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Great episode guys! My comment is short and sweet, because damn it, that's all I can say.
Hmmmmmm........I'm intrigued by this Tony story. Good work daysfan. Don't care too much about Belle, lol.
Endgame- Episode 97 Monday, October 22, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Lucas stands in front of Carly and Luke. "Is someone going to tell me what's going on? Lucky called me and told me to come down here that Mom was here. She's ok, isn't she?" Carly's gaze quickly flies to Luke's. Carly tells Lucas that they need to tell him something, but now wasn't the time or place. Angry, Lucas said he wants to know what is going on right now. The door to the interrogation room opens and Noah walks out "Noah, will you tell me what is going on? Why is my mother being held here?" Lucas demanded of his stepfather. "No one is telling me anything." Noah walks over to Lucas and leads him over to the interrogation room. He tells Lucas to remember that whatever his mother tells him, that she loves him very much. Noah opens the door and confused, Lucas walks in. He sees Bobbie sitting there, crying softly. <HR> Luke paces back and forth waiting for Mac to return to his station. When Mac enters the room, Luke runs towards him and begins asking him for a favor. "Come on Scorpio. I need you to go easy on Barbara Jean. She didn't know what she was doing. She needs help." Luke says, attempting to appeal to Mac's goodness. "Bobbie wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone kill a man." Mac slams down the file he's been keeping on the Brandon Wexler case. "Had you come to me sooner, I might have been able to do something. But instead, you chose to cover it up from the beginning!" "I didn't even…" Luke grabs Mac's arm and pulls him into one of the hallways. "I didn't even find out until recently. I immediately spun into big brother mode and did what I have always done, that is protect my little sister! I'm beginning you man, please don't go through with this." "That's not Mac's call," says a voice from behind the door. "That's mine." Alexis walks out soon after and calls Luke & Mac into the observation room. "Bobbie's in a hell of a lot of trouble." "Natasha my dear, I didn't know you were going to handle this case." Luke forces a half smile. He knows Alexis hates it when he calls her by her birth name, but can't help it. "Tell me you'll go easy on her." Alexis pushes her glasses back onto her face and begins looking at the case notes. "I can't promise you anything Luke. I'll do what I can legally, but we must remember there are victims in this." Alexis asks Luke to leave the room so she and Mac can observe Lucas speaking with Bobbie. <HR> Lucas sits down, asking her what is going on. Taking a deep breath, Bobbie says, "Lucas, I'm sorry for hurting you so much over the last several months. You are my son and I love you very much. I don't always show it but I am very proud of you." She stops and looks all around the room, everywhere except at Lucas' confused eyes. Frustrated, he asks her again, what is going on? She reaches across the table and grasps his hands, "Lucas the night of the frat party, the night that Brandon was killed," Lucas tries to interrupt but Bobbie holds up her hand, "Oh God Lucas. I swear I didn't know this at the time but I know it now. This is why I am here. I was the one driving the car. I was the one that killed Brandon." Bobbie then flashes back to the accident Lucas jumps to his feet, sending the chair flying to the floor. "What? How long have you known? Is this why you took off?" Bobbie starts to sob uncontrollably and Lucas slaps his hands down on the table, "Answer me!" Bobbie tries to control herself and stop crying. She starts to tell him how that night she had been drinking and when Georgie came over and told her about the frat party, she became upset. She got in the car and all she could think about was wanting to talk to him. She was close to the frat house and didn't see Brandon in the road until it was too late. She stopped, but didn't really know what had happened. Soon after the accident, the memories started coming back. How she got home, she really wasn't sure. She was drunk and that was no excuse. She begs Lucas for his forgiveness. "Forgiveness? You want my forgiveness!" Lucas starts to pace the room, raking his hands through his hair and kicking the chair across the room in anger. "Does Noah and Carly know that you are a murderer?" His anger filled eyes train on his mother. "Wait a minute, Noah had to have known. That's how you probably got home and why you two got married, so he can't testify against you!" Bobbie shook her head and whispered, "Carly doesn't know. At least, she didn't. She might now, but I didn't tell her. I swear to you, Carly didn't know." Lucas glares at his mother as he flashes back to the immediate aftermath of Brandon's accident. "That's about the only thing I can believe, because I know that Carly wouldn't lie to me, unlike you who is ashamed of me and has been ever since you found out I was gay!" Lucas leans close to Bobbie's face and when he speaks, his voice is filled with rage. "I want to make myself very clear to you. I never….ever want to see you again. Don't you ever try to call me or get in touch with me. If I hear your name, it will mean nothing to me. I want nothing to do with you ever again. Do you understand me?" Lucas stands up and walks to the door, looking at his mother with hatred in his eyes, "I hope they lock you up and throw away the key." <HR> Alexis turns to Mac and tells him to prepare the tape for evidence. They have their confession. Alexis and Mac walk out of the room and see Luke. Alexis shakes her head and tells Luke she'll do all she can, but this is not going to be cut and dry. Luke asks what the most Bobbie can get. Alexis tells him she can't answer that right now. Bobbie is brought out in handcuffs. Carly walks up to Lucas and puts her hand on his shoulder. Bobbie mouths I love you to her family as she's led away. Lucas hugs Carly tightly as the scene fades to black. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Lucy rejects Kevin's dinner invitation - David and Kevin almost come to blows over Lucy - Alan's condition changes
Endgame- Episode 96 Sunday, October 21, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith Jennifer Snyder <HR> Bobbie sits in the interrogation room at the PCPD. Across from her is Mac who listened without saying a word as she recounted the events leading up to the night of Brandon's death. When she finished, he asks if Noah had any involvement and Bobbie looks away, not answering. Knowing that she doesn't have to incriminate her husband, Mac then asks her why she was coming forward now. She replies that it was the right thing to do. She needs help to stop drinking. She asks Mac if he would please call her family. Mac tells her Lucky made some calls and Noah was on his way. Mac stands up, saying he needs to type up her confession and he would send in Noah in when he arrives. <HR> Alexis is shown working at her desk when someone knocks on her door. She gives permission to enter. The door opens and Sam enters the office. She looks around and comments on how nice her mother's office looks. Alexis gets up and walks over, asking if she can hug her. Sam reluctantly agrees and an awkward hug soon follows. Neither woman is quite comfortable around the either. Alexis offers Sam some coffee but she kindly turns her down. After a short silence, Alexis asks what brought her by. Sam admits she was hoping she could spend a little time with her, seeing as how they have a lot of catching up to do. Alexis remarks about a good 27 years. Sam gives a half hearted laugh and agrees. Sam apologizes for her attitude over the past couple of months, it's just hard to see Alexis. She says she wants to feel like a family with her, but it's going to take some time. Sam says therapy with Lainey is helping her slowly regain some of her memory. She also says she's getting tons of support from Nikolas & Lucky. Alexis asks Sam how is it living with Carly. Sam admits it's a little tense. She knows Carly doesn't really care for her, and seems to resent the fact that she and Lucky are very nice to each other. Alexis promises Sam that things will be better in due time, and not to worry about Carly. Sam looks at her watch and says she'll let Alexis get back to work. Alexis tell her she doesn't have to go, but Sam says she should be on her way to therapy anyway. Before she leaves, she asks if Alexis could stop over some time…just to say hi. This is has been something Alexis has wanted for months. She happy says yes and asks if she can bring Kristina and Molly. Sam says she'd like that… Sam closes the door. She walks over to the elevator and pushes the button. She takes out her phone and places a call to a Helena. "It's done. I've told Alexis I'd like to get to know her better. If I can get her on my side, this could work to my advantage in the long run." Back inside, Alexis gets a call from the PCPD. She's asked to head down to the station immediately. <HR> Mac closes the door behind him as Noah, Carly and Luke storm into the PCPD. "Where is my wife Mac?" Noah looks around the PCPD in anger. Mac tells him to calm down, she's in the interrogation room. Carly demands to know on what charges she is being held on. Mac's gaze catches Luke's and holds it. Mac takes a deep breath and tells them that Bobbie has confessed to driving the car that killed Brandon Wexler. <HR> After finding Lorenzo in the warehouse battered and bruised, Anna had only one suspect in mind. She approached the front door of the residence of Sonny Corinthos and was about to knock, but Max opened it up before she had the chance. “Max ….” she greeted him. “Commissioner …” “I’d need to see Mr. Corinthos.” She insisted as she pushed her way past him. “Um, Commissioner …” Max tried to stop her but he was met with a defensive move as Anna flipped him over and he landed on his backside. Anna barged into the living room finding Sonny was sitting at his desk. Sonny startled by her presence and quickly got up from his seat. “Max!” “I’m sorry sir, she got passed me.” Max replied when he got to his feet. Anna smirked in Max’s direction before he turned to leave the two of them alone to discuss whatever it was she was there for. “Commissioner … I assume you are here about the incident with Lorenzo that I heard about.” “Wow news travels fast doesn’t?” “What can I do for you?” “I came here for answers. I know you know more about this incident then you let on, Mr. Corinthos. You and Lorenzo Alcazar have a long standing rivalry, it’s no secret.” “If you say so.” Sonny shrugged off Anna’s questions. “Not only do I say so, but the rap sheets for both of you tell the story. I didn’t have to look much farther than you to see a prime suspect for this assault on Lorenzo Alcazar.” “Do you have a prime suspect for who killed my sister, Commissioner?” Anna hesitated … “No of course you don’t but I can tell you the bastard who did do it, Lorenzo Alcazar!” “And you have proof he killed your sister?” Sonny was silent, he had no proof, Alcazar doesn’t work like that. This business doesn’t work like that, there would be no proof of guilt. “I never said Lorenzo was stupid. Of course I don’t have proof he did it! I just know …” “Ah I see. Well Sonny, I need proof that Lorenzo killed your sister in order to arrest him. That’s how the law works. And at the rate the two of you are going, you are either going to end up behind bars or 6 feet under. That is the outcome of this feud the two of you seem to have. And I will take great pleasure in either outcome.” “Before I go, I’m sure you have an alibi for when Alcazar was assaulted?” Sonny gave her some lame excuse as to where he was that morning, but he was sure she didn’t buy it. He was sure she’d be back again with more questions. Anna started to leave the living room as Max opened the door for her and escorted her to the front door. Max still rubbing his neck that felt bruised from Anna’s defensive move she made on him earlier. “Yeah sorry about that Max. I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.” Anna said as she stepped out onto the stoop. “I’ll be alright …I’ve felt worse.” Max looked annoyed while Anna laughed under her breath at the thought of Max on the floor looking up at her after she flipped him over. “Let Mr. Corinthos know I will be back.” <HR> Back at the PCPD… Luke swore and Carly paled, "What are you talking about? Bobbie didn't kill Brandon. Did she?" Silence descends and Carly turns towards Luke and Noah, "Luke, tell me that this isn't true?" Noah asks Mac if he could see Bobbie and Mac nods. Realization dawns on Carly as she drops into a chair. Starring daggers at Luke she snaps, "Oh my God, you knew about this didn't you? You knew what my mother did! You knew she killed the love of my brother's life and you hid it from us? How could you Luke?" Luke replies that he won't answer her questions right now but Carly needs to know that as a Spencer, he will stop at nothing to protect Barbara Jean. Carly pushes back her mane of hair and sighs, "Luke, I'm so angry at you right now. You think that you always have the answers but this time you are just wrong. Right now, my main concern is Lucas. He has gone through so much, how can I tell him this?" No one saw Lucas walk in, "Tell me what?" Luke and Carly exchange glances. The camera zooms in on Lucas' face as he tries to figure out what's going on. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Bobbie confesses what she did to Lucas - Lucas disowns Bobbie - Luke asks Mac & Alexis to go easy on his sister
"AlphPhiFuckem" Lol, I love it. What an ending man. I can't wait for Mona to destroy Abe! I can't wait for the next episode. You're doing a great job ML, keep it up!
................................................. .................................................................. ............................................................................... .............................................................................................. WHAT?!!! This is probably one of you guys' best episodes to date. It was short and to the point, yet got across everything you wanted to. I'm totally thrown for a loop right now. I predict this will greatly change the tides of war. Looks like it's gonna be Father/Son Stefano & Orpheus vs. Father/Son Victor & Bo. I only hope when Tishy and I begin our next big story, it's as entertaining as your story has been. Great work guys. Fuckin Stefano is Orpheus father....damn.
Great episode guys. Though I'm still a card carrying member of Bope & Payla Forever.....I'm kinda digging Hope & Steve. Their scenes were very intimate and romantic, something that is lost sometimes when people write. It's like a forbidden love. I love it!
Hey Matt, I LOVED the cliffhanger. I'm still getting used to your episode format. Usually when I see dialog like this I'm turned off, lol. But I stick with it b/c your blog is very well written.
Endgame- Episode 95 Friday, October 19, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> It had only been an hour since Bobbie had been back in Port Charles. If it were up to her, she would have been back sooner, but due to inclement weather and delays by the pilot, she couldn't leave as soon as she wanted. It's pouring outside, but that won't keep her from doing what she has to do. First on her list is paying a visit to her little girl. Kneeling down, she kisses her fingers and trails then over the name Barbara Jean. A bouquet of flowers catches her attention, causing her to smile gently. She notices Tony still remembers to have flowers sent every week. "Oh BJ, I miss you so much baby girl. I need your help." She stays with BJ for a long time talking quietly to her. She doesn't care that the rain is pouring on her, she needs to pour her heart out. She imagines what life would be life if BJ had lived, if a drunk driver didn't tragically cut her life short. She imagines watching BJ attending her first dance, going through her first heartbreak, graduating from high school and so on. Bobbie knows she should have known better, having lost her daughter by a drunk driver and she herself was guilty of the same crime. Standing up, she wipes away her tears and says goodbye to BJ. <HR> Meanwhile, the camera shows an exterior shot of Wyndemere Castle where a pregnant Carly Corinthos is sleeping. The camera slowly pans up to her face, where she appears to be having an intense dream. Carly is shown standing on the side of the road, looking at something happening ahead. She tries to make out what it is, but the more she tries to focus on the scene, the blurrier her vision becomes. She walks slowly towards what has caught her attention. She hears people calling out her name, telling her they love her, but she can't get to them. Suddenly, she appears at the hospital, watching someone being operated on. She turns to her right and tries to make out the faces staring through the window. 4 people, crying, afraid for the person inside on the operating table. Suddenly Carly appears inside the room with the doctors. They declare the person dead. Carly eases over to the table and removes the sheet…..the camera cuts to the horrified look on Carly's face and she wakes up screaming! Nikolas wakes up and asks if she's alright. Carly tries to calm herself down and tells him to go back to sleep. He tells her he'll stay up with her until she goes back to sleep. Carly lies in Nikolas' arms and embraces his loving hold. She tries to shake her dream out of her head, but it's obviously disturbing her. It takes a very long time before Carly can fall asleep again. <HR> NOW IS THE TIME TO FALL IN...TO SALEM LIVES!!! CLICK ON THE BANNER FOR MORE INFO!!! <HR> Emily is shown sipping a cup of tea while looking at pictures of her family in the Quartermaine Study. She flips the pages of the photo album back and forth until she gets to a large picture of the immediate family. In the picture, taken shortly before Jason's accident, features Alan, Monica, AJ, Jason and herself together in the living room. Everyone looks so happy in the picture. She sighs to herself as she remembers the simpler, less complicated times. The sound of the door to the study opening causes Emily to jump. AJ enters and tells Emily to calm down. When he notices what she's doing, he comments that they have something in common. They both like to look at old pictures of the family. To say there was tension between Emily and AJ would be an understatement. Emily never forgave AJ for aligning himself with Faith Roscoe to kidnap Michael. To make matters worse, AJ faked his death and let poor Michael take the blame for it! At least that's what Emily thought. After AJ surprised the family last Christmas by showing up and revealing he wasn't dead, he explained everything. Saying that he only faked his death to end the pain he had caused…most of all to his son. He had no idea the doctor treating Jason & Michael would set poor Michael up. Emily stares at the picture of their family and breaks down. She says it's not fair that their father is having to suffer. He's a great man and if ANYONE deserves to suffer it's Monica. AJ interrupts Emily and tells her she needs to let go of her anger. If it wasn't for Monica, Emily would have never become a part of the Quartermaine Family. He tells her that we're all human and we all make mistakes. Emily knows that more than anyone, given her past indiscretion with Nikolas while married to Zander. AJ says everyone has been hurt by Monica's actions, but they can either dwell on them and make her suffer, or they can do what Alan would want them to do, and that's forgive her and try to move on. He tells her their father has spent years resenting AJ for causing Jason's accident, but eventually he has forgiven him. Emily says that Alan is a better person than she is, because she can't forgive Monica. She's forgiven too many people for too many things in the past. Everything thinks just because they say sorry, St. Emily is going to forgive and forget. Emily declares she's tired of being people's doormat <HR> Bobbie pulls her hair back under a baseball hat and secures a pair of large sunglasses on her nose. She pushes the door to the hospital open and keeps her head down, praying she doesn't run into anyone she knows. She goes to the ICU and stealthily slides her way in without being detected. Looking back and forth, she sees that no one is in Alan's room so she slips in. She sits down next to him and reaches for his hand. Quietly she offers up a prayer for Alan. She then tells him that he has always been a wonderful man and she has always looked up to him. There is no one like him in the world. She knows in her heart that he will get better. She confesses her crimes to him and says she knows that he wouldn't judge him. That he would understand. Knowing that anyone could walk in at any moment, she stands up and kisses Alan's cheek. Now she is ready for her final destination. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Bobbie turns herself in for her role in Brandon Wexler's murder - Alexis is surprised when Sam pays her a visit - Anna puts Sonny in his place You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child. Created by Ryan Chandler & d_alias
Endgame- Episode 94 Thursday, October 18, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Port Charles begins with Elizabeth kissing her son Cameron goodbye, clenching a manila envelope in her hand. She thanks her sister Sarah for coming over and agreeing to watch Cameron, admitting that she may not be in the best of spirits when she returns home. Sarah hugs her sister and wishes her well. The scene fades over to Wyndemere where Lucky is getting ready to go out. He steps into the foyer to find his brother standing in front of the fireplace with a cup of wine. He turns to his brother and offers to accompany him to his meeting. Lucky thanks him for offering, but decides to handle this on his own. He says that it's been a long year and now it's time to move on with his life. Tonight, he closes the chapter of his life with Elizabeth, and prepares to start a new one…with whoever it is. <HR> In Alan's hospital room, Monica is holding and kissing Alan's hand while talking to him about the good times in their past. She admits life with her hasn't always been easy, but they've always been there for each other when it mattered. The camera cuts to a lifeless Alan laying in his bed with a respirator. Monica's tears fall on Alan's hand. A familiar someone calls Monica's name, causing her to turn around slowly. Monica turns to see her mother Gail Baldwin standing before her, eyes loving as always. Monica gets up and walks over to Gail crying profusely. "Shush my child. I'm here for you." Gail says calmly. <HR> Lucky unzips his leather jacket after arriving at Kelly's. Elizabeth is already inside the dark diner. Lucky enters as Liz flicks the lighter, lighting a candle on the table. Lucky pulls up a chair and sits down, noticing the plate of brownies next to the manila folder. "I'm glad you came" she says sadly. "I didn't think you'd show up." "I wasn't going to," admits Lucky. He tells her for some reason, he felt as if he owed it to her, not that he owes her anything at all. His words are laced with hateful venom, something that you wouldn't expect from Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Jr. He loves his wife and stepson with all of his heart. But his love alone wasn't enough to save his marriage. Elizabeth regrets her on again/off again affair with Jason. The affair, strictly emotional in the beginning, was a result of the renewed bond between Jason & Elizabeth, after he saved her life at Helena's compound. A case of "Hero Worship" as her grandmother Audrey calls it. Elizabeth's inability to handle the ordeal caused her to become closer to Jason, relying on him for advice and comfort, while leaving her husband feeling abandoned. Nothing will ever express how apologetic Elizabeth is for what she did to Lucky, but she hopes that one day he'll truly be able to forgive her. Lucky and Liz flashback to that November night when their relationship changed…. The camera fades in and out with Lucky and Liz recalling the fight they had the night Lucky ended their marriage. The scene fades with Lucky fighting back tears. He paces back and forth. "I loved you Elizabeth. I loved you with all of my heart….and you abandoned me. I thought I was enough for you, but I wasn't. In a time where we should have become closer than ever, you chose to be closer to Jason. I can't live the rest of my life afraid that if I take a little too long getting home from work, or if we have a fight, that you'll run off and be with him!" "He doesn't want me! And I don't want him. I want our life back. I want you Lucky. I want you!" Elizabeth grabs Lucky's face and kisses him. He slowly tries to turn his head, but can't deny the connection he feels to Elizabeth. Their noses rub together, their lips barely touch. Finally he pulls her away and shakes his head in pain. <HR> Back at the hospital, Monica opens her heart to her mother, admitting her wrongdoing in having an affair, but explains the conflicted feelings she has for loving Kevin and Alan. Gail tells Monica that she has to do what's right for her. No one can force her to be with one over the other. Sometimes, being happy isn't the most popular decision. Gail says she won't pretend to have all of the answers, and she's not going to tell Monica who to be with. All of her children are adults now, and she has to put her own happiness first. If that means being with Dr. Collins then so be it. If it means staying to her marriage, then so be it. <HR> <object width="300" height="80"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/m/JD-Bo0vTCC/aus=false/"></param><param'>http://media.imeem.com/m/JD-Bo0vTCC/aus=false/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/m/JD-Bo0vTCC/aus=false/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent"></embed></object> Montage Theme: "I Told You So" by Carrie Underwood originally performed by Randy Travis [Music begins to play as the camera fades in and out of flashbacks of Alan & Monica. Monica is shown sitting by Alan's bedside stroking his face and kissing his hand.] Suppose I called you up tonight And told you that I loved you And suppose I said I want to come back home And suppose I cried and said I think I finally learned my lesson And I'm tired of spending all my time alone [Monica envisions admitting her mistakes to Alan and professing her love for him. She appears on the doorsteps of the Quartermaine Mansion is runs into Alan's arms, promising to love him forever. She pours her heart out to Alan, who graciously forgives her and kisses her tenderly.] If I told you that I realize you're all I ever wanted And it's killing me to be so far away Would you tell me that you love me too? And would we cry together? Or would you simply laugh at me and say... I told you so Oh I told you so I told you someday you'd come crawling back and asking me to take you in I told you so But you had to go Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again If I got down on my knees and told you I was yours forever Would you get down on yours too and take my hand? Would we get that old time feeling? Would we laugh and talk for hours The way we did when our love first began [Elizabeth and Lucky both imagine a possible reconciliation. They relive the first time they met with re-created flashbacks. They laugh at Cameron making funny faces on the couch. Elizabeth touches Lucky's hand in the fantasy and he kisses her tenderly, reminding her of a less complicated time.] Would you tell me that you missed me too And that you've been so lonley And you've waited for the day that I'd return And we'd live and laugh forever And that I'm your one and only Would you say that the tables finally turned [Lucky & Liz's fantasy turns to a nightmare when the camera pans over to last year when Elizabeth was ready to sleep with Jason on the pool table at Jake's. In the fantasy, Elizabeth sees Lucky enter heartbroken, but decides to sleep with Jason anyway, to make the pain worse. Elizabeth and Lucky snap out of the fantasy and with tears in their eyes, they sign the divorce papers. Elizabeth's tears flow like a river as she signs her name, nee her married name. The scene blends back to the Quartermaines. Monica realizes the person Alan's been super cuddly with isn't her. She's standing on the outside of the Quartermaine Mansion looking in at a family she lost due to her infidelity.] Would you say I told you so? Oh I told you so I told you someday you'd come crawling back and asking me to take you in I told you so But you had to go Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again.... [Monica envisions Alan telling her he's found someone new and wants to move on with her, not Monica. She awakens from her dream distraught. She glances over and sees Gail watching her, arms outstretched. Monica slowly walks over to where her mother is sitting and lays her head on her mother's chest. Gail strokes Monica's hair. Elizabeth says something to Lucky that's inaudible by the audience. He bites his lip to keep from breaking down, finally admitting that the woman he loved all those years ago isn't the same woman standing before him now. He shakes his head and turns away. Elizabeth mouths the words "I love you," and is stunned when Lucky meets Sam outside. He hugs her and takes her by the hand. Lucky turns back inside and sees Elizabeth sobbing at the table inside. He promises never again will he let his heart be broken, and walks away with Sam.] At the end of the montage….Elizabeth feels a tap on her shoulder. Through her blurred vision she thinks she sees Jason, but it turns out to be Blake Barrington. He asks her what's wrong. Just feeling the need to be close, Elizabeth asks Blake to hold her tightly….and he does just that. <HR> Next on Port Charles… - Bobbie returns to Port Charles - Carly has a strange dream about her twins - Emily and AJ have a heart to heart about Alan You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child. Created by Ryan Chandler & d_alias
We're glad you're enjoying not just our blog, but many others as well. We're enjoying yours too. The best thing we can do is continue to support each other. I wrote that scene while I was at work, lol. We can't reveal whether or not the baby will have HIV or not. That's part of the overall story we'll be telling over the next couple of months. Robin will soon discover that the possibility of transferring her HIV to her unborn child is the least of her worries.
On the actual GH, it's been established that Robin's viral loads are barely undetectable, and her partner has a very low chance of contracting HIV. We tend to be a little liberal with time, due to the fact that we don't post episodes every day, and the fact that sometimes one day can last a few weeks real time, lol. Robin and Patrick had a night of passionate sex. Here is some of the original scene: Basically her pregnancy was an accident caused by their rough sex, but Tishy and I have been wanting to do this HIV baby story for a long time now. We're going to explore all avenues of this story.
Ryan commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
I agree with you ML, the Victor/Stefano/Orpheus war is the best storyline! I an intrigued by Hope & Steve, but I don't want anything major to happen between them. I think you guys can get more story out of a mutual attraction, than you can from having them actually do the deed. BOPE & PAYLA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Endgame- Episode 93 Sunday, October 14, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Patrick grabs Robin's hand as they stroll through the park. The leaves are falling, the air is crisp and little children are playing in the park. Patrick squeezes Robin's hand and comments, "Nice day, isn't it?" Robin, growing increasingly nervous, nods. She was filled with a growing anticipation. The time had come, she had to tell Patrick now. She didn't know how Patrick would take the news. She was praying he would be as happy as she was. "So Robin, what did you want to talk to me about?" Patrick asks. Robin takes a deep breath and looks around. She spots a bench and pulls Patrick by the hand over to it. She sits down and and pulls Patrick down with her. Taking a deep breath, she stares into his eyes and blurts out, "Patrick I love you." Patrick leans over and kisses her. "Honey, I love you too. I am so happy that we have moved in together. I love having you in my life." "Patrick, I have something very important to tell you. I had a doctor's appointment that I need to discuss with you." Robin starts to say. Patrick cuts her off, immediately concerned. "Are you ok? Robin, you would tell me if something was wrong. It's not your HIV is it?" Robin starts to laugh, releasing some of the tension she was feeling. "No, no, no. It's not the HIV. That's fine." Robin looks into his eyes again and bites her lip. She doesn't notice that a small smile is playing around Patrick's lips when he leans over to kiss her and tells her that it is a relief that her HIV is ok. <HR> Anna's stiletto heels are the only noise that can be heard as she walks into her office where a badly bruised Lorenzo Alcazar is sitting. Anna looks him steadily in the eye. "I'm glad to see my officers were able to find you after you tried to sneak away. You could make my life a hell of a lot easier if you just tell me what we both know to be the truth." Anna leans in close, just barely touching in his face as she whispers into his ear, "Sonny had you beaten up." Lorenzo wipes his cuff on his face and looks unflinchingly at Anna, "I don't know what you're talking about. This was regarding a business deal gone bad. Call it a mugging if you want." Anna scoffs. "You expect me to believe that you were mugged? Don't insult my intelligence Mr. Alcazar. If this was a business deal gone bad, I would hope you would conduct your dealings with more mature people. Do you think I was born yesterday?" "If you were, then my attraction to you would be very inappropriate," Lorenzo says with a snarky tone. "Believe what you want. I'd like get home. I have some business I have to tend to." Lorenzo starts to stand up. "Sit down." Anna commands, pushing him back down. "Let me tell you what I think happened. I think Sonny was already after you because his blames you for Courtney's death. Then….after his son Michael was beaten up by a gang of thugs, it caused him to snap. He would die for children. Maybe he felt like he didn't have anything else to lose. If I were Sonny, I would certainly think you did it Lorenzo. How am I doing so far?" When he doesn't answer, she starts to walk around him, his eyes following her every move. "So Sonny had you taken to that warehouse and beaten up. We both know Mr. Corinthos would never get his hands dirty. Maybe Jason Morgan beat you up? Should I bring him in as well?" Lorenzo brought his eyes away from her legs and focused on her eyes. He spoke slowly, with authority. "If you think that, then you don't know Sonny at all," Lorenzo says, flashing back to his attack. "Like I said, I. WAS. MUGGED." Anna leans down and gets close to his face, "I don't believe you" She says sharply. Lorenzo jumps out of his chair, "What do you want from me Commissioner? Do you want me to lie and say yes, Sonny beat the hell out of me even though that didn't happen?" Lorenzo raises his arms up, "What's it going to take to make you believe me?" Anna is inches from his face breathing so heavily that her chest rises provocatively. "Damn it Lorenzo, tell me the truth!" Lorenzo grabs her upper arms and kisses her roughly. He ends the kiss and pushes her away from him. "The truth is a couple of thugs jumped me on the docks and beat me up. Sonny wasn't involved!" In two steps Anna closes the ground between them and attempts to slap him. Lorenzo grabs her by the wrist and hisses, "Don't even try it." Breathing heavily and her eyes narrowed, Anna replies, "Don't you ever kiss me like that again." "Afraid you might like it too much?" Lorenzo challenges. Anna wrenches herself free as he pull her close. She pushes him into her desk and kisses him. She runs her hands up his chest but he grabs her hands and turns her around, slowly kissing her neck and lowering his hands down her waist. She kisses him back with ardor and a desire she hadn't felt in a long time. Sensing her need for him, he pushes her skirt up and slowly pulls her panties down. He takes his pants off and reaches into his wallet for a condom. He picks Anna up as she wraps her legs around his waist. He walks towards the wall. They feverishly kiss whatever exposed flesh their lips can find. Lorenzo drives into her as she clings to him. Anna moves with him, biting his shoulder. Lorenzo thrusts hard into her as she gasps his name. The camera cuts multiple times between the action and reaction of Lorenzo & Anna. It's been so long since either person has felt the touch of another. Both are so into it that they forgot to lock the door! Mac enters the office with a report for Anna is surprised to see the two of them going at it! Mac shakes his head in disbelief and slowly closes the door. Meanwhile, Anna pulls on Lorenzo's hair and nibbles on his ear as the scene fades to black. <HR> At the Harbor View towers, Emily steps off the elevator and bumps into Carly. The two women stare at each other before saying hello. Emily asks if Carly was visiting Jason. Carly tells her no, she was looking for Lucas, explaining that Lucas moved into her and Sonny's old penthouse. After an awkward silence, Emily congratulates Carly on her pregnancy and hopes she's happy with Nikolas. Carly has a surprised look on her face and doesn't say anything. Emily tells her that she has no hard feelings towards Carly. When she left town last year, she was in a very bad place. Her relationship with Sonny was over before it began. She laughs before saying it's funny how she left Sonny because he was in love with Carly, but Carly moves on with Nikolas. She says that she needed to be alone and feels that she's a much stronger person than she was before. She wishes Carly well and leaves. <HR> Back at the PCPD, Lorenzo holds Anna tight as they both begin to climax. Anna catches her breath, then pushes Lorenzo into the chair. An awkwardness begins to set in for them after their intense session. Without saying a word he puts his pants on. He watches as she calmly straightens her skirt. Lorenzo looks towards Anna, who gives him a look as if "thanks for shopping, come again!" and looks over to the door. Lorenzo turns and slams the door out of her office, never saying another word. <HR> In the park, Robin takes his hand to her lips and kisses his fingers. God she loved this man. "So Patrick, I went to the..." "I can't believe I finally got to meet Brenda after all this time!" Patrick interrupts Robin again. Patrick leans back on the bench, gathering Robin in his arms. He buries his face in his shoulder to hide his smile. "You always talk about her so it was great to finally put a face to the name. I mean, I have seen pictures of the two of you together but I always pictured her with darker, longer hair, more like your color. I also thought she was very petite. Not that she isn't thin, she is. She just isn't what I expected." Not really sure where Patrick was going with this conversation, Robin looked at him funny. She says slowly. "Yeah, Brenda's changed a bit since she left but inside she is still the same person." "We'll have to have her over for dinner one of these nights as like a 'Welcome Home' to Port Charles. Do you think she will like that? Since she is one of your best friends, I really want to get to know her better." Patrick said with a sparkle in his eye. Again, Robin took a deep breath and starts to tell Patrick about how she went to see Kelly today but Patrick again interrupts her. "Robin, I've been thinking." Patrick moves forward so he could look at Robin, "I think we should get a puppy." He points to the Golden Retriever playing in a pile of leaves with a group of children. "I never had a puppy when I was a child and I really want one." "Patrick, I don't think this is the time for one." Dumbfounded, Robin raises her voice. "I really need to tell you something," she says getting ancy. Patrick smiles impishly. "Robin. I think we should get one. I love Golden Retrievers. I mean look at him, you can't tell me he isn't cute." He repositions himself on the bench, trying to hide his smile as he could sense that Robin was starting to get aggravated. "Patrick, we are not going to get a damn dog." Robin says sternly. "Now will you just be quiet please? I have to tell you something." Patrick smiles broadly, "You're right, we should probably wait until the baby is at least three, maybe four years old. Then we can think about a dog. But then we might want another baby so really, who knows when we can get a dog." A beat of silence hangs between the couple as Robin stares in disbelief at Patrick, who is now grinning from ear to ear. "You know? How do you know?" Robin punches him in the arm. "I can't believe you went on and on about everything under the sun and you knew! I was practically dying here." "Well honey, I was looking for my favorite shirt and I had searched everywhere. I ended up looking in your bureau. I saw the pregnancy test box. Honestly, I was a bit freaked out but after I thought about it, I came to terms with it. I am really happy you're pregnant…we're pregnant." Patrick looks searchingly into Robin's eyes. "But Robin, you should have told me and I would have gone with you to see Kelly. I don't want to be left out of any decision involving our child." He hugs Robin close and kisses her repeatedly. He cups her face in his hands. "I love you so much and there is only one thing I want to do this afternoon." Content in his arms, Robin beams. "Hmmm. what's that?" "I want to make love to the mother of my child for the rest of the day." Patrick picks Robin up and spins her around. He carries her over to the car. Before they get in, Robin asks if they can stop by McDonalds to pick up a McFlurry, some cookies and 2 apple pies. Patrick smiles and says she can have anything she wants. <HR> Next on Port Charles… - Elizabeth & Lucky finalize their divorce - Patrick promises to love Robin and their child unconditionally - Monica's mother Gail pays her a visit and gives some advice You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child. Created by Ryan Chandler & d_alias
Loved the last two episodes. I hope you make the most out of the possible stories between EJ and Nikolas. Imagine....Nikolas has hated that Helena's always meddled in his life and been in his business, but what if...what if she begins to focus all her attention on EJ, making Nikolas jealous! It could work.
I also thought the man in black was Stavros, not Nikolas. I can tell that this crossover story is a well thought out one and I'm enjoying it. Great debut Jay!
Endgame- Episode 92 Friday, October 12, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Port Charles begins with Patrick walking down the corridor playing with his stethoscope. Steven Webber says hello in passing, but Patrick ignores him, on a mission to find his father. After getting directions from one of the nurses, Patrick finds his father moving into his new office. "I need to talk to you," Patrick says anxiously. "I don't know who else to turn to." Noah stops what he's doing in order to talk to his son. Patrick rarely comes to him for anything, so this must be big. "What's wrong Patrick? Is everything alright?" "Yeah yeah, it's fine…I guess. I mean…I don't know. Something's happened that's gonna chance the rest of my life…and I don't know how to feel about it." Patrick runs his hands through his hair before flopping down on the sofa next to Noah. The excited, yet worried smile on Patrick's face begins to fade. "I think Robin is pregnant." Noah wonders how this could have happened, knowing that Patrick and Robin use protection. Patrick admits that one night a few months ago they got a little carried away…..The camera fades into the next scene. <HR> After a leaving General Hospital, Robin decides that she is starving so Brenda takes her to Kelly's for a late lunch. The restaurant is a little busy as Robin and Brenda sit across from each other talking and eating. Brenda picks at her salad while Robin devours a turkey club, french fries, and steamed vegetables. She told Brenda that she couldn't help it, she felt like she hadn't eaten all day and vegetables were good for the baby. Dante comes over and introduces himself to Brenda & Robin. He says he's new to working at Kelly's and hopes their lunch was ok. Brenda compliments him on how cute he is, saying he has a model look. Dante blushes and asks if there's anything else he can get for them. Robin quickly responds that she wants a piece of apple pie with vanilla ice cream. An amused Brenda sips at her iced tea and raises her hands, "I'm not saying a word. However, if you eat like this on a regular basis, Patrick is going to figure out your pregnant all on his own…especially if all of a sudden your bras don't fit and you can't fit into your clothes." Robin threw a french fry at Brenda and giggles. "Shut up Brenda." Robin sipped her water and lamented, "I know I have to tell Patrick and I have to tell him now. I am just so stressed out about this. I don't know how to break it to him. How do I tell a guy who has made it known in the past that he didn't want children, that I'm pregnant. Do I just come right out and tell him? Or should I ease into it, like maybe something romantic? I don't know. I'm nervous on how he will take it." "Well have the two of you ever spoke about children?" Brenda asks. "Kind of. I mean, I let him know that one day I may want children, but I wasn't thinking of it at the time. He was honest and told me that he didn't want any children. I'm so scared because my heart has been broken so many time. When I lost Stone I never thought I would love again until Jason came along. We all know how that ended." Robin twirls her spoon around in her ice cream. "I know that sounds corny Brenda, but Patrick broke down my walls and he healed my heart. He has helped me learn how to love again. I love him so much." She pulls out the necklace that Patrick gave her. "See this?" The camera cuts to the beautiful necklace given to Robin. "He gave this necklace to me a little while ago. He said it was the key to his heart. I know he loves me, I just don't know how to tell him that we are about to be three." <HR> The camera pans over to the other side of the restaurant, showing Jason Morgan sitting at one of the tables awaiting the arrival of someone. Elizabeth enters Kelly's soon after walks over to Jason's table. Jason is happy to see Elizabeth, who asked him to meet her there. The look on Elizabeth's face is a sad one. Elizabeth apologizes for always coming to him when she has a problem, but at his point he's the only person who she trusts completely and knows he won't judge her. He strokes her hand and tells her that he's her friend, and all he can do is offer her support when she needs it. Liz reaches into her back and pulls out her divorce papers, telling Jason that once she and Lucky sign these, their marriage will be over. Liz blames Helena for destruction of her marriage, admitting that she feels the sociopath orchestrated all of this. Liz vents that if Helena had never kidnapped Sam & Alexis last year, if she wouldn't have played mind games during the rescue, none of this would have happened. She wouldn't have lost focus on her marriage, she wouldn't have abandoned Lucky and attempted to pursue a relationship with a guy who was in love with someone else. <HR> Noah listens carefully as Patrick speaks openly about his feelings, getting a rare glimpse into his son's soul. "I don't know if I'm ready to be a father. I mean if she's pregnant then of course I'll be happy, but I don't know if I'm ready." "I don't think anyone can be 'ready' to be a father," Noah says choosing his words carefully. "The fact that you seem genuinely happy is a good thing. Too many times one wants a child and the other doesn't….and it doesn't come out until after the woman is pregnant. Why don't you think you're ready?" Patrick tells his father that no offense, but he (Patrick) didn't really have the best example growing up. He doesn't want to do that to his children. He wants to be there for everything. The first step, the first word…everything. Failure is not an option in anything that Patrick does, and truth be told, he isn't sure if he won't fail when it comes to raising a child. Noah asks Patrick if he can love the child unconditionally, faults and all. If he can provide a safe and loving home for the child. Patrick says of course. Noah tells his son then he's already on the right track. There isn't a guidebook to being a good parent, it's a system of trial and error. Some try harder than others. Unfortunately, he (Noah) couldn't be there for Patrick when he needed him the most, instead choosing to drown his sorrows in a bottle of liquor. The camera alternates between Noah's face while he's speaking, and Patrick's face reacting to Noah's statements. Noah painfully admits that Patrick's biggest fear is that his children will resent him the way that he (Patrick) resents Noah. Patrick takes in the conversation with Noah and thanks his dad for talking to him. Before Patrick walks out of the office, Noah grabs his son and hugs him, telling him that he loves him very much and is proud of the man he has become. Patrick thanks his father and admits that though he wasn't as close to Noah as he had hoped to be, he is glad they're making up for it now. <HR> At Wyndemere, Lucky comes down the stairs and walks into the foyer looking for something. He's started when a familiar voice calls his name from the shadows. The camera moves over and shows Luke sitting in a chair with a glass of scotch in his hands. Lucky asks when Luke returned. Luke tells Lucky a few days ago. Lucky sarcastically says he guesses he's glad Luke is back in town. Luke is angry a little and tells Lucky so. He says that he wants to know why he had to find out from a third party that his son is possibly going to pursue a relationship with a Cassadine! Lucky scoffs and says if Luke paid attention to anyone but himself, he would have known that he's been kind of involved with Sam since the beginning of summer! I mean he has been keeping her safe from Helena all this time. It was bound to happen. Luke's longstanding hatred for anything Cassadine begins to come to the forefront. "The Cassadines are leeches. They'll latch on to you and suck you dry…and when you have nothing left, they'll kill you. It's bad enough that your brother is a Cassadine and that I've had to tolerate him, but now I'm gonna have to accept Sam too? I don't think so cowboy." Lucky snaps to his father that it doesn't matter whether he likes Samantha or not. Lucky likes her and that's it. He calls his father on his hypocrisy, saying that the friendship between Luke and Alexis has lasted for years, why is it that he (Lucky) can't have the same with Sam? Luke says that Sam may be Alexis' daughter, but she doesn't have any of the qualities that made Luke interested in a friendship with Alexis. Secondly, Luke has more experience dealing with the Cassadines than Lucky, and he can notice a crazy from a mile away. The fact that Sam spent months held by Helena, and no one knows what was done to her, yet people just accept that she's back is a problem. Lucky tells his father to butt out of his life. Where was he when he was shot last year trying to save Sam? Where was he when his marriage began falling apart? Where was he when Lucky needed someone to talk to? UNAVAILABLE! That's where he has. So don't try to come in now and give unwarranted advice because he needs something to do. <HR> Jason tells Liz to calm down and asks her to face some hard truths. While Helena did set events into motion, the fallout was all their (Jason & Liz's doing). Jason felt closer to Elizabeth after Sam's supposed death and welcomed her friendship. He tells her that she (Elizabeth) could not help but feel close to Jason after he saved her and that their friendship has always been one close to his heart. He says their decision to almost sleep together in their pain and grief is what caused her marriage to Lucky to end. They are the responsible parties and you know what, he feels bad for it. In his pain, he led Elizabeth to believe their might be more between them, but he couldn't and still can't deliver. He asks Elizabeth to decide whether she truly wants her marriage to end. If she doesn't, then she needs to fight to repair the rift between her and Lucky. If she does, and is truly ready to move on with her life, the best thing she can do is make peace and honor what she had with Lucky, and agree to be friends and do what's best for their son. <HR> The conversation between Robin & Brenda becomes so intense that neither woman hears the door the Kelly's open. Brenda leans forward and she pushes her brown hair out of her eyes. "I know you will be able to tell him." "Tell him what?" Robin turned around in her chair to see Patrick standing there. Patrick leans down and kisses Robin. He pulls up a chair and sits down, smiling at Brenda. "I take it you are Brenda? It's nice to finally put a face to the name. I have heard a lot about you." "And Robin just can't stop talking about you." Brenda stands up and smiles at the two new parents. "I will let you be. It was nice meeting you Patrick." Before either of them could get a word out, Brenda had swept out of the diner. Patrick grins at a sheepish Robin. "So, what did you have to tell me?" Robin looks around at the full tables surrounding them. She really doesn't want to tell Patrick she was pregnant while they are sitting in Kelly's, but she knows she can't put it off. She suggests that they take a walk in the park. Patrick smiles to himself as he follows Robin out. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Robin tells Patrick she's pregnant - Carly & Emily have an awkward moment - Anna's argument with Lorenzo turns passionate
Now that Roman set me straight about the whole Salem Slasher thing, I could enjoy the episode. Lol, I had the Salem Slasher confused w/ the Salem Stalker. Loved Stefano being back on top. Good work guys.
You know.....one thing that I love about this blog is the realism balanced with sensationalism. Victor is by far my favorite character. You guys put a lot of work into the character and...to borrow a phrase from Hogan, "gave him his balls back." This is how Victor should be utilized. Front and center, telling people to bring it. Keep up the good work. I know I say it a lot, but I mean it. Great ending with the split screen.
Endgame- Episode 91 Wednesday, October 10, 2007 Written by: Jennifer Snyder & Tishy Smith Ryan Chandler <HR> The police sirens were getting dangerously close to the warehouse as Max tried to get Sonny out. Much to no avail, Sonny wasn’t leaving, quite the opposite. “No! Max we’re not leaving, not until this bastard is dead!” “Mr. C the cops are going to be here any minute we have to get you out of here! We can’t be here when they arrive or we’ll be arrested and you don’t want that!” Lorenzo struggled in the chair to get free but one of Sonny’s men noticed and knocked him down to the ground, chair and all. Lorenzo feeling the pain, he lay lifeless on the floor, still tied in the chair as Max tried desperately to get Sonny out before the PCPD arrived. “Let’s go boss, there’s a way we can get out of here alive but we gotta hurry!” Max shouted as he guided Sonny quickly to the escape tunnel, leaving Lorenzo battered and bruised on the floor of the warehouse. Sonny reluctantly leaving with Max and his men through the hidden door just as Anna Devane and her swat team storm the warehouse. Guns drawn and aimed at anything that moved in the darkness of the empty warehouse, the officers quickly cleared the area and Anna followed close behind. Lorenzo squirming and struggling on the floor, gagged and bound to the chair, he was discovered by one of the men in black from the PCPD. <HR> "Sorry Robin!" Brenda yells while running up to her friend. "I got stuck in traffic. How are you feeling? Any morning sickness?" Brenda leans over and hugs Robin. "It's so good to see you!" Robin laughs, she is so happy that her best friend is back in town. "I am so glad you are here Bren." When Brenda looks at her quizzically, she adds, "I haven't told Patrick yet. I want someone to be with me at the appointment. Because what if I'm not, I don't want him to worry or anything until there is good reason too." The two friends start to walk down the hall towards the ob gyn department and Robin shares her joy at the thought of being pregnant, and the fear of being pregnant. Brenda assures her that she would be there every step of the way. Brenda puts her arm around her as they walk together to Dr. Kelly's office. <HR> At Lucy's, Serena comes downstairs and hands Lucy a stack of papers. Lucy suspiciously picks up the papers and begins reading them over. Her face lights up as each paper reveals what wonderful work Serena is doing at the hospital. Serena is glad Lucy's happy about her praise, and says that even though working at the hospital is supposed to be "punishment," she feels like she finally has a purpose and is enjoying her work. Serena tells her mother that after much thought, she's decided to enroll at Port Charles University and do something with her life. Lucy is obviously proud of her daughter, but doesn't get too excited. Serena has a tendency to make big grandeurs and do nothing afterwards. When asked what she would be interested in studying, Serena thinks she'll get into medical studies…or go into law like her father, Scotty Baldwin. <HR> “Commissioner! Over here!” One of them called out to let Anna know they had found Lorenzo. Anna rushed over to the where the police officers found Lorenzo and asked them to untie and un-gag him from the chair. She saw he was badly battered and bruised and asked for the paramedics to be called. “Thanks but no, I’m not going to the hospital. I’ll be fine.” Lorenzo refused as he took his index finger and wiped away the blood from his mouth. "I take it you got the call from my company." “Yeah we did. And you look like you’ll be fine.” Anna said sarcastically as Lorenzo tried to walk away but buckled to the pain in his legs and ribs. Two police officers picked him up and sat him back down in the chair as Anna approached him. “Sit there and wait for the paramedics.” She instructed as she turned away and gave instructions to the officers who were with her. As Anna’s back was turned, Lorenzo quietly slipped away from the scene. He found a dark corner and pulled his cell phone from his jacket to make a call. He was startled after Anna comes up form behind and snatches the phone from his hand. “What the …” he snapped as he turned around to see Anna flip close the phone. “Don’t be so stupid Mr. Alcazar. Whatever you just did, call it off!” “I don’t know what you’re talking about Anna.” Lorenzo replied coyly. “Of course you do and I’m warning you now, if a dead body turns up in the next 24 to 48 hours, you will be my prime suspect!” Anna walked away from Lorenzo and headed back to the area that the officers were still searching, leaving Lorenzo the opportunity to leave the warehouse undetected. <HR> Elizabeth finally makes it over to the waiting lounge after an extremely long shift. Her feet ache, her body aches and she misses the hell out of Cameron. It was Lucky's weekend to have him. She sighs to herself as she reminisces on the good times she had with Lucky. To think…if only things were different between them after the horrific tragedy last summer. In the end, she felt that she needed to bond with Jason after he saved her. She laughs at herself angrily when she realizes her hero worship cost her her marriage. She's gets up, puts her hands on her hips and walks over to the Nurse's Station. A young woman in a power suit soon steps off the elevator and asks for Elizabeth. Curious, Liz dodges her questions at first before admitting she's the one she's looking for. The young woman hands over a manila envelop. Elizabeth asks what's inside; the woman tells her it's the final draft of her and Lucky's divorce proceedings. Once they're signed, their marriage is officially over. Liz thanks the woman for bringing them by. Liz slowly walks into the staff area, opens the envelope and begins to cry. <HR> Robin's exam is over and Brenda is filling her in on her new job at Titan and also about seeing Ned and Jason. She is doing anything and everything she can to make Robin laugh, but Robin's face is clouded with fear and anxiety. The door opens and Dr. Kelly walks in, a grin on her face. "Congratulations Robin! You're going to be a mother!" Brenda squeals with delight and Robin smiles in relief. The happiness doesn't last long, as Robin's mind immediately begins to spin to worst case scenario. "How far along am I? What about my protocol? I know my baby runs the risk of getting HIV, but how much do I have to worry about it?" Robin beams with delight. "Oh Kelly, I have so many questions and I really don't know where to begin." Kelly pulls a chair close to her and says in a soothing voice, "Calm down ok? Judging from what you told me I would say you are about ten weeks along. Yes, your baby does run a risk of contracting HIV but there is a three-drug cocktail that we will put you on." Kelly takes Robin's hand and reassures her that things will be ok. "When the baby is born, within 72 hours, your baby will be put on the same protocol to prevent HIV and the success rate is very good. We will obviously keep a very close watch on you and your baby." Kelly smiles and looks down at her Robin's test results. "Now, you have no signs of kidney infection and your Pap smear was normal. I would like to schedule an ultrasound for you in two months. We can then tell if you are having a girl or a boy. I would also like to see you every two weeks instead of every month just to see how everything is going. Oh and I have a prescription for some vitamins" Robin expels a deep breath. "So my baby and I are going to be alright." It was more of a statement than a question. "Your baby has every chance to be healthy. With the advances that have been made in treating HIV there is every reason to believe that your baby will not have HIV. You know if you have any questions, you can track me down any time. Day or night you can call me, ok?" Kelly stands up and smiles at her friend, "Of course, I want to know the good stuff. How did Patrick take it when you told him you were pregnant?" Robin shook her head, her ponytail flying over her shoulders. "Oh Kelly, you can't talk to Patrick about this, promise me that you won't." A panicked Robin says vehemently. "Are you telling me that Patrick is mad that you are pregnant? He should know that no matter..." Kelly crosses her arms and starts to say indignantly. Robin cuts her off before she can finish. "Kelly, I haven't told him yet. I wasn't sure if I was really pregnant, and I didn't want to get his hopes up…or scare him away for no reason. Trust me…when the time comes, I'll tell Patrick everything." <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Patrick talks to Noah regarding his suspicion Robin is pregnant; Confiding in his father that he doesn't know if he's ready to be a father - Jason can't give Elizabeth what she wants and urges her to fight for her marriage (though it's a bit late) - Robin fears Patrick's response to her pregnancy - Luke is furious when Lucky admits he's interested in Sam