises that he is sitting on the money. With that found, the four head upstairs to Luke's apartment. Slick and Luke speak to Laura (unseen) on the phone. Luke tells Laura that he'll send Slick over to get her. After Slick leaves, Luke and Robert share a drink. Luke asks Robert if he is a good guy and whether he believes that good guys finish last. Robert says that they have no choice but to win otherwise they'll all be dead. Robert asks Luke if he can even guess as to who has the Ice Princess.


    Emma and Charlie Lutz are arguing. Charlie is not happy with the state of their messy apartment and demands Emma clean it up. Emma starts cleaning and is shocked to find the Ice Princess in her closet!



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