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Endgame- Episode 15 Saturday, April 07, 2007 Opening Video - Anna was famished. Working on a way to bring down the mob bosses in Port Charles made a busy woman like Anna hungry. She was enjoying her meal at the MetroCourt until she saw an all too familiar male approaching her table. "Well, my, this is most definitely an interesting surprise," she said, putting down her glass of wine. "Mr. Alcazar, I hope you don't take offense to my having you arrested." Lorenzo smirked, not letting the comment phase him in the least. "Well, if I had to be arrested, why not by the lovely new commissioner." Placing a hand on a chair across from her, he asked, "Do you mind if I sit down for a moment, Commissioner Devane?" Nodding, she allowed him to sit at the table. "So, what brings you to my table? I thought you would be busying yourself in keeping one step ahead of me," she replied, quite enjoying taunting him. "Now why would I want to try to do that? You're merely doing your job, am I right?" Lorenzo had to admit to himself, he kinda enjoyed this little game with Anna. What he wanted to do though was retaliate for having him tossed in jail. Any time in jail was a day of business lost. He definitely couldn't have Ms. Devane snooping around him. If need be, he'd do whatever to shift her attentions on to someone else….that someone being Sonny Corinthos. - Sonny called Stan into his office, he needed to know who the culprit was, who planted the bomb at the apartment and killed his sister. “Stan!” Sonny bellowed from inside his office. “Yeah. Sir, should you be in the hospital? You were just in an explosion that could’ve killed you.” “Yeah I was and I’m fine. I need you to do something for me.” “Sure, anything, whatever you need.” “I need you to find out who planted the bomb at the apartment.” Sonny walks over to the pots of tea in the corner of his office. His hand shakes as he pours him a cup. “I need you to do some digging and not to get caught. Okay?” “And this person is?” “Lorenzo Alcazar. Be discreet. I don’t want any attention brought about because you’re digging in places that you shouldn’t be. I need you to find all you can on Alcazar over the last 3 months. Financial records, his importing habits, his associates, anything that could tie him to the explosives used in the bombing that killed Courtney. And while you are at it, check into the employee records at the apartment building, and anything that may be a link to Alcazar.” Sonny instructed. “Is that all?” “Yeah, now go …” Sonny dismissed Stan and hoped he would find something useful in his search on Alcazar. As Stan left the office, Sonny’s phone began to ring. Stan closed the door behind him as Sonny answered it. “Yeah, this better be important.” Sonny snapped. “Sir, we got a problem.” “What kind of a problem?” Sonny inquired, he not needing any problems at the moment. He was dealing with enough, he didn’t need anything more. “A “missing shipment” kind of problem.” “I’ll be right there!” Sonny slammed down the receiver and headed for the warehouse. - As Lucas was walking, he couldn’t help but feel empty. His heart felt heavy with sorrow, his body numb with pain, as his mind was filling with all the memories he and Brandon had shared. They had some really great times and some not so great, but through it all, Brandon trusted him, that is until he found Lucas with Dillon. Lucas kicking a metal trash can in anger as he came upon the docks at Fisherman’s Wharf. Brandon was the one thing that was constant in Lucas’ life, and now he was gone. Lucas would hear no more Brandon’s laugh, see his smile, or feel his arms around him. Lucas just wasn’t ready to let him go, though he knew in his heart, he needed to. As Lucas walked aimlessly on the docks, the guilt of losing Brandon soon overcame him. Tears began to fall once more and Lucas found himself back at the Frat house where his heartbreak had begun. - Back at the MetroCourt, Anna and Lorenzo continue their little dance. "Come now, you didn't come over to my table to disrupt my fine dining just for a little 'chit-chat' now, did you. You are up to something." Anna was beginning to grow tired of the phony charm. Regardless of anything he said or tried to do, she was still going to come after him. "Touche, Ms Devane. Touche," he said, chuckling a little bit. Standing up from the table, he looked at the enchanting, but obviously dangerous woman. "I won't bother you any longer. Enjoy your meal." As he walked away, Anna's eyes caught to something that fell on the floor. Waiting until he was out of sight, she went to the other side of the table and picked it up. On the card was what seemed to be a phone number with three initials underneath. A devious smile played at her lips. "Well, well, maybe your little flattery was much needed after all," she chimed, looking at the card again before finishing her meal. On the next Port Charles: Endgame - Lulu is furious with Bobbie for not knowing where Lucas is - Carly is surprised by who is in her house - Jason finds a clue which points him in the direction of Lainey
Endgame- Episode 14 Thursday, April 05, 2007 Opening Video Nikolas could not understand why Carly was so distant with him. He figured taking her out to dinner would take her mind off Courtney’s death and Lucas’ problems. When he called asking her out to dinner, she agreed, but just the tone in her voice had him wondering if everything was okay. "You've been extremely quiet tonight, is there anything you care to share with me?" he asked across the table from her. "Why would anything be wrong, Nikolas?" she quipped back, letting the fork move her food on her plate around. "What could possibly be wrong, aside from my son hating me, my former best friend dying, the fact that my brother is an emotional mess and that the people in my life have been keeping secrets from me?" Eyebrows scrunched up, Nik was curious as to what might have happened between her and Michael. "What's going on with Michael? I thought he was doing alright. And handling AJ’s return to town a lot better than I expected. Did something else happen?" Dropping the fork on her plate, she crossed her arms, staring at him. "Not only does A.J suddenly want a relationship with my son, but I find out from the school that Michael has been acting out. He’s getting into fights, his grades are slipping and he has no respect for me or his father." The more she stared at Nikolas, the more she wanted to rip into him regarding the conversation he had with Lucky. "Listen, I'm sure Michael will snap out of all of this. He's just rebelling." He knew that was not the only thing that was upsetting her, so he hoped that she would eventually share that with him as well. Laughing a little, she could not believe that he considered Michael's change in attitude as mere 'rebelling. "You didn't hear the way he talked to Sonny and me. I think it's gotten far past simple rebelling. I think he's angry about something and is doing whatever to get us to take notice." "Like I said, Carly, he's rebelling. I'm sure the more you talk to him and get him to focus on what he's supposed to be doing, he'll snap out of it. He's a good kid." He reached for her hand, but was surprised when she snatched it from him. "Is something else bothering you tonight?" Not being able to stand it any longer, she laid her thoughts on the line, in hopes he will bite. "Have you ever cared about someone so much, that you are full of joy, then the joy is snatched away when you learn that you have been deceived?" Puzzled, Nikolas leaned closer to her. "I don't know what you mean? What's going on Carly?" "I'm talking about constantly being lied to and betrayed by people I love and care about. I dealt with trust issues with Sonny time and time again. I thought after going through that ordeal with him, that I wouldn’t have to anymore but I was wrong." When she saw that he wasn't connecting to what she was trying to say, her frustration set in. "You know, what, I'm no longer hungry. I want you to just take me home, okay?" Sighing a little, he waved for the waiter to bring the check. It was clear to him that something more was bothering Carly. As he paid the waiter, he tried to get a grasp of the comment she made about betrayal and lies. It wasn't until he dropped her off and headed back to Wyndemere did he get the indication of what was bothering Carly. As he sat in the study, he loosened his tie. That definitely wasn't the date he had in mind. "Sir Nikolas, I don't mean to bother you, but I want to apologize for my lack of remembering to inform you of something," Alfred said, approaching the door. "Hmm? What was that, Alfred," he asked closing his eyes for a moment. "What did you forget to tell me?" "Well, sir, a few days ago, Miss Carly Corinthos had stopped by requesting a visit to you. She claimed that she couldn't locate you and quickly left. I do apologize for not informing you earlier sir, but you've seemed so busy with things, I lost track." Raising up a little in his chair, Nikolas' interest peaked. "Um, Carly was here? Did she say anything to you?" Shaking his head, "Not really sir. She just told me to tell you that she was here." The minute Alfred exited, Nik raced to the phone to call Lucky. He had to tell Lucky that it was Carly that saw Sam at the park that day. At Lucky’s….The phone rang, however, no one would pick up. Unbeknownst to Nikolas, Lucky and Cameron were long gone to meet Elizabeth. As the phone continued to ring, Jason Morgan looked at it for a brief second and continued to go through the desk by the window. Whatever information accidentally left regarding Sam would be the thing to bring Lucky and Nikolas to their knees. On the next Port Charles: Endgame - Lucas finds himself wandering to a painful place. - Lorenzo makes a costly mistake while trying to charm Anna. - Sonny has Stan look into the bombing of Courtney’s penthouse
3 Hunks & A Hottie To Join!! The city of Port Charles is about to become hotter and hotter! To follow up on a previously reported story, after weeks of searching, PCINDepth can confirm to SONBC, that the roles of Blake, Ethan & Hunter have been cast, as well as a then unannounced role for a female character. 3 of the 4 characters have established ties to those who either currently reside, or did reside in Port Charles. We have been told that the character “Blake” is the brother of Alison Barrington. The role of Blake Barrington will be played by former “Passions” alum and current “Smallville” star Justin Hartley. In 2002, Hartley joined the cast of Passions as the headstrong Fox Crane, the rich heir of the villainous Alistair Crane. Hartley has been taping for the past 4 weeks and will debut at a yet unknown time. The role of Hunter Halloway (yes, he has a last name) will be played by former “DAYS” star Eric Winter. Winter has been taping for the past 2 weeks and will debut in May. Winter’s character Hunter is the brother of Summer Halloway, a character murdered by Stefan in 2003. Expect Hunter to become heavily involved with Lucas. The role of “Ethan Scott”, now known as “Evan Kozlosky”, will be played by Ryan Carnes. Carnes previously portrayed the role of Lucas Jones from 2004-2005. Additionally, changes have been made to the character as well. Instead of being a teacher or professor, he will be a junior at Port Charles University and is the star of the soccer team. The character is intended to stick around for 13-20 weeks, direction of the storyline will determine whether or not the character will be around longer. In regards to his storyline, the writers are tempted to tackle a serious issue, but will tank the story at any time if it doesn’t work out. In addition, Ashley Benson has been tapped to play the role of 18 year old Serena Baldwin. Serena was last seen in 2003 and was played by Carly Schroeder. When asked why Serena is returning at this time, the writers felt Lucy needed more family in town and it would boost the younger set as well. Lastly, the contracts of Alicia Leigh Willis (Courtney) and Matt Cohen (Brandon) have officially ended. The writers felt they could get better story from the death of the characters than if they chose to recast. The two have already finally aired. Lindze Letherman has been bumped to recurring.
Endgame- Episode 13 Wednesday, April 4, 2007 Opening Video - I heard Nikolas talking to Lucky. I still can't believe that they did this..." "Did what! What did Nikolas and Lucky do?" "I think that Nikolas was helping Lucky keep Sam from being discovered." Jason couldn't shake the conversation that he and Carly had that night. Could it be true? Could Robin's seeing Sam in the park, and Carly overhearing Nik's phone call all mean that Sam was indeed a live? Walking towards the window, he looked outside, still floored by everything that was dropped at his feet. If it were true, what was the purpose of keeping her in hiding; was it her choice or did Lucky and Nikolas take it upon themselves from letting those who know and loved Sam get close to her. Stepping away from the window, Jason realized that asking himself questions was not going to give him the answers that he needed. Grabbing his leather jacket, he prepared to head to the one person he could force answers from. - Lucky was up for the much needed distraction of Cameron. When Elizabeth called, asking if he wanted to have the day with him, he more than willing jumped at the chance to spend time with him. It was either sit on his hands wondering if the other shoe would drop regarding Sam or spend some quality time with the only son he knew. He opted to for the distraction of Cameron. He was glad to know that Elizabeth was not the one that saw Sam in the park; however, whoever did would eventually approach either he or Nikolas about it. It was inevitable; it was in fact going to happen at some point. The question Lucky had for himself however was how would he try to get out of the mess and save his neck. Sighing deeply, the answer automatically came to him, as it had time and time again, when his mind went to that subject; there was no way out of it. "Hey Cameron, do you want to show me the new fire truck your uncle Steven got for you," he asked, smiling at the giggly tot playing on the floor. He laughed when the tot thrust the fire truck at him. "Wow, that's a cool truck, buddy. Do you think you'll let your daddy play with it with you?" Being the big kid that he was, he really enjoyed playtime with Cameron; he wished for more time with him. Unfortunately, there was no way that Elizabeth and he would make progress to get back together and become a whole family again. Stroking his son's hair, he smiled as the little boy grinned back at him. As the two continued their play date, the doorbell rang. Getting up from the floor, Lucky made his way to see who could be stopping by. He instantly thought it was Elizabeth, but remembered she was on call till early Saturday morning. His stomach tightened immediately thinking that Nik could be at the door, coming to inform him about Sam. God, please don't let the other shoe drop now, he thought to himself. When the door opened, Lucky stood face-to-face with Jason. "What are you doing here?" Hands in his pockets, Jason nodded in the direction of the couch. "I need to speak to you. Are you gonna let me in or not?" Scoffing a little, Lucky refused to budge. "Well, I'm sorry Jason, but you came at a bad time. In fact, we don't have anything to talk about, so you can just go back to where ever you came from." Lucky goes to shut the door, but Jason pushes his way inside. As he walked into the apartment, his attention turned to Cameron playing on the floor. "You have Cameron for the evening?" "Like I said, Jason, I'm busy. What could you possibly be stopping over here for, hmm? I know it's not to tell me how sorry you are for seducing my wife and sleeping with her,” he sneered, making sure to keep his voice even. "So, what's the purpose of the 'social' visit?" "I want to ask you a question, and I hope to get an answer," he replied back, not backing down from doing what he set out to do. "Once I get the answer, I'll leave." "Well ask it then, so you can leave." "Where’s Sam?” The words alone sounded foreign to Jason as he asked the question. "I need to know where she is. I know you and Nikolas have her hidden." Now it was time for Lucky to do what he hoped he wouldn't have to do. "What are you talking about? Sam's dead, and she's dead, Jason, because of you." He was doing all he could not to crack. Why wasn't Jason up in Nik's face with this?" "Because of your desire to always be the hero, you chose to save Elizabeth over her. Don't come over here with these absurd questions." "Robin saw her in the park two days ago; and I know for a fact that Robin is not one to lie to me. Add that on to the fact that Carly overheard a phone conversation you had with Nikolas. So again, I'm going to ask you this: Is Sam still alive?" Shaking his head, Lucky quickly turned his back on Jason, focusing some of his attention on Cameron. He would do anything not to have to look his enemy in the eye. "You're taking the word of Robin and Carly? Robin is always jumping to some conclusion minus any facts; and well, the same thing goes for Carly. She's always been one to stick her nose in the middle of something without knowing what's truly going on." Jason had just come to his own: and it was that Lucky was a liar. Not tipping his hand, Jason continued speaking. "So, were you or were you not on the phone talking with Nikolas?" "Yes, I talked to Nikolas. So what? But it wasn't to talk about how we've been plotting to keep Sam in hiding," he said, still maintaining control in his voice. "If you must know, Carly may have overheard Nikolas talking about how Alexis is having a hard time accepting that Sam is no longer in her life." Walking towards the door, he opened it. "Now that I've answered your series of questions, you can do me and yourself a favor; you can leave. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out." Zipping his jacket, Jason was by no means through with finding out the truth. He stared Lucky down, trying to read him. He brushed past Lucky and left. The minute the door was closed, Jason pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. "Hello," a female voice said on the phone. "Elizabeth, I need you to do me a huge favor, okay?" Jason asked, hoping to God, she would do this for him. "Yeah, I can try, what's up?" "I need you to call Lucky and ask him to meet you. I don't care how you do it, but I need you to get him and Cameron out of his apartment." "Um....Jason, what's going on? Is everything okay?" Elizabeth sounded worried on the other end of the phone. "I will be once I find the information I need. Just call him in the next five minutes, okay." Closing the phone, Jason made his way back outside, in hopes that Elizabeth could get Lucky out of his apartment. Once he was gone, he would begin his search to see if there were any evidence of Sam being alive as Robin and Carly have said. On the next Port Charles: Endgame - Carly’s attitude towards Nikolas isn’t very friendly
Endgame- Episode 12 Monday, April 02, 2007 Opening Video "What are you doing here?" he asked, looking A.J. up and down. "If you're looking for my mom, she's not here." He automatically tried to close the door, but A.J. blocked him from doing so. "Actually, I came to see you. I know when I came back, you were not too pleased. I just wanted to get the opportunity to explain all that happened." It was clear that he was taking a very big chance in coming to him, however, it was a chance he was more than willing to take. "What makes you think that I would want to talk to you? Why would I listen to anything you had to explain to me?" he challenged, stepping back a little. "Do you mind if I come in, Michael? It is cold outside," he chuckled, trying in vein to break the ice. When he saw Michael stepping away from the door, he approached the couch. "I imagine that when your mother told you that I stopped by to see you, you were more determined than ever to keep me at a distance." Looking at him, not sure as to what he was talking about, Michael pounced on the statement. "What are you talking about? When were you here?" Realizing that Carly never told him about the attempted visit, A.J. smiled a little. "I should have known she wouldn't tell you that I stopped by a few weeks ago. I can't say that I blame her; she was dead set on me even making the request to spend time with you." Michael suddenly remembered that week. "So, it was you that was at the door? When I asked her about it, she said it was no one I should be concerned about." "Look, I know Carly had every right to block me from seeing you, but, you're older now, and I explained to her that it was your choice in whether you wanted me to approach you." Folding his hands, he hoped that Michael would honor his request to talk to him. "If you want me to leave, I can do so. I just came here to see if I could talk to you a little; to explain everything." Glancing at the couch, Michael realized that his mom could return at any given moment. "You know what, we’ve been over this before AJ and quite frankly I don’t want to go over it again. Unfortunately, my mom is like gonna be home soon, so you might wanna go. Plus, well," he laughed sarcastically, "she grounded me until further notice." Automatically curious, A.J. asked, "What did you do to get yourself grounded?" "My ‘poor behavior’ and getting into trouble at school. Mom and dad both teamed up on me and said that I was grounded until my attitude and my studies improved." His mind quickly thought of a sure-fire way to not only get to spend time with Michael, but also pull the wool over both Carly and Sonny's eyes. "I'll tell you what. If I can arrange for you to have the chance to talk to me, as well as help get your grades up, would you be up for it?" A devious smile began to form on Michael’s lips. He was more than interested in what A.J. was planning to do. "How are you possibly going to manage to do that? I mean, there is no way my folks are letting me out of the house when school is out." Heading for the door, A.J simply waved a hand casually. His eyes suddenly glanced at the letter from school. Picking it up, he quickly read it. Folding it up, he slid it into his pocket. "Don't worry about anything, okay? If you still want to talk with me, then I'll make the arrangements. If you change your mind, all you have to say so." Closing the door after him, Michael was more than interested in seeing what A.J was up to. On the next Port Charles: Endgame - Jason pays an unannounced visit to Lucky - Lucky enjoys the much needed distraction of spending time with Cameron - Jason asks Liz for a big favor (Remember before the storyline involving the hit and run took front and center for a few episodes, Jason had just learned from Carly and Robin that Sam is alive.)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great episode Tishy. Emily's gonna be PISSED!!!
Endgame- Episode 11 April 1, 2007 Opening Video - At the PCPD, Mac continues to struggle with not being the man in charge. It’s not that he is ashamed to be working with the men that he used to lead, but it feels like such a slap in the face to be replaced by someone who hasn’t lived in Port Charles for over 10 years. It’s insulting. Mac’s thoughts are interrupted when Anna arrives with the Mayor and DA Davis. Mac is prepared for a fight, but instead is asked to take on the hit and run accident that led to the death of Brandon Wexler. Anna tells Mac that this will be a big chance for him to regain the confidence of the Mayor and set an example for the other detectives in the department. Alexis offers Mac the full resources of her office and will assist with anything he needs. The mayor just scowls and walks out with Alexis. Before Anna leaves, Mac coldly tells Anna not to call in any favors for him anymore. He tells her that he’s perfectly able of winning back the support of the mayor. - When Michael comes down the stairs, he was very glad that Carly was not there. This has not been a very good week for him. Courtney died the other day, his uncle Lucas hasn’t been seen since Brandon died and on top of that….he still couldn't believe that his mother not only grounded him, but that his own father agreed with her. Sitting on the couch, he opted to turn on the television; he had nothing else really to do. He did not feel like playing with Morgan, nor did he feel like playing any of the video games he had. So, what other options did he have? Anger set in as he replayed the scene from earlier in the week. The minute he saw the car pull up to the school, and Sonny step out, he knew something was up. Michael: Dad, what are you doing here? Sonny: Oh, I thought I would change my routine today; decided to come and pick up my son. Michael: (eyebrows scrunching a little) Really? The only times you pick me up have been something important needs to be discussed. What's going on dad? Sonny: Michael, come on bud, just get in the car, so I can drive you home. I'll tell you when we get there. Moments later, the three of them were sitting on the couch. Carly started off the conversation with an envelope in her hand. Michael immediately winced when he heard her tone. She definitely was ready to lay the law. Carly: Michael, I got this letter in the mail a day ago. Do you want to know what it is? Michael: How in the hell should I know? You got the letter, not me. Sonny: Don't talk to your mother that way, Mike. She asked you a question. Do you have any idea what the letter could be about? Michael: No. I do not know what the letter is about. Carly: Okay, then I’ll tell you. It's about your lack of concentration in your studies. It's about your eruptive behavior while in class; basically Michael, this letter, right here tells me that you need some guidance and rules to get you back on track. Michael: Oh come on mom, everybody goofs off in school. Plus, the grades aren't that bad. I just had some tough assignments. I don't see why they wasted their time mailing out some stupid letter and killing some trees to do it. Sonny: It doesn't matter whether it was a waste in them sending a letter; that isn't the point. The point here is this; you are being disruptive in class, causing fights, and slacking off in your studies. Your mother and I won't allow that. Carly: Starting tonight, you are grounded. You will go to school, go to soccer practice, come home and study. When I see some improvement in your attitude, then your father and I will determine if the grounding should be lifted. Michael: WHAT! You can't be serious. You're grounding me? For what? A few lousy grades. Mom, get real. Carly: Don't you raise your voice to me, Michael. You have been pushing my buttons for weeks now, and I'm going to put an end to it. As I said, you are grounded until we decide you have improved your attitude and your schoolwork. Case closed. Michael: It doesn't matter what I say does it? Just as long as the two of you come out right in the long run. Just because you two have screwed up your lives, don't take it out on me. You two wrote the book on disorderly conduct. Sonny: That is enough! I will not sit here and allow you to disrespect me or your mother. Michael: You could always go home…..then allow me to disrespect my mother. (Waving his hands in the air) Are we done? Good, I'm going to my room. I just want to thank you both for messing up my life. Great job you guys. Really. Bravo. Michael still couldn't believe that his parents teamed up and grounded him. Getting up from the couch, he prepared to go back upstairs, when he heard a knock on the door. Opening it, he was face-to-face with the last person he wanted to see. On the next Port Charles: Endgame -A.J. finds his opportunity to get closer to Michael
DAMN IT!!! I could have sworn it was Belle! Good twist Mike
Endgame- Episode 10 Friday , March 30, 2007 Opening Video Steven was enjoying his dinner date with Robin; how could he not? She was a beautiful woman and she obviously enjoyed talking to him as much as he did her. He smiled at her while pouring another glass of wine. "I'm glad that you accepted my offer for dinner. I love my grandmother dearly, and love her home cooking, but there are some days where I just want to eat in a nice restaurant," he said, then added, "with wonderful company." Chuckling a little, Robin liked the dinner as well. "I find you to be wonderful company too, so thank you very much in inviting me to have dinner. I don't think I would have been up for trying to cook something." The two of them laughed a little. As they continued with their banter, neither were aware that Sarah and Patrick entered the restaurant. "When you said you wanted me to join you for dinner, I didn't think it would be here. This is a little upscale you know?" Patrick said, looking around the newest restaurant to acquire space in the MetroCourt. Brushing his shoulder lightly with her hand, she smiled at him. "Trust me, you'll love this place," she teased. She knew that once he locked eyes on his girlfriend with her brother, his guard would be down and she could be there to 'comfort' him. The hostess led the two of them to their table, which wasn't that far from Steven and Robin. Sarah purposely waited for Patrick to sit down, knowing that she could block his view for a bit. Leaning over the table, Patrick asked her, "Have you eaten here before, Sarah?" He quickly glanced at the menu and closed it shut quickly. "You haven't eaten here, before, have you?" Raising an eyebrow at him, Sarah opened his menu again. "Patrick, order what you think you'll like. It's my treat after all. I know you’re into the ‘man’ paying everything, but I’m a modern woman. I go after what I want. And right now I want to pay for dinner." Over at the table that Steven and Robin were dining, they were completely immersed in deep conversation. Robin didn't know what it was about Steven, but she was very intrigued by him; and just couldn't shake him out of her thoughts. Despite missing Patrick, which she truly did, she just couldn't help feeling drawn to her close friend's brother. In the middle of their conversation, Steven's eyes scanned on a familiar face. A smile crept upon his lips as he saw Patrick a few tables away from them. He only had one guess as to whom he was dining with…And that was Sarah. Quickly diverting his eyes, to make sure Robin didn't catch on that he was checking out something, he touched Robin's hand briefly. "Are you having a good time, Robin?" he asked, sipping some more wine. Feeling herself get tingly from the light touch of his skin, she blushed a little. "Yes, I am having a wonderful time." Standing up, she excused herself to head to the ladies room. Robin, what are you doing? She cursed herself as she quickly retreated. Sarah gave her order to the server, and stood up from the table. "Patrick, I'll be right back, I'm going to freshen up a bit. Whem I come back, I want to know what makes Patrick Drake tick,' she teased. This date is definitely going the way I want it, now let's add some fireworks, she thought as she entered the ladies room. Robin was coming out of the stall to wash her hands when she came face-to-face with Sarah. "Well, what a small world. Hello, Sarah," she said, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "I didn't think you'd be here dining...alone." "Actually, I'm not dining alone. I'm here with a friend,” Sarah remarks while teasing her long blonde hair. “I'm sure you are doing the same, right?" She was going to love seeing the look on Robin's face when she saw that she was with her Dr. Hotness. "As a matter of fact, I am," she replied, getting ready to head out the door. All she wanted to do was smack her senseless. She adored Elizabeth so much, but her sister was nothing but troublemaking bitch. Sarah quickly followed behind her. As the women headed for their respective tables, the ‘fireworks’ were about to begin. Patrick stood up at the same time as Steven did. Patrick's eyes immediately locked on Robin as she went to her table, just as Steven's eyes locked on Sarah. "I hope you are having a wonderful dinner," Patrick said, quickly approaching their table, glaring at Robin. "I thought you said you had plans with Lainey. Did those plans fall flat?" Glaring at him, Robin snapped back, not caring of the volume in her voice. "I thought you were going to take in a game tonight, did your plans fall flat, as well?" Eyeing Sarah, who pretended to act surprised, she continued talking. "Oh, let me guess, you decided to hang with your 'new buddy'." Holding up his hands, Steven tried to break up the spat. "Why don't we just arrange to all sit together, I'm sure there won't be a problem in doing that?" He could not help but be pleased with the outcome of what was going on. Robin's spark alone was appealing to him. Neither Patrick nor Robin paid much attention to the offer that Steven made. Robin got in her jabs, while Patrick fired back at her. Sarah and Steven smiled at each other; both pleased that each of their dates were beginning to be on the outs with one another. On the next Port Charles: Endgame Time moves ahead one day…. - Mac is assigned the hit and run case involving Brandon’s death -Michael flashes back to an argument with his parents and later gets a special visit
Endgame- Episode 9 Thursday, March 29, 2007 Opening Video - Over at the Metro Court, Alan just wrapped up a meeting with someone when Lucy Coe came sauntering over to him. He knew she was in Port Charles, however, he did all he could to stay out of her way. Clearing his throat a little, he quickly greeted her, hoping their social visit would not be too long. "Hello, Lucy," he said coolly. "I thought you would be out of Port Charles awhile ago." "Oh, no, dear, Alan, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, I might just decide to stick around for the long-term," she said in her best singsong voice, truly enjoying to Alan. "So, what brings you to the Metro Court? Get tired of staying in that mansion with that dull wife of yours?" "I had a business meeting, Lucy. Subtlety has never been your strong suit," he replied dryly, loosening his tie. "I take it Monica and you had words?" Sniffing haughtily, Lucy rolled her eyes at the word Monica. "I take that woman with a grain of salt. I still can't believe you two are still married. I mean, really Alan, neither of you ever seemed like you truly enjoyed being joined in 'holy matrimony'," she chirped, winking at Alan. "I thought the poor thing would have left a long time ago, having to deal with the likes of Tracy and old Eddie Quartermaine." Trying not to laugh at the little insult, Alan held on to tightly to his briefcase. "Well, Lucy, it's been fun, 'catching up' but I need to get back to the hospital. Grasping his arm, Lucy prevented him from leaving. "Why don't you sit with me at the bar and have a drink. I'm sure you won't be missed too much." When she noticed his hesitation, she smiled coyly. "I promise not to bring up Monica or anything else that involves her or your family. Oh dear, that will leave us very limited on subjects, now won't it?" Pulling him along, she led the way to the restaurant/bar. All Alan could do was think, Why me? - Elsewhere, Sarah picks up Cameron from the childcare center at the hospital and runs into Patrick. "We need to stop meeting like this," Patrick Drake said, practically startling the young woman. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but we have been running into each other quite a bit." Relaxing a little, Sarah was pleased to see him. A smile played at her lips, knowing that his girlfriend, Robin, was out on a dinner date with her brother. "I would have thought you would be home or out on the town with Robin tonight," she said, purposely trying to see what his reaction would be. Sighing a little, Patrick tried to forget about the little conversation he heard a few days prior between Robin and Steven. "Actually, Robin and I don't have any plans for the evening," he replied, not elaborating on anything more. "I just finished up my shift, and right now, all I can think about is getting home and crash." Stroking her nephew's back, she remembered the name of the restaurant her brother was going to. She decides to take advantage of the situation. "Everybody needs to relax and unwind, Patrick. I was on my way home to take Cameron back home. After that, I was thinking about going out to dinner," she pressed on. "Maybe you'd like to join me, that is if Robin doesn't mind. You know, in fact, you can bring her too if you'd like." She definitely was stirring up some trouble, but did not see what was so wrong in having a casual meal with someone. "Well, if I accept your offer, which sounds good right about now, I would be coming alone. Robin had her own plans for this evening." Even he noticed the edge in his voice when he mentioned her being out. "You know what; I don't feel much like cooking, so I'll accept your invitation." Pleased that she accomplished her goal, she quickly wrote down the name of the restaurant. "Well, I better take this little guy home, and meet you at the MetroCourt," she said, walking to the elevator. When the doors opened and she got in, all she could do was smile as the doors closed. - Meanwhile at Bobbie’s, she awakens from her nap covered in sweat. She calls out for Noah, but remembers he went back to his apartment to pick up some belongings. As she slowly makes her way downstairs, she heads to the cabinet to grab a can of soda and finds a bottle of Whiskey she had hidden in the back. She grabs the big bottle with a firm grip and places it on the table. She’s done this many a time before. You know, grab a bottle, sit it on the table and stare at it for hours, telling herself she won’t take a drink only to cave in the end. It would be so easy for her to just put her mouth to the bottle, slowly swallowing the liquid as it burns her throat. She feels horrible for what happened to Brandon, especially since she was responsible for it. Man….alcohol looks good right now. On the next Port Charles: Endgame -Sarah and Steven are both pleased with the chaos they stir up for Robin and Patrick
Endgame- Episode 8 Wednesday, March 28, 2007 Opening Video - Port Charles begins with Lucas in the hallway, crying with Carly. “His body is so cold,” he remarks. “I didn’t think that would happen. You know what, I’m just gonna head out. I have some things I need to take care of and I think I should do it alone.” Lucas takes off with Lulu a short distance behind him. - Meanwhile at Audrey’s, Sarah is surprised when Steven enters the house with a bouquet of flowers. She begins asking all kinds of questions as to why he has flowers. Eventually, he tells her that he has a date with someone special. "If you must know, Miss Nosey, I have a dinner date with Robin. She is quite the charming one, isn't she? I mean, it's no wonder she and Elizabeth are close friends." Sarah couldn't believe her ears. Robin Scorpio was his date? "Are you sure it's a date? I mean maybe she's just going out with you as a favor to Elizabeth." "Why would she need to do Elizabeth a favor by going out with me? Sarah, I don't need mercy dates; and this definitely isn't one." Standing up, he smiled at his sister, while smelling the floral bouquet. "If you will excuse me, I have to get showered and changed for a night on the town." "You do know that Robin has a boyfriend, right?" - At the hospital, Sonny sits in the ER waiting room and wipes the tears from his eyes, when he’s startled by his father, Mike. Mike, after learning about the explosion from the evening news, had rushed to the hospital to with Sonny and Courtney. Sonny, obviously upset about hearing of Courtney’s death, sits Mike down to tell him the news. Sonny tried to explain to Mike the circumstances surrounding Courtney’s death, but Mike was distraught with grief zoned out and couldn’t hear what Sonny was trying to explain to him. “Mike …. Mike …” Sonny shouted at his father to bring him back to reality. “Look, I know this is devastating for you, and it is for me too, but we need to be strong for the boys. They are going to need us both.” Mike looked back at Sonny; his eyes welled with tears and sadness, and his heart feeling the loss of a child. “We need to tell the boys before they hear it from someone else. Is Carly coming with us to tell them?” “Carly’s dealing with a lot right now. Lucas is dealing with a lot of pain and she needs to be there for him.” - Elsewhere, Lulu pulls up to Harbor View towers. She asks if Lucas is ready to come upstairs, but he can’t. “I’m not ready to go home. I can’t go up there Lulu. There’s just too many memories. Just um….just drop me off at the park and I’ll figure out my way from there.” - Not phased by what she said to him, Steven simply smiled. "I'm very well aware about her and Patty D. I personally don't see anything special about the guy, to tell you the truth." Just the mention of Patrick's name sent shivers up her spine. "I just wanted you to know that she was 'spoken' for, is all." "Sarah Webber, you little devil. You have a thing for the good ole Dr. Drake yourself, don't you?" The thought of his sister having an interest in someone made him smile. Even better, having the person be the 'competition' so to speak was an added bonus. "If I play my cards right tonight, maybe, just maybe I'll be able to strengthen your advantage in getting to know Casanova Drake better, as well." All Sarah could do was smile. - At Sonny’s, as soon as the door opened, Michael and Morgan come running down the stairs into Sonny’s arms. Sonny and Mike walked the boys into the living room and sat them down on the couch to tell them the sad news about Courtney. “Grandpa Mike and I have something to tell you guys. And it’s sad news.” Sonny began as the two boys listened. “Are you okay, Daddy?” Morgan pointed out Sonny’s scratches he had received as a result of the blast. “Yeah, Dad’s fine …. It’s your Aunt Courtney. She was hurt very badly tonight ….” Sonny started but feelings of sadness overwhelmed him as Mike continued to tell the boys the news. “What your Dad is trying to tell you is …. Your Aunt Courtney didn’t make it” Mike said as he choked back the tears. As Mike said the words, Michael ran up the stairs to his room. Before he hits the top of the stairs, he yells: “I hate this family! Why do people always have to die!” Morgan sat on the couch and Sonny held him in his arms. Mike started to go after Michael, but Sonny stopped him. “Let him go, he’s going to need time to absorb all this, he’ll be okay.” With heavy hearts, Mike and Sonny began calling friends and family to make the arrangements for Courtney’s funeral. On the next Port Charles: Endgame - Time moves forward 5 hours.... -Alan finds himself talking to an old love -Sarah manipulates Patrick into going out with her for dinner -Bobbie is tempted to drink while dealing with her guilt
Phillip is an !@#$%^&*]. How dare he speak to his mother that way! He did make some valid points though. If it wasn't for Sami, she wouldn't give a damn about Austin or Lucas. Great episode guys
Ryan commented on SoapAlcoholic's blog entry in "The Broken Life"
Good banners Soap If you want some more pictures of Alison Sweeney let me know. I have a nice couple picture of her and Bryan. -
Endgame- Episode 7 Lucas Loses His Love Tuesday, March 27, 2007 Opening Video Tonight's episode features the music of Chris Daughtry. The song used goes hand in hand with the episode and will make your reading pleasure a little more enjoyable. The link to the song is provided below. Please download this song as a token of our appreciation. Daughtry - Sorry Lucas slowly approaches Brandon’s hospital room. The closer he gets to the room, the more he can feel the pit in his stomach deepen. What will he be able to say to make it all better? Elizabeth tells Lucas that she’ll give him some time alone with Brandon. When Elizabeth leaves, Lucas peeks through the glass and is hesitant to walk in the room. Finally he musters up enough courage to walk in. *****“Sorry” by Chris Daughtry begins to play….***** As he steps into the room, his eyes focus on the tubes and equipment that Brandon is hooked up to, bringing tears to his eyes. He walks over to the window and pulls over a chair, careful not to touch Brandon as he’s afraid of hurting him. He stares at Brandon, not touching him, shaking, trembling. He reaches out for Brandon’s hand and hovers his above Brandon’s. “Well here we are,” he begins finally grabbing his hand. “I don’t know what to say. I’m not very good at this.” He lets out a big sigh, trying to force back the tears. “You had me scared there for a minute. All of us were out in the waiting room awaiting word on your condition.” Lucas puts his hand on Brandon’s forehead, brushing away the hair from his face. “But the doctors say it’s up to you now. You now have to fight to come back us. To me. You’re a fighter. Next to my father, you are the strongest man I know. And you have people who need you. I need you.” Lucas dreads talking about what happened between him and Dillon only hours before. But he knows that if he can give Brandon a reason to come back to him, he can fix the damage done to their relationship. “I don’t know exactly how much of this you can hear. But…I want you to listen to what it is I have to say. What happened between Dillon and I was a mistake. I don’t know what came over me, but it felt like a force was pushing us together, a force that I didn’t want.” He gets up from the chair and walks back and forth in front of the bed. “I’m not shirking the blame. I am the one who made a mistake, I’m not drying to blame someone else, but I just….I never meant to hurt you Brandon. I didn’t mean to cause you any pain. It’s because of me and my stupid actions that got you here. If it wasn’t for me and Dillon, you wouldn’t have run out in the street and got hit by that car.” Lucas begins to cry, knowing how much he let down Brandon. He is torn into pieces knowing that he is majorly responsible, at least in his opinion, for the accident. He stares at Brandon once again, trying to imagine the happier times. He wants to just hug Brandon tightly and never let him go. “When I say I’m sorry, will you believe me Brandon? Will you forgive me for betraying your trust?” Lucas sits back down in the chair next to Brandon and grabs his hand and leans in close. “I am nothing without you. It is because of you that I am the man that I am today. You made me feel like I could make a difference in the world, and forced me to love myself for who I am. You are the one constant in my life and I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He lifts up Brandon’s hand and kisses it, continuing to fight back tears. “You are a part of me. You and I share an eternal bond that I will always cherish and respect. I love you.” Lucas continues to pour his heart and soul out to an unconscious Brandon, a single tear trickles down Brandon’s cheek. All of a sudden, the deafening silence is broken when Brandon’s electrocardiogram sends out an alarm. Lucas looks up with tears in his eyes to see that Brandon has flat lined. Lucas runs over and screams for the doctors to come in while pushing the panic button. “Oh god someone help! Please help! Something’s wrong!” Lucas screams. As Noah and Bobbie approach Brandon’s room, they hear Lucas’ calls for a doctor, and Noah freezes in his tracks. He knows that he can’t in good conscious help the person who he helped hurt. Bobbie begins to cry, knowing that she is directly responsible for this. Patrick, David, Elizabeth & Alan rush into the room and do their best to try and get Brandon’s heart working once again. Lucas freaks out, begging, pleading with them and god to help save the life of the man that he loves. Brandon is the one he betrayed, but he’s the man who has his heart and soul, the man who is a part of his very being. Lucas continues to get in the way of the doctor’s who are trying to save Brandon’s life, Patrick yells for Carly to take Lucas out of the room. Carly rushes into the room and takes a distraught Lucas outside the room and they watch as the doctor’s work feverishly to save Brandon. “I’ve gotta go back in there! He needs me! He needs me,” Lucas screams with tears in his eyes. After working on Brandon for minutes, David stops. “What…what are you doing? Why are you stopping,” a frantic Lucas asks David. “Keep going.” “I’m sorry Lucas. Brandon is—” David’s words are cut off by Lucas. “No,” he cries. “Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare say it. He’s not….,” Lucas tries to regain his composure. “He’s not…You know. He’s not. He’s not.” Carly tries to say something to cushion the blow Lucas is feeling, but ends up making it worse. “Lucas I am so sorry. But the doctor’s wouldn’t lie to you. Come on, come with me,” she says reaching out for her distraught brother. “Get the hell off of me Carly! All of you…GO AWAY! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!” Lucas then rushes into the room where Brandon lies and watches in horror as the nurses unhook his lifeless body from the machines. Lucas closes his eyes and tries to think of all the good times they had, but he can’t. He collapses on the floor where his sister is there with a shoulder for him to cry on. The camera pulls away from Lucas and Carly while he’s crying in her arms as Port Charles comes to a close. On the next Port Charles: Endgame -The reality of Brandon’s death sets in on Lucas -Sarah is pleased when Steven tells her of his future “date” with Robin -Sonny breaks the news of Courtney’s death to Mike and his children
Lol, I'm glad that you're my stalker. Everyone deserves to have one The news regarding the casting call should be issued either this Friday or the beginning of next week. I wanted to make sure I had begun writing for the characters before I revealed who I cast.
New Openings & Minor Casting News Finally after a very, very long delay, I can reveal the new opening for the newly rebranded "Port Charles" and the "Endgame" story arc. I have also included a list of the characters in the fic who appear in the opening. New Opening Video Please note: Ingo Rademacher (Jax) has been re-added to the opening now that he has is back on contract. Lindze Letherman (Georgie), Kimberlin Brown (Alexandria) and Eileen Davidson (Victoria) have been removed. The original story penned for Kimberlin and Eileen's characters are still planned, but as of right now, there is no time available for their story. Also, as announced before, the roles of Michael, Dillon and Kristina were recast. The new actors have been added to the opening. Lucy Alan/Monica Kevin Mac Maxie Dillon Lulu Lucas Bobbie Nikolas Carly Michael AJ Sonny Kristina Alexis Ric Jax Anna David Lainey Steven Sarah Patrick Robin Jason Sam Lucky Liz Jason Lorenzo Skye Ned Tracy Luke After my computer crashed, I thought that I would never do an opening video again. I had tons of HQ openings on my computer that were lost and didn't think I'd ever get them back. Thanks to some great friends who heard me not only on SON & The Dish ask about the openings from a popular site, and to another friend who heard me on the radio show talking about it, I was sent many of the openings that I lost. I want to thank those people (and you know who you are) for doing this for me.
Endgame- Episode 6 Monday, March 26, 2007 Opening Video Carly follows Patrick to the ER and finds an injured Max. “Max what happened? Where’s Sonny? Where’s Courtney?” Max puts the icepack on his head and looks up at Carly. “There was an explosion at Courtney’s apartment building. Mr. C asked me to take him and Courtney to her place because they needed to talk about something. I was waiting downstairs when the explosion happened. I got hit by the debris.” Carly lifts up the ice pack to see the deep bruise on Max’s head. “At least you’re ok. I can’t lose you Max. You’re one of the best bodyguards we have.” “Thanks a lot Mrs. C. That means a lot to me.” Max gets up and walks Carly over to where Patrick is talking to Monica and Steven. “What’s going on? Why does everyone look so sad? Where’s Sonny?” Just then a low voice is heard. “I’m right here.” Carly drops her pocketbook and runs over to Sonny hugging him. She begins to cry and he wipes her tears. “I thought you were dead,” she says. “Everyone had these sad looks on their face and I was just….I was worried for the kids.” “Yeah, yeah. I’m doing alright. Just a little banged up.” Sonny limps over to Monica and asks about Courtney. “Is she alright? I saw the medics taking her into the ambulance as they were taking me away.” Monica clenches her clipboard. She doesn’t like Sonny or Courtney very much, but having to deliver this news is saddening even for those she doesn’t like. “I’m sorry Sonny. But Courtney didn’t make it. She died en route to the hospital. The medics did everything they could to save her, but it wasn’t enough…..I’m sorry.” Sonny begins to tear up a lot. He turns his back and walks towards the window before collapsing and crying in the chair. Carly isn’t sure what to say to him. She wants so badly to comfort Sonny, but doesn’t want to fall back into the same patterns that she has in the past. Even though she’s just lost her best friend, she offers to call Mike and everyone else. Sonny turns her down and says he’ll handle it. He tells Carly that he received her voicemail earlier and to go be with her brother. He needs her more than he does right now. Carly wipes the tears from her eyes as she kisses Sonny on the forehead and walks away. Down the hall, Monica turns in her resignation as the Chief of Cardiology. She thinks of all the good times she had being the boss, the lives she saved and the ones she lost. She knows that as much as she likes being the Chief of Cardiology, she can’t risk Alan finding out about her ongoing affair with Kevin. She just can’t. On the desk, she leaves her letter of resignation and letter of recommendation for David. Damn that David Hayward. Damn him to hell. She’ll make sure he gets his. Elsewhere in the hospital, Carly steps off the elevator just in time to see Elizabeth walking over to Lucas. She tells Lucas that he is able to see Brandon now and offers to walk him to the room. Lulu notices something is wrong with Carly, but Carly tells her not now. Dillon goes to walk with Lucas, but Maxie steps in his way. “Haven’t you done enough for one night?” she bitches to him. “I think Lucas needs his space right now.” Dillon becomes angry with Maxie and gets in her face. “Since when have you been named caretaker of Lucas? And since when did his actions become part of your business.” “Lucas is my cousin and I’d do anything for him.” She grabs Dillon’s hand and pulls him back over to the waiting area. “Including keeping the people who he’s unhappy with away from him.” Lucas slowly approaches Brandon’s hospital room. The closer he gets to the room, the more he can feel the pit in his stomach deepen. What will he be able to say to make it all better? On the next Port Charles: Endgame - Lucas asks Brandon for forgiveness but will Brandon be able to forgive him?
Great episode Tishy. I like the way you pace your episodes right before a very big one. It leaves you wanting more. I can't wait until the next episode.
Endgame- Episode 5 Saturday, March 24, 2007 Almost at the hospital, Noah drove on and parked the car. Before letting Bobbie out of the car, he tried to rationalize with her the situation. He explained what he could for her and he asked her if she would be okay to see Lucas without confessing to him she was the reason Brandon was hurt. Bobbie wanted to turn herself in, but Noah convinced her it was best to let things ride out till it was absolutely necessary to come forward. He was protecting her and he hoped she would come to realize this. At the hospital, the friends closest to Brandon continued to wait for word about their injured friend. A few moments later, though it seemed like a lifetime for Lucas, Patrick emerges from the room with Robin and David to give them an update on Brandon’s condition. “I was going over the paperwork and noticed that no one identified themselves as Brandon's next of kin. Why is that," Patrick asks looking at the room full of worried people. "There has to be someone we can call right?" "Ummm, no," Lucas says wiping a tear from his face. "I am the closest thing Brandon has to family. His parents died when he was a kid. The only other family member I could think of was his sister, but she died a few years ago." Lucas walks over to Patrick running his hands through his hair. "Look, I know all about hospital procedure and that you're not able to share this information with me, but I really need to know. I am his family. Please Patrick." Patrick gives a look to Robin and David, who give him the nod of approval. "Brandon’s stabilized for now. But there isn’t much we can do for him that hasn’t already been done. It’s up to Brandon now.” "What's wrong with him?" Carly asks. "I know that you're keeping something from us. Don't make things any harder than they already are." "I'll clear some things up for you," says David. "Brandon went into severe cardiac arrest on his way over to the hospital. During the surgery to repair some of his internal injuries, Brandon again when into cardiac arrest and during the peri-period, it was very touch and go." David gets ready to continue, but Robin cuts him off. "But we were able to stabilize him due to the combination of drugs that Brandon was on, as well as the immense talent of Dr. Hayward here." Robin then turns things over to Patrick. Lucas takes a deep breath before hugging his sister. "So everything's alright now right? I mean he's ok?" "Brandon," Patrick begins to say, "Suffered severe damage to his head during the accident." Patrick watches as Lucas begins to freak out. "Before you get worked up, let me finish. There was severe cranial swelling that was putting pressure on his brain. He had an intracranial hemorrhage that put pressure on his brain, so we relieved the pressure by withdrawing some of the blood so I could go in and repair the damage." “May I sit with him?” a distraught Lucas asks. “No, at least not yet. Give us time to look him over and to reconnect the machines. Someone will let you know when you can see him. Perhaps someone would like to take you for something to eat in the cafeteria or something and come back a little later. We’ll know more about his condition and we can allow visitors.” Suddenly, Patrick was paged and he took his pager out of his coat pocket. He walked over to the phone and called in the page. While on the phone, he looked over in Carly's direction with a concerned look on his face. “You better come with me, Carly," Patrick says while grabbing her arm. "Sonny and Courtney were just brought into the ER. There's been an explosion.” Carly is hesitant to leave her brother behind, but Lulu tells her to go. Reluctantly, Carly follows Patrick to go find Sonny & Courtney. On the next Port Charles: Endgame.... - Carly learns of Sonny & Courtney's fate - Monica files the papers for her resignation as Chief of Cardiology
Epiosde 62: Nikolas and Elizabeth Kiss!
Ryan commented on Tishy's blog entry in The Citizens of Port Charles
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Nikolas and Elizabeth!!!!! Way to go Tishy! -
Endgame- Episode 4 Friday, March 23, 2007 6 hours later……. Sonny awakens to the sound of rescuers pulling him from the rubble. He appears disoriented at first, not sure what happened to him. As he’s brought outside, he looks at the damage done around him. The explosion affected the next 5 buildings near Courtney’s. The flames continue to rage on as neighbors watch from the side streets. When brought to the ambulance, Sonny begins to remember what happened and immediately asks about his sister. The medics try to calm him down so they can take him to the hospital. Back at the hospital, Carly brings coffee for those in the waiting room. Lucas managed to sleep off most of what was in his system and appears to be himself again. Lulu, who had fallen asleep in Dillon’s arms, gets up to talk to Carly. “What do you think is taking so long?” she asks impatiently. “I mean, how long does it take to do the surgical procedure?” Lulu walks around as if walking will make time speed up. “The doctors are doing the best they can,” Carly says to her worried cousin. “I sorta know about these surgeries. I used to be a nurse….kinda, so I know that the longer it takes for them to work, the better that Brandon will be.” Carly walks over and sits with Lucas, continues to blame himself for what happened. “He shouldn’t be going through this….it shouldn’t be him.” Lucas puts his face in his hands and tosses his hair back. He gets ready to say something else when Dillon comes over. “Lucas, I. I’m sorry. I don’t really know what,” Dillon’s sentence is cut off by Lucas punching him in the mouth. “This is all your fault,” he says glaring at Dillon. “If you hadn’t taken it upon yourself to….you know what. Never mind. It’s not worth it.” At Bobbie’s, Noah prepares a quick hangover fix for Bobbie when she wakes up. He continues to replay over and over the events in his head, trying to convince himself that what he saw never really happened. It’s the only way he’s been able to get through these first few hours without going down to the police station to turn himself in. Bobbie begins to question Noah about what happened, seems she can’t remember, it’s all a blur for her. Noah is not sure what to tell her, he doesn’t want her to get herself into even a bigger mess by confessing to the police. He needs time to figure it all out and to get his story straight. Noah explains to her there was an accident, but doesn’t fill her in on all the details. Knowing that Lucas needs her there, she wants to go to the hospital to see her son. Noah doesn’t want to take any chances and refuses her request, but Bobbie insists. As they drive to the hospital to be with Lucas, Bobbie begins to remember the night before and remembers bits and pieces of the accident. Her mind playing over and over again the events that occurred and she jerked when she realized she had hit someone with the car. “Oh my God, Noah …. I did it! I hit Brandon with my car!” To Be Continued......
Casting Call Issued For 4 Roles Sources close to those at Port Charles/General Hospital are reporting that the show has issued a casting call in order to fill 4 recurring roles that will have major impact on current and future stories to come: ***Names Are Subject To Change*** "Ethan Scott" - A complex character with a dark past. He is between the ages of 23-26 and will interact with the current young adult set and the younger teens. Will be a professor/teacher at Port Charles University or Port Charles High School. He is a real ladies man, someone that the younger girls crush on and can make older women swoon. Has the "boy next door" quality. Will be around for 13-20 weeks. Not a long-term character. "Blake" - A young man, between the ages of 25-28 who's used to getting what he wants. Considered to be snobbish at times, even conceited, though deep down, he's just someone who is lonely and misunderstood. He uses his arrogance as defense mechanism to protect himself from getting hurt. Comes from a very wealthy family, maybe connected to someone in Port Charles. "Hunter" - A 21 year old college student who befriends Lucas. Is related to someone who was in Port Charles for a short time, but was involved with some important characters. Harbors some ill will towards those who interacted with his relative(s). Is currently on the outs with his family for being a "disappointment". Struggles for acceptance. "Trevor" - Trevor is the father of Ric Lansing. He has many layers to him with a very dark past. Has a mental hold on Ric that no one else has. We are currently in the process of casting these roles. If you have any ideas for who we should choose, please let us know.
No no, the kids were at home
Endgame- Episode 3 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - As the medics wheel Brandon into the emergency room, Alan asks the lead medic for a status update on Brandon. “The victim was hit by a car. He has severe internal injures and appears to be concussed,” says the medic to Alan. “Patrick,” Alan says while looking through the charts. “I’m going to need you in the OR. Robin, I’m going to need you to consult on this case. We are doing to need a drug remedy to bring down the swelling and ease his pain.” Alan then orders Epiphany and Elizabeth to go prep for the OR. Carly rushes into the ER looking for her brother. “Lucas, what happened? How did this happen?” Carly tries to console her brother, who at this time is an emotional mess. She looks around and sees Lulu trying to comfort Dillon and Maxie looking very nervous. Lucas stands up but falls back into his chair. Lulu runs over and notices that both Dillon and Lucas are exhibiting the same symptoms. Both are dehydrated and say their mouth is dry. Carly suspects they’ve been popping ecstasy. Before the doctors take Brandon upstairs, Alan learns that Brandon went into massive cardiac arrest while in route. Alan pages Monica, who arrives with David at her side. Alan wants Monica to be in the OR in case he goes into cardiac arrest again. After an awkward glance to David, she instead selects him to take her place in the OR. Alan doesn’t have time to fight with her, and asks David to follow him into the OR. - Elsewhere in Port Charles, Sonny and Courtney arrive at her apartment building. They spent the day together with little Spencer, Michael and Morgan. It seemed like old times for them, back when Sonny & Carly were together, and Jason & Courtney were together. Max helps Courtney out of the car. Sonny decides to walk Courtney to her apartment, since they haven’t finished their conversation. Across town, Lorenzo receives a cryptic phone call. “You had better have good news for me,” Lorenzo says with a serious tone. “Yes Mr. Alcazar. I do.” “Is it finished” he asks. “Yes sir. It’s done.” “Good. Now get out of there unseen.” - Back at the hospital, Carly and Lulu give Lucas & Dillon water to keep them hydrated. Lucas asks Robin for an update on Brandon’s condition. Robin says that they are about to begin surgery on Brandon and that the best thing for them to do is get some rest in the waiting area. Lulu asks Robin to take good care of Brandon. She says that she will. In the OR, Patrick learns that Brandon has severe cranial swelling and may not be able to operate the way he wants to. Alan thinks the best course of action would be for them to begin the drug treatment to reduce the amount of swelling so Patrick will be able to relieve the pressure on his brain. David will be kept around in case the damage to Brandon’s heart was too severe. The overall procedure will be done by Alan himself. - At Courtney’s, Sonny and Courtney get off the elevator smiling and enjoying each other’s company. For the first time in a long while, they feel like brother and sister. Sonny and Courtney arrange for a day next week when they can get together and spend another day with their children. Courtney hugged her brother. Sonny makes his way towards the elevator and presses the button for the ground level floor. Courtney puts her key into the door and waves to Sonny as the elevator doors begin to close. In slow motion…..Lorenzo picks up a glass of his finest wine and drinks it slowly in front of the fireplace. Courtney opens the door to her apartment, unaware that she tripped a cable. Sonny has a feeling that something is wrong and tries to get out of the elevator and screams Courtney’s name. The building explodes! On the next Port Charles: Endgame - The aftermath of the explosion at Courtney’s building - The doctors update Lucas and company on the condition of Brandon - Bobbie is horrified to learn what she’s done