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You know what, I can't sing you guys' praise enough. You both are AMAZING writers and I am really enjoying your episodes. I am loving the showdown between Victor & Stefano, it's like I can envision the action happening in my mind. I fear for what's next for Abby and Chelsea
Secrets & Lies: Episode 28 Tuesday, November 21, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Na'Vell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy walks into the living room looking over some folders that involves ELQ. She begins to check over things on her list when she’s angered by what she sees. She then gets on the phone to make an important phone call. Tracy: Yes, I am looking over these ELQ figures and they seem to have dramatically fallen short of what I originally expected. I put a lot of time and effort into this project, and to see these numbers is a disgrace to me and the company!........What do you mean Skye changed the protocols regarding the production for the product? She doesn’t have the authority to make such changes…….Oh, so my father gave her that power? Well, we won’t have to worry about her or him much longer. Now you get off your ass and put my original protocol back into effect. You hear me? Tracy then hangs up the phone and sighs out of frustration. She begins to talk to herself about everything falling into place when Skye enters the room and questions what she was talking about. Skye: Exactly what is falling into place Tracy? Tracy, startled that Skye may have heard enough to figure out what she is up to, hides the ELQ folder behind her back. At MetroCourt, Luke makes his way over to Carly behind the bar, not looking too pleased to see him. Carly: Oh, look what the wind blew in. Luke: Now is that to talk to me, niece of mine? Carly: When it is you, yes. What you want Uncle Luke? Luke: Well, I think you may change your tune when I have a proposition to make to you. Carly: And just what exactly is that? Luke: I need you to do your old uncle a favor. I need you to loan me Michael’s proxy for some ELQ business. Carly: Ummm….tell me why I should do that? Luke: Because we’re family. We’re Spencer’s, and we watch out for each other…..and because I want to put that old buzzard in his place! I'm done with him and his whole family trying to ruin me and my family. Carly: I’ll tell you what. I’m intrigued, but I still don’t see how this will benefit me or my child. I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. However, I want to know what’s in this for me. Luke: Let’s just say if things go my way, you’ll have a few favors that you can call in with me. I know that you’ve been working on acquiring a company using an ELQ subsidiary that you just purchased. You do this for me, and I’ll make sure you get what it is you’re after. Now, what do you say, niece of mine? Carly: (smiles) Don’t screw me over Luke. You’ll regret it. I think we have a deal though. Luke: Great. Just great. Don't forget Caroline, Thanksgiving Dinner w/ the Q's. Carly: Oh I wouldn't miss this for the world. Luke smiles back at Carly, knowing that with her help, ELQ will fall right into his and Tracy's lap. Tracy: Skye, listen, it's not what you think it is. I was merely.... (she then notices Edward make his way into the living room, and is able to cover her tracks)...merely trying to get the whole family together for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Skye: (sarcastically) Right. Like I am supposed to believe that you are actually looking forward to a pizza Thanksgiving. Edward: Well, I know Tracy here has her faults...marrying that punk Spencer for example...but for once, I think Tracy is actually looking forward to have some quality time with the family. No pizza this year. We will be having an extravagant feast to celebrate our family. Tracy: It really is about uniting the families. The Spencers & the Quartermaines….and those associated with us will dine in style. Skye: Wow. I think I just walked in on the Twilight Zone. If you really think that this wench is looking to share some family love, you really have lost your mind. At the docks, Helena is on the phone talking to one of her servants. She tells him that she intends on spending Thanksgiving with Nikolas and her great-grandson no matter what the odds are, and asks his help to make it happen. She then gets off the phone with him, and has a sudden flashback to the night when Sam, Alexis, Jason, Ric, and Lucky, were in the fire. She snaps out of it and proceeds to make her way to her destination. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - The citizens of POrt Charles prepare for Thanksgiving - Edward is surprised by how many people are going to show up - Helena is worried when her captive escapes
Secrets & Lies: Episode 27 ICU: Bobbie, Noah, Lucas & Brandon Sunday, November 19, 2006 Written by: Na'Vell J. Lee & Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler ACT I Back at the MetroCourt, everything seems to be going well during Bobbie and Noah’s date until Noah sees someone who could possibly ruin their night. He tries to get Bobbie out of there without noticing them, but does a poor job. Much to Bobbie’s dislike, Lucas [Justin Bruening] and Brandon [Matt Cohen] show up for dinner together at the MetroCourt. The two begin to sit down, but Lucas notices Bobbie and Noah at another table. Lucas: (sighs) Oh, great. Could this night get any worse? Brandon: Look, this is supposed to be our night, and seeing your mother should not ruin that. Just go over there, and at least try to be civil with her. Lucas: It just seems like every time I try, we get further and further apart. Brandon: You are going to be uncomfortable about this until you talk to her, so go over there. Lucas looks at Brandon, and gives him a small grin, and both then start to get up and head over to Bobbie and Noah's table. Bobbie sees them coming over to the table and puts her head into the menu to avoid facing eye contact. Noah: Bobbie, your son is coming this way. Get your head out of that menu and speak to him. Bobbie: This is not the time or the place, No....(stops talking when both Brandon and Lucas arrive at the table) Lucas: Hi, Mom. Noah. Noah: Lucas, Brandon, so nice to see you. (Looks over at Bobbie to make sure she speaks to her son) Bobbie: (clears throat and fakes a smile) Lucas, very nice to see you, along with your friend. Lucas: He has a name, Mom. Brandon. Bobbie: Yes, yes, of course. Noah does his best to try to break the tension between the four of them by making conversation with Lucas. Noah: So, what brings you two out tonight? Lucas: Well, Brandon and I finally had the chance to get a night out, so we decided to come here. Bobbie: Well, if you aren't afraid of being embarrassed by others, then you have it. Lucas: You know what, Mom.... Brandon: No, Lucas, don't do this. Lucas: No, I'm sick and tired of the fact that she has to insult you whenever I am around you. This is where it ends, right here and right now! Opening Video ACT II Bobbie: Lucas, try to calm down. You're just embarrassing yourself. Lucas: No, Mom. You seem to take it upon yourself to make Brandon feel so low about himself when he is around me. Where do you exactly get off making other people miserable? Is it because of your nice little drinking habit you have taken upon yourself? Noah: Lucas, that's enough. Bobbie: Don't you stop him, Noah. Let him finish. I mean, it's obvious that he is not thinking clearly about anything that is going on with his life. Lucas: I cannot express to you enough, Mom, that this is who I am. You can't wish that this is a stage I am going to grow out of! The world doesn't work that way, if you haven't noticed! If it does, then you would stop drowning your pathetic sorrows in a bottle of booze every single night, and appreciate your son instead of trying to push him away like garbage! Bobbie: (starts to stand up from her chair) Don't you understand what kind of hell you are putting yourself into?! You are so hellbent on continuing with this farce of a relationship that you are not able to see how dense people can be to this! The constant stares, the consistent talking behind one's back, you really want to go through life with people making you feel less of yourself! And this character, or whatever the hell he is to you, will just make things worse for you in the end. This isn't love, this is just a fad that is severely wearing thin, and I am sick and tired of it! Noah: Bobbie, sit down. Bobbie: (ignores Noah) You actually think that this....this thing can bring you happiness into your life! Well, guess again, son! If you do continue with this, nothing but misery will come from this. And if you think I will be your shoulder to cry on when you finally admit that this route you went on was wrong...and a girl is right for you...you can think again. Lucas: Well, Mom....I guess I can see it all clearly now. You really only care about yourself in this situation, don't you? To hell with me and my feelings, right? Seems that you are not worried about how embarrassed this will make me....you are more concerned about how this will affect you. Take a look around, Mom. I'm sure this isn't what you expected....now, is it? Bobbie and everyone else notices that the crowd is not staring at her. She then turns around and sees an upset Lucas, and then looks down at a glass of champagne. She then takes a drink, and grabs her coat. Bobbie: Noah, let's get out of here. I suddenly don't like the air in here. ACT III Bobbie and Noah start to leave the MetroCourt, and Noah notices Lucas beginning to cry. Brandon puts his hand on Lucas' shoulder, and then the two begin to hug, and they shortly leave after Bobbie and Noah do. Noah and Bobbie arrive at his apartment, and she throws her coat down onto the couch and begins pacing. She starts to head to the bar to get a drink, but Noah stops her from doing so. Bobbie: What the hell do you think you are doing? Noah: Don't you dare think you are going to avoid the situation at hand by taking a drink. Bobbie: How dare you? Noah: To actually ask me that, just proves exactly what Lucas was saying. You are no better than a common stranger who judges their own son....their OWN son! You had the nerve to just blast him in front of an entire crowd simply because he chose to be himself. What kind of a mother would do that to their own child? Someone without a heart. Bobbie slaps Noah Bobbie: How dare you make judgments like that. You know nothing about my relationship with my son. Bobbie begins to start to become very emotional at this point. Noah fights back his own tears as he blasts the woman he loves for being so cruel to her child. Sometimes love hurts and you have to give brutal honesty to those who are in desperate need of it. Noah: The hell I don't. You really think I didn't have a strained relationship with my own son? You seem to forget, sweetheart, I am a recovering alcoholic! My son couldn't stand the sight of me, and I wanted to try to get back in his life to be a better father to him than I ever was. It killed me inside each and every day that he would not give me the time of day because I was so hellbent against his wishes! Noah is unable to control the tears now as he lets them fall freely down his face...hoping that showing his pure and raw emotion would impact Bobbie in a big way. At least you have the opportunity to HAVE something with your son. Or should I said had. After the spectacle you made tonight, you lost all hope of that. Who the hell can blame him for the way he's feeling? Bobbie stares at Noah furiously. Back at Lucas' place, he and Brandon sit down on the couch and begin to calmly talk about what happened at MetroCourt tonight. Brandon: How are you? You doing ok? (strokes Lucas' hair) Lucas: I don't know anymore. I tried so hard to have my mom accept who I am, but after what happened tonight.... Brandon: Don't put more stress on yourself about this. None of this is your fault. Lucas: I know...I know that. I just have begun to realize that she will probably never accept this, but she is not going to ruin my life.Whatever control she has had over me, it's done and over with. Brandon: You sure about that? Lucas: Absolutely. I love being here with you, Brandon. That's all that matters. ****************************************** Lucas and Brandon share a kiss with one another. Then another, then another, then another. Brandon takes off his shirt as Lucas takes off his. Brandon and Lucas then take each others pants off (leaving boxers on) and begin to make out on the sofa. Brandon gets on top of Lucas and kisses his chest and runs his fingers through his hair. Brandon runs his hand across Lucas' crotch. Lucas really seems into it. Brandon slips his hand down Lucas boxers and kisses his neck. Lucas tenses up and Brandon gets off him and stops. Lucas sits up. ****************************************** Brandon: What's the matter? Did I do something wrong? Lucas: No, no. It's not you. It's me. Feels like it is moving a bit fast for me, and I am just not ready for this yet. I'm really sorry about... Brandon: No, there is nothing to be sorry for. I think also a part of it has to do with the fact you were going to make love to me to spite your mother. Lucas: Heh, it was a factor, yes. But, when the time is right, we'll know it. And, we'll take it from there. Brandon gives Lucas a nice smile as he puts his arm around him. Back at Noah's, Bobbie is about to rip Noah a new one. Bobbie: You really gonna try to compare such a menial thing like your son hating your drinking problem with what is going on with my son? It doesn't even begin to compare! At least your son will have a chance at living a normal life. He won't be judged for being with a woman because hey...it's NORMAL. Your son likes women. My son likes guys. There's no comparison. Noah: Oh, I believe it does. You are so adamant about the fact that Lucas is now standing up to you and is finally being who he is, without your approval, that it is tearing you up inside. You say you love your son? Well, why don't you get off of your high horse and show him how much you care about him! You worry about what others have to say about him? Look what you had to say about him! You made yourself not only look like a fool, but hurt your son in the process! Not everything is all about you Barbara Jean. You are not going to bloody sit here and claim that everything that went wrong or may go wrong in his life is your fault. News flash for you, love. Lucas is in charge of all the decisions that he makes. Not you or anyone else! So stop acting like a hypocrite, and love Lucas for who person he is. Love him for the child he was and the man he has become! Bobbie runs over to Noah and begins to hit him in the chest, saying that this is not her fault and how can he suggest such a notion. She keeps repeating it over and over again, while trying to hit him, but suddenly breaks down and starts crying hysterically. She starts to realize that she does believe everything that is going on with Lucas IS her fault, and continues to cry in Noah's arms. Lucas puts his head on Brandon's lap, and Brandon begins to stroke Lucas' hair. Lucas starts to tear up a bit because of the strain of everything that has happened is putting him and his mother further and further apart. He slowly closes his eyes and goes off to sleep. After crying herself heavily to sleep, Noah puts Bobbie to bed and places the covers over top of her. He then kisses her, turns off the lights, and lets Bobbie sleep peacefully as he makes his way back to the living room. On The Next GH: Secrets & Lies- Skye overhears Tracy talking about her "big plans". Luke goes to Carly for special favor. Edward prepares the staff for their Thanksgiving Dinner Helena has a run in with someone that is too close for comfort.
Hey everyone, Due to me being sick (and feeling totally crappy), I will not be posting any episodes this weekend. I'll do some casting news and previews, but that's it. Hopefully I'll feel better soon, I hate being sick
Secrets & Lies: Episode 26 Friday, November 17, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video As the show opens, Noah and Bobbie are being seated at the MetroCourt for dinner. While she’s ordering, Noah can’t help but be amazed by Bobbie’s beauty. She’s aged very well over the past 20 years and can’t help but be captured by her. When she’s done ordering, Bobbie is surprised that Noah is staring at her so deeply. He reaches out and takes her hand and smiles. Noah comments on how great Bobbie looks and she thanks him. Another waiter comes by and asks what they’ll have to drink. Noah says he’ll have some country tea, Bobbie requests a glass of Chardonnay, but changes her mind at the last minute. Noah smiles at Bobbie’s decision to not drink. She tells Noah that though she likes to drink, tonight is not the night to do that. Also in the MetroCourt are Jason and Robin, separately though. Jason notices the sad look on Robin’s face and goes over to talk to her. Robin looks up surprised to see Jason. When asked what’s wrong, Robin says she and Patrick got into a huge fight and now he’s not returning her calls. Jason suggests Robin go over to his place, but is told he’s on vacation. Robin tries to get Jason to open up to her, but he shuts her out. All he’ll tell her is that since Sam’s death, he’s been lost and possibly ruined someone’s relationship because of it. Lucky is coming from the kitchen when he hears a knock on the door. He opens the door to find his wife there. Lucky tries to shut the door but Liz stops him. He asks her to leave, but Liz says she wants to move back home. Liz tries to make Lucky understand that she wants to be with him and him only, but he’s just too stubborn to see it. Lucky says he’s not ready for her to move back home yet and he doesn’t know when. But until then, he’d appreciate it if she kept her distance. At the Quartermaine Mansion, Luke and Tracy are upstairs layout out their plans to get enough votes to ensure Tracy is the new CEO. While going through a list of non-family members on the board, Tracy knows there are at least 3 who she can blackmail into voting her way. Luke knows that Alan, Monica, Skye, Justus and Edward (who has two votes) will vote in favor of Edward’s selection. Tracy thinks that with Dillon, Ned and the three she’ll blackmail into voting her way, they’ll have a great shot of getting their mission accomplished. That just leaves 1 non-family board member and Carly’s votes (for Michael and AJ’s proxy). Luke tells Tracy to leave Carly to him, he’ll get his niece to vote his way with no problem. Luke then pushes all of their notes off the bed and grabs Tracy playfully. Tracy kisses Luke and is happy that he’s backing her up on this. Alan comes home to find his wife working on some paperwork in the study. Monica’s cordial to her husband and dodges his attempted kiss. To avoid the uncomfortable silence, Monica asks how Alan’s day went. He says it was good. He and Kevin caught up on some time lost, but found it odd that he didn’t want to discuss Lucy, especially since they were together at Lila’s funeral. Monica flashes back to one of the rainy nights where she spent all night talking to Kevin before she knew who he was and realizes that he never mentioned Lucy once. Monica chalks it up to him probably wanting to start his life over and not wanting to dredge up the past, something that she wishes she could do. Alan asks Monica to try and give their marriage another chance. They’ve come too far to end things now. Monica excuses herself and leaves the study. As she’s walking down the hallway she can hear Luke and Tracy going at it and laughs, saying to herself at least one married couple in the mansion is happy. Back at the MetroCourt, everything seems to be going well during Bobbie and Noah’s date until Noah sees someone who could possibly ruin their night. He tries to get Bobbie out of there without noticing them, but does a poor job. Much to Bobbie’s dislike, Lucas [Justin Bruening] and Brandon [Matt Cohen] show up for dinner together at the MetroCourt. On The Next GH: Secrets and Lies- - An ICU episode featuring Lucas, Brandon, Noah and Bobbie. In the episode, Lucas and Bobbie get into a big confrontation at the MetroCourt. Afterwards, Lucas considers giving himself to Brandon for the first time.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 25 Thursday, November 16, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video After getting a note from Tracy to meet her in the basement, Luke arrives thinking he and Tracy are going to have sex again. Unfortunately for Luke, it’s all business this time. Tracy doesn’t come right and says what she wants at first. Instead, she appeals to Luke feelings for her, reminding him that they are both in a better place now and she wants to keep it that way. Luke interrupts after a while, telling his wife to hurry up. Tracy reveals to Luke that she overheard Edward talking about stepping down as CEO and appointing someone to replace him. Luke doesn’t see the big deal and says so what. Tracy says that she knows that she will not be chosen and that whoever is, will do their damndest to get her out of the company and if she goes, so does he. With the music blasting and the wind blowing his hair, Patrick lead foots it on his way to Salem for his vacation. He’s been driving for the past 2 hours and is still pissed that Robin didn’t want to go with him. Sudden movement in his backseat freaks him out. He pulls over and orders whoever it is to show themselves. Much to his surprise, Jamie pops her head up. Patrick flips out when he sees her and demands to know why she was being a stowaway. Jamie tries to play around at first, but eventually she tells him that she felt bad that he was going to be alone for an entire week, so she decided to keep him some company. She grabbed a bag and hid in his car. Patrick decides to take her home, but Jamie convinces him that though they got off on the wrong foot, she would like them to be friends and wants to stay with him. She promises that she’ll pay for everything herself. After much thought, Patrick gives in and tells her to get in the front seat. Kevin and Alan do some catching up while in the breakroom at the hospital. Kevin tells Alan that he was tired of Port Charles back in 2003 and just needed a break so he moved. There were a lot of stressful years, his daughter had a mental breakdown and he felt like his life was spinning out of control. Alan asks how Lucy handled the move, but Kevin doesn’t answer. In a kind, yet stern tone, Kevin says he would like if they didn’t speak about Lucy. As far as he’s concerned, Lucy is in the past. Noah arrives at the Nurse’s Station with flowers for Bobbie. He notices that she appears to be sober today and figures this would be a good time to ask her what he’s been meaning to ask her for a while now. Bobbie remarks how beautiful they are, but is really busy and has to do more rounds. Noah asks her to try and take easy, and consider having dinner with him at the MetroCourt. Georgie and Maxie, who are nearby, agree to stay later and assist the other nurses with their rounds if Bobbie promises she’ll have a good time with Noah. Noah turns on his charm even more and it works! Bobbie agrees to have dinner with Noah later tonight. In Lainey’s office, Lorenzo and Lainey try to get Diego to open up about his feelings. Diego resists, and refuses to open himself up. Lorenzo orders him to do it and he and Diego end up getting into an argument. Diego yells that Lorenzo hates him and wishes he was dead. Diego grabs his jacket and storms out of her office. Lainey reprimands Lorenzo for yelling at him. If Lorenzo wants her to get through to Diego, he cannot make the situation worse by yelling and screaming at him, nor will she allow her patient to be treated in such a manner. When she’s done, Lorenzo can’t help but be impressed by how dedicated she is with her work and decides she is the right person for the job. Back at the Quartermaine Mansion, Luke sees that Tracy is really afraid of being ousted from ELQ. It has nothing to do about the money, but more about making her mother proud and proving to her father that she is just as good at business as he is. While Luke is thinking, Tracy feels that she doesn’t ask Luke for much, but will not be able to secure her position unless he helps her. With little hesitation, Luke promises to stand by her side and do whatever it takes. Luke kisses Tracy as GH comes to an end. On The Next GH: Secrets & Lies - - Luke and Tracy begin working to secure Tracy votes - Alan tells Monica about Kevin’s reaction when he mentioned Lucy - Noah and Bobbie’s date goes well until unexpected guests arrive - Elizabeth is disappointed when Lucky doesn’t allow her to move back home - Jason and Robin confide in each other
Secrets & Lies: Episode 24 Tuesday, November 14, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video Edward sits at his desk overlooking Port Charles. When Skye enters his office, Edward doesn’t even turn around to look at her. He calls her to come stand next to him. “Look at this beautiful city Skye. Isn’t it just amazing? I’ve sat in this office for over 20 years and have watched this city go through wonderful times and horrible times. Your grandmother would sit with me on cold November nights and watch the boats sail into the harbor. Over the past few years, you’ve really matured Skye. And though I don’t always agree with your choice of men, I respect that you have the resolve to go for what you want.” Skye looks at Edward, yet he does not break his gaze from the window. “I’m getting older and as much as I would like to, I cannot run the day to day operations of ELQ anymore. There is a strong chance that you could be the one to replace me one day Skye. I just wanted you to know that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.” While riding in the car to take Michael and Morgan to Sonny’s, Carly finally gets the phone call that she’s been waiting for. Max asks her why she screamed to which Carly responds that her financial advisor just called and informed her that her bid to purchase an ELQ subsidiary has gone through, and now will be able to purchase another company. Monica meets Audrey outside of Kelly’s. Audrey immediately cuts to the chase. She explains what has been going down between Liz, Lucky and Jason. Monica is surprised to hear what has happened, but tells Audrey that there’s nothing she can do. This doesn’t sit too well with Audrey, who remarks that Monica is choosing to turn a blind eye to her son’s blatant decision to break up a marriage. Monica says that if Elizabeth is unhappy, then she has every right to leave the person who’s not treating her well and move on. Monica goes to leave but Audrey grabs her arm. Looking very sternly at Monica, Audrey warns Monica that if she doesn’t keep Jason away from Liz, then she’s going to have to deal with her. Audrey then grabs her belongings and leaves Monica to think over what she’s just said. Lorenzo shows up at the Haunted Star looking for Skye. Why he’d show up there is beyond comprehension, especially since Skye isn’t actively involved with the casino anymore, but Lorenzo has his own reason for doing so. He finds Luke downing a bottle of scotch and decides to engage in some meaningful conversation. When Luke notices Lorenzo, he orders him to leave. Lorenzo makes subtle hints about he and Skye getting engaged and talks about the wonderful like they’ll have together. Lorenzo cracks that while Luke is busy fending off that she-devil of a wife of his, he’ll be romancing his woman on the beach making sweet passionate love to her. He tells Luke to just accept defeat and back off Skye, or else he’ll have to deal with him. Luke just smiles and Lorenzo and takes another sip of his drink. Before Lo can make his way out of the door, Luke tells Lorenzo that he’s going down soon and when he does, he (Luke) will be there gloating. At GH, Robin has been having a very stressful day. Three doctors went against two of her consultation recommendations and the patients died. Her mother hasn’t returned any of her phone calls, and she recently learned that her cousin Aidan and her father are working on a case in Australia. All she wants to do now is take a nice long shower and relax for the night. When she enters into the locker room, she finds that Patrick has placed some flowers near her locker and a note. While Robin is reading, Patrick sneaks up behind her and kisses her on the neck. Patrick apologizes for the incident with Jamie and wants to go out with Robin tonight. Robin makes up excuses, well they aren’t really excuses, for not wanting to go out. Patrick goes along, saying that he wouldn’t mind staying in with her but Robin turns him down flat. Patrick grabs her flowers and tosses them in the garbage, angry that Robin keeps taking two steps backward in their relationship. Patrick tells Robin that he’s going on vacation for the next week and wanted her to go with him. However, since she obviously doesn’t want to socialize with anyone, he’s going alone. He has a friend in Salem (just Salem, USA, no state) who he’d like to see and plans on having a great time. Patrick grabs his bag and storms out of the locker room. Robin closes her locker door and hits it out of anger. Unbeknownst to Robin, Jamie is hiding close by and overhears everything. On The Next GH: Secrets & Lies: - Patrick gets a surprise visitor on his way to Salem - Luke teams up…..with Tracy - Lorenzo & Diego begin therapy w/ Lainey - Alan is surprised when Kevin refuses to talk about Lucy - Noah begins his plan to help Bobbie
Yes I did
Secrets & Lies: Episode 23 Monday, November 13, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - General Hospital opens up with Noah Drake dealing with a group of residents. Noah assigns the residents their duties for the day and arranges for 2 of them to watch him perform surgery later on in the day. After what was a busy couple of hours, Noah finally gets a chance to relax. At least until Carly burst into the lounge. “What are you doing here Carly? You’re not supposed to be in here.” “No it’s ok, I used to work here. Listen, I know you’re like super busy and everything being the hotshot surgeon, but I need your help.” “What is it,” says Noah taking a deep breath. “It’s about my mother. She’s not getting any better.” - At Jason’s, Liz let Audrey in. When asked why she’s there, Audrey says she’s there to talk some sense into her granddaughter. Audrey lays into Liz for her treatment of Lucky. How could she treat a man who has been nothing but amazing to her so horribly? Just because she’s having marital issues doesn’t give her the right to pounce on the first man who shows her some attention. Liz obviously is none to happy listening to her grandmother rip into her like this. To make matters worse, Audrey tells her that her mother and father would be ashamed of her. “Ashamed? Ashamed? My mother would have NO right to pass judgment on me. She’s never been in my life and therefore has no right to comment. And Dad, well Dad isn’t here. I’m an adult. We all make mistakes. However I don’t appreciate being lashed out for a lapse in my judgment.” “You were raised much better than this. I know that I instilled better morals into you child. I hope you don’t plan on living here with Cameron.” “If I choose to stay here with Jason, that’ll be my decision,” snaps Elizabeth. “Jason loves Cameron and has been nothing but nice to my son. To answer your question grandmother, no, I don’t intend on living with Jason. I intend on fixing my marriage to Lucky and putting the past behind us. Now I’d appreciate it if you left….” Liz slams the door behind Audrey. Outside, Audrey feels a little better after telling Elizabeth how she feels. Smiling, Audrey takes out her cell phone and places a phone call to Monica. - At the Port Charles Community Center, Diego [played by Tyler Hoechlin], tries to hang out with Lulu, Dillon and Brandon. Dillon immediately notices the hostility and asks why they can’t put the past behind him. Dillon turns to Diego, telling him that he’s a sick stalker who deserves to be in jail, but hey, since his father is a big criminal, pulled some strings to get him out. He should be rotting in prison right now for what he did to his niece. Lulu leaves, refusing to participate in Dillon’s rant on Diego. Brandon gets up, patting Diego on his back. Diego’s attitude completely changes and tells Brandon not to touch him. He’s not a queer that him and doesn’t want to be touched. Brandon prepares to leave, but before he does, he mentions that he understands now why no one wants to be around him. - Back at GH, Lorenzo agrees that he’ll undergo therapy with Diego, as long as it helps his son get better. Lainey checks her calendar, and provided the paperwork goes through, both Diego and Lorenzo can have their first session on Wednesday. - Alexis is stumped when her credit card is declined. She’s spent the last 2 hours getting her Christmas shopping out of the way, but can’t understand why her card won’t work. She goes over to Ric’s desk and finds their credit card statement from the previous month. After checking his records, she learns that he never sent in the payment. She shrugs it off though, knowing that everyone forgets. What catches her attention though is the $500 charge at a hotel in Madison, NJ and a $59 charge at a restaurant in that area…. - Back at GH, Noah is reluctant to help Carly. He doesn’t want to get involved in something that is so personal to his heart. Carly thinks that because he dealt with his own alcoholism, he would be a better help to Bobbie that she or her brother would. Noah flashes back to his conversation with Patrick earlier in the year, where he vowed to help Bobbie the best that he can. When it’s over, Noah tells Carly that he’ll help Bobbie, and he means it this time. However, this is going to take a lot more than just a conversation. Until Bobbie comes to terms with Lucas’ homosexuality, she’ll continue to ruin her life by turning to alcohol. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies - Audrey wants Monica to keep Jason away from Liz - Patrick is angry when Robin turns down his date - Edward tells Skye she may be chosen to succeed him - Alcazar’s taunting of Luke may come back to hurt Skye - Carly purchases an ELQ subsidiary to buy her other company.
We will see Emily more than likely in 07. I'm doing to fit her into a storyline now that will explain her absence.
I originally planned to kill Emily off, but plans have changed. The last time that fans saw Emily, she was in a car accident. However, the Quartermaine's & Nikolas believe that Emily went on vacation, then moved to Hawaii to start her life over after her relationship with Sonny ended. Carly and Lorenzo will definately become friends, especially after a tragedy hits Lolo hard. As far as Laura goes, I don't know how I'd bring her back. We could definately come up with some ideas though.
In an effort to better serve you, the readers, the writers at GH are asking for some help. We'd like for you to tell us your opinions on the show overall, our storylines and casting choices. Are there certain characters or couples that you want to see more of? Less of? Are there certain storylines that'd you'd be interested in seeing? Do you want storylines to move faster, slower or is the current pace good? Is there anything that you dislike? Characters you think are pointless or don't see the allure of at this time? Any characters you want to return? Do you like the current balance of the show? What do you want more or less of? Love, Romance, Violence, Scandals, Business storylines? Do you think the current story arc is going well? If not, do you want the show to return to it's non-arc way of storytelling? Any feedback given will be taken and your changes will be implemented. Your responses don't have to be limited to the questions asked. We don't care if it's good or bad or if you're a dedicated viewer or a casual viewer. Your opinion matters b/c without you, we wouldn't have an audience.
GREAT episode guys.
Thank you so much James I really appreciate the feedback that everyone leaves, be it small or large. I'm glad that someone who hasn't kept up with the show so much can still recognize the names that were on when you were watching. I think you are an amazing writer and I'm really enjoying your storylines.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 22 Friday, November 10, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - General Hospital opens up with Elizabeth Webber-Spencer sitting on the sofa in Jason’s living room. She stares deeply at the picture of her, Lucky and Cam, all together as a family. Things were much simpler back then. Then, she didn’t have these feelings for Jason, and if she did, she’d never chose to act on them. Elizabeth flashes back to the night of her and Jason at Jake’s: Liz mounts Jason, the lust pouring out of them like water as they begin tearing each other’s clothes off. “Make love to me Jason,” Elizabeth whispers in anticipation. The words “Make love to me Jason” echo through Elizabeth’s head very loudly. As a matter of fact, it was so loud that she almost didn’t hear someone knocking on the door. Liz gets up to open the door and much to her surprise finds her grandmother Audrey with a disappointed look upon her face. - At the PCPD, Lucky stares at a picture of Elizabeth and Cameron on his desk. Lucky’s smile quickly fades as he remembers the sight of his wife about to make love to Jason. Nikolas interrupting his thoughts. Lucky asks if brother to leave if he’s there to try and patch things up between he and Liz. Nikolas tells Lucky that everyone makes mistakes and thinks he should forgive Elizabeth. Lucky quickly brings up whether he’d forgive Emily if she cheated on him. Nikolas quickly reminds his brother that Emily is no longer an issue, especially since she hasn’t kept in contact with ANYONE since she moved. Besides, Emily wouldn’t really be the best person in that example. She did in fact sleep with Nikolas when she was married to Zander. Then Nikolas slept with Courtney when he was married to Emily. But unlike them, Liz didn’t sleep with Jason. Lucky yells at Nikolas for not taking his side on the issue. Mac then walks over asking of there’s a problem. Lucky denies it, then is ordered back to work. Lucky asks his brother to leave. - Lainey calls Lorenzo over when she sees him waiting outside her office. After the standard introductions, they get right to business. Alcazar informs the beautiful psych that his son Diego has been exhibiting some behavioral changes as of late. When asked to describe them, Alcazar says his son appears to be depressed and distant. Lorenzo continues on, saying that since his son returned from the State Correctional Facility, he’s been very moody and distant. Lainey tells Lorenzo that it’s just him adjusting to life outside prison. However Lorenzo thinks it’s more than that, especially since Diego spent less than six months the place. Lainey informs Alcazar that she’ll take Diego on as a patient, however Alcazar turns that down. He says that Diego will never go for it. Lainey then comes up with a great idea. In order for this to work, Diego has to have a good example to follow, so in an effort to get Diego to attend therapy, so should Lorenzo. - While spying on Alexis and Ric’s lakehouse, Helena Cassadine runs into the mail man. She takes the mail, and then asks what is in the special teal colored envelop. According to the mail carrier, it’s an invitation to a Thanksgiving Dinner held at the Quartermaine Mansion. Important people all over town have been receiving them. When he leaves, Helena says this changes everything. Taking out her cell, she makes an important phone call, informing the person that there’s been a change of plans. She wants everything to be complete as soon as possible. In order for her plan to work, it must go down on Thanksgiving Day. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Lorenzo decides whether or not to attend therapy with Diego - Audrey rips into Elizabeth for her actions with Jason - Alexis is suspicious of the charges on Ric’s credit card - Diego is shunned by the teens in Port Charles - Carly asks Noah for help in regards to Bobbie’s alcoholism.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 21 Thursday, November 9, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - It’s a busy Thursday morning at ELQ. Unbeknownst the thousands of people who work for the company, the entire future of the company rests on who Edward selects and the CEO of ELQ or if Tracy will be able to maneuver herself into that position. Knowing that the CEO will have to be voted upon by the Board of Directors, Tracy begins her plans to take over the company as CEO. First up, ensuring that the non-Quartermaine board members will give her a vote of confidence. - Monica greets the residents as she makes her way into GH. She’s been unable to get the incredible night of passion that she and Kevin Collins shared the night before. It would have been a perfect night if she’d been able to be totally honest with Kevin regarding her marriage. Not that it really matters though, it’s not like she has to see his face everyday. “Good morning Monica,” says a familiar voice. Monica turns around and is surprised to see Kevin standing with Alan. “Kevin….it’s a, nice to see you again. What are you doing here?” “Kevin has agreed to come back to GH and head our psychology department. I asked him due to there being an opening.” Monica flashes back to talking to Kevin (who she didn’t know who he was at the time) online and him mentioning that he was coming into town for a business trip. “You never told me you were staying Kevin,” Monica says before she can think. “You’ve already seen Kevin since he’s been back? When?” Alan asks his wife. Thinking on his toes, Kevin covers for Monica. “I think what she meant to say was ‘you never told me where you were staying’,” Kevin says. “Right. He’s right. That’s what I meant.” “Monica, I’m sorry but we’ll have to talk about this later. I have to finish introducing Kevin to those in his department. I’ll see you at home.” Alan goes in for a kiss on the cheek and Monica accepts, although with an awkward look on her face. When they leave, Monica can’t believe just how complicated things have gotten. - Nikolas walks into Carly’s place to find her chasing Morgan around the sofa. “Morgan,” she says, “If you get dressed, I’ll give you some candy.” “No!!” “Morgan! Put on this damn sweater!!!” “No,” Morgan screams once again as he runs around the sofa. “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe!!” Carly tries to trick Morgan but he catches on and runs to Nikolas instead. “Help me!” Nikolas laughs as he picks up Morgan. Nikolas is able to convince Morgan to put on the sweater with no problem. When Carly turns her back, Nikolas gives Morgan a $5 bill, Morgan gives him a high five. “Cute kid,” remarks Nikolas as he makes his way to the sofa. “Yeah, he’s great. He's stubborn just like his father.” "Like his father? Ha, I'm sure he gets it from both sides." Carly brings some dishes into the kitchen. While she’s gone, Nikolas notices paperwork on the table. Against his better judgment, he curiously opens the folder and notices that Carly has been making steps to purchase a new company under a fake name. She enters into the room and is angry that Nikolas was going through her belongings. Nikolas says the condition for them going into business together was to enhance the revenue for both of their companies. Carly tries to say that doing this is good, but Nikolas says what she’s doing is illegal. Carly denounces Nikolas’ statement and says it’s frowned upon, but it is perfectly legal. People use dummy companies all of the time to make purchases. Nikolas says he wants no part of it, Carly asks him to leave. She says that with or without his approval, she’s going to make this purchase. - Back at ELQ, Skye notices Luke talking with one of the secretaries when Lorenzo comes up. Skye tries to use Alcazar to make Luke jealous, but Luke doesn’t bite. Skye mentions that the two of them have plans tonight, but Lorenzo says he can’t. Alcazar says that Diego has been exhibiting some disturbing behavior and wants to get him into therapy. So he’s scheduled an appointment with Lainey. Lorenzo turns to go, but Skye pulls him into a kiss. Skye tells him there’s more where that came from and wishes him well. When he leaves, Skye turns to Luke wiping her bottom lip with her index finger. Luke just laughs and walks away. Skye knows what she did is kind of childish, but Luke didn’t even flinch. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies – - Invitations to the Quartermaine Thanksgiving are sent out - Lorenzo meets with Lainey and is surprised what she requests - Liz is surprised when Audrey shows up for her at Jason’s - Helena sets a date for her latest scheme to begin - Lucky is angry with Nikolas tries to play peacemaker between he and Liz.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 17-20 Part III Wednesday, November 8, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - As the clock strikes 2AM, Alan isn’t sleeping like he should be. Instead, he’s pacing back and forth through the den in the Quartermaine Mansion, wondering where his wife could be. He’s been calling her for last 5 hours, yet it goes straight to voicemail. Panic doesn’t set in just yet, especially seeing as how their marriage hasn’t been doing too well. Alan expects all will be well in the end, now that Kevin is back in town. He should be able to help them get to the root of their problems. - Monica slowly eases up out of the bed she was just laying in. Does she regret her romp around with Kevin? Not really. She feels as if her marriage is about to end anyway, why not transition herself for something better right? Kevin awakes soon after Monica puts her pants back on asking why she’s leaving. “I have to get back to the Mansion. Alan is going to wonder where I’ve been,” says Monica. “The mansion? Alan? Why would he care where you’ve been. You’re separated.” “Not exactly,” Monica says as she puts on her jacket. “Alan and I are still married. I just told that we were separated because I feel like we’re separated and that’s what is about to happen.” Monica goes to open the door but Kevin blocks her. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me everything.” - Jason walks into his penthouse looking disheveled and in a bad mood. Maybe it’s because Lucky interrupted what was about to happen between he and Liz. Maybe it’s because he feels guilty for almost sleeping with someone so soon after Sam’s death. No matter what it is, he hopes Elizabeth is ok. - Liz runs up the stairs fixing her blouse. When she gets to her floor she sees her door isn’t shut and hears a lot of noise. Slowly opening the door, Liz sees that many of her things have been thrown into suitcases and plastic bags. “Lucky stop! What are you doing?!” Laughing sarcastically to himself fighting back tears: “That’s funny, I believe I asked you the exact same thing Elizabeth. You know, when I saw you mounting Jason on the pool table….about to do god knows what. You made your choice to do what you did, and now I’m making mine.” “Lucky please. We can work this out,” cries Elizabeth, grabbing Lucky’s arm. “I made a mistake. We all make mistakes. I wasn’t thinking straight. Come on Lucky don’t throw away our marriage over one mistake.” “ONE mistake? It’s been mistake after mistake with you. Though you weren’t cheating on me months ago, you abandoned me. You left me alone to deal with my injury. Hell, now that I think about it, how do I know you weren’t cheating on me.” “I have never cheated on you!” “Says the woman who unbuttoned another guy’s jeans with her teeth. Tell me Elizabeth, what other things have you done with your mouth?” Elizabeth slaps Lucky for that comment. Lucky then grabs an end table and throws it towards the kitchen in anger. - Alexis is awakened to the sound of footsteps in her house. Grabbing the taser from her bottom drawer, Alexis slowly creeps her way down the hall. She hears a lamp break followed by a muttered expletive. Unfortunately for Alexis it’s too dark for her to see her assailant. Taking a deep breathe, Alexis runs into the living room screaming. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” “DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,” yells the man as he screams in pain. Alexis grabs the fireplace poker and hits the guy in the back before grabbing the telephone and flipping the light switch. Much to her surprise, the man she has just tased and hit with her fireplace poker is not a criminal, but her husband Ric! - Back at the MetroCourt, Monica sits Kevin down to explain the truth behind why she kept the fact that she and Alan weren’t legally separated a secret. However, they have been separated in the literal sense. They don’t sleep in the same bed, they have separate rooms and besides the fact that they cohabitate, they are separated. Kevin explains to Monica that he doesn’t appreciate being misled as even omitting some of the truth is considered lying. Monica says that what happened between them tonight was great, amazing, special….but it can’t happen again until she ends things with Alan. Kevin says that what happened between them won’t happen again, even when things are over with Alan. Monica then grabs her things and leaves. - Back at Liz & Lucky’s, Liz continues to plead with Lucky as he packs her belongings. “Look at me Lucky. LOOK AT ME PLEASE!!” Liz pleads with her husband. “I’m asking you to look past what you saw. You know that is something that I’d never, ever do.” “So you’re saying that Jason forced you?” “No! That’s not what I’m saying—” “I can’t even look at you right now.” Lucky turns away, then holds out his hand holding Elizabeth’s luggage. “I think you should go. We’ll talk about this once I’ve calmed down.” Elizabeth gathers up her luggage and wipes her face. She gives a longing look towards Lucky who just puts his face in his hands. When she shuts the door behind her, she hears a glass breaking, realizing that Lucky throw his beer bottle at the door. - Back at Alexis’, she helps Ric apply an ice pack to his back. She apologizes for attacking him. Ric apologizes for coming in so late. His business trip took a little longer than expected, but he intended on being here in the morning to surprise her. Alexis says that she’s just glad that Ric is home and they can work on being a family. “Family…” repeats Rick as he stares off into space. - Monica is startled when Alan wants to play 20 questions when she gets home. Not in the mood to be questioned by him, Monica tries to deflect his questions. Alan just wants to know why she didn’t come home. Monica covers and says that she rented a room at the MetroCourt b/c she intended on moving in part time there, but she changed her mind because she missed her bed. Tossing her pocketbook on the table, she says goodnight to Alan and says she’s turning in. - Kevin unpacks the rest of his belongings and finds a picture of him, Lucy, Kristina and Daniel. He smiles, then puts it in his nightstand. - Jason is on his way upstairs when he hears a knock on the door. He opens it, seeing a crying Liz standing in his doorway. “I have no place to go.” Looking deep into her eyes: “Stay with me. You can stay with me,” says Jason taking Liz into his arms. On The Next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Tracy begins her plans to take over as CEO - Nikolas learns Carly is interested in acquiring a company - Luke isn’t phased when Skye kisses Lorenzo - Monica is surprised to learn that Kevin is back working for GH
Previews: Week of November 6th The aftermath of Kevin and Monica's one night stand. Kevin learns that Monica wasn't totally honest with him regarding her marriage. The fallout from Liz and Jason's night of drinking. Lucky throws Elizabeth out, having no where else to go, Jason invites her to stay with him. Nikolas comes closer to learning what Carly is up to. Carly fights her feelings for Nikolas. Skye's got a bulls eye on her back. Edward announces the return of the Quartermaine Thanksgiving. Lainey gets a new patient in the form of Lorenzo. Ric returns from New Jersey and dodges Alexis' questions (who thinks he's having an affair) Helena makes preparations for her latest scheme.
SONBC Media Hotsheet: Issue #2 It sure has been a while since we've done of these, as the last hotsheet (then entitled the ABC Media Hotsheet) was issues on January 11, 2006. The hotsheet's goal is to inform you, the readers, of upcoming storylines, rumors and possible casting news. Recent Changes To The Blog: All entries have now been categorized. This will help you navigate easily through the blog. Weekends will be used for previews and possibly interviews. Casting news will still be posted throughout the week. As you can see, the way the episodes are written has been changed a bit. If we receieve good feedback we'll continue to do it this way. _________________________________________ - We have confirmed straight from the horse's mouth that the annual Quartermaine Thanksgiving will be returning this year. As a matter of fact, most of the scenes have already been filmed. Characters scheduled to be in attendance include: Edward, Alan, Monica, Kevin, Skye, Lorenzo, Ned, Tracy, Luke, Lulu, Dillon, Lucky, Elizabeth, Jason (yes Jason), Michael, Sonny (Michael wouldn't be allowed to come unless he came), Carly, Nikolas & baby Spencer (Lulu's doing). - Remember the special Kelly's Closed Dinner's that the Musketeers used to have? We hear that Nikolas will try to bring Lucky and Liz back together when he arranges for their special event to return. - Now that Kevin's back, is Lucy on her way in? We haven't gotten a straight answer from those we asked, but setsiders say she is returning. - Tyler Hoechlin (Diego Alcazar), who joined the cast back in January, is said to be very unhappy with his lack of airtime. Rumor has it that Tyler was specifically brought for Diego's exit from the show. Could Diego be suicidal? We think so.... - Where in the hell is Emily Quartermaine? Last time viewers saw Emily, she was in a car accident then disappeared, however those in town believe she relocated to Hawaii to start her life over. The writers have hinted that Emily is somewhere in upstate New York, but hasn't mentioned her since June. We are hearing that contrary to what was reported earlier, Emily is still with the show and the show has decided not to recast. When we called the show for comment, all we were told is, "Emily has been severely backburnered." - Expect a lot of exits coming up. Rumored to be leaving? Lindze Letherman, Alicia Leigh Willis, M'Fundo Morrison, Peyton List, and possibly Maurice Bernard. - What business do a Llanview and a Pine Valley citizen have to do in Port Charles? If what we're hearing is true, look for someone from AMC and OLTL to take permanent residence in Port Charles. - We are hearing that Jackie Zeman's character Bobbie is going to be in a lot of trouble towards the end of "Secrets & Lies" and that Noah may have to protect her the only way he knows how. - Don't be angry Scrubs fans, Robin and Patrick are going to be getting a lot of airtime in the coming weeks. - The writers are extremely happy with the Luke/Tracy pairing. Look for Luke to turn against someone you'd least expect.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 16 Part II Saturday, November 4, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Song For Today's Episode (Click to Download): “And Then We Kissed” by Britney Spears Opening Video - When Monica steps into the elevator, she takes the time to look in the mirrors surrounding her. She puts on another coat of lipstick, fixes her hair and adjusts herself, fixing the new bra that she purchased just for tonight. “Perfect,” she says to herself. Then, she looks down at her hand and sees her wedding ring. For what feels like an eternity, Monica just stares at her wedding ring and is flooded with guilt once again. She looks in one of the mirrors again and casts the guilt from her mind. She’s determined to see this through and takes off her ring. Just in time too, the elevator doors open and she’s greeted by the host. - Lucky takes out his cell phone to call Liz at Audrey’s but remembers that she said she was going to Jake’s. He turns the car around, and speeds up hoping to get there as soon as he can. “I’m going to fix this,” he says as he turns the corner. “I’m coming for you baby. I’m coming.” - At Jake’s, Liz and Jason try to break the awkwardness that they just shared. Liz, who’s drank a lot tonight, tries to get Jason to dance. Jason doesn’t want to, but obliges her anyway. The two drunken friends dance with each other around the pool table before going back to their seats laughing hysterically. Jason orders them another round of drinks before talking to Liz. “I don’t know what I’d do without you Liz,” says Jason as he looks deeply into Elizabeth’s eyes. “You’ve helped me in more ways than I could have ever imagined and you didn’t judge me.” “I’ll always be here for you Jason. You’ve helped me so many times in the past,” Liz says as she wipes a tear from her face. “I have never felt so strongly about our friendship than I do now.” “I would be lost with you Liz. Completely lost.” - Monica informs the host that she’s there to meet someone. After giving her name, the host checks his list and says he’ll take Monica to her party. While walking, butterflies appear in her stomach and for a second she’s tempted to turn away. “Here you are ma’am,” the host says. “I believe this is your table.” When the man leaves, Monica takes a good look at the man. Though she can’t see his face she’s definitely enjoying the view from behind. He has great hair she says to herself. And he’s kinda tall. In great shape too, something that Alan could never stay in. Finally she decides to initiate conversation. “Doctor Mindbender?” she asks. “At your service,” he says slowly turning around. “It’s nice to see you again Monica.” Monica takes two steps back. “Oh my god,” she says in disbelief. - The feelings that Liz has for Jason have never really gone away. Maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe it’s what Jason has just said to her and maybe it isn’t. But at this time, right now, the only thing she wants is Jason’s hands and lips all over her body; to feel the heat from his body warm her up too. - To close out General Hospital, the song “And Then We Kissed” by Britney Spears plays as the scenes alternate back and forth with time elapsed. “Kevin? Kevin Collins? Oh my god it is you!” says Monica as she hugs Kevin. Monica is surprised to learn that the man she’s been having an online affair with is no one other than Kevin Collins! Time moves fast to show them having dinner. After months of online chats, there isn’t really much to say. They don’t ask what the other has been up to, though they are both curious. Time again elapses and the two then make their way up to one of the suites. Monica kisses Kevin and pulls him into the suite. Liz kisses Jason, his tender lips pressing against hers. He pulls away, and she turns around. Liz apologizes, but Jason kisses her before she can get the words out. Jason knocks the glasses and bottles off the counter with his arm and leans back against the bar. Monica and Kevin kiss each other passionately as they roll around in the sheets. Monica feels Kevin make his way into her body and is in heaven. She lets out a scream of ecstasy and digs her fingernails into Kevin's back. Monica's conscious tries to tell her what she's doing is wrong but the voice goes away when she screams Kevin's name. Monica tells Kevin to make love to her and he does just that with much enthusiasm. Liz mounts Jason, the lust pouring out of them like water as they begin tearing each other’s clothes off. “Make love to me Jason,” Liz says. Chairs are knocked over, tables are bumped into. The anticipation of Liz and Jason making love, or lust, for the first time is just too much for them to handle. Liz feels the rush from Jason's body and it takes over her. Jason tries to unbutton his jeans but fumbles. Liz unbuttons the jeans herself for him while they continue to kiss lustfully. Liz brings Jason over the pool table and mounts him again, making out with him on the pool table. “What the hell are you doing!” says an angry, yet familiar voice coming from the entrance way. Liz looks up to see her husband watching the two of them with disgust and disbelief. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- The fallout from what Lucky has witnessed between his wife and Jason Monica and Kevin deal with the awkwardness of their one night stand (Kevin learns that Monica wasn't separated like she told him he was) Alan begins to worry about Monica
Secrets & Lies: Episode 15 Part I Friday, November 3, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33) Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Liz walks into Jake’s with an attitude and asks Coleman to give her the strongest thing he’s got. After moving the hair from her face, she turns to her left and sees Jason with red eyes, looking like he's dealing with a lot of stress. “They say,” she told him, “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” “It’s been a rough night,” Jason says as he tosses back another drink. “On top being punched in the face by your husband, I received a letter in the mail addressed to Sam. It was some invitation for her to attend an event for mothers who have lost children. It’s been one hell of a day. Why are you here?” Liz couldn’t hide her troubles and didn’t even want to: “Lucky’s being an ass so I decided to take a little time for myself. Cam’s with my grandmother and I just needed a night out to think you know?” “Keep em’ coming Coleman,” Jason says he pats Liz on her shoulder. “It’s gonna be long night.” - Dillon lies in his bed thinking of well, the person who’s been on his mind for the past few months. Why is he feeling this way about Lucas? He’s not gay….is he? He can’t be. He loves Georgie. He has sex with Georgie. There’s no way he can be gay. But a part of him is very attracted to Lucas. Unfortunately for Dillon he doesn’t have the time to find the answer because Georgie comes into his room and jumps on his bed. Feeling a little abandoned over the past few months, Georgie kisses Dillon and says that she wants to have a romantic night with him. “I am so not in the mood tonight Georgie,” says Dillon as he puts on a shirt. - Lucky feels as if he’s been pacing for hours when Nikolas shows up at his door. Lucky fills his brother in on what went down at General Hospital. Nikolas asks what happened afterwards and Lucky says that he got into an argument with Liz. Nikolas angers Lucky when he says that Lucky’s jealousy of Jason and Liz’s friendship will end up costing him his marriage. - While on her way to the MetroCourt, Monica is flooded with pangs of guilt, fear and anticipation. Is she really going through with this? Is she really going to meet this man, this “Dr. Mindbender” tonight for dinner? What would Alan say? “What would Alan say,” Monica says to herself. “It’s not like I’m doing anything wrong. It’s just dinner and nothing more. Alan’s had plenty of dinner dates in the past. I’m doing nothing wrong.” Inside she knows she is though. While it’s true Alan has gone on dinner dates, many of them were about business. This is personal. Monica has been having an emotional affair with this man for months now. Though she feels connected to him, she doesn't really know a lot about him and vice versa. She's guarded her business, such as her being married to Alan, but as far as this guy knows, she's separated and filing for divorce. It’s partly because of him that she fought going to therapy with Alan. There’s a connection between this man and Monica that she can’t explain. She feels drawn to him in a way, the way that she used to be drawn to Alan. It’s weird for her to feel this way, especially since she’s never seen a picture of this man before. But she knows that she feels this way for a reason. Finally Monica pulls into the parking lot. After taking a few minutes to make sure she goes through with it, Monica gives her keys to the valet and proceeds to make her way into the MetroCourt. - Back at Lucky’s, Nikolas tries to calm Lucky down. Maybe he (Nikolas) shouldn’t have said that his brother was jealous of Jason, but it was true. “It’s obvious that I am not her priority anymore Nikolas. While she hasn’t come right out and said it, I know that Liz doesn’t want to be with me anymore.” Unable to hide his anger with his brother anymore, Nikolas lashes out. “Do you know how stupid you sound,” he says as he throws Lucky’s jacket to him. “You need to stop being so damn stubborn and allow her in. You tell her that you wanted her to help you, but you make it about other people instead of about you.” “I was in pain, she wasn’t –” “You were in pain, you were hurt, you were going through issues,” interrupts Nikolas mocking Lucky. “So was she Lucky. So was she. Don’t make this about anyone else other than you and Liz. Go to her Lucky, tell her how you feel. Don’t make everything her fault. Accept some responsibility for what has happened between the two of you these past few months and move on….before you lose you wife.” As General Hospital comes to a close, Lucky takes Nikolas advice and takes off after Liz. Monica prepares to get onto the elevator to meet her online date. Liz kisses Jason on the cheek for being a great friend to her. Liz apologizes but Jason grabs her hand. She looks deeply into his eyes as he looks deeply into hers. It’s unspoken, but the buried feelings that have been coming to the surface more and more finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel. To Be Continued…..
Thank god you are writing n this again. I love your entries AMS. Keep it up
Secrets & Lies: Episode 14 Thursday, November 2, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Monica feels a little guilty. She should be at the hospital with Alan helping him prepare for his speech, but she feels this is important too. She asks the associate there to help her try on another dress. Monica knows in her mind that what she’s doing is wrong, but is it really her fault? No. It’s Alan’s fault. They’ve had problems for years and they’ve tried getting help, but nothing has worked. She promises not to get ahead of herself. Who’s to say that this “Dr. Mindbender” she’s meeting tonight will even be a nice person? Casting the doubts from her mind, she tells the associate this is “the” dress. - Getting off the elevator, Bobbie takes a deep breath and contemplates going back home. She feels as if she shouldn’t be here. Why not? It’s not like she’s been very kind to Lucas over the past few months. Would he even want to see her? Bobbie musters up enough courage to knock on his door. Before he can even answer, she turns to walk away. Before she gets to the elevator, Lucas opens the door and Bobbie stops in her tracks. - Robin, Patrick, Kelly, Lainey, Jamie and other doctors gather in the conference room to listen to Alan’s big announcement. Patrick tries to sit next to Robin but she gets up and sits next to Kelly instead. Patrick gives a half-hearted smile to Jamie who ignores him but secretly revels in it. Alan is joined onstage by a handful of hospital Administrators. - Jason storms into his penthouse, slamming the door behind him. After grabbing a pack of ice to put on his jaw, he goes over to his desk to do some paperwork. While filing away paperwork for the coffee business, Jason notices a letter on top of some folders addressed to Sam. Jason opens the letter. He reads the letter to out loud, slowly, his mind racing as he moves from word to word. His heart stops when he’s finished. The letter is an invitation for Sam to attend the Port Charles Grief Center’s Dinner for mothers who have lost their children. Jason feels ashamed for not remember that 2 years go this month; Sam lost her daughter, his future step-daughter. The emotion becomes too much for Jason as he shoves everything off his desk. Jason grabs his jacket and takes off again. - Liz follows Lucky to their apartment and proceeds to berate him for assaulting Jason. Lucky, who is in no mood for Liz’s crap today, tells her it would be best if she left. Liz tells Lucky that they’ve been in a rut for the past few months and obviously it’s not getting any better. “I am so sick and tired of feeling like I’m the villain in this,” she cries out. “Why do you make me out to be the bad guy?” Lucky informs his wife that she is made out to be the bad person in this because she is acting like the bad person. Instead of being there for him, she’s there for Jason. Instead of helping him sort out his issues regarding Sam’s death, she just let him do it himself. HE watched her DIE! HIM! Not Jason! HE is the one who heard her screaming his name. Not Jason. Yet he’s had no one to rely on but his family. Hell even Carly gave him support. Liz snaps back, telling Lucky he should grow up and stop making everything about him. Lucky then goes into the bathroom. Liz goes in the bedroom and changes her clothes. Before she goes, she informs Lucky that she’s going to Jakes for a drink and would like to be left alone. When she leaves, Lucky calls Nikolas and asks him to come over. - Back at the hospital, Alan continues with his speech. Of all the other hospital staff in attendance, Monica is suspiciously absent from the assembly. After going on and on about how much he’s proud of the staff, he says that the hospital has decided to make a few changes. One of them includes bringing on a new department head and introduces him to the staff. Alan goes through a list of his accomplishments and awards before saying how great it is to have him back. The man says it’s great to be back and says that he’s excited to work with everyone. To finish his announcement, Alan says that the hospital will be looking for a new Chief Resident. This creates lots buzz among the crowd and Alan is happy to have ended on such a great note. - At the Harbor View Towers, Lucas invites Bobbie into his place as Jason exits his place. Bobbie remarks how much the place has changed since Carly and Sonny left. She also comments on how much he’s changed since the last time she’s seen him. For one his hair is no longer blonde and he seems a bit taller. More muscular too. (An inside joke to Justin Bruening now portraying Lucas and not Ben Hogestyn). Lucas allows his mother to speak and pour her heart out to him. She apologizes for not being more open to his decision to be gay. Lucas snaps, explaining again that he did not CHOOSE to be gay. It’s just what he is. Bobbie apologizes for her incorrect choice of wording but her words trail off when Brandon comes down from upstairs shirtless and sweaty. Bobbie says she’s made a mistake in coming by and isn’t ready to deal with Lucas’ immoral life decisions. Lucas asks Bobbie to leave, but she’s already out the door. Lucas sighs as he walks over to Brandon and sits down with him. Lucas is tired of feeling rejected by his mother and breaks down in Brandon’s arms. - Liz walks into Jake’s with an attitude and asks Coleman to give her the strongest thing he’s got. After moving the hair from her face, she turns to her left and sees Jason…. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies – Monica comes face to face with her online date, and is in for a big surprise Nikolas orders Lucky to tell Liz how he honestly feels about her friendship with Jason and what happened over the summer. Liz and Jason’s night of drinking turns into something more Georgie feels rejected by Dillon
Jane Elliot Comments On Her Storyline Written By Elizabeth Codd It’s been years since Jane Elliot could truly call herself a leading lady, but now she can. With the new writing regime at GH, actors over 45 are being shown that they do matter. Elizabeth Codd: Good morning Jane, how are you this morning? Jane Elliot: I’m going great. I actually just got done taping a scene for sweeps. EC: Oh, anything you can share with us? JE: Well, it’s going to be an ICU episode featuring the entire Quartermaine Family (including Jason, Luke and Lulu) and Ted King’s character Lorenzo [Alcazar]. There’s going to be a big reveal and a surprising act by a character that’ll set all of this into motion. It’s amazing. EC: Sounds interesting. So how does it feel to be front and center again? JE: To be quite honest with you Liz, it’s a great feeling. It’s great to come into work and know that you are appreciated. To know that you are a valued asset to the show. EC: And you didn’t feel that way before? JE: Not everyday. Under some of the previous writing regimes, unless your character was a favorite or part of the demographic that the higher ups were trying to reach, you knew that you’re job could be over at any time. I don’t necessarily blame the writers for that, but they are at fault. EC: How does it feel to be in a front-burner storyline with Tony Geary, Robin Christopher and Ted King? JE: Unfortunately I don’t get to work with Ted as much as I’d hoped, but Tony and Robin are wonderful. She and I actually have some great scenes coming up. We’re supposed to have a big fight and it’s going to get very messy. EC: The cleanup must have been tedious. JE: It was. But it was nice being able to cut loose for a few days. EC: I hear that the writers are going to have Luke actually fall for Tracy. She’s not going to turn into a sap is she? JE: No. I went to the writing team and asked them to change Tracy’s character a little bit. We all know that Tracy has a hard exterior, but once you chip away, you’ll find a woman who’s had her heart broken in the past so she puts on a front. I asked them to allow Tracy to soften a bit towards Luke so she can allow herself to love him, but not in a mushy, gushy make me wanna vomit kind of way. EC: The SONBC Awards are coming up. Do you think you’ll be submitted? JE: I have no idea. I believe I have some material that will allow me to be nominated, but there were some issues over the summer and we weren’t able to shoot as much as we wanted. I don’t know. I know that if I submit anything from November I’ll be good to go. EC: Well Jane it’s been great seeing you again. Is there anything you’d like to say to wrap this up? JE: Yes. Make sure that you continue to watch our show. The writers have a lot of good things in store for the viewers. That’s it Liz. EC: Once again, thank you. JE: No problem.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 13 Wednesday, November 1, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33) Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video When General Hospital begins, Luke is holding Tracy tightly as he strokes her hair while they are both sleeping. All seems to be going well until “Oh my god! My eyes!” is heard, startling the two out of their sleep. Tracy and Luke scramble to cover themselves up as Dillon, Lulu and Ned are on the brink of vomiting. “Dude, that’s my mom,” says Dillon covering his eyes. “Oh please. You act as if it’s something you’ve never seen before.” Replies Luke. Lulu, who’s just as surprised as her step-brothers to see this scene, asks how this could happen. “Well my little gumdrop,” starts Luke, “When a man loves a woman and vice versa, they do things that…” “I know! I know” says Lulu, interrupting Luke. “But you two, come on.” “I see now why you wanted everyone out of the house last night Luke” says Ned. “I hope you both used protection. The last thing we need right now is for mother to end up pregnant.” “And my god, on Halloween none the less,” says Dillon. “Mother’s holy day,” cracks Ned. “Get out!!!” yells Tracy. “All of you out now!!” Everyone gets ready to leave, but Tracy tells Luke to stay. She locks the door then takes Luke down for another go around. At Kelly’s, Skye and Edward have breakfast together. Everything seems to be on the right track. They talk about ELQ, Quartermaine family business and life in general. That is until the subject of Lorenzo is brought up. Edward wonders if Skye is still seeing that “degenerate criminal” and Skye says she’s still seeing Alcazar. Edward tells her that she deserves so much better. Skye pitches a hypothetical situation to Edward. “I don’t deal with hypothetical.” Says Edward. “Just listen,” Skye replies. “Let’s just say that I happen to be very in love with Lorenzo and he just happens to be very much in love with me. If you saw that I was very happy with him, would you be ok with us getting engaged maybe even getting married?” “No. I will not have my granddaughter gallivanting around with the likes of that criminal. You know that I am not happy with you and this ‘man’ dating each other. But I’m attributing your liking of this man to the horrible taste in men that Adam instilled into you. Never under any circumstances will I be ok with you and Alcazar getting married. Do you understand me Skye? Am I making myself clear?” Skye replies timidly, “Yes grandfather.” “Good. Now let’s not ruin the rest of our breakfast by talking about Alcazar.” Edward takes a sip of his coffee and begins to read the business section as Skye ponders her future with Lorenzo. It means a lot for her family to accept the person she is with, but she can’t make them like him…can she? Jason shows up at General Hospital with flowers for Liz. Kelly tells Jason that she’ll page Liz for him. A few minutes later, Liz comes to the front desk, but she’s not alone. Lucky asks why Jason is there but Jason doesn’t answer him. Liz tells Jason is just there to see how she’s doing. A doctor calls Liz over for a few minutes. Jason turns to leave but Lucky stops him. Lucky: I really wish you’d stop coming around Jason. Liz is a married woman. Jason: Look Lucky. I don’t know what your problem is, but Liz and I are just friends. Lucky: Do you bring all of your friend’s flowers? Jason: I don’t think that is any of your business. Lucky: Don’t get cute with me Jason. I want you to stay away from my wife. I know you and her are friends. I have no problem with that. But I do have a problem with you trying to use my wife to get over Sam. Isn’t Carly your best friend anyway? Why don’t you ask her for support? Oh yeah, that’s right. She’s too busy being “friends” with my brother. Jason: You know what Lucky…maybe if you were doing your job and being a good husband to Liz (as he leans closer to Lucky), she wouldn’t be turning to me for support. Angry with all that has gone down over the past few months, Lucky punches Jason right in the mouth. Liz runs over to see if Jason is ok. She demands that Lucky tell her why he punched Jason. Lucky feels that Liz is again choosing Jason over him and just walks out angrily. In her office, Monica is working on some paperwork when she hears that she’s received new e-mail. She is happy to learn that the man she’s been communicating with online has arrived in Port Charles and wants to see her this week. Monica responds to his e-mail, saying that she’s available on Friday night. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- Liz has an argument with Lucky regarding Jason. Jason has a painful reminder of Sam when she’s invited to a dinner for mourning mothers. Alan announces the hospital is looking for a new Chief Resident. Lucas is surprised when Bobbie shows up at his place.