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Endgame- Episode 90 Monday, October 08, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder Tishy Smith <HR> Please The Previous Episode Before Reading This: Click Here To Read <HR> Sonny’s men brought Lorenzo to him as they were instructed. Lorenzo was sat down in a chair, in the middle of a dimly lit, empty warehouse. The blindfold placed on him inside the limo still resides on his face. His hands were bound behind the back of the chair, he wasn’t going anywhere. His mind racing as to what was about to happen to him, he figured it was Sonny’s doing, there was no one else he could think of for this ambush. The only person with the balls to do so is Sonny. He heard footsteps coming up from behind and he tensed up waiting for the worst. No one spoke, but he could hear he wasn’t alone. The blindfold was pulled off his head and he was able to see who had him abducted from his car. “It’s so nice for you to join the party, Lorenzo,” Sonny scowled. Lorenzo looked around and noticed there were six other men with Sonny, not including Max & Milo. He realized then he was in a very bad way and there was no fighting his way out of this mess. “What do you want Sonny?” Lorenzo questioned as he squirmed in his chair. “I want some answers. You either give me the answers I'm looking for, and if you're a good boy I'll let you live." Sonny stalked around Lorenzo contemplating his next move and he noticed the more time he wasted, the more nervous Lorenzo became. “Tell me Lorenzo, are you sweating bullets right now because you’re scared or is there another reason why there is sweat dripping from your brow?” taunted Sonny. “Why don’t you tell me what you want, Sonny?!” “Well, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is that you admit you were the one who killed my sister…and you were the one who…" Sonny's voice trails off. "The one who had my son attacked last night." "What? Michael was hurt? Sonny I don't know what you're talking about. I would never hurt Mich—" "Shut up!" Sonny yells. "Don't you lie to me! Face the consequences of your actions you bastard! You wanna do this the hard way? Go ahead and deny it! Deny you killed my sister. Deny you had my son beat up! I swear to god one way or another, I'll beat the truth out of you, you sick son of a bitch.” Sonny threatened. <HR> In the car on the way to Carly's house, Nikolas can't help but notice how distracted Carly is. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Besides the obvious that is." Carly stares at the passing trees through the window. "Michael says Sonny believe Lorenzo was behind his attack. I don't believe that." Nikolas gives a sideway glance to Carly before shifting his attention back to the road. "Why not Carly? He's hurt your family before." "Because Lorenzo's not the same man he was when he came to town in 2003. He's a different person. I married the man for Pete's sake. I know he loved me…and he loved my children. He wouldn't hurt them. No matter how much he hates Sonny. He would never hurt my children. I can promise you that." Nikolas takes Carly's hand and assures her that everything will be fine once they get back to Wyndemere. <HR> Back at the warehouse, Sonny continues to interrogate Lorenzo. “Look I don’t know who killed Courtney. I don't know who attacked your son, but it damn sure wasn't me Sonny!” Lorenzo replied and received a right cross from Sonny for his lie. “You're lying! I can see it in your beady little eyes. I won't tolerate you blatantly lying to my face. You've structured yourself to come after me and my family for months now. You had my sister killed when you blew up her apartment." Sonny gives a nod to have the bodyguard punch Lorenzo in the face. "You gave the word to have my father and I beat up in the park…" Sonny gives another nod to the bodyguard, who proceeds with a powerful punch to the jaw. "And now….now you have my SON….beaten like an animal!" Sonny nodded towards his men, which gave them the clue to force the truth out of Lorenzo. A beating may clear his head and make him admit all the things he's done against the Corinthos family. A few punches to the ribs and to Lorenzo’s jaw maybe knock some sense into him, so Sonny thought. The three men carried out the order, and stepped back from Lorenzo when they were through giving him a beating he’d not soon forget. "Tell me the truth!" Sonny demanded, punching Lorenzo across the face again. Lorenzo turns his head and collects the blood in his mouth. He spits it on Sonny and curses at him in Spanish. "I would never hurt innocent women and children Sonny. You should know that by now. But I can promise you one thing…if you think I'm gonna let this slide by, just because you happen to be the father of Carly's children, you've got another thing coming. You'd better pray I don't get out of here alive…." The anger in Sonny builds more and more. He hasn't felt this much pain and anger since his last breakdown. Max notices the strange look in Sonny's eye and asks his boss to head home, they can handle things from here. Sonny ignores Max, takes his pistol and hits Lorenzo in the stomach. He cocks the gun back and puts it to his head. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now!" Sonny yells, hands shaking, sweat pouring from his head. "Why shouldn't I end this right now? Why shouldn't I rid the world of Lorenzo Alcazar." Lorenzo stares at the barrel of the gun, refusing the blink or be afraid. "Go ahead! I dare ya! Just know this, if you think you had a problem with me, you don't want to know what my associates will do you if I die. They won't try to maintain peace with you. They'll kill you, your family and anyone remotely associated with you. Have that blood on your hands. Set the example for your children!" Lorenzo knew there was no way out of this, either he admitted he did the things he's accused of and end up at the bottom of the river, or he could deny what isn't the truth and end up with cement shoes anyway. He was facing death by the hands of Sonny Corinthos and he was now living on borrowed time. He had to think fast, and hope that some way he could talk his way out of this bad situation he found himself in. Just when he thinks things could be over, the sound of sirens blaring towards the warehouse could be his saving grace. <HR> Next on Port Charles… - Anna and the PCPD storm the warehouse - Robin and Brenda head to the OBGYN - Elizabeth is saddened when the final divorce papers come through - Lucy is pleased when Serena decides to enroll in PCU
I'm glad you're enjoying the blog aMLC To answer your questions.... Michael is Sonny & Carly's oldest son (AJ is Michael's biological father). Alexis' children are Kristina (14) and Molly (4). Kristina's father is Sonny; Molly's father is Ric Lansing (Sonny's brother). Kristina was SORASed when Michael was SORASed. In reality, Michael is about 6 years older than Kristina, but due to the SORASing, he's only like 2 (soon to be 3) years older than her. We write based on scenes. We meet to discuss the breakdowns for what will happen. We then write scenes based on those breakdowns and I compile the scenes into episodes. There are times when one will write an entire episode, but usually it's collaborative effort.
Endgame- Episode 89 Monday, October 08, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder Tishy Smith <HR> Port Charles begins with Sonny ordering a few of his men to find Lorenzo and bring him to the warehouse for a chat regarding Courtney and the recent attack on Michael. Sonny wants answers and he knows Lorenzo has them. He was going to get them one way or another. As Sonny is wrapping his meeting, Carly & Nikolas storm into Greystone demanding to see Michael. "Where is he Sonny? Where's Michael," asks the worried mother. "I need to know he's ok." "He is ok. He's upstairs resting. I wanted to take him to the hospital last night but he didn't want to go. If you want to see him go ahead. But he's just fine." Nikolas rubs Carly's back. "With all due respect Sonny, he's not alright. No kid would be alright after being jumped by a group of thugs." "Now is not the time to start with me." "I'm not starting anything with you, I'm just pointing out the obvious. What kind of man lives the kind of life where his kids could be attacked at any time. People always get hurt around you Sonny! I mean look at Lily. Your kids have been kidnapped before. Your sister, the mother of my child Spencer, died in an explosion meant to kill you! So tell me Sonny, why wouldn't we be worried?" Sonny gets ready to blast Nikolas when his phone rings. Alexis is calling…she must have learned about Michael's attack. "What is it Alexis?" <HR> "Hold on for just a minute……Viola!” Alexis bellowed from the master suite as she tried on a dark suit her closet. "I'm not going to take too much of your time. You know why I'm calling. I'm suspending your visitation with Kristina. I can't have her being exposed like Michael was. Your biggest claim is that you can protect your children but you can't. So…….until this threat is done, she won't be seeing you." Alexis tosses her phone on the bed. As she tried to button up the blazer, Kristina came running into the bedroom and flopped down on the bed, all out of breath. Alexis looking at herself in the mirror, disgusted with the way she looked in the outfit she used to love so much. She noticed Kristina’s expression in the mirror. “What? It doesn’t look right does it?” Alexis asked the teenager. “Uh, no. Mom you need to find something else to wear, that suit just isn’t it anymore.” “Well gee thanks for the honest, yet brutal opinion, Kristina.” “You asked …!” Kristina replied and stormed out. “I’m going to Dad’s!” she hollered from the foyer and left the lake house. "No! Not today" Alexis tells her daughter. "Something happened and….just not today ok." Kristina walks back into the room and sees the look of fear on her mother's face. She almost follows her first instinct, which is to argue, but instead she backs off. She decides to head back to her room, but before she does, she tells Alexis that suit is very unflattering. As Alexis stood in front of the mirror trying to adjust the suit she was wearing, she heard the footsteps of her littlest. “I think you still look pretty, mommy.” Alexis turned around to see Molly standing in the doorway. She went to her and knelt down in front of her child. “Thank you sweetheart, Mommy needed to hear that.” Molly jumped into her mother’s arms and held on tight. “I love you mommy.” Alexis smiled as she heard the words she could never be tired of hearing. “Mommy needed to hear that too.” <HR> Back at Sonny's, Carly goes into Michael's room and cries when she sees her sons bruised face and body. Carly turns to Nikolas who offers her a shoulder to cry on. "Why would they do this to him. Michael's only 16! He has nothing to do with Sonny's business. Who would do this to him?" Michael wakes up and sees Carly & Nikolas. "I'm ok mom…really. As far who did this…dad thinks it was Lorenzo." "Michael you just get some rest. Nikolas & I are going to go back to our house to get some more of your things to bring over to Wyndemere." Carly kisses her son on his forehead. "With things heating up, I think we should spend more time at Spoon Island. We're a lot more protected there with a state of the art security team. Nikolas will keep us safe. I promise." Nikolas pats Michael's shoulder, then grabs Carly's hand and leads her out of the room. She blows one more kiss before closing the door and heading downstairs. "This [!@#$%^&*] is ridiculous. My son….my son was attacked for no reason! I don't need to be going through this stress." "No you don't," Nikolas says stroking her hair. "You're pregnant. You need to rest. Don't you worry about a thing. I'll send someone over to your house to get Michael's things. I won't let anything happen to you or your children. You guys mean the world to me." <HR> Lorenzo’s limo pulled into the parking garage of his building and his driver parked in the normal spot. As the driver got out of the car and went to open the back door for Lorenzo, six burly men approached. The driver tried to fend off the men but to no avail. Three of the men overpowered him and knocked him to the ground. Lorenzo, inside the car didn’t have time to react and pull his 9mm that he kept in his jacket, and before he knew it, the other three men had pulled him from the backseat of his limo. He tried to fight them off but it was 6 on 1, he succumbed to their request to go with them. <HR> To Be Continued..... Next on Port Charles… - Sonny demands answers from Lorenzo - Carly doubts Lorenzo's involvement in Michael's attack
Endgame- Episode 88 Sunday, October 07, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith Jennifer Snyder <HR> Looking like she hadn’t showered or eaten in days, Monica was keeping vigil in Alan’s hospital room. She looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks. She didn’t even notice anyone approaching when AJ knocked gently on the door. Monica looked up, her hair falling out of its bun and smiled weakly “Hi AJ, if you are looking for everyone, they just left to go home and change and eat I think. Your grandfather needs to rest or he will get sick too. I’m worried about his heart, not that anyone listens to me anymore.” She looked down at her hands. “I expect that they will be back soon.” She looked over at Alan lying in the bed, thinking that J would leave but she was surprised when AJ put his hand on her shoulder and lightly squeezed. Alarmed, she immediately asked him what was wrong. AJ assured her that nothing was wrong. He just wanted to be there for her, to sit with her for a while. He explained that he knew that every parent makes mistakes. Lord knows he has made plenty with Michael. He told her that yes, he was angry with her at first, but he understands that this isn’t her fault. He wants her to know that he has forgiven her. Monica burst into tears and throws her arms around AJ, hugging him close. AJ just holds his mother close, letting her cry until exhausted, she finally falls asleep. <HR> Michael shifts his knapsack from one shoulder to the other. He can't believe his mother sent him to school when he wanted to stay by AJ and Alan. This day couldn't get any worse he says to himself. Not only did he fail his English test, but he screwed up 10 plays at football practice. Michael is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't notice that a dark sedan is following close behind him. <HR> By the time Stan came to pick up Lainey, Kelly and Steven had already left for the restaurant. Stan was still a little confused as to what they’d be doing on their date. This was Lainey’s idea and he wasn’t sure what she had planned for their night out. Stan and Lainey walked down to the car. Being the gentleman that he was, he opened the door for her and she climbed in. He walked around to the driver’s side and climbed in behind the wheel. “So, where are we going?” He asked as he started the SUV. “There’s this new Indian place I heard about that I thought we’d try out. If that’s okay with you?” “Sure, sounds great.” <HR> The sound of a key entering the lock to Patrick & Robin's apartment startles Patrick. He rushes to put the pregnancy test box where it was and acts as if nothing wrong. Robin enters the apartment and calls Patrick's name. He casually makes his way into the living room and sits down next to Robin. He can tell something is bothering her, and is tempted to ask her outright about the pregnancy test, but decides against it. Robin just asks Patrick to hold her and rest on the sofa. The two hold each other, each keeping something back from the other. Patrick kisses Robin's head and reminds her that she can tell him anything. Robin thanks Patrick for always being there for her, especially when she feels so down. Robin decides to take a shower and then head to bed. As she walks into the bathroom and closes the door, Patrick walks into the bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed. He grabs a picture of him and Robin sitting on their dresser and tries to imagine life as a father. <HR> Stan and Lainey arrived at the Indian restaurant and the host seated them in a dark corner of the dining area. Lainey sat down in the chair that would give her the best view of Steven and Kelly who she spotted when they followed the host to their table. Stan didn’t notice that she was already eyeing Steven and Kelly as he opened up the menu that was handed to him by the host. “Hmm … this all looks so good. I’m not sure what I’m going to choose. Lainey, what are you going to order?” Stan asked and he noticed her a little distracted. “Lainey?” “Oh I’m sorry, Stan. I guess I’m a little distracted.” “Yes I can see that. What is so interesting over there?” “Oh nothing, I just thought I knew someone.” Lainey covered as she looked over the menu and tried to enjoy the company she was in. As the evening progressed, Stan and Lainey were enjoying each other’s company, and enjoyed their dinner of Tandoori Chicken and Chicken Tikka. She surprised herself by enjoying her night out with Stan, she certainly didn’t expect to have such a wonderful time. After paying the check, Stan and Lainey started walking out of the restaurant together hand in hand. Lainey completely forgetting why she and Stan were at that restaurant and on the date in the first place. They approached the SUV and she and Stan stood at the passenger side door of the vehicle. “I just have to say that I really enjoyed dinner tonight.” He said as he opened the door for her. “I did too.” She replied as he leaned closer to her to give her a kiss. For a brief moment her soft lips met his and she quickly pulled away and climbed into the passenger side seat. He smiled and closed the door. He climbed in the driver’s side behind the wheel and started up the SUV. He thought it might be nice to end the evening with some dessert at Kelly’s. “Would you like to stop off at Kelly’s for a scoop of ice cream?” Lainey smiled like a school girl, “Sure, I’d like that.” <HR> Michael is a block from home when he hears several car doors slam. He looks up and sees three or four men rush him. One of them pulls his backpack off him and throws it into the street. The men begin circling around Michael. The first man charges after Michael, who moves out of the way and kicks the guy in the stomach. Another tries to grab him, but Michael jumps out of the way and punches him in the face. Michael gloats a little and revels in having the upper hand. That celebration is cut very short after he's punched in the face. Michael falls to his knees, his shirt is pulled up over his head so that he can't see and is then stood up. The leader of the men slaps Michael across the face and is then pushed from one guy to the other. He is pushed to the ground and one of the thugs leans down and hisses, "Tell your father that Miami say's Hello." With that, he kicks Michael in the stomach and the car speeds off, leaving a bruised and shaken up Michael. Michael slowly gets up holding his stomach and cries out in pain. He grabs his bag and begins making his way home again. <HR> Steven and Kelly enjoyed their time together and had a wonderful time on their date. As they walked out of the restaurant together Kelly had to comment about seeing Stan and Lainey. “I hope Stan and Lainey had a nice time on their date. She deserves a nice night out on the town.” “She’s out tonight with Stan? I thought she had to work?” “I guess she got off of work early ….” Kelly replied knowing her mentioning Lainey’s date with Stan just got her in trouble with Steven. <HR> Robin gets out of the shower and puts on one of Patrick's oversized shirts. As she's tying up her hair, Patrick is watching her the entire time. He almost asks her if she's pregnant, but changes his mind yet again. Robin walks over and climbs into bed, turning off the light on her side of the bed. Patrick gets in as well; Robin lays her head upon Patrick's chest. He strokes her hair until she falls asleep, all the while thinking about what his like could be life as a father. <HR> Sonny hangs up his phone when he hears Michael walking in the house. "Where the hell have you been?" Sonny asks sternly. "You should have been home a long time ago. Practice doesn't until 10:30 Michael." Michael doesn't turn around, making sure he doesn't look at Sonny. "All I wanna do is go to bed. I'm sorry for being late. I'll take my punishment later. Please dad, just…I wanna go to sleep." Sonny realizes something is wrong with Michael and asks him to come down and talk to him. Michael comes down the stairs and still avoids looking at Sonny. Sonny asks Michael to take off his hood, so he can look him in the face. Michael refuses and just asks if he can go to bed. Sonny steps towards Michael, who gets out of the chair and heads towards the stairs again. Sonny grabs Michael's arm, who winces in pain. Sonny takes off Michael's hood and is shocked at his son's bloody face! Sonny demands to know what happened, but Michael tries to blame it on a fight at school. Sonny calls Max & Milo into the room. Sonny appeals to his son, telling him he can trust him with anything. With tears in his eyes, Michael reveals he was attacked on his way home. Sonny orders Max to take Michael to the hospital, but Michael protests. He asks if he can just take a shower and go to bed. Sonny reluctantly agrees, and tells Michael he doesn't have to go to school on Monday. When Michael is far out of ear shot, Sonny tells Max and Milo that in this business, children are supposed to be off limits. Lorenzo made the wrong move by going after Michael….and he's going to pay. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Sonny and his men teach Lorenzo a lesson - Carly & Nikolas finds out about Michael's attack - Alexis forbids Kristina to visit Sonny
Good episode Matt. A little bit on the long side though isn't it? Lol. Keep up the good work.
I can't believe you've got a [!@#$%^&*] Leprechaun! I love you man!
Good episode Candice. I'm re-reading up on my Loving/The City history so I can follow along and know who these people are. Can't wait for the next episode!
You know........I love the writing that you guys do. I'm enjoying this story w/ the Cassadines and I can't wait until sweeps!
That was a very good episode. I loved the editing from scene to scene. Joelle needs to die like NOW! Crazy bitch. I hope Sami beats her down...if she ever gets out. Billie needs to grow a backbone and beat Elizabeth's ass. I'd pay to see that. As usual, Orpheus does something unpredictable. That's the best story you guys have going right now. Keep up the good work. I really LOVE the Victor/Phillip storyline. Phillip thought he learned enough to try and pull one over on Victor. When will he learn that the pupil NEVER surpasses the teacher. Victor is a student of the game. Phillip's ass is grass, and Victor's gonna smoke it.
Great episode guys. I loved Lucas kicking that skank out. I really hope Abby will be ok. Jack is gonna go crazy worrying about her, but I'm sure Abby will be safe. Orpheus is gonna get his. [!@#$%^&*] ass.....I hope Roman rips him limb from limb.
Endgame- Episode 87 Saturday, October 06, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith Jennifer Snyder <HR> Jason stares at Brenda, appearing to be happy to see her. "What are you standing over there for? Come give me a hug!" Jason says opening his arms. Brenda slowly walks over and hugs Jason, he tucks her head under his chin and he squeezes tightly. Brenda rests comfortably in Jason's arms, though feeling a bit of awkwardness at the familiarity of it. After they let go of the embrace, Jason admires Brenda and comments on how great she looks. Brenda smiles and says Jason isn't looking too bad himself. Jason tells Brenda how Alan's doing; Brenda says she'll pray he gets better. An awkward silence then ensues, neither one wanting to bring up the person neither are too keen on seeing right now. Brenda asks Jason if he'll do her a favor. "Sure, anything for my favorite ex-wife," Jason remarks laughing. Brenda smiles and tosses her hair back. "Of course I'm your favorite, it's not like you had any other wives…..legally anyway," she shoots back. She gets right to the point and asks him to not tell Sonny that she's back. She explains that she wants to focus on rebuilding her life back in PC, and doesn't want Sonny interfering with that. Jason sympathizes with Brenda and agrees to keep this to himself. Jason tells her that things aren't too good between he and Sonny. Tired of his selfishness and arrogance, Jason finally told him off. Brenda lauds Jason for standing up to Sonny and promises to meet up with him again later. Shortly after leaving Jason, Brenda gets a call from Robin, telling her Dr. Kelly Lee had to reschedule Robin's appointment. <HR> "Here's everything," Mac says throwing a file onto Anna's desk. "We're just about ready to close the file on the death of Brandon Wexler. I've heard that our suspect will be in custody within the next 72 hours." Mac shuts the door to Anna's office and sits in the chair in front of it. "Thank you," Anna says sharply. "You can close the door on your way out." "What's your problem?" asks Mac angrily."You have no reason to have a chip on your shoulder. You've got the good job. You get all the credit. You weren't the one ridiculed in front of others within the department. You weren't demoted so an outsider can come in and "fix" things." Mac pounds his fist on the desk. "Damn it Anna what else do you want? We're supposed to be family." Anna looks up from her paperwork and leans back in her chair. "Whatever animosity you hold towards me for replacing you is your own personal issue. I didn't politic my way into this position. I was the best choice for the job." Anna gets up and pours herself a glass of water. "You act as if I did this on purpose. You're a great cop Mac." "Then why don't you give me back my old position," Mac asks, trying to appeal to Anna's respect for their friendship. "You know I can do the job." Anna puts her hand on Mac's shoulder and gently turns him down. She explains that she would definitely make him her equal if she could, but it's not her decision. She reports to the mayor and no matter how they got into this situation, she is the Commissioner and Chief right now. Mac, who's more hurt than he is upset, lashes out at Anna, accusing her of using this to further her own political agenda. He storms out of her office slamming the door. <HR> Lulu walks into the sitting room in Wyndemere. She begins shouting for Lucky, and is asked by Alfred to keep her volume down, due to Spencer sleeping. Lucky comes from upstairs and thanks Lulu for coming over. Lucky explains that now that Carly & Nikolas know what they're having, he thinks they should throw a party for him at the MetroCourt. Lulu agrees that it would be a great idea and asks if she can coordinate the party with some of the staff at Deception. Lucky thanks Lulu for all her help and asks if she wants to hang out with him and Sam today. Lulu tells Lucky that it's gonna take some time for her to get used to Sam. She says that she's uncomfortable knowing that he and Liz broke up because of her infatuation with Jason, and now he's dating Jason's ex-girlfriend and fiancée. She says that no offense, but to her, it appears that Lucky is obsessed with Jason. Lucky says there's no hard feelings. <HR> Meanwhile, Patrick is tearing apart his apartment looking for his favorite shirt. He figures Robin may have washed it with her clothes last week on laundry day, and decides to look through her dresser to see if it's there. He carefully opens drawer after drawer, making sure he puts all of her belongings back the way they were. He doesn't want Robin to think that he just goes through her stuff while she's not home….but this time it calls for it. As he opens the last drawer, he finds his favorite shirt folded next to one of Robin's blouses. He smiles and takes it out of the drawer. He goes to close the drawer back but something catches his attention. He moves the pair of jeans covering part of the object he's focused on. Much to his surprise, Patrick finds an opened E.P.T. Pregnancy test box! "There's no way….." he says to himself stunned. "Robin's not…pregnant is she?" Patrick's mind begins to race a mile a minute. He takes out his phone and places a phone call. As usual, Noah's not around when Patrick needs him. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - AJ shows compassion for his mother - Michael is attacked on his way home from football practice - Lainey goes on her date with Stan; Kelly's on her date with Steven - Robin avoids telling Patrick about her possible pregnancy Two episodes will be posted tomorrow
Endgame- Episode 86 Sunday, September 30, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler Jennifer Snyder <HR> Port Charles begins in the sunroom of General Hospital. Brenda walks up behind Ned and places her hands over his eyes, "Hey stranger. One of the nurses told me I could find you here." She whispers. Ned whips around and grabs Brenda in a bear hug. "Oh Brenda, you are a sight for sore eyes. I am so glad you are here." Brenda flicks her hair over her shoulder and smiles serenely. "I could say the same for you, but you look like you haven't slept in a week." Brenda tilts her head and says quietly, "How is Alan?" Ned sighs and replies that Alan is not doing well. Brenda asks how the family is doing and Ned tells her that they are doing as well as expected, considering the circumstances. He briefly tells her about Monica and Kevin, and how Tracy was arrested. He is worried about Edward and his heart. Brenda grasps his hand and squeezes it. She asks him if it would be ok if she visited Edward since the Quartermaines were like family to her. Ned agrees that it would be nice and tells her to stop over at the house that night. <HR> Lucas walks up to the counter at the coffeehouse in the Student Union and orders a coffee. He had about fifteen minutes before his first class. He's not paying attention to the people around him and doesn't notice the person next to him. Lucas grabs his coffee and bumps into a strong, hard chest. "Oh, I am so sorry." Lucas exclaims as his coffee spills. "I didn't get you did I?" Dante looks down and smiles broadly, "Naww, I'm good. How's it going?" Lucas starts to walk away, Dante falling into step next to him. "Good. Just going to class. How about you?" "I'm good." Dante pauses and waves to a couple of his frat brothers. "What class are you going to?" Dante says as he sips his coffee. "I have Ethics and then American Lit. This semester I am concentrating on getting my required classes completed. I want to take it easy, you know?" Lucas confides. <HR> Maxie sits down on one of the couches in the Student Union and pulls out a notebook. She glances up and sees Lucas getting coffee and she sighs. She is still filled with guilt from the night of the Frat Party. She knows that she will have that with her for the rest of her life. She's glad that Lucas doesn't notice her when he walks by with Dante Brennan, the student body president. She catches sight of Dillon, who's looking distracted as he rushes past. "Dillon!" Dillon stops and sighs, but she plows ahead and asks him how Alan is. Dillon tells her than Alan is the same. He came to school to talk to his professors and now he is going back to the hospital. He doesn't have a lot of time and tells her that he really doesn't want to talk, especially to her. She asks him for just a minute, that she really needs to talk to him about something. He tells her fine, but when she hesitates and doesn't speak, he tells her goodbye and starts to walk away. <HR> Dante smiles charismatically as his eyes boldly check out Lucas. "Guess you and I have some classes together. " Dante walks into the classroom, indicating that Lucas sit next to him. Lucas sits down next to the attractive Dante. He is surprised by the tingle he feels growing inside him. He turns to him and easily falls into conversation. When the professor walks in and starts class, Lucas finds himself disappointed. <HR> Back at the student union, Maxie grabs Dillon's arm. "Wait Dillon. You and I haven't talked in a while and I, well, I sort of miss it. I was wondering if we could meet at Kelly's and just, talk." Maxie says, biting her lip. Dillon throws his hands up in the air and tells her that her timing is horrible. "Maxie, after everything you have done to me in the past year, why would I want to talk to you anyway? Just, leave me alone." Dillon again starts to walk away. "Dillon, I know I shouldn't say this but I can't help it. You're my sister's ex-boyfriend but….I can't stop thinking about you. I want to spend some time with you." Maxie says in a rush. Incredulously, Dillon turns back towards Maxie, "Ok, now I know I am dreaming. You honestly expect me to believe that you can't stop thinking about me? Somehow Maxie, I don't believe you." "Well it's true Dillon. I can't help it Dillon. I think…I think I'm kinda liking you." Maxie confided. Maxie places her hand on his arm. Dillon pulls his hand away sharply, looking at her dumfounded. He tries to figure out if she's been smoking something, but realizes she probably has. Without a word, he walks away in disgust, leaving a crestfallen Maxie to stare after him. <HR> Ned and Brenda start to walk towards the ICU when he asks her what she is doing in Port Charles. She tells him about her job at Titan and that she is here to stay. She has already seen Robin and Jax, but she has yet to really settle in. She can't wait to sink her teeth into this job and do well. Ned stops before the doors of the ICU. "So Brenda, you know I have to ask. Have you seen Sonny yet?" Brenda plays with her necklace and firmly says, "No. And I don't want to either. In a perfect world, I would wish that he never finds out I am home." The ICU doors open and Jason walks out. Brenda locks eyes with Jason and Ned chuckles, "Somehow Brenda, I don't see that happening." Bending down to kiss her cheek, "It's good to have you home Bren." Ned walks out the door, leaving Brenda and Jason to catch up. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Brenda asks Jason to keep her presence to himself - Patrick finds a pregnancy test at the apartment - Lulu and Lucky want to throw a party for Carly & Nikolas - Mac doesn't react too well after Anna refuses to promote him
Endgame- Episode 85 Saturday, September 29, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Jennifer Snyder Tishy Smith Lainey in a strange way was looking forward to her date tonight with Stan. She finished her rounds and was ready to head home so she could get ready. She signed out and was heading to the elevator as she came upon Kelly, who was also ready to leave the hospital. “So, are you going out tonight?” Kelly asked her friend. “As a matter of fact, I am. Stan and I are going out tonight.” “Stan …?” Kelly surprised to hear that name cross Lainey’s lips. “Yeah Stan … what’s wrong with Stan. He’s a nice guy, good looking ….” “Oh there’s nothing wrong with Stan. I just thought him not your type.” “And how do you know what my type is, Kelly?” “Well, he does work for Sonny Corinthos, I mean, he’s a little dangerous for you, isn’t he?” Lainey just rolled her eyes at Kelly as the two of them boarded the open elevator together. The two talked more about Stan as they rode the elevator down to the parking garage. “So if you’re going out with Stan, then am I to assume you’ve given up on Steven?” Kelly asked hoping Lainey would say that she had. “Steven is a nice guy and I like him, but I don’t get involved with co-workers, you know that.” “So you’re okay with us going out tonight?” “Sure.” Lainey lied. “Good. I just wanted to be sure.” Kelly smiled. Lainey returned a smile but underneath she knew that in the long run Kelly would end up hurting Steven. He’d be better off with her but it was a too late to go back on her word. “I hope the two of you have a good time tonight, Kelly.” “Thanks. I hope you and Stan have a good time too.” <HR> At the Quartermaine Mansion, Luke brings Tracy a cup of tea and kisses her forehead. Tracy tells Luke trying to be sweet doesn't make up for him disappearing for a few weeks. Luke covers, making sure to keep Tracy in the dark regarding why he left (to keep checking in on Bobbie on Sonny's island). Luke says he just needs to get away sometimes, but he's here now and that's all that matters. Tracy bellows for Alice to bring her different kind of tea, saying she requested chamomile, not breakfast tea. Alice takes a sip and tells her it is chamomile. Luke apologizes on Tracy's behalf and asks Alice to give them some privacy. Tracy snaps at Luke not to apologize for her. She can speak for herself. Luke gives a look of concern to Tracy, who turns away, trying to mask her pain and fear of possibly losing Alan. Tracy admits that Alan's heart attack threw her off her game and though she doesn't want to admit it, she doesn't think she can focus on business when her brother is laying in a hospital bed. Luke promises to support Tracy in whatever she decides to do, saying his only concern is her. Tracy thinks if she abandons ELQ, Edward will see it as a weakness. Edward, who's been eavesdropping, interrupts and disagrees with Tracy. Family comes first. He says he has seen Tracy's leadership at ELQ since she maneuvered control earlier this year and thinks the company is better because of it. Edward tells her daughter he loves her, and that Lila would be proud of her putting her family above business. Tracy hugs her father, kisses Luke and says that at the next ELQ board meeting, she'll be taking an indefinite leave from the company. AJ secretly listens as this is going on, smiling before walking away. <HR> At the islands, Bobbie is on the phone with her guard, who asks that he arrange a flight for her to return to Port Charles. The guard, under strict orders from Sonny & Luke to watch over Bobbie in case the police show up, refuses to comply. Bobbie looks carefully at the guard, sure that she's seen him before. Suddenly it hits her that this guard has watched over Carly before, so Bobbie pulls out her trump card….Carly. She threatens to tell Sonny that he hit on Carly when they were married, professing his feelings for Carly, who promised not to tell Sonny. The guard doesn't think Sonny would believe that, but Bobbie convinces him otherwise. The guard, afraid of what might happen, caves and tells Bobbie he'll have the pilot prepare a flight back to Port Charles. Bobbie thanks the guard, but reminds him this is to stay between them. After the guard leaves, Bobbie begins packing her things. She's hid from her problems for too long. It's time to own to what she's done. <HR> Lucy storms into David's office at General Hospital and flops on the sofa in the room. She sighs loudly before tapping on the desk to get his attention. David stops writing his report, lies back in the chair and smiles. Lucy begins venting about her encounter with Kevin, talking a lot and not letting David get any words in. David finally interrupts and tells her to take a deep breath. Lucy apologizes for ranting to David about Kevin, but he tells her not to worry. He tells Lucy that he's enjoyed getting to know her these past few months, even though it wasn't under the best of circumstances (David found out about Monica & Kevin's affair, then blackmailed Monica into resigning so he can become the Chief Cardiologist). Inside, Lucy's conflicted about her feelings for David. She's done her research on the guy. She knows the kind of person he is, but his good qualities outweigh his faults. Plus he helped her track down Serena when he didn't have to. Lucy decides to take her mind off Kevin by asking David to lunch. David clears his schedule for the day and decides to spend time with her. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Lucas finds himself attracted to Dante - Maxie throws Dillon for a loop when she tells him she likes him - Brenda visits an old friend…and runs into one she didn't expect to see
Hello Baffleball, I'm glad you joined SON. You'll really like it here. We're a family (albeit dysfunctional times) but we're all really nice people. I look forward to reading your entries and get to know more of what you like...and don't like on soaps.
Congratulations Jay. I think you and daysfan will make a great team, and I look forward to seeing what you can do to enhance this already great blog.
Alice Keep the episodes coming daysfan
Carly & Nikolas Learn The Sex of Their Baby! - PCE: Episode 84
Ryan posted a blog entry in Port Charles
Endgame- Episode 84 Friday, September 21, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Kevin lets out a deep breath while walking over to his desk. He reaches inside and finds a picture of him and Lucy from a few years ago. After being overcome with memories, he flings the picture towards door, barely missing Lucy, who entered the house uninvited. "I see I came at a bad time," said Lucy with a look of sadness. "I'll come back later." "Wait," said Kevin. "Please stay. I could use a friend right now." For a moment, Lucy sees a flicker of the man she once loved with all her heart. Then, as if she had awakened from deep thought, she remembers the man she fell in love with stop existing years ago. "I don't think you're going to like what I have to say Doc. She carefully makes her way down the stairs walking into the area where Kevin is. <HR> Alexis knocks on the door of Mayor Floyd's office, prepared for her meeting with him today. It's been about a month since she was suspended, and she's ready to return to work. The mayor lets her in and asks her to take a seat. The last time they met, Alexis was on the receiving end of a tirade from the highly stressed mayor. "Mayor Floyd it's good to see you again." Alexis extends her hand. The mayor never looks up from his desk, instead choosing to take a lackadaisical approach. "I take it you used your time off wisely." "Yes sir, I did." "I wasn't asking," the mayor says. "It's called making a statement. I don't have much time to speak with you. I am lifting your suspension. You can return to work tomorrow. You'll be paired up with new ADA Darin Palmer. Now leave." Floyd raises his arm and points towards the door. <HR> Michael Park first airs as ADA Darin Palmer District Attorney Ric Lansing greets his secretaries while on his way into the office. One of the girls try to give Ric a message, but he's too happy this morning. Alexis is finally returning to work, the his kids are doing great and all he wants to do is enjoy life. Ric opens up the door to his office to find the mayor's newest hire, ADA Darin Palmer laying back in his chair smoking a cigar with his feet propped on the desk. "Well, well, well," says the man getting up from the chair. "If it isn't Slicky Ricky himself. Still getting by on other people's hard work I see." Referring to the tons of case notes Ric's assistants have left for him. Ric takes a deep breath, closes his door and tells Palmer to get out. He may be forced to work with him, but he doesn't have to be in the same room. Palmer gets up from Ric's chair and walks in front of his desk. "I just figured I'd put you on notice Ric. Your time here is running out. Mayor Floyd recruited me to do the job that you can't do. How great is it to come into a new job and be the lead prosecutor, jumping over people who've been DA for years?" Ric leans back in his chair tapping his pencil on the table. Ric tells Palmer to enjoy his time as the mayor's puppet. As soon he can't deliver what he's expected to, he'll be out of here. Palmer laughs and says that he's always delivered, usually when Ric can't, all he has to do is look what happened in law school to get his result (Darin Palmer stole Ric's girlfriend). <HR> At General Hospital, Carly is laying on the table in a hospital gown waiting to see Dr. Kelly. The happy couple have spent the last few weeks debating whether or not to learn the sex of their child. The two decided that it couldn't hurt to find out the truth. So here they are, anxiously waiting to learn the truth. Nikolas notices how nervous Carly is and gives her a loving hug. Carly wishes her mom could be here with her, but since Bobbie is out of town, she jokingly admits she'll just have to settle for Nikolas. Nikolas takes her hand and kisses it. He promises everything will be ok and as soon as they learn what their having, they can go out and buy everything at the Million Dollar Pier shopping center. <HR> Back at Kevin's, Kevin tells Lucy he isn't in the mood to hear any unsolicited advice. He tells her that unless she's there to be a friend she can get the hell out. "I am being a friend Kevin," Lucy says emphatically. "Like it or not, I still care about you. I always have. I never stopped. I'm saying this to you as someone who was once the love of your life…Walk away. Walk away before you get hurt." Kevin rolls his eyes and flops down in his chair. "You mean the way you walked away from me and right into Ian Thornheart's arms! Save your 'compassion' Lucy, it's beneath you." A stunned Lucy reels from the venom laced statement made by Kevin. "I thought we were over this. You make it seem like I ran off with Ian on my own choosing. You pushed me away Kevin. You turned into someone I didn't even know. So yes, I went with Ian and I had a happy life but you know what, I missed you. And I wanted to start over with you, but you were too busy trying to break up Alan & Monica." Lucy gets close to Kevin and touches his face. "I'm saying this because I don't want you to get hurt. Monica will not choose you Kevin, she's going to choose her husband. Monica and Alan are destined to be together, it's written in the stars." "Did the universe tell you that," asks Kevin sarcastically. "Yes, yes it did. And it also told me that if you continue on with this path, you're going to end up alone…again." Lucy shakes her head and walks toward the door. "You wanna know something Lucy," asks Kevin getting up. "I wish he would have died alone! At least then Monica could grieve and then move on with her life, instead of being torn in the middle of two men that she loves dearly." Lucy looks upon Kevin with disgust, flashing back to memories of Kevin after his personality change in 2003. "Now there's the Kevin I remember. The one who was so filled with hatred and anger. The Kevin who ruined every shred of love that we shared." Lucy grabs the door handle. "Keep it up, and you won't have to worry about walking away from Monica, she'll walk away from you, just as I did." <HR> Back at the hospital, Dr. Kelly Lee runs a sonogram on Carly. Kelly points out what's on the screen to an amazed Nikolas. Carly watches in awe as Nikolas sucks up everything she's talking about. She remembers Nikolas missed out on all of this because Courtney left town while she was pregnant. Kelly puts a little more gel on Carly's stomach to run one final test. She looks at the screen and notices something quite interesting. "Are you both ready to learn what you're having?" "Of course," Nikolas says. "Don't keep us in suspense." Carly reaches out her hand for Nikolas to hold. "Come on Kelly, tell us." "You'll both be happy to know that your boy is developing quite well." Carly with tears in her eyes. Nikolas cries tears of joy as it sinks in that he's having another son. He hugs her and kisses her forehead. Kelly smiles as the two hug. "And you'll also be happy to know that your daughter is doing just as good." "What" says Carly in shock. "Our daughter?" Nikolas mouth forms the shape of what he's trying to say, but no words come out. Finally, he forces sound out. "We're…we're having twins?" Dr. Kelly confirms and gives them a picture of the sonogram. She points out where the boy is, and where the girl is. The floodgates open for Carly as she's unable to hold back her emotion. The proud parents to be wipe each other's tears and kiss passionately, eagerly anticipating their future. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Kelly and Lainey talk about their upcoming dates - After a conversation with Luke, Tracy takes a leave of absence from ELQ - Bobbie books a flight back to Port Charles - David comforts Lucy after her visit with Kevin -
Fall Previews Part I Alan/Monica/Kevin Alan continues to fight for his life as Monica is faced with a difficult choice. Who is the man she really loves? She has loved Alan for so long, yet Kevin has brought a much needed passion into her life. A series of crisis will force Monica to re-evaluate the decision she came to. Should she prepare to let go and move on with her life…with Kevin? Or should she be the dutiful wife and will her husband to live? Will Kevin wait for Monica? Or will he make a decision for her? The Quartermaines "The upcoming story with the Quartermaines is going to bring the dysfunction back to the center of the show," Co-head writer Ryan Chandler says. "We're going to see a side of Emily we haven't seen before, and it makes for some interesting conflict within the family." Emily declares war on Monica and she aims to undue any trace of Monica’s influence on her life. After shunning her medical roots, Emily declares she’s going to work for Tracy and Edward at ELQ. This creates a problem for AJ, who has used Edward & Tracy’s lack of focus on ELQ to make a power play in gaining control of the company. Edward makes a shocking decision that will change the future of ELQ forever! Robin's pregnancy Robin has to deal with the fact that she’s an HIV positive expectant mother. How will Patrick react to her news? Will he support Robin or will he walk? We plan on fully exploring the ups and downs of her pregnancy and how it will affect her relationship with Patrick and those around her. Thankfully, Robin will have her best friend Brenda Barrett back in town to help her out. This story has been in the works for well over a year and will dominate most of the fall air time. Expect a big write up regarding this story, as we get further into it. Co-head writer Tishy Smith helped craft the direction of this story. "Ryan and I were discussing scenarios for this pregnancy story when I had an idea. It is a complication that I don't think has ever been done on daytime. This is going to be a really neat thing to do, that's not only entertaining for the readers, but also informative." Nikolas/Carly/Jason Carly's pregnancy will proceed, but with Carly being Carly, there is bound to be trouble. When Carly faces a crisis, who will she turn to? Nikolas, the father of her child, or Jason, her best friend? Nikolas & Carly’s relationship will be tested to the limits as will Carly and Jason's relationship. Also….. Sam/Lucky/Jason & Elizabeth/Blake Lucky finds himself more and more attracted to Sam every day, but clearly she is hiding a secret…a very deadly secret. They managed to bond over their experience with Helena and just needing each other. How much of their bond is real and how much is facilitated through Helena’s control of Sam? Elizabeth and Lucky's divorce becomes final this October. Elizabeth finds out Sam's secret but will anyone believe her? Jason continues to fight for Sam, but will he regret his actions? Elizabeth looks forward to starting a new chapter in her life. Blake is determined to make sure it’s an interesting one. Could Elizabeth find love with her newest friend? And is Blake everything he says he is? Lucas/Dante Bobbie comes home to face the music. Lucas does not react well when he finds out that Bobbie killed Brandon. Expect Bobbie to be off the canvas for a few months. Throughout the fall, Lucas and Dante will end up together at the most opportune times. Lucas will befriend Dante and the two will become close…but as friends or more? As the leader of a major fraternity, star football player and student union president, Dante has a lot on his shoulders personally and academically. Dante’s sexuality will be called into question, forcing him to make a decision in regards to Lucas. When Lucas is the target of an Anti-Gay Hate Group on campus, will Dante stand idly by or do something to put a stop to it? The Mob Conflict The mob war to end all mob wars will slowly come to a head. Sonny and Lorenzo have danced around each other for months, neither making a bold enough move to launch a full scale war, but something will happen to a mutual party that sets both men off. Could there be a threat neither organization knows about? Commissioner Anna Devane will have her hands full, especially when all hell breaks loose. "This mob story will be an exciting story with lethal consequences," says executive producer Jennifer Snyder. "This is a story I'm having a hand in writing, and we're going to bring back a few characters from the past who have been known to have mob ties. The war is far from over and as in any war, it will end tragically for someone." <HR> Our plans to rotate stories in and out officially begins this fall. There are more previews to come, so don't think just because one story we've been doing wasn't mentioned means that we dropped it. We plan to phase in other stories at a gradual pace. Though we're not ready to reveal all of our plans for this fall and winter, we can assure you that part II of our previews will be posted in a few weeks. Part II will feature: Lorenzo/Anna/Jax/Skye Alexis/Ric/Darin The Teens David/Lucy More of the mob story
I totally missed Roman pretending to be Victor, lol. Great episode nonetheless guys! It takes some balls to blow up the DiMera Mansion!
Endgame- Episode 83 Monday, September 17, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Bobbie is sitting on the lanai in the early morning, sipping some coffee and watches the sun rise. Sleep escapes her most nights, she’s lucky if she sleeps more than a few hours. She wonders how Noah is, how Carly and her pregnancy are coming. Most of all, she thinks about Lucas and the pain she has caused him. Tears form in her eyes as she thinks of her boy. She closes her eyes and sees Lucas’ life pass before her eyes. She wonders if her children miss her as much as she misses them. In Port Charles, Noah pours himself a glass of orange juice and reminds himself to call Lucas. He has been trying to keep an eye on him. Since he is working the early shift, he decides to ask him out to dinner, make sure he’s doing ok. Noah knows Bobbie, wherever she may be, would like that. Noah downs his orange juice and scans the room. It’s so empty without Bobbie there. He hasn’t been able to find her and Luke seemed to have taken off as well. Not even Carly knows where her mother is. <HR> Kevin sitting in the living room of his house, staring at a picture on the wall. Monica comes down with some of her belongings, ignoring Kevin. Kevin turns to an angry Monica and asks her is this how things are going to be from now on. “I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want right now Kevin. I need to be by Alan’s side. He needs me, and I can’t allow myself to get sidetracked.” “Why Monica? Because getting sidetracked would mean you would have to address our relationship…or do we even have one anymore?” <HR> A sharp buzzing sound awakens Tracy from her slumber. As she opens her eyes, the presence of the 6 foot 5 muscular officer startles her. “Mrs. Quartermaine” the officer begins, “you’re free to go.” Tracy stands up, tosses her hair back and buttons her jacket. “It’s about damn time. And don’t you think I’m going to forget the way I was treated in here.” “No offense, but with the way you were acting last night, you couldn’t pay us to bring to back here,” the guard sneers to Tracy. ”I’ll have you know I was a model prisoner…even though I was wrongfully arrested. That damn Monica. I should-“ “Hold on there spankybuns!” shouts Luke, running to Tracy’s side. “We can’t have you incriminating yourself in the presence of our wonderful, hardworking police offers.” “Shut it Spencer” Mac says coming from his office. “You just get her outta here.” Luke pulls in Tracy close and tells her not to say anything else until they get home. Luke thinks he’s home free until Mac calls him back to the desk. Mac says to Luke he knows he had something to do with Bobbie disappearing. He suggests to Luke that he bring Bobbie back home so she can be questioned regarding her involvement in Brandon’s death. Mac gives Luke one week to bring Bobbie back, or he’s going to publicly issue an APB out and name her as an official suspect in the hit and run death of Brandon Wexler. Mac’s warning seems to shake Luke a little, who tells Mac to just back off. Luke exits the police station and heads back to the Mansion with Tracy, making sure she doesn't do anything that could land her back in jail. However...Luke can't shake the feeling that Bobbie's gonna get herself into trouble. <HR> Bobbie rises out of her chair and goes into the living room. She flips on the TV to the Port Charles station to watch the morning news. The lead story was bout Alan’s heart attack. She listens in horror as the newscaster told what little information that they had about Alan’s condition and also about Tracy’s arrest for assault. When the newscast ended, she turned the TV off and sat in silence. After several minutes, she picked up the phone. In Port Charles.... Glancing at his watch, Noah realizes that he has to get to the hospital or he will be late for his surgery. He picks up his keys and locks the door behind him. He never hears the phone ring or Bobbie’s voice on the answering machine calling his name. <HR> Back at Kevin’s, he and Monica argue regarding her devotion to Alan. “I told you that I am not ready to deal with this right now. I owe Alan this. He stood by me through the death of my daughter, through my breast cancer, through everything. It’s not a matter of me wanting to do this Kevin, it’s because I have to.” Monica puts down her purse and begins walking towards the closet. Through more of their argument, it seems that Kevin is upset because Monica told him last night she's going to be staying at the hospital indefinitely. Kevin wants Monica to choose between him and Alan right here and now. “I chose you didn’t I? That’s why we’re in this mess in the first place, because I chose you. After months of cheating on my husband I told him our marriage was over. That I didn’t love him anymore…even when I knew it wasn’t…” Monica lets her voice trail off. “Even when what Monica? When you know it wasn’t true?!” Kevin yells. “I love you! I want to spend the rest of my life with you, why is that so hard for you to grasp.” Monica’s anger is too much for her to hold in. She lets out a yell filled with pain and anger. “It’s so hard for me to grasp because I don’t love you!” she puts her hand up to her mouth, realizing what she just said. “I didn’t mean that." Monica pushes her hair back with both her hands. "I do love you…I enjoy spending time with you Kevin, but I’m not ready to go from one marriage right into another. You and I have fun. I can relax with you. I thought you understood me better than Alan did, but I’m beginning to see that I was mistaken.” Monica steps closer to Kevin, who turns away from her. She tenderly touches his face, telling him that she does care about him, but she’s a wreck right now. And it’s hard to expect anything of her, that he wouldn’t expect of himself if this were Lucy lying in that hospital bed. Kevin kisses Monica and pulls away, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry. I am afraid that I’m going to lose you. Our relationship wasn’t started with pure intentions. It was a dirty secret that blossomed into so much more and I don’t want to lose that. To lose my connection with you.” Kevin grabs Monica’s hand. “I know that your connection to Alan is deeper than anything either of us as has ever experienced, and I’m sorry for trying to make you choose. You have family obligations and I won’t come between them.” A teary eyed Monica thanks Kevin for understanding and apologizes for her outburst. She kisses him on the cheek and grabs her bag, exiting the house to make her way to the hospital. Kevin lets out a deep breath while walking over to his desk. He reaches inside and finds a picture of him and Lucy from a few years ago. After being overcome with memories, he flings the picture towards door, barely missing Lucy, who entered the house uninvited. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Lucy asks Kevin to walk away from Monica - Nikolas & Carly learn the sex of their child - Alexis returns from her suspension - Ric comes face to face with his old rival Darin Palmer
Executive Producer Breaks Silence; Backstage Shake-Up
Ryan commented on Josh's blog entry in The Guiding Light
Yo Joshy, test test -
Keep up the good work Redd. The casting of Marj Dusay was a great move and I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Sam's Mission Revealed; Jason Snubs Sonny - PCE: Episode 82
Ryan posted a blog entry in Port Charles
Endgame- Episode 82 Sunday, September 16, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Port Charles begins with Sam storming into the den of Wyndemere and grabbing a drink. Why is she feeling this way? Why does she feel like she needs to comfort Jason? WHY!!?? Especially after what happened last summer… Sam takes a deep breath and is hit with another memory. It seems like it just happened yesterday…Sam & Alexis fighting for their lives to escape Helena's compound when Jason, Ric, Liz and Lucky show up to save them. Sam's grip on her glass tightens when she thinks back…back to that night….. Sam throws her glass at the wall, barely missing Helena, who enters from one of the tunnels. "Control your temper" Helena snaps. "I can't have you ruining my plans." <HR> Jason enters the coffeehouse for his meeting with Sonny. The irritation on Jason's face is very obvious. He didn't want to leave the hospital but as usual, Sonny doesn't care about that. "What do you want Sonny? I need to be near the hospital in case something happens." "Look, I'm sorry about Alan, but we need to focus on business. Alcazar's gaining support from his allies in Miami and we can't afford to look weak. I want you to take him out." Jason angrily rolls his eyes, telling Sonny that he has other things he needs to focus on right now. Jason doesn't feel that Alcazar is behind the recent attacks, on the simple reason that Alcazar doesn't act this way. If Alcazar wanted to hurt Sonny, he'd go after him. Not kill Courtney, not beat him and Mike up in the park, scaring his children. Say what you want about Lorenzo, but that's not his style. "What is wrong with you Jason? You question everything I do, you don't do ask your told, you've been off your game for months now. I understand that you've been going through some stuff, first with Sam and now Alan, but I need you 100%. I need you FOCUSED! Our business is being threatened. The people we love have been hurt because of this. I can't afford to have you half ass your job just because you're having some issues." Jason breathes in, then asks Max, Milo and the rest of the guards to leave for a minute. Sonny looks puzzled as the others walk out of the room. When they're gone, Jason walks over to Sonny, grabbing him and pushing him against the wall. "Let me explain something to you. I value our friendship and everything you've done for me, so I'm only going to say this once." Jason leans in close, never raising his voice above a whisper. "Don't you ever, ever speak to me like that in front of the others. Do you hear me? I'm not some punk kid you can bully around Sonny." "You might want to take a step back Jason, and realize what you're doing. We don't need to be fighting with each other! This is what they want!" "Most of our issues are your fault. You expect me to jump and your beck and call, well I'm sorry, that's not gonna happen anymore. I'm so SICK of this bullshit! Do you know how much I've missed because I put your wants and needs over my family? Do you know how much time I've lost with Alan because of this damn business?" Jason's emotions begin to overflow. "My father is lying in a hospital bed right now, but instead of me being there supporting him, I'm here arguing with you. Did you even bother to stop over to the hospital and give your best wishes? Of course not!" Jason grabs his keys and heads to the door. "I'm going back to the hospital. Unlike you Sonny, I actually care about my father." <HR> Brenda steps off the elevator at Patrick & Robin's apartment building, excited to see her friend. It's been a while since they've last seen each other. Brenda knocks on the door three times. "Hold on! I'm coming!" says Robin, putting down her laptop. She's spent the last 2 hours planning her schedule for the next week. Doctor's appointment with her gynecologist on Wednesday…don't forget. She opens the door and screams joyfully at Brenda! The two longtime friends open their arms and scream happily, hugging one another and talking a mile a minute. Robin pulls Brenda over to the sofa and begins chatting her up nonstop. "Wow, you look so different than the last time I saw you" Robin says playfully. "It's like you've turned into a completely different person." Brenda laughs cheerfully. "I guess I have turned into a new person. Even I feel like I'm someone else." Robin stares and Brenda and laughs again. She tells her friend that it's just so good to see her. She's glad she came for a visit, she really needed her now. Brenda implies she's not here just for a visit, but will be here for the indefinite future, careful not to reveal her new job at Titan. Brenda can tell something is bothering Robin and asks her if everything is ok. Robin apologizes for spilling this on her right away, but……..she thinks she's pregnant, and not sure whether she should be happy or not. Brenda hugs Robin and offers to be there in whatever way she needs her to be. <HR> Downstairs in the lobby, Patrick is checking his e-mails on his PDA when he accidentally bumps into Blake Barrington. "Dude, what where you're going" says Blake. "Well maybe if you opened your eyes you would see" Patrick stops short when he sees who it is. "Blake? Is that you?" Blake takes a step back and looks at Patrick. "PattyD! Man it's been forever since I last saw you." Blake extends his hand for a handshake and hug. Patrick follows suit and seems happy to see his old friend. Through their conversation, it's revealed that Patrick & Blake attended college together and were in the same fraternity. <HR> Back at Wyndemere, Helena has just entered the room with Sam. "Get out of here Helena" Sam scoffs. "I don't need this right now." "What you need is to remember why you're here. I didn't spend all of those months crafting the perfect plan only so you could be distracted by some stupid agenda you have against Jason & Elizabeth." Helena walks over to Sam and grabs her to get her attention. "It's always about what you want isn't it? Well what if I don't want to do what you want anymore?" Sam turns and walks away."I'm remembering more and more each day. Each day I hate you more for what you've done to me. I am so sick of playing your games Helena. I will NOT do this anymore. I hate you for taking me away from the life I loved. I hate you for –" Sam is cut off midsentence when Helena takes out a necklace with a crystal on it. "You were sent to do my bidding. Do you remember now Sam?" "Yes" says Sam in a trance. "I'm here to serve only you Helena." "That's a good girl" Helena says smiling. "Take this necklace and wear it as a reminder of why you are here. Remember your mission. Remember your goal." Still in a trance, Sam places the necklace around her neck. She grabs her hair and flips it back. "Yes…my mission." "What is your mission Samantha. Tell me, what is your goal?" An evil smile begins to form on Sam's face. "My mission is to get Lucky to fall in love with me…then kill him." Helena laughs evilly before asking Sam one more question. "And should anyone interfere with your plans?" Sam turns to the camera and crosses her arms. "Kill them." Helena sends Sam out of the room. After she's sure she's gone, Helena puts the accompanying crystal back into her pocket. "Luke took away my Stavros, my Stefan. Now he will feel the pain of losing his son, the same way I did. And should Jason or Elizabeth get in her way….too bad. Hell hath no fury like a woman under my control." Helena exits through the passageway she entered as Port Charles comes to an end. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Bobbie learns of Alan's heart attack - Noah misses Bobbie's call - Tracy is bailed out of jail - Monica doesn't give Kevin the answer he wants -
Endgame- Episode 80 Friday, September 14, 2007 Written by: Jennifer Snyder Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Jason is furious when he learns of Monica’s affair with Kevin Collins, and lays the blame of Alan’s heart attack at her feet. He could have lost his father tonight because of her, and he didn’t want to hear any more of her excuses. There was no excuse for what she has put him through. This wasn’t the first time Monica strayed from her marriage to his father, but enough was enough. Alan has suffered too much because of her lies and her extra-curricular activities with other men. Jason left the waiting area where the family gathered to cool off. He just needed time to process it all. After his argument with AJ over Monica’s affair, he needed to clear his head. At least he knew he had Emily on his side, she was as fed up as he was. As he walked the dreary halls of the hospital, he felt the anger build up inside him as his fist slammed against the wall. Elizabeth witnesses this happen and is tempted to go over to talk to Jason, but resists the urge. "He's not my concern." It's one thing for her to say it, it's another thing for her to believe it. She and Jason have been so close to one another, but it's time she focus on someone other than him or Lucky. Unbeknownst to Liz, Sam opens the door coming from the stairwell and sees how much Jason is hurting as well. Not sure how to feel, she just stands there, watching as his feelings build up and build up. “What did that wall ever do to you?” Carly said as she came up behind him not knowing why Jason was acting the way he was. “Not now Carly…” Jason snapped back. “Okay, I know something's wrong. I know about Alan. Talk to me Jason.” Jason stopped and turned around to face his best friend. “My father is lying in a hospital bed, suffering from a heart attack, and Monica is to blame!” “Is he going to be all right?” she asked genuinely concerned for Alan. “The doctors don’t know …. I could of lost him Carly … “Jason replied and Carly opened her arms up to him. “Alan’s strong, I’m sure he’ll be all right, Jason.” She trying to reassure him. “I am just so angry right now with Monica for putting him through all of this. This is all her fault! Her and her bed hopping has put my father through hell and back and does she care? Obviously not because she’s been doing this to him for years!” “Wait? Monica was having an affair? With who?" “Apparently it’s been going on for a while now. Her and Kevin Collins, can you believe that? Kevin Collins?!” Jason felt the anger inside him as his fists clenched wanting to let it all out on something or someone. “Oh my God! What does Monica have to say about all this?” “Excuse after excuse from her. It’s the same old story every time, and who cares if she hurts Alan or the family! She made it seem like things were getting better between her and my dad. She even came to me and asked if I thought marital counseling could help. But it was a lie! She lied to me and the family!” “The family knows? How are they taking it?” Carly asked as she saw the scrapes and bruises on his fists. “Well, let's just say we're not united against what she's done. AJ & Skye want to forgive her for her indiscretions, Tracy's feelings are quite obvious, she got arrested for assaulting Monica. Me? Well I don't have much to say. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. “And Emily what does she say about it?” Carly knowing that Emily was the one member of the family who was closest to Jason. Elizabeth makes busy work for herself so she can overhear their conversation. She can't help but feel irritated that Carly is the one comforting Jason. Little does she know…she actually has something in common with Sam at this time. <HR> Lainey couldn’t believe her ears when Kelly accepted Steven’s dinner invitation for Friday night. Kelly knew she was interested in Steven, how could she step into her territory like that. As Lainey came upon the nurse’s station she saw Stan talking with his mother, Epiphany and an idea came to her. She hurried up to Stan with a question on her mind. “Hi Epiphany, how are you? May I steal him away for one minute?” she asked seemingly anxious. “Well … I suppose so.” Epiphany eyed Stan as Lainey lured him away from his mother. “What’s going on Lainey?” Stan asked as he took his arm back from her hand. “I need you.” Stan checked her out up and down, and Lainey playfully slapped his chest. “Not like that. I need you to out with me on Friday night.” “Friday night, huh? Hmmm… let me check my calendar.” Stan stood and thought for a second. “Sure where are we going?” “Pick me up around 7?” she asked as he still was wondering where they were going. “Sure … but….” “Great!” She gave him a peck on the cheek and before he could say another word, she was gone. He walked back over to the nurse’s station to continue his conversation with his mother. “What was that all about?” Epiphany asked. “I don’t really know, but I have a date on Friday night.” Stan replied as a huge grin came upon his mother’s face. “Now don’t go planning our wedding or anything, it’s just a date.” Stan continued. “I know, it’s nice to see you finally coming to your senses. Lainey’s a nice girl and she’s a doctor.” Epiphany grinned from ear to ear. “I hope the two of you have a nice time.” She added then moved to the other side of the station to continue her work. Stan followed her to continue the conversation they were having before Lainey interrupted. <HR> Over at Titan, Jax is more than surprised to see his former flame, Brenda Barrett standing before him. "You look shocked Jax. Aren't you glad to see me?" "Of course! Of course I am." Jax walks over to give Brenda a hug. "You look great my dear." "Thanks, so do you." Brenda smiles at Jax and tosses her hair back. It's been a few years since they last saw one another, but Jax looks the same as he did years ago, only a lot more handsome. "I am looking forward to working with you." Jax smiles and says he's looking forward to working with her as well. The two end up conversing for quite a while, trying to overcome the awkwardness of being around each other. "I wish we could talk forever," Jax says picking up his briefcase. "We have a lot of catching up to do, but I'm actually on my way to a meeting. Do you think we could meet up another time, perhaps over dinner?" "Of course. There's no need to even ask." Jax puts his hand on Brenda's back and leads her towards the door. "Listen, I don't usually do this for new hires, but I think I can make an exception. Take the next 3 weeks off. You're just now getting back into town, and you need some time to get settled in." "Thank you Jax," Brenda says smiling. "I think that'll do me some good." <HR> At General Hospital….Jason & Carly continue their conversation. “Emily is just as upset about this as I am. It’s the rest of the family who have lost their damn minds!” “Okay, let’s just calm down and take a few breaths. You need to focus all this on Alan and him getting well. Deal with Monica and the family later. Alan is more important, he needs you now, Jason.” Jason realizing he didn’t call Carly, what was she doing at the hospital? “Why the visit to the hospital? The baby is okay, right?” “The baby and I are fine. Michael heard of Alan's heart attack on news. I told him I would come down and check on Alan, I figured you would need me.” “And Nikolas?” “Oh don’t worry about him. He has a board meeting in 20 minutes. He knew he couldn't stop me if he wanted to.” She smiled as the two embraced again. “Thank you for being here with me, Carly. You always seem to pop up when I need you the most.” “Well that's because of our connection. I know when you’re hurting, I know when you need me and now I’m here to help you, so let me, please?” Jason leaned on her. “I just don’t know what to do, I mean it’s probably too late for me and Alan. We’ve traveled a long rough road, he and I.” “Jase, it’s never too late. You know that I know that more than anyone. Bobbie and I had a long hard road too, and we’ve come to terms with our past, we’ve found forgiveness. You and Alan can too.” “I don’t know what I would of done if we lost him tonight. There is a lot that still needs to be said, things that I want him to know, that he needs to know.” “Then tell him, Jason. Tell him now before it really is too late. Believe me, you’ll regret it if you don’t.” Carly gave him the reassurance that he needed to tell Alan how much he loved him, how much he needs his father in his life. Though still furious at Monica, his father needed him and he had to stay strong for him. “I’m sure Alan will pull through this, he’s a survivor. You need to go to him and be there for him. The way it sounds, he’s going to need you more than you know.” Carly hugs Jason before grabbing her coat to leave. She makes sure she takes the time to glare at Elizabeth before getting onto the elevator. Jason gets ready to head back upstairs when he gets a call from Sonny. He's asked to meet Sonny at the warehouse immediately. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Jason refuses to put Sonny first - More of Sam's secret is exposed - Robin gets a surprise visitor - Patrick and Blake share a history together
Thank you for posting this. I like being able to jump in to the blogs having at least some idea of what's been going on. I can't wait for new episodes to resume.