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Episode 13 -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [After seeing Patrick, Robin quickly tries to hide her emotions. Patrick looks at Robin sympathetically and is told that she doesn’t need his sympathy. Patrick tells her it’s ok to let her defenses down because he won’t hurt her. Robin tries to fight letting her feelings out but can’t and lets her pain pour out of her. Patrick offers to drive Robin home and she accepts. Before they leave, he hands her a tissue so she can clean up her face.] -LANSING HOUSE- [The nanny comes out of the room and is shocked by what she sees. She tells Nikolas that Molly is trying to sleep, but he tells her to shut up. Nikolas picks up Ric and goes to punch him again, but someone grabs his hand. Nikolas turns around and sees Sonny. Sonny tells Nikolas that if he hits his brother again, he (Nikolas) will have to answer to him (Sonny). Nikolas let’s Ric go and laughs at what Sonny says. Nikolas then turns around and punches Sonny in the mouth. Sonny checks his lip and when he begins to bleed, he tells Nikolas that he’s a deadman.] -ALCAZAR MANSION- [skye and Lorenzo converse about the Haunted Star and their past relationships. Skye tells Lorenzo that she is happier than she’s been on a long time and attributes that to the unconditional friendship that they have with each other. Lorenzo tells Skye that he wants to be more than just her friend. He wants to be the man that she can feel safe with.] -METROCOURT- Lucas (after pulling away): Dude, what are you doing? Guy: Aren’t you happy to see me Lucas? Bobbie: Lucas…what is going on here? Tony: Who is this guy and why did he kiss you? Lucas (to Tony and Bobbie): I have no idea. This guy is just….some strange person who came up and kissed me. Bobbie: Hopefully you are playing some sick joke young man. And if you are, I hope you know I don’t find it funny. Guy: Sick joke? Is that what you think this is? Lucas how can you act like you don’t know me?! Lucas: Because I don’t. Dillon: Hey..umm….ha! This is really funny. Yay, the joke worked. It’s time to go. [Dillon grabs the guy but he pulls away.] Guy: What is it with you Lucas? How can you not remember me? We were just together the other night! Lucas: ……. Guy: Oh I get it. You’re a closet case aren’t you. LuLu: Lucas, maybe you should-- Tony: Closet case? What are you talking about? Lucky: Lucas, do you want me to press charges against this guy? Tracy: He’s referring to Lucas being “in the closet”. Bobbie: That’s impossible. My son isn’t in the closet he’s— Guy: I hate to break it to you Ms. Spencer, but your son is gay. Isn’t that right Lucas? [Carly runs over to Lucas with a concerned look on her face.] Carly (whispering to Lucas): Look Lucas, if you'd prefer to do this in private it's no big deal. I can arrange for that. Bobbie: Lucas? (Bobbie grabs her son’s face as he looks away from her). Lucas?! You’re not… Carly: Not now momma! Bobbie: You’re not….You’re not gay…are you? Lucas? Come on. TALK TO ME!! Lucky: Lucas, Carly is right. You don't have to do this right now. Lucas: No Lucky. This was gonna come out sooner or later. Yeah mom. I am. On The Next General Hospital…. - Bobbie doesn’t take the news so well - Carly is there to comfort her brother - Luke & Tony are disappointed in Bobbie's reaction - Sonny learns of Alexis’ disappearance. - Lorenzo tells Skye he wants to be with her - Alexis and Sam try to figure out where they are - Jax thinks he’s found Courtney; Courtney contacts Jason - Carly is being watched
Episode 12 -SCORPIO HOUSEHOLD- [After a long day at work, Mac comes home looking very tired. He calls Felicia few times before she comes downstairs with some papers. She asks him what’s wrong and he tells her that Alexis is missing. When Felicia inquires some more, Mac changes the subject and asks about the girls. Felicia tells him they are at the MetroCourt with Bobbie & Luke.] -ALCAZAR MANSION- [A car pulls up in front of Lorenzo’s house. Out comes Skye in a very beautiful maroon dress. As Skye goes to knock on the door, Lorenzo opens it, saying he’s been expecting her.] -METROCOURT- [After telling Bobbie that he doesn’t plan on having children, Lucas becomes very quiet. Lulu chimes in and says it’s probably because he doesn’t them that much, but Lucas tells her no, that isn’t it. Dillon tries to change the subject, but Luke then suggests to Tracy that they have a baby…causing Tracy to spit her red wine onto Carly’s white dress. Carly stands up immediately, accidentally knocking her chair into a waiter carrying cakes and pies. After Bobbie senses that the incident between Carly and Tracy could erupt, she then throws her drink at Luke, who then throws his dish at Bobbie, but instead hitting Tony.] -QUARTERMAINE MANSION- [Monica, who’s sitting in the living room, is surprised when Jason shows up. She senses that something is bothering Jason and asks him what’s wrong. Jason tells her that Sam went to Hawaii to be with her brother because of some emergency, but didn’t tell him about it. Monica tells her son that maybe Sam needed to go and didn’t have time to call. When Jason suggests that he should go to Hawaii to find her, Monica tells him that would be a bad idea.] -LANSING APARTMENT- [An angry Nikolas stands over Ric, yelling for him to get up. Ric stands up and immediately gets punched again by Nikolas. As Ric tries to explain what’s going on, Nikolas continues to yell at him.] -ALCAZAR MANSION- [When Skye walks into the house she is surprised to see candles and a romantic dinner laid out on the table. Lorenzo tells her that he made this especially for her to make up for ending their date early. Skye tells him that though she thought they were going out, she loves him for doing this. Lorenzo walks her over to the table and pulls out a chair for Skye. Before they begin eating, Lorenzo puts on some romantic music as Skye smiles at him.] -METROCOURT- [After hitting Tony with his plate, the entire room becomes a mess. The adults begin laughing and the food fight begins. Even Tracy gets involved which surprises them all. Minutes later as they are all cleaning up after themselves and laughing, Lucas is tapped on the shoulder. When he turns around, he is taken back when he is then kissed on the lips by a tall, hunky blonde. The entire room goes silent.] On The Next General Hospital..... - Patrick comforts Robin - Lucas reveals that he is in fact gay - Sonny comes to Ric’s defense - Lorenzo tells Skye he wants to be more than friends
Episode #11 -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [Robin is in the “hub” at the hospital. She is logging information into the computer when Patrick walks up to her and begins talking.] Patrick: Hello Robin. Robin: It’s Dr. Scorpio. Only my friends call me Robin. Patrick: Hey, chill out Robin. I was just saying hi. Robin: What do you want Patrick? Patrick: I wanted to know if Emily was on schedule today. Robin: Why? So you could just ask her out again? Patrick: No…..so I could tell her to get to the 4th floor. We need some of the med students to be on rotations with the doctors. That is why. You know Robin, you need to relax a bit. Robin: She’s taken a vacation Patrick. She’s been under a lot of stress and decided she needed some time off. You know, unlike you, some people actually work around here and get tired because of it. Patrick: You know you want me Robin. The sooner you face it, the faster we can get together. [Robin goes to walk away but trips and Patrick catches her. Robin looks deeply into his eyes before she pushes him away, then walks away feeling very embarrassed and uncomfortable. Patrick just smiles at her.] -METROCOURT- [At the MetroCourt, the Spencer Family (plus some extra) are enjoying their food and having a good time. Carly notices how uncomfortable Lucas is and gets ready to ask him something privately when Bobbie stands up and gets ready to propose a toast.] Bobbie: Excuse me everyone. I just wanted to take this time and say thank you to everyone who showed up. Carly: Yes, we are very thrilled that you all could join us and I’m happy to be around most of you. Bobbie: Carly. Carly: What? (She begins laughing). No seriously, we all don’t get along, but I’m happy to be able to spend time with my family. Past, present and future. (She looks at Lucky and Liz) Luke: Speaking of family. Lucky…..(turns to Lucky & Liz) when I am getting my little grandchild. Liz: Well, right now Cameron’s enough for us. But you never know Luke, there may be a baby in store for us one day. Bobbie: Well I for one cannot want until I become a grandmother for the third time. Carly: Ha, well…sorry to disappoint you momma, but there are no more babies coming out of Carly for while. Luke: You had better not even think of having babies anytime soon Leslie Lu. LuLu: Yeah right dad, and ruin the body I have? It’s Dillon and Georgie you have to worry about. Dillon: Well.. Tracy: There are no babies in Dillon’s future. Right Dillon? Dillon: You are so right. Bobbie: Well I know that once Lucas finds the right girl to bring home, they’ll start a family and give me lots of grandchildren. Won’t you Lucas? Lucas: No. I’m never going to have children. -LANSING HOUSE- [Ric walks into his house and checks his messages. Hearing none, Ric creeps into Molly’s room and checks on his baby girl. He asks if the baby-sitter can stay at his house for a few days and she agrees to. Ric steps into the shower and cleans himself up. When he’s done, he goes into the living room and waits patiently by the phone. He sees a picture of himself, Alexis and their children. Ric slowly begins to break down when hears a knock on the door.] Ric: Hold on. I’m coming. [Ric wipes his face and answers the door] Voice: What have you done with my aunt you sick son-of-a-bitch! [Ric is then punched in the face as Nikolas walks through the door.] -ON THE ROAD- [Monica and Alan are riding back to the Quartermaine Mansion in complete silence. The silence begins to get to Monica and she yells at Alan.] Monica: So you’re just not going to talk to me?! Alan: (turning slowly to Monica)…..No. Monica: Come on Alan. I have a right to be skeptical about this therapy. Alan: I’m trying to drive here Monica if you don’t know. Monica: You are just so….difficult. You know that I purposely didn’t make us late. Alan: That’s up for debate. Monica: This is so childish Alan. You are a grown man. Alan: Married to an ungrateful woman. I’ve given everything for you. Everything! Monica: Everything? Everything?! Alan if you believe that, then you need to see a psychiatrist, not a marriage counselor. I cannot believe you said that. Alan (regretfully): Monica, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just….we’re in a rough spot right now and I don’t feel like you want this as much as I do. -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [Robin is shown the staff changing area looking very upset. She flashes back to being caught by Patrick, then shakes her head to clear her mind. As she continues to change her clothes, she has another flashback to them having a great time together while having dinner. While grabbing her pocketbook, her wallet falls out, opening to a picture of her and Stone. Robin begins to cry as she tells Stone that she really misses him. Patrick walks into the area and happens to see Robin crying. He decides to keep himself hidden as Robin continues to talk to the picture of Stone. She tells the picture that she’s only loved one person after Stone and that ended in heartbreak. She says that she will not put herself in a position to be hurt anymore and if that means never loving again then so be it. She tells Stone how much she misses him and she hugs the picture. Patrick looks very taken aback by seeing this softer side of Robin. He tries to sneak away but drops his cell phone. Robin turns with tears in her eyes and when she sees Patrick, she shakes her head and continues to cry.] On The Next General Hospital…. - Lucas is outed during dinner - Nikolas confronts Ric - Lorenzo & Skye have an intimate dinner - Jason turns to Monica for advice
Episode #10 -PCPD- [Ric paces back and forth as he awaits more news on the disappearance of his wife. As if his day couldn’t get any worse, John Durant shows up and begins taunting Ric about the “alleged” disappearance of Alexis. John tells Ric that Alexis isn’t missing. He says that she probably pissed Ric off so he locked her in a panic room, just like he locked Carly away. Durants baiting finally angers Ric as he punches Durant in the face. Durant orders the officer to arrest Ric for assault.] -METROCOURT- [Lucky and Liz are shown talking to the teens at the main table as everyone invited to the dinner begins to arrive. Luke and Tracy show up arm in arm, though it appears that Tracy is pinching Luke’s arm. Carly walks over to Bobbie just as Noah arrives with his date…..Patrick. Bobbie has a look of relief on her face when she learns that Noah asked Patrick to attend as his “plus 1”. Before Patrick gets the chance to sit down, he is called back to the hospital and tells everyone he will see them later. Bobbie and Carly then welcomes everyone who came to the dinner and promises that this will be a night of fun and unforgettable moments.] -MARLANDZ- [Jason is shown looking very uncomfortable as Justus and Lainey arrive at the restaurant. Justus realizes that something is bothering Jason and asks him what’s wrong. He says that Sam should have been at the restaurant a while ago.] -OUTSIDE PORT CHARLES CITY LIMITS- [The car that Sam is riding in begins to slow down. She asks what’s going on and the driver says there’s a car in front of them that’s stopped. Max’s brother Milo, who’s been assigned to be with Sam, tells the driver to go around, but he tells him he’s unable to. Sam tells Milo she’s going out to see what’s wrong, even though he tells her she should stay in the car. She sees a woman on the ground and runs over to her. Sam recognizes who it is….Alexis. Sam calls Milo over help take Alexis back to the car. Alexis keeps muttering “they’re coming, they’re coming. Save her”. Sam manages to wake Alexis up and asked what happened. Alexis tells Sam that she was taken but managed to get away. Alexis screams they must leave now! Gunshots are fired and their driver is taken down. Alexis passes out again. Sam tells Milo to put Alexis in the car. The gunshots continue to go off. Sam reaches for her phone and to call Jason. Just as she gets ready to hit send, a figure in black points a gun as Sam’s head. Sam is ordered to drop the phone and get out of the car. She does as instructed, but punches her capturer in the face and tries to run. This mysterious figure grabs her, and then knocks her out with the handle of the gun. As Sam and Alexis are being put into new vehicles, Milo is given instructions on what to tell Jason.] -PCPD- [back at the police station, Mac has Ric released from his holding cell. Durant shows up and begins arguing with Mac. Mac tells Durant that he (Durant) will not use his (Mac’s) police station for his own personal problems. Ric is told he is free to go. When Ric thanks Mac, he snaps at Ric. Mac tells Ric that Durant has a point. How does he know that Ric didn’t lock Alexis up? Unfortunately, he can’t prove it just yet, but…if it turns out to be true, Ric will pay for his crimes. Ric swears that he did nothing and will prove it.] -MARLANDZ- [Jason begins to become a little ancy about Sam. Milo walks in and Jason forcefully asks where Sam is. Milo, complying with his previous instructions, tells Jason that Sam received an emergency phone call about Danny in Hawaii and went there to go take care of her. When Jason asked why Sam didn’t call him, Milo tells Jason that Sam was visibly upset and wanted to handle this on her own; that she doesn’t want Jason to call her until she calls him.] On The Next General Hospital…. - The event at the MetroCourt begins - Bobbie gets the surprise of her life - Monica tells Alan that she has lost all hope - Nikolas returns to Port Charles - Patrick finds Robin in a vulnerable position
Episode #9 -PCPD- [Ric is shown sleeping in Mac’s office. Mac comes into the room. He wakes Ric up and they begin talking. Mac tells Ric that they searched Port Charles and didn’t find any evidence that there was in fact a car accident. Ric flashes back to talking to Alexis on the phone and then immediately leaving and going to the station. Ric tells Mac that he will not give up on Alexis and knows that he’s not crazy. Mac tells Ric he’s sorry, but until there’s more evidence, he cannot have his officers out patrolling. Ric is told that if Alexis hasn’t returned by the end of the day to file a missing person’s report] -METROCOURT- [bobbie works with Carly to make sure their lunch goes off without a problem. Bobbie notices that Carly is beaming from ear to ear and asks why she’s so happy. Carly tells Bobbie that Sonny is still in love with her. Bobbie takes what Carly says with a grain of salt, but Carly tells Bobbie she overheard with her own two ears. When Bobbie asks about Emily, Carly flashes back to seeing Emily at Kelly’s, then weirdly says that Emily is out of the picture. Lucas, Dillon & LuLu arrive at the MetroCourt. Carly tells them that she arranged for them to stay at the MetroCourt for the night. Lucas thanks Carly for doing that and asks if Bobbie will be staying too. When Carly says yes, Lucas changes his tune and says he’ll stay at Georgie’s instead. Bobbie tells Lucas that he can stay. Instead, she’ll stay at the WTAG Hotel since she has to deliver a speech there anyway. Lucas coldly agrees then leaves with Dillon and Georgie.] -HARBORVIEW TOWERS- [Jason playfully fights with Sam about going out with Justus and Lainey. Sam tells Jason that if he is a good sport, she won’t ask him to take a bubble bath with him for a week. Jason tells her to make it two and they have a deal.] -ELQ- CONFERENCE ROOM- [Tracy and Luke bicker back and forth during a staff meeting at ELQ. Ned snaps at them both to shut the hell up and keep their personal business at home. Tracy becomes silent until they begin to discuss the new hires at the company. Ned then informs the others that his brother Dillon, Georgie Jones and Leslie Spencer has been hired as paid interns. Tracy flips out, proclaiming that she will not endorse the hiring of anyone of them. Luke tells Tracy that it doesn’t matter what she wants due to Ned signing off on it. Tracy tries to pick another fight with Luke, but he tells her they have been invited to the MetroCourt by Bobbie for a dinner. Tracy reluctantly agrees to go.] -MERCY HOSPITAL- [Alan and Monica Quartermaine arrive at the Rohach Clinical Center later than what they were supposed to. When they reach the receptionist, she kindly tells them that the doctor they were supposed to see had left over an hour ago. Alan reschedules their appointment for two weeks from today. Alan turns to Monica and accuses her of making them late on purpose. Alan tells Monica he feels like she has given up on their marriage, which is why she was against therapy in the first place.] -HARBOR VIEW TOWERS- [Jason begins laying out his clothes when Sam calls him. He goes to see what is wrong and she tells him that she has nothing to wear. She begins rambling about how she shouldn’t have talked him into going because now she doesn’t have anything to wear and blah blah blah. Sam looks at the clock and realizes that she has time to go buy an outfit. She tells Jason that she’ll meet him at Marlandz. Jason reluctantly agrees.] -METROCOURT HOTEL- [Carly tells Bobbie that she got a message from the concierge from Noah. She tells Bobbie that Noah said he and his date will be there shortly. Bobbie looks disappointed, but refuses to talk about it with Carly. When Tony arrives, he and Carly are very cordial to each other. Carly leaves to go make more arrangements when Lucky and Liz walk in.] -METROCOURT HOTEL: Suite 4025 [The teens are upstairs talking with Lucas, trying to convince him to come out to his parents tonight after dinner. Lucas tells them that they need to let him decide when to tell his parents that he’s gay. He needs more time.] -Outside Port Charles City Limits- [sam is shown trying on various dresses before finally deciding on a sleek backless black dress. After she purchases her dress, she gets back into the car. Unbeknownst to Sam, her bodyguard and the driver, they are being followed.]
Ignacio Serricchio TERMINATED!!! Diego to be recast SOD- In a move that should surprise no one, General Hospital has opted to release Ignacio Sericchio from his contract. Sericchio, who originated the role of Diego Sanchez-Alcazar in 2004 hasn't always been a favorite of the fans. Up until his character shared scenes with Lindze Letherman, he was constantly criticized for his lackluster performances. Head Writer Ryan Chandler has confirmed to us that the role will be recast in the form of Tyler Hoechlin. Hoechlin, who has acted opposite Tom Hanks, was most recently seen on the 'WB's 7th Heaven' as Martin. Hoechlin is very excited to be taking over a role that has much potential. "I am really looking forward to working with Ted [King]. I've been a big fan of his work for years and hope that the fans will like what I bring to the role". Hoechlin has been with the show since January, though the show opted to keep the recast under wraps until now.
Per the request of Soaps On Demand (SOD), the TPTB over at General Hospital has submitted an updated cast list. This list includes actors who have upgraded to contract and downgraded to recurring. Those in bold reflect status changes in contract and/or the actor portraying them. Current Cast Members * Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) * Julie Marie Berman (Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer) * Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) * Dylan Cash (Michael Corinthos, III) * Leslie Charleson (Dr. Monica Quartermaine) * Robin Christopher (Skye Chandler-Quartermaine) * Tyler Christopher (Nikolas Cassadine) * Scott Clifton (Dillon Quartermaine) * Stuart Damon (Dr. Alan Quartermaine) * Jane Elliot (Tracy Quartermaine Spencer) * Anthony Geary (Luke Spencer) * Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis Lansing) * Rick Hearst (Ric Lansing) * Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth Webber Spencer) * Kent Masters King (Dr. Lainey Winters) * Ted King (Lorenzo Alcazar) * Wally Kurth (Ned Ashton) Upgraded to Contract as of January 30, 2006 * Lindze Letherman (Georgie Jones) * Natalia Livingston (Emily Bowen-Quartermaine Cassadine) * Matt Marraccini (Jesse Beaudry) * Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones) Upgraded to Contract as of January 31, 2006 * Kimberly McCullough (Dr. Robin Scorpio) * Kelly Monaco (Sam McCall) * M'fundo Morrison (Justus Ward) * Ingo Rademacher (Jasper "Jax" Jacks) * Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones) * Jason Thompson (Dr. Patrick Drake) * Greg Vaughan (Lucky Spencer) * Alicia Leigh Willis (Courtney Matthews Jacks) * Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos) * John J. York (Mac Scorpio) * Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie Spencer, R.N.) Actors Currently On Recurring * Jed Allan (Edward Quartermaine) * Denise Alexander (Dr. Lesley Williams Webber) * Rachel Ames (Audrey March Hardy, R.N.) * Corbin Bernsen (John Durant, esq.) * Christine Carlo (Leticia Juarez) * Derk Cheetwood (Max Giambetti) * Drew Cheetwood (Milo Giambetti) * Sandra Ferguson (Felicia Cummings) * Blake Gibbons (Coleman Ratcliffe) * Ron Hale (Mike Corbin) * Ben Hogestyn (Lucas Jones) * Robert LaSardo (Manny Ruiz) * Lillian Lehman (Dr. Joyce Meadows) * Peyton List (Jennifer Towers) Will join the cast in late March of 2006 * Kali Rodriguez (Kristina Corinthos-Davis) * Rick Springfield (Dr. Noah Drake) * Constance Towers (Helena Cassadine) Will be bumped to contract status in March of 2006 * Bergen Williams (Alice Gunderson)
Episode #8 -GREYSTONE MANOR- [Carly appears to be very happy with Sonny’s declaration that he still loves her. Sonny puts his drink down as Alexis sits down on the sofa.] Alexis: Wow, Sonny. Now was that really hard to admit? That you’re still in love with your ex-wife? Sonny: Yes, it was. Alexis: Why is that? Sonny: …..Because I’m tired of hurting Carly. All of the affairs, the outbursts, everything. It was just unhealthy. I ruined her, Alexis. Alexis: So you can admit that you “ruined” Carly, but you would be willing to take that chance with Emily? How can you reason that? That is one of the more stupid things I’ve heard you say. Sonny: BECAUSE!!! Carly’s doing better without me. She’s happy Alexis. She’s got a project that doesn’t involve me or my approval. She’s getting along just happy without me. She’s smiling, she’s back to her old self. Alexis: You know that I am not Carly’s biggest fan Sonny, but you don’t know if she is happy. She seems healthy now. She really does, but maybe what she needed was to prove to herself that she can live without you. Maybe this will be better for you in the end. You still love Carly, but you’re willing to drag Emily through the mud to get over her. How low. Sonny: I don’t think so. I love Emily, but I’m not in love with her Alexis. Alexis: But you keep trying to force yourself to don’t you? Sonny: Yeah. Alexis: So you can admit that you’re using Emily to get over Carly? Sonny: (Shamefully) Yes. [Emily’s heard enough. She takes off immediately and gets into her car. She speeds away from Sonny’s mansion.] -HARBOR VIEW TOWERS: JASON & SAM’S PENTHOUSE- [sam is sitting looking at a magazine when she hears a knock on the door. She looks through the peephole and sees Justus. She opens they door and they begin to chat for a bit.] Sam: Hey Justus, how are you? Justus: I’m doing well Sam. I won’t take too much of your time, but I wanted to ask you something in person. Sam: Ok? Justus: Now you know I’ve been seeing this wonderful woman right? Sam: Yes, Dr. Winters. Justus: Lainey has made me more happy than I’ve been in years Sam. The family seems to like her, but with Jason you never know. Sam: So you want me to find out what Jason thinks of her? Justus: No. I mean, well, I wanted Lainey to become friends with my friends you know. Carly’s too much for Lainey, but I think you and her would be great friends Sam. Sam: Well I umm….. Justus: Just here me out. I’ve got reservations at this new restaurant called Marlandz and thought it would be nice if you and Jason joined us. Sam: I can try Justus, but I don’t know if Jason will go for it. Jason: Go for what? -KELLY’s- Ric: Do you ever wonder what our life would have been like had our baby lived? And had I not screwed up our marriage? Liz: ….I do. I look at you now with Alexis and I go “Wow, why couldn’t Ric be that way with me?”, but I stop myself from exploring it further. Ric: Why not? Liz: Because we’re both happy. You have your family now and I have mine Ric. Ric: I understand, but…do you just think that things would have been different for us had…you know. Liz: I think about our baby all of the time Ric. The baby was apart of me and you and I loved that life growing inside of me. It was something that I will always cherish, but we just met at the wrong time. Ric: I think about us too Liz. I think about how horribly I treated you and how self-destructive I was. And I’m sorry. I am. -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [bobbie has just got off of the phone with the MetroCourt and is trying to call Carly.] Bobbie: Carly, it’s momma. When you get the chance, I need you to call me back. I’m planning a dinner for the family and I want you to be there. I love you sweetie. Bye. [Noah and Alan are talking about a patient when Bobbie sees them.] Bobbie: Hello Noah, Alan. Both: Hello Bobbie. Alan: You look good. Bobbie: Thank you, so do you. Noah, have you decided to accept my invitation yet? Noah: I’ve thought about it. And I’ll accept. I don’t you don’t mind if I bring a date though. Bobbie: (Disappointedly) No. I don’t mind. Noah: Good, I’ll see you there. [Noah walks away.] Bobbie: Well. That went well. Alan: You seem disappointed. Bobbie: That’s not true. Alan: It’s written all over your face. -On The Road- [Emily is driving in the rain crying her eyes out. She has flashbacks to all of the romantic moments that she and Sonny have experienced.] Emily to herself: I can’t believe he would do this to ME!!! DAMN HIM! DAMN HER! I should have just listened to Jason. I should have listened to them all. -QUARTERMAINE MANSION: Bedroom of Skye- [skye is awaken from her intense dream by the sound of a phone ringing. She picks up breathing heavily and sweating.] Skye: Hello? Man: Well hello yourself. Skye: Lorenzo? Hey. It’s kinda late. Lorenzo: Not really. You sound out of breath. Working out some frustrations? Skye: Oh…you could say that. Lorenzo: (Laughingly) Well that’s good. I am calling to apologize for cutting our dinner short. There was an emergency meeting scheduled with the shareholders of this new company I created. Skye: Sounds important. No wonder you had to leave. Lorenzo: It was, but you should have been the more important activity Skye and I apologize. Skye: Don’t worry about it. You made up for it. Lorenzo: Excuse me? Skye: Umm….you made up for it by calling me (Sighing to herself that she was able to cover). Lorenzo: That’s good. So what do you say, can I cash in my raincheck tomorrow? Skye: That would be lovely. Lorenzo: Wonderful. Goodnight Skye. Skye: Goodnight Lorenzo. [skye hangs up her phone and is just giddy. She recalls the intense, orgasmic dream that she had about Lorenzo. She says to herself she hopes she has a repeat.] -HARBOR VIEW TOWERS- [Jason comes down the stairs with a confused look on his face] Sam: Well, Jason. Um…I know that you don’t like doing these type of things – Jason: What kind of things? Sam: Like, going out and about. But Justus has some reservations at this really nice new restaurant and…. Jason: No. Sam: Oh come on Jason. Jason: No. I don’t like places like that. It’s weird going there. Justus: I know that Jason, but I’d really like it if you and Sam joined me. Jason: Thanks, but we’ll pass. [sam tells Justus she’s sorry before he leaves. When he’s gone, Sam demands to know why he was so rude to Justus. Jason tells her that he wasn’t being mean to Justus, he just didn’t want to go anywhere with Lainey. When Sam presses him on it, he says it’s because he always feels like she’s trying to shrink him.] -KELLYS- [While at Kelly’s, Ric and Liz overhear a forecaster on the radio make an important announcement.] Radio: This is James Fron from PC101.5 with a special PC Weather Alert. Be advised that there is a heavy storm approaching Port Charles. According to new information, we are expected to have at least 7 plus inches of rain by over the next 4 days and at least 3 feet of water before the storm is over. This weather advisory goes into effect now. If you have any weekend plans, you might want to change them now. This has been James Fron from PC101.5 with a PC Weather Alert. Liz: This storm sounds serious. Ric: Yes it does. I need to call Alexis and find out what's keeping her. [Ric reaches for his cell phone and calls Alexis once more. The camera cuts back and forth as Ric and Alexis speak.] Ric: Took you like enough. What’d you and Sonny talk about? Alexis: It was about Emily. I know that he cares for her, but I finally got him to admit he’s still in love with Carly. Ric: That’s no shocker there. He and Carly will always be drawn back to each other, though they both know they’d be happier apart. [Emily is shown crying in her car still. She changes the radio station and hears a very sappy song playing. The camera cuts back to Alexis.] Alexis: Ric honey, I’m going to have to call you back. The rain is starting to come down very heavily and I’m having problems seeing. Ric: Make sure you’re careful. Liz and I just heard on the radio station that we’re supposed to be getting some heavy rain. Alexis: I will Ric. [Just then, Alexis turns to her left and sees headlights coming straight at her. She tries to accelerate to out of the way but she is unable to.] Alexis: Oh my god, Ric.... Oh my go- [The other car rams into the driver’s side of Alexis’ car. All Ric hears is the sound of metal crunching and his wife screaming.] Ric: Alexis? ALEXIS!!! On The Next General Hospital: - Ric reports the car accident. He doesn’t get the news he hoped for. - Bobbie prepares her family event at the MetroCourt with Carly...and gets the cold shoulder from Lucas - Alan & Monica begin their therapy - Sam goes missing - Tracy and Luke argue during an ELQ meeting after Tracy learns Luke coerced Ned to hire LuLu, Dillon & Georgie at ELQ
Episodes #4 - #7 -GREYSTONE MANOR- Sonny: I’ve handled losing Reese. We had a funeral service for her. I’m over it. As far as Carly goes- We’re done. I didn’t keep any secrets. She lied. She ruined it. Instead of worrying about who I’m with and how I’m coping with things… I think you should go. Alexis: No Sonny. I’m not leaving until you understand where I’m coming from. [Alexis and Sonny continue talking with each other. Alexis calls Ric that she should go on without her. She’ll take a cab to meet him at Kelly’s. Unbeknownst to Alexis & Sonny, Carly manages sneaks her way into the estate through Michael’s window. She creeps to the stairs and before listens in on their conversation; she has a flashback to being at Kelly’s watching Emily.] -QUARTERMAINE MANSION: Bedroom of Skye - [skye is shown falling asleep after reading her book. She begins to have an intense fantasy about Lorenzo. Skye imagines that she is on the beach with Lorenzo and they are looking deep into each others eyes. Tiki torches and calm, romantic music surrounds them. With an echo, Skye and Lorenzo have a conversation:] Skye: You didn’t have to do this for me Lorenzo. Lorenzo: I did Skye. You need someone who will treat you like a queen…and I can do that. Skye: Lorenzo don’t….. Lorenzo: Don’t fight it Skye. You want me and I want you. [skye looks deep into Lorenzo’s eyes as he feeds her a strawberry.] -QUARTERMAINE MANSION: Living Room- [Ned and Luke are sitting in the living room. Ned reading a book, Luke drinking a glass of wine when Tracy bursts into the room.] Ned: Whuh Oh, mother looks upset. Luke: What could it be that is troubling my spanky buns? Tracy: Ned, how could you have made Luke the Senior VP of Foreign Affairs? Luke: I’ve had many foreign affairs. Tracy: (Rolling her eyes) You have no experience when it comes to ELQ. Ned, you had better fix this. Ned: I can’t. Luke’s already signed his contract. Besides, thanks to your marriage, Luke has just as much at stake as you do. Tracy: This is UNBELIEVEABLE! Luke is not business material. Luke: I take offense to that. [Tracy screams at Luke and Ned before giving up and flopping down on the sofa.] -KELLY’s- [Liz is sitting talking with Emily inside Kelly’s.] Liz: So….how are things with you and Sonny? Emily: They’re going ok. I just wish people would butt out of my business. First Carly, then Jason, and now Robin’s questioning me on my choices. It’s just…I’m happy with Sonny and he’s happy with me. Liz: Maybe so Emily, but…. Emily: But what? Liz: Even though you may not want to hear it, they’re right Emily. Emily: Don’t tell me you’re on- Liz: Whether or not I think you belong with Sonny isn’t important. I think you should be with whoever makes you happy, but these people aren’t saying these things without reason. They know Sonny better than you. Maybe you should listen. [Ric happens to walk in right at the moment that Emily gets heated with Liz. She tells her that she thought she (Liz) was on her (Emily’s) side. Emily grabs her things and tells Liz she’s going to Sonny’s. Ric tries to say something to Emily but she blows him off. Ric and Liz share a funny exchange before he goes to sit down with her.] -QUARTERMAINE MANSION: Bedroom of Skye- [skye’s dream continues on as Lorenzo feeds her strawberries. Skye is reluctant to get into the mood, but she lets all of her inhibitions go and kisses Lorenzo. She wraps her arms around his body and he kisses her all over. With regards to the younger readers, I won’t go much more detail….but it involves whipped cream, tongues and moans of ecstasy] -KELLY’s- [Ric and Liz sit and talk inside Kelly’s. After an awkward silence, the two begin to ask each other how their lives are going. Liz stares deeply into Ric’s eyes, and he does the same. She breaks her contact again when she begins to speak.] Liz: So Ric, how are you enjoying parenthood? Ric: It’s great. I enjoy being involved with Molly. She’s the light of my life. Liz: Yeah, I feel the same way about Cameron. Everything in your life is put into perspective once you have a child. It’s like, once he was born, everything became about him. I had to think about my actions. Ric: Alexis told me that my priorities would be in order once the baby was born, but I didn’t believe her until I saw Molly for myself. She was right. From the first moment that I saw Molly, I knew that she would always come first. I would have felt the same way had our baby lived. Liz: I think so too. Ric: Do you ever wonder …what our lives would be like if our baby and lived and if our marriage had withstood what I did to wreck it? -GREYSTONE MANOR- Alexis: So what is going to happen when you break Emily’s heart? What happens the first time she crosses you. Are you going to yell at her? Are you going to throw glass at the wall? Are you going to tell her that “she’s dead to you”. What are you going to do Sonny?!! Sonny: Enough Alexis – Alexis: No Sonny! Emily deserves a lot more than you can give her. Your heart will always belong to Carly. It’s not fair to Emily to lead her on when you know that you will never be able to love her like you love Carly. [Emily walks into Sonny’s mansion and overhears Alexis & Sonny arguing. Emily stands by the door and listens] Sonny: You’re only saying this because you don’t want Nikolas with Courtney and…because I didn’t choose you. Alexis: This is not about what we had! This isn’t about Nikolas! I’d prefer if Nikolas found someone who wasn’t as tortured as Emily but that’s not my decision. I’m looking at this objectively. Emily deserves more than what you can give her. Coming from personal experience Sonny, it hurts when you love someone and they don’t return the same feelings. Sonny: But I do have the same feelings. I ‘m in love with Carly, Emily. I love Emily. I’m in love with Emily. Alexis: No Sonny, you had it right the first time. Sonny: Alexis do- Alexis: Be man enough to admit it. You’re still Sonny: You need- Alexis: In love with Carly aren’t you?! Don’t you! Sonny: YES! I DO! I LOVE CARLY! I’M STILL IN LOVE WITH CARLY! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!!! [Carly smirks, Emily is saddened and Sonny is angry as GH comes to an end.] On the next General Hospital: - A car crashes and a woman is ejected from her car - Sonny admits that he is using Emily to try and get over Carly - Liz tells Ric that she wonders the same thing - Justus asks Sam to convince Jason to go out on a double date with him and Lainey.
Not really saying that the good guy is in fact good, but he's made out to be the bad guy when possibly he's the neutral party.
To Whom It May Concern: You know, some people just really piss me the hell off. For someone who claims to be above all of the petty things, you really like to throw gasoline on a dimming fire. It just amazes me how hypocritical some people can be at times. Only telling one half or the story, or better yet a half assed one at that. It amazes me how someone can constantly take cheap shots, yet finishes theirr statement with a god damn smiley. That doesn't make it better? It comes off as being a smartass, and no one likes a smartass. It amazes me how so many people can think the worst of a person/group only knowing part of a story, which is enveloped by a larger, more complicated situation. I'm all for controversy, but come on. Do you really have to always do to do things to appease others? To get their "support". How pathetic. Seriously. Pathetic. Do you like when people constantly sing your praises? Does it give you a confidence boost? A feeling that you're important to them? Maybe you do and that's your right. But still, it's kinda patethic, catering to those who will only kiss your ass and feed your ego. Hmmm..... I like this open letter format. It totally kicks ass and I can be as vague as I want. How's that? I like that -RC
Episode #3 [GH opens with Tony and Bobbie in the lounge of General Hospital] Bobbie: So exactly what’s bothering you Tony? Maybe I can help. Tony: Well, it’s about Lucas. He’s been acting out of character as of late. Bobbie: Really? How Tony: Well, he’s been staying at my house during winter break and of course I have rules set up, but he ignores them. Yes, he’s an adult, but coming in at 3:30 in the morning is not acceptable behavior. Bobbie: You’re right. It’s not, but that doesn’t qualify as him “acting out”. You need to relax a little bit. Tony: Maybe you’re right, but it’s not like we talk much. He rarely calls me, and when he does he dodges all of the personal questions that I ask him. Do we really know what’s going on in his life? He doesn’t bring any friends around, and until a few months ago, he had stopped hanging out with Georgie & Dillon. [bobbie thinks to herself for a minute, then says she has an idea] GREYSTONE MANOR [Ric and Alexis are outside of Sonny’s mansion with Kristina and Molly.] Alexis: I don’t want to do this. Ric: I know, I know, but before you know it, she’ll be back home. Alexis: Oh I can just imagine the damage those brothers of hers will do. [Ric opens the door and they bring the children in. Sonny is sitting in his den.] Sonny: Hey Kristina. How’s daddy’s little girl? Kristina: Fine daddy Alexis: You know Sonny there are other people in the room. Sonny: Hi there Molly. [sonny goes to touch Molly and Alexis pulls her away.] Alexis: If you can’t address me, then I don’t want you addressing my daughter, you know, the one that isn’t yours. Ric: Ok Alexis. Sonny: Right…….so when are you. Michael, can you take Kristina and Morgan upstairs? Michael: Yes. Alexis: I’ll be back for Kristina in two days. And I’d appreciate it if you kept all of your Mob business away from our daughter. Sonny: I can’t believe you married her. Ric: Well, I love her. Sonny, for the sake of peace, can you try to be civil to my wife? Sonny: I can try. Alexis: Ric, I need to speak with Sonny for a moment. Alone. I’ll meet you in the car. [Ric walks out of the room and Sonny goes over to the bar area. Alexis sits down on the sofa and tells Sonny she needs to talk with him about Emily.] -METROCOURT- [skye is sitting down at her table waiting for Lorenzo when Jax shows up. Jax asks her if she’s waiting for someone and she tells him she’s waiting for Lorenzo. Skye asks about Courtney and Jax says he hasn’t heard from her since she went to California for a break. Jax says that he and Courtney are going to work on their relationship, despite Nikolas’ best efforts to keep them apart. Skye sees Lorenzo and waves him over. Jax leaves and wishes them a happy dinner.] Skye: I didn’t think you’d make it. Lorenzo: I told you I’d be here didn’t I? -GENERAL HOSPITAL: Lobby- Monica: So what do you think I should do Jason? Jason: I….I think you should do what’s right for you. Monica: Don’t be passive Jason. I asked you what you think. Jason: Fine, ok. I think you should agree to do it. [Monica looks surprised. She asks Jason why, and he says that they all need to put the past behind them, and focus on being happy. Jason tells Monica that he supports Alan’s decision to go to therapy and will be there for her if she needs him. Monica gives Jason a hug and thanks him for listening. Jason says goodbye and leaves the hospital. Monica then calls Alan and tells him she’ll do it.] -GENERAL HOSPITAL: Lounge- Tony: What’s your idea? Bobbie: How about we all have dinner at the MetroCourt? Tony: …….. Bobbie: Come on Tony. I think it’ll be nice for all of us to get together. Tony: And just who all would be coming? Bobbie: Me, you, Carly, Lucas, Dillon, Georgie, Lucky, Liz, LuLu, Luke…..and Noah. Tony: I think that’s a good idea. Why don’t you make the arrangements? I’ll be there. Bobbie: … Tony: I promise. [bobbie gives Tony pat on the shoulder, and then walks out of the lounge.] -METROCOURT- [skye and Lorenzo just finished eating their dinner and dessert is on its way.] Lorenzo: That was really good. I’m very glad you invited me to dinner. Skye: Well, a girl needs to move on with her life. A very smart woman told me that. Lorenzo: Well, you tell that woman that I am very greatful. Skye: I’ll do that. [skye grabs Lorenzo’s hand and they share a silent moment. Just then his phone rings and his facial expressions change. Lorenzo tells Skye that something unexpected came up and he has to go. But he would like to continue this date another time. Skye, disappointed but optimistic agrees and kisses Lorenzo goodbye. After he leaves, Jax goes back to the table.] Skye: Don’t start with me Jasper. Jax: I won’t. I just figured that we shouldn’t let this dessert go to waste. [skye smiles, but says she thinks she needs some alone time. She hugs Jax, then leaves the MetroCourt.] -GREYSTONE MANOR- Sonny: You don’t have any right to comment on my life Alexis. Alexis: Maybe you’re right, but hear me out. I know that you are the “all powerful” Sonny Corinthos, and you think you can have anyone you want, but you should really consider not having Emily. Sonny: Where do you get off telling me this. Alexis: Like it or not Sonny, I know you. I know how you work. It’ll be good for a while, then you and Emily will hit a rough patch, and you’ll go back to Carly. You always do. Sonny: Carly and I aren’t getting back together. Alexis: That’s what you tell yourself. You need to deal with your loss first Sonny. Sonny: Loss? What loss. Alexis: Reese. [sonny just stares into his drink as the screen goes to black.] On The Next General Hospital…. - Alexis is able to reach Sonny - Skye fantasizes about Lorenzo - Ric and Liz talk at Kelly’s - Tracy, Ned & Luke Clash over ELQ business
Episode #2 [The opening scene of GH starts with Liz & Carly talking outside of Kelly’s] Liz: And why should I help you Carly? Emily is my best friend. I’m not going interfere in her life just because you don’t want her with Sonny. Carly: This isn’t about me not wanting her with Sonny because I’m jealous. This is about the fallout when Sonny does something that hurts Emily. She’s not like other people. She can’t handle Sonny’s life. She can’t handle his deep dark secrets about himself. Liz: I’ve heard this before Carly: No, you haven’t. -GENERAL HOSPITAL- Emily: You want Sonny for yourself don’t you Robin? Robin: Umm…nothing against Sonny, but eww. There will never be anything but platonic love for Sonny, well….on my side anyway. He still hasn’t gotten over the whole AJ thing. Besides, I’ve been there and done that with Jason. Emily: Well….I…you still have no right to question my relationship with Sonny. Robin: Or lack thereof— Emily: Or any other relationship that I might be involved with. Worry about yourself, or has meddling into other people’s business become a part of your job. Robin: Now you wait a minute Emily. I was only asking you because even though I hate to admit it, Carly is right. If you and Sonny hook up, it’ll be the end of Sonny & Jason’s friendship. -QUARTERMAIN LIVING ROOM- [skye is sitting in the living room drinking tea when the phone rings.] Alice: Phone for you Miss Quartermaine! [skye walks over to pick up the phone and to her surprise it’s her mother Rae. The two ladies talk about what’s been going on in their lives as of late and everything in-between. Rae urges Skye to move on with her life, and live for her. After talking with her mother, Skye decides to take her advice, and she calls Lorenzo and asks him to join her for dinner at the MetroCourt.] -QUARTERMAINE BEDROOM- Monica: I don’t think therapy is going to do us any good. Alan: It will. Trust me. This doctor is very good. And I believe he will get to the root of our problems. Monica: I already know the root of our problems Alan, it’s you Alan: Sure, I’ll take some of the blame. But we are both at fault here. [Monica and Alan talk more about the possibility of going to therapy. Though Monica is reluctant, she says she will consider going. All Alan asks of her is that she postpones the divorce for a few months.] -GENERAL HOSPITAL- Emily: What are you talking about? Their friendship was just fine when Jason & Courtney got married. Robin: Oh, so now you’re considering marrying Sonny? Emily: No, what I’m saying is, their friendship was able to withstand that, even though Sonny was against it. [Robin and Emily continue to go back and forth about their personal lives when Dr. Tony Jones walks up.] Tony: Excuse me ladies, but we are in a hospital, not a coffeeshop. You have patients that need to be tended to. Emily, you’re needed in the west wing of the hospital. Robin, you need to go get a consult for the patient in room 112. [The women take their files and go about their business. An exhausted Tony, who’s been working a 14 hour shift, goes into the lounge to relax. Just as he begins to get comfortable, Dr. Noah Drake and Bobbie Spencer walk in. Bobbie sees how tired Tony looks and tells Noah she’ll catch up with him later.] Bobbie: Is everything ok Tony? Tony: No Bobbie, it’s not. -OUTSIDE KELLY’s- Carly: I know I’m not going to be able to change your mind Liz, but let me clear things up for the final time. Emily is Michael’s aunt. If Sonny and Emily get together and break up, things will always be awkward between them. Emily won’t want to come around Sonny, therefore she won’t be spending time with Michael. God forbid they split on bad terms, that then puts Jason in a situation where has to choose between his best friend and his sister. And we all know that he’s going to pick Emily. Liz: Ok…but what does that have to do with the friendship between Sony & Jason? Carly: We all know what happens when people hurt those who Jason loves. It’s over for them Liz. Now I know I can’t force you to help me, but I’m at least asking you to think about this with Jason in mind. [Carly grabs the rest of her belongings and walks way from Liz, who realizes that in Carly’s own weird way, she’s right.] -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [Monica steps off of the elevator, then walks to the central hub station. She begins logging in her files into the computer when she sees Jason.] Monica: Jason! How are you? Jason: I’m doing good. Monica: Why are you here? Jason: I had to come in for a checkup on my head. Monica: You haven’t been having headaches again have you? Jason: No. Monica: Ok good. [Monica sighs with relief, but Jason picks up on her uneasiness. He asks her what’s wrong, and she tells him that Alan wants them to try couples therapy to repair their marriage. Jason looks surprised, but doesn’t say anything. Monica asks him what she should do. Jason just stares at her as the scene fades to black.] On the next General Hospital…… - Skye has dinner with Lorenzo, but is cut short when Lorenzo has to take a call. - Tony talks with Bobbie about Lucas acting out - Carly shows up at Sonny house when Alexis & Ric bring Kristina over - Nikolas has Jax arrested Jason: You don’t wanna know what I think. Monica: I do Jason.
ABC Media Hotsheet: - Spoilers show that Alan & Monica will be seeing a marriage counselor. Could this bring about the return of a fan favorite? One cast mate says the deal has been made and this actor has been taping for 3 weeks now. - *Four actors/actresses are on the chopping block. It is unknown whether their characters will be written out or of they will be recast.* - Could it be that veterans are returning to the heart and center of the show? According to the new head writer they are. In a recent inverview with SOD (Soaps on Demand), new GH scribe Ryan Chandler said “Yup". - Is Emily on her way out? According to set sources, GH headwriter Ryan Chandler is not too fond of her character. She could exit our screens in a tragic way during May sweeps. Then again, we are hearing that the role will more than likely be recast. - We have learned that Peyton List, Jessica Dunphy & Robyn Richards has been spotted at the GH Studios. - Laura Wright is really settling into the role of Carly Corinthos. Any rumors of TPTB at GH bringin back Sarah Joy Brown or Tamara Braun can be nipped in the butt right now. An actress currently on her way out says "Nope, it ain't gonna happen". Long Term Spumors: Get ready for the son of Sam...... Alan & Monica make love...and it's shown all over the internet Why is Jason spending more time at the Quartermaine mansion that he should be? Maxie gets her old face back....we think Robin's List of friends may grow in April Helena decides it's time she meets her step-grandchildren. With...or without Alexis' permission! While stalking on Sonny, Carly finds her brother in a very compromising position.
[General Hospital begins in the bedroom of Monica Quartermaine. A man slowly walks into her room and stands over her. Sensing someone is near, Monica screams.] Monica: Alan?! What are you doing in here? [Monica looks at Alan standing in her bedroom with a smile on his face.] Monica: You do know this is my room right? Alan: Yes, I know. Monica: Ok…then again I ask you, what are you doing in here? Alan: I brought you breakfast in bed. See? [Alan cuts the lights on and Monica sees the breakfast he brought for her] Monica: What is this about? [Alan tells Monica that this is one of many surprises that he has for her. He apologizes for the way he’s acted these past few months and wants to make it up to her. Monica tells him that it’s going to take a lot more than breakfast in bed to repair their relationship.] [At Kelly’s, Lucky is sitting talking with Elizabeth.] Liz: Have you seen Emily lately? Lucky: No, the last time I saw her was at the MetroCourt a few weeks ago. Is she still thinking that she has a thing for Sonny? Liz: Yup. But, I mean, it’s her life. We really shouldn’t butt in. Lucky: Well, she deserves a lot better. She needs to be careful though, Carly is none too pleased that she’s taking a liking to Sonny. Liz: Carly gets none to pleased about anyone who invades on her “territory”. Lucky: Speak of the devil….. [Liz turns around to see Carly standing behind her. The ladies share an intense glare.] -QUARTERMAINE MANSION- [Monica comes out of her bathroom and is buttoning her shirt. Alan again startles her.] Monica: Alan! What the hell….get out! Alan: Come on Monica, aren’t you going to talk to me? Monica: I believe that’s what I’m doing now. Look, I thanked you for breakfast. What else do we need to talk about. Alan: We need to talk about what’s been going on between us. Monica: Alan, that’s not who we are. We don’t address the problems between us. We would have to communicate for that to happen. We don’t do that. Alan: I want you to listen to what I have to say. -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [Robin steps off the elevator and sees Emily. Robin walks over and begins talking to her.] Robin: Do you have the charts on Drew Amello? Emily: Umm…no I don’t think so. Robin: That’s ok, I don’t need them at the moment. Emily: Ok. Robin: Emily…I….I wanted to ask you something. Emily: Sure…Robin, what is it? Robin: What’s the deal with you Sonny? -KELLY’s- Liz: Carly, I didn’t see you there. Carly: I know, but I heard you guys. Cousin Lucky!! Just the person I wanted to see. Excuse me Elizabeth. [Carly walks over and grabs Lucky. He looks confused but decides to go with Carly anyway. She takes him outside.] Lucky: What do you want Carly? Carly: Is that anyway to talk to you favorite cousin? Lucky: You aren’t my favorite cousin. Carly: Well…we’ll work on that. Listen, I need you to help me get Emily away from Sonny -GENERAL HOSPITAL- Emily: There is nothing going on with Sonny and I Robin. And..I don’t think this is really any of your business. Robin: It is my business because it affects Jason. Emily: Jason, is not your concern anymore. He’s with Sam. Robin: I already know that Emily. But you don’t understand what I’m saying. Emily: Yes, I do. You want Sonny for yourself don’t you? To get back at Jason & Carly? [Robin looks at Emily with utter disgust.] -QUARTERMAINE MANSION- Alan: Things between you and I have been strained for years now. And I’m pretty sure that I ruined our relationship more over the summer. But I want to put the past behind us. I want to move on. Monica: We can’t just move on Alan. Alan: I know. It’s, it’s taken me a while to realize the mistakes that I’ve made, but when I realized that I could lose our last remaining son….it put things into perspective for me. I realized that I need to change. Part of that was me reaching out to Jason. The other part is repairing our marriage. Monica: And how do you plan on doing that? Alan: Therapy. I want us to go to couples therapy. -OUTSIDE KELLY’s- Lucky: Help you with Emily? No. I’m not getting involved with that. Carly: Oh come on Lucky! I’ve helped you out before. Lucky: With that? You only show me attention when you want something. Carly: Well…that the old Carly. This is the new one. I need your help. I’ve heard that you’ve been hitting some hard times as of late, financially speaking. I’m willing to compensate you for your help. Lucky: First off, I don’t need your kind of help Carly. If I wouldn’t take help my Nikolas, my brother, what makes you think I’ll be bought by you? Secondly, if Emily wants to be with Sonny, that’s her right. Not for me to judge. [Liz walks out of Kelly’s in time to see Lucky telling Carly off. Lucky kisses Liz goodbye after he receives a page. Liz goes to leave too but Carly calls her back.] Carly: Liz, wait. Maybe you can help me. ….On The Next General Hospital: Liz: Why should I help you? Carly: Do your really want Jason to be hurt if Sonny hurts Emily? -Alexis & Ric take Kristina over to Sonny’s - Alan tells Monica about their new therapist - Skye received a surprising phone call - Tony & Bobbie interrupt Robin & Emily’s argument
Soaps On Demand Exclusive: First Interview with New General Hospital Head Writer!!!!!! I recently had the chance to sit down with new headwriter of General Hospital, Ryan Chandler. He had very interesting remarks about his direction with the series Soaps on Demand (12:16:38 AM): I love the couple of Alan and Monica. They should be front and center again. Do you think a love triangle could ensue between the two again before they rekindle their love? Who would be involved? Ryan Chandler (12:18:01 AM): Honestly, I think triangles are over-used. Why introduce another character or a third wheel to a relationship, when in the end I'm just gonna keep them together? RC (12:18:06 AM): It doesn't make sense RC (12:18:22 AM): I will however.......explore the friendships that these two have with other people RC (12:18:39 AM): the friends they have will influence their decisions SOD (12:19:07 AM): How about Edward? He lost the love of his life. Do you think it is time for Edward to find a new love interest? RC (12:20:07 AM): No. That would be an insult to the Edward & Lila fans. I was extremely upset with former writers Guza & Pratt tried to give Edward a new love interest. I'd prefer to have Edward honor the memory of his wife, and try to do better by his family. He needs to focus on them. SOD (12:20:33 AM): A crossover between AMC and GH....I could see Adam Chandler crossing over because of Skye, which will then put her on our screen. Would they cross over because of personal ties/connections? RC (12:22:57 AM): You read my mind . Yes, I may have Adam cross over to GH. It won't be a major thing either. He may just drop in to say hello. He isn’t the only one who may come to visit Port Charles. I also may bring some other characters over. SOD (12:23:46 AM): Would the mob no longer be the focus of the show? RC (12:26:09 AM): A question everyone wants to know the answer to. The mob has been a part of GH since the 70's. So in a way, it'll always be a part of the show. To answer your question, it won't be a major focus of the show anymore. I have plans to have Jason & Sonny leave the mob. But…… that doesn't mean that enemies won't return to take them out. You can never truly leave the mob. Fans have been upset with the lack of balance. I've read many message boards where fans have said they wouldn't mind the mob storylines if it didn't dominate the tv SOD (12:28:00 AM): Less killling, more hospital, in a way? RC (12:28:15 AM): well people die in a hospital don't they? Lol RC (12:28:27 AM): There will be a balance. RC (12:28:40 AM): Expect to see ELQ brought back into the front and center as well. SOD (12:29:24 AM): I am a huge Lucy/Kevin fan. Any chance they can make a return and explain their absence? RC (12:31:31 AM): I am not sure. There's a chance that I will bring on some consultants to help me with that. Lucy & Kevin have been ruined in a sense due to what happened on 'Port Charles". RC (12:31:47 AM): Basically, there are other characters who I'd bring back before Lucy & Kevin. If I don't acknowledge what has happened to Lucy & Kevin, it could be perceived as slap in the face to fans of ‘Port Charles’. That is something I don't want to touch. SOD (12:33:53 AM): Right, because when they showed up at Lila's funeral, we noticed that Kevin was no longer in the wheelchair. RC (12:34:05 AM): exactly RC (12:34:11 AM): and Lucy wasn't a vampire slayer RC (12:34:12 AM): lol RC (12:34:29 AM): there was also no mention of Kevin's daughter Livvie. It's better if I don't touch it SOD (12:36:08 AM): Sort of like rewriting history, which is something you do not want to do? correct? RC (12:36:39 AM): That is something that I don't want to do, but it may be inevitable. Some things were really messed up by the previous writers, and I want to correct that. And I’m not talking about Port Charles either. SOD (12:37:13 AM): What characters do you think are not needed on the canvas? RC (12:38:21 AM): I'd prefer not to answer that question. I don't want to offend any of the actors that we currently have. RC (12:38:42 AM): Basically, you'll see who is not needed as characters are written off SOD (12:39:05 AM): The character of Bobbie hasn't had much of a story for a long time. What sort of ideas, if any, would you have come up with for her? RC (12:40:33 AM): I've been wanting to explore the Bobbie/Tony relationship for sometime now. I want them to address the mistakes they made with each other and try to move on. With the return of Noah Drake (who I intend to keep around), I think this is a good chance to use the veterans in a major way. Tony & Bobbie will have to come together when they learn their son is gay. It is at that time they will go through the stereotypical reactions. "Where did we go wrong?" "was it something that we did?", etc. etc. Bobbie will turn to Noah for support SOD (12:42:44 AM): Sounds very interesting. A story that Zeman can do justice RC (12:42:58 AM): exactly RC (12:43:13 AM): Carly will feature heavily into this storyline as well. She will be there to help her mother deal. Though it will be awkward with Tony there. Lol, we might actually have Carly and Lucas talk to each other. Carly won't want her mother to get involved with Tony again. That will possibly put a strain on Carly and Bobbie's relationship. SOD (12:44:54 AM): We will finally see some family interaction that has been rare on the show lately, correct? Will Luke be involved in the story as well? RC (12:46:31 AM): Correct. The entire Spencer family will be involved there may be an entire week's worth of episodes just involving them. SOD (12:47:21 AM): Any chance Audrey will have a storyline of her own? RC (12:49:06 AM): I don't think so. I'm very unfamiliar with her character, I may have to watch some old footage and read up on her. I will use her in the hospital more. She'll become someone who people go to for advice. RC (12:49:51 AM): Let me be clear on one thing: I will use the veterans more, but I do not intend to backburner all of the younger characters. That will alienate an entire group of viewers and that is something I don’t want to do. I will do my best to make the show watching for both older fans and younger fans. SOD (12:50:36 AM): Most fans know actor Maurice Bernard has bipolar disease. That would be a wonderful storyline to show on GH, seeing how Sonny's family and friends struggle along with him and/or also bring them closer together. RC (12:52:10 AM): That is a story that I have been interested in doing for a long time now. You'll have to come back to me on that. SOD (12:53:49 AM): Out of all those you would wish to return, which one, in your opinion, would have a great impact on the viewers if they returned? RC (12:55:01 AM): Honestly, I'm going to leave that up to the viewers. There are so many talented actors who have wonderful fan bases. Just because a character returns won't mean the ratings will jump. A great story will have to accompany it. RC (12:55:12 AM): There are 4 actors we are in talks with to return. Once we get this finalized, the network will poll the fans on who they want to return the most. The character who has the most votes will return with a front-burner storyline. RC (12:56:06 AM): All of this will take place over the course of the next year SOD (12:56:50 AM): It sounds you have a lot in store for the town of Port Charles RC (12:58:09 AM): oh yes. I want things to work out. If I feel a story isn't working, I'll can it. Well it was great talking with Mr. Ryan Chandler. Ryan has some very good ideas and it seems he will be able to do the show justice. But what appears to be may not in fact be true. I am skeptical, due to his lack of experience in being a headwriter, but he handled this interview professionally and his answers are clear and concise. Let's pray that GH is in good hands. - Lee Navellson
That sounds good Amello. I wouldn't like killing people off because if I wanted to re-use them one day, I'd have a hell of a tough time trying to re-write their death. But I agree with you about Sonny. I do intend to have him leave the mob, and afterwards he will be backburnered.
Haylo everyone! I have some ideas on what I intend to so here they are: Bring the veterans back into the frontburner which include but aren't limited to: - Give Alan & Monica a front burner storyline that involves them rekindling their love - A love triangle between Tony, Bobbie & Noah. One that will involve a lot of buildup and explain why Tony feels the way that he does and why it took him so long. Bring back more family interactions - Which may result in bringing back some popular characters - Eliminate the "quarantining" of certain characters (those who never interact with their family). Eliminate some of the dead weight Recast 3 contract roles with their original portrayers. Write off about 4 characters One of the things that will happen is a major crossover with All My Children. Why that show? Well, since everything will be taking place on General Hospital, I will have to write something that will explain why some PV citizens are visiting Port Charles. There may be 2 characters who move permanately to Port Charles and vice versa. I am looking for ideas. This is a fan fiction for your enjoyment, and therefore I'd like to have some feedback. If anyone wants to help out, that would be great. Ideas, volunteers, everything would be great! -RC
One thing I plan to do is listen to the responses and take them hugely into my decisions, but there are some things I'll have to stand firm with.