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Episode 24: The Quartermaine Break In
Ryan commented on Tishy's blog entry in The Citizens of Port Charles
Great episode Tishy. The love scenes were very tasteful -
I look forward to reading your episodic eppy's
Secrets & Lies: Episode 90-93 Saturday, December 30, 2006 Written by: Venus Stone & Ryan Chandler Executive Producer: Ryan Chandler Consulting Producer: Jennifer Snyder (SoapQueen89) New Opening Video - The last thing Mac wanted was to have a face-to-face meeting with Mayor Floyd. After hearing him talk about him to Ric a few weeks back, he was still ticked. Mac has always tried to abide by the law; even if it wasn't easy, he still tried to do what was right when it comes to his precinct. Mac's thoughts were cut short when he heard the door open and Ric coming in. "What are you doing here, Mac, said, none-to-pleased to see Ric to begin with. "Hello to you too Mac. I came here to try to convince the Mayor to not do anything rash when it comes to your job," he said, putting his briefcase on the desk and taking a seat. "He can't possibly do anything that would ruin you." Stifling a sarcastic laugh, Mac rolled his eyes. "How would you know, Lansing? Tell me that, how would you know? You didn't get the phone call demanding to clear your schedule so that the Mayor can have words with you." "Mac, I have to disagree with you on that note; you see, Mayor Floyd called me and told me to meet him here as well. So, you see," Ric said, clearing his throat, "I too was told to clear my schedule. I'm here to help keep you here." Mac was not in the mood to be pushed around or lied to, and he was at his breaking point. "Save it Ric! Mayor Floyd is gearing to boot me out on my ass; and you being here is just going to solidify that reasoning; after all, you are Sonny's brother." Ric was about to say something when Mayor Floyd came walking into the precinct. Just from the look on his face, Ric could tell that this was not going to go well. - At Metro Court, Lorenzo is looking over some paperwork to regarding the surveillance of Sonny’s warehouses, when he notices Carly coming in. Slipping the papers in his attache, he makes his way towards her, hoping she would not bolt at the mere sight of him. "Hello, Carly, how are you doing today?" he said, trying to make obvious small talk. Just a glance at her makes him weak in the knees from time to time. How could he not feel that way on occasion? Turning around to face him, Carly smiled in his direction. "Hello, yourself, Lorenzo. How have you been doing?" she asked, offering him a seat at a table. It had been quite some awhile since she talked with Lorenzo. She couldn't help but wonder if he thought of her at times. Shaking the thought from her brain, she continues to talk to Lorenzo. "I wanted to tell you how sorry I was to hear that Diego left Port Charles. Have you hard anything from him?" Shaking his head, he tried his best not to grow quiet at the mention of his son's name. It was hard not having his son by his side; even harder now, since he and Skye were planning not only a wedding, but to adopt a baby as well. Diego's not being there would be so evident. "He hasn't called me at all since being gone. That's the one thing that truly bothers me; that he's remaining distant from me. I just….I made so many mistakes with him." Carly truly felt for him. She knew all too well about how her distance toward Bobbie was what made her bitter at times; but she also knew she had to become a mature person, or at least tried to become a mature person and be able to deal with a lot of setbacks in her life. "Lorenzo, just give it time, Diego will come around." Lorenzo automatically sensed something different in Carly. Her whole demeanor was different; she literally had a glow about herself. "So…..what's got you so happy? I can see it all over your face." "You noticed, huh?" she asked, smiling back at him. "I'm extremely happy these days." "Are you back together with Sonny, is that why you are so happy?" he asked, curious if it were true that she would go back to his worst enemy. He didn't understand why she was always drawn to him; why she and he would breakup, only to get back together, time and time again. Shaking her head, Carly made sure that Lorenzo knew she was not back with Sonny, but also made sure to keep him from learning who it really was she was going out with. "Sonny and I are not back together. He and I aren’t good for each. I will tell you that this person who I’m with now makes me very happy and makes me feel special. You know, you and I didn’t really have a chance to be together Lorenzo, but I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you feel the way you tried to make me feel. Skye has a champion in you. You know that right?" Smiling at her, Lorenzo stood up from the table. "Thanks. I appreciate you saying that. It means a lot, especially coming from you. Well, Carly, as always it is a pleasure to talk to you." He was about to leave, when Carly pulled him back towards her. "What is it?" Taking a deep breath, Carly said what she had wanted to say for the longest time. "I'd like us to be friends, that is, if it won't make this awkward at all for you." Smiling, he looked at her. "Whoever this man is you're seeing; tell him I like this side of you." Embracing one another, they both parted ways. - Back at General Hospital, Anna is talking to Robin about possible plans for New Year's Eve. Robin for one was trying to make sure she would spend it with Patrick; however Anna had other ideas in mind. "Robin, darling, I think it would be wonderful if we celebrated the New Year together," Anna said, smiling at her daughter. Rolling her eyes at her mother, Robin shook her head. "I am hoping to have plans with Patrick that night," she said, letting a smile play at her lips. She hoped Patrick had romantic plans made; but knowing him, his ideal of romance is entirely different from hers. Both women turned the corner and practically ran into David Haywood. Anna couldn't believe her eyes; she was staring directly in the eyes of the man she was once married to. For a moment, Anna couldn't even think; all she could do was stare. Breaking her thoughts, David smiled at both ladies, "Hello, Dr. Scorpio. Anna? Wow….I didn’t expect to see you here. How are you?" David could tell immediately that Anna was uncomfortable seeing him. "It's been a long time." Anna, quickly switched gears, making it clear that she had no intention of being around David. Yes, they were married, yes, she loved him, but seeing him just brought back too many painful memories. "I’m doing well David. Umm..Robin weren't you going to join me for lunch?" Looking at her mother, it was obvious that she did not want to be around David, and why she didn't know, but she could tell that she wanted to get out from around him immediately. "Yeah, that's right; we were on our way to lunch." David immediately tried to find an opportunity to get a chance to talk to Anna, and opted to join them, "Do you suppose I could join you....I thought we could catch up...." his sentence trailed off when Robin shook her head. "Oh, okay, maybe another time," he said, looking directly at Anna. Once he was gone, Robin looked at her mother, "What the hell was that?" Anna gave a painful sigh, "Don't even ask, Robin. It's a long story." - Back at the PCPD, Mayor Floyd sat across from Mac. Ric could tell from the whole vibe that it was going to end badly for Mac, and he was afraid he would not be able to do anything to help keep Mac in his position. "This is going to be quick. I have already made my decision, I'm sticking with it, and I'm not going to be swayed in one way or the other," he said, glaring in Ric's direction, making sure Ric knew this was a 'Don't cross me' stare. Mac, however, was not going to just let him have the final word. "So, that's it? After all the years that I’ve served this damn city…..you’re just gonna come down here and tell me it’s over? You’re gonna tell I'm out, and just deal with it? Without explanation? Just who in the hell do you think you are?" Mayor Floyd stood up, pushing in his chair. "I’ll attribute your last comment to your anger so I’ll let that little piece slide. I will admit you are a good commissioner, however, you don't see the bigger picture when it comes to putting an end to organized crime. Tell me, how many times have you tried to bring down Sonny Corinthos or Jason Morgan or Faith Roscoe or the Smith Organization or The Alcazars, only to fall flat on your face? Here you have 3 crime lords still being able to walk around free to cause a lot of misery my city. You had your chance, many chances. You couldn’t stop them, so now someone else will have that opportunity." Ric was about to speak but stopped short when Mayor Floyd shot daggers his way. "Malcolm Scorpio, effective immediately, you are hereby relieved of your post as Commissioner. I expect your office to be cleaned out by the first. Mr. Lansing, you are to appoint an officer to escort Mr. Scorpio to his office to clean it out. Should you wish to return to active duty, then you may. It’s up to the discretion of the new Commissioner. Oh, and Mac, have a Happy New Year!" - Nikolas, who was arrived at Metro Court a couple of minutes after Carly left, checked his watch, hoping that Lainey would meet with him. He had a lot of questions to ask regarding Sam, and he needed answers, as well as help. He just couldn't understand how Lucky could have kept her being alive a secret, knowing that she has memory loss; but he was going to make it right. He was going to get Sam back to the way she once was; he had to. Lainey made her way in his direction; She could see from the look on Nikolas' face that it was serious. "Let's sit at that table in the corner," she instructed, leading the way. "So, what's up?" Swallowing hard, Nikolas didn't know how to begin. Should he tell Lainey that Sam was indeed alive? Should he use the whole, 'I have a friend' approach, or should he just ask simple questions. Thinking for a second, he realized that the best way to help Sam was to come forward and be honest with Lainey. "First off, I expect whatever it is I tell you has to be kept confidential. I need you to agree to that before I continue to share what I have to say." "Okay, I can keep what we discuss between us," Lainey agreed, very interested in what he had to share with her. "Tell me what is troubling you." "You remember all the press from the kidnapping situation that happened over the summer right? Well….I recently learned that my cousin Sam, who everyone thought was killed in the explosion, is alive," he said, taking a sip of his drink. "She survived the ordeal with Helena; however, she doesn’t remember much of what happened then or before. Her memory is very spotty. I need you to help her piece together what she can't remember." Nik stared deep into her eyes, hoping she would in fact be the answer to Sam's situation. "Can you help her, Dr. Winters? I don’t care how much it costs. I’ll pay you triple. I just….I need you to help me. Will you? Can you help me get Sam's memory back?" Lainey was at a complete loss for words at what Nikolas shared with her. She contemplates what do. After taking in all the possibilities and the kind of publicity this could give her, she agrees to help. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- A special New Year’s Eve episode featuring Robin & Patrick. A little treat for you SCRUBS fans who feel Robin & Patrick don’t get enough airtime.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 87-89 Thursday, December 28, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: Ryan Chandler New Opening Video It’s the day after Christmas. The episode will be told in flashbacks as it deals with the fallout from important happenings in the previous episode. Those featured in the episode include The Quartermaines, Monica/Lucy/Kevin and Brandon & Lucas. - GH begins in the old house of Kevin Collins. He walks around the empty place remembering his life with Lucy. Damn….why’d she have to come back? Why couldn’t she just leave well enough alone? He flashes back to the night before when she walked in on he and Monica: Kevin then walks upstairs to where he and Lucy’s bed used to be. Kevin flashes back to a time when he and Lucy made love all over the room, then flashes back to him making love to Monica, then flashes back to what happened after Lucy walked in: “Well doc…..nice to see you too,” snipes Lucy putting her pocketbook down. “I come back to visit you and..and…try to rekindle what we lost and I walk in and find you and Monica Quartermaine?” “Lucy…..I…” Kevin’s voice trails off. He looks away embarrassed. Monica begins putting on her top. “It’s not what you think Lucy. Kevin and I were just—” “Just what,” interrupts Lucy. “Having sex?” - At the Quartermaines, Monica & Alan sits in the living room with Edward, Skye and the newly revealed not to be dead, AJ. They all sit around staring at each other. Alan grabs AJ’s hand and flashes back to the night before: After the shock of seeing AJ (played by Dan Gauthier) begins to wear off, Alan grabs him by the shoulders, stares into his eyes and gives him a big hug. Edward is speechless and doesn’t walk near him. Tracy rolls her eyes, and then takes off upstairs. Ned just shakes his head and can’t wait to hear AJ’s excuse for faking his death (yet again) and his excuse for coming back. Skye gives him a big hug, and then slaps him across the face. “Ok, maybe I deserved that,” AJ says while grabbing his face. “It’s good to see you too sis.” “I could kill you right now,” she remarks. “Well that would kind of defeat the purpose of me coming back now wouldn’t it?” “Don’t you make any jokes Alan Quartermaine Jr.,” replies Edward. “You owe us a damn explanation and it had better be good.” “Father, I think we should just wait and let him explain.” Alan walks Edward over to the den. “Let him explain what Alan?” Monica walks in from outside and sees AJ. “Oh my god.” “Hello Mom.” “AJ? Oh my god. Oh my god! How are you, why are you…..” “I’ll explain everything mom. I promise.” Elsewhere….. - Brandon wakes up with Lucas in his arms. He gently strokes Lucas’ chest. He kisses him on the forehead. Brandon slowly eases himself out of bed, being careful not to wake Lucas up from his sleep. After putting on his boxers, Brandon walks downstairs and flashes back to him and Lucas’ first time making love last night. He picks up Lucas’ boxers and clenches them tightly. As he starts picking up the other clothes on the floor, he feels a breeze. He turns to his left and notices that the door is slightly open. After walking over to close it, he notices a box of gifts on the floor from Dillon with tags for him and Lucas. Dillon couldn’t have possibly seen them last night….could he? - Dillon on the other hand wakes up in Georgie’s bedroom. After seeing Lucas and Brandon make love, and the effect it had on him, Dillon needed to remember that he wasn’t gay. He loved Georgie. Correction, loves Georgie and she’s the person he wants to be with. So he had to prove it to himself that he was still into her by making love to her. Hell, they even tried a new way of making love last night and it was amazing. He looks at her while she’s sleeping and just wants to hold him in his arms. Correction, hold her in his arms. He paces back and forth angry that he is allowing Lucas to stay in his head. Dillon flashes back to making love to Georgie, but imagines that it’s Lucas he’s sleeping with. Dillon then puts on his clothes, kisses Georgie and takes off. - At Bobbie’s, she is shown downstairs at her kitchen table, staring at a bottle of Puerto Rican Rum by Bacardi. She is tempted to pick up that bottle and drink everything that’s inside, but is afraid of what she’d do. She’s trying to not be so dependant on the bottle and she was doing good, but seeing her….her son making love to another man was just…..too much. Noah walks downstairs and sees Bobbie at the table. He was going to say something to her, but instead he watches to see what she does. Bobbie flashes back to watching Brandon on top of her son…..she grabs the bottle and puts it near her face. She begins having more rapid flashbacks and throws the bottle against the wall before breaking down and crying. - Back at Kevin’s old place, he remembers more of his conversation with Lucy. After Monica took off, there was no way for him to avoid Lucy. She doesn’t yell, she doesn’t flip out. Instead she just says she’s disappointed in Kevin. The universe told her that she’d find something surprising when she returned to town and damn did she. Lucy grabs her things and leaves Kevin behind. - We now return to the Quartermaines, who wait for AJ to tell them what happened back in 2005. AJ reveals that he was torn into pieces after realizing how wrong it was for him to kidnap Michael and make others believe he was dead. Monica’s still in disbelief that he could do that to them, but AJ says he was desperate and stupid. He says that after he was hospitalized after his fight with Jason, he could do nothing but think while in his hospital bed. He thought about all the horrible things he’s done over the past few years and how it never worked out for him in the end. He asked Dr. Thomas to help him fake his death once again, so he could spare the family and Michael anymore pain. He didn’t however know how he would do it and didn’t know that he would brainwash Michael into accusing Carly and then making him believe that he did it. It wasn’t until a few months ago that he actually found out what Dr. Thomas did. Maybe it was the fact that he was lonely or maybe he wanted to make amends, but something told him to come back and fix his life. He grabs Monica and Alan’s hands and tells them that he’s sorry for all the pain he’s caused and wants to work really hard to fix everything. Monica tells him that since his “death”, Carly has allowed Michael to spend time with she and Alan and fears their progress will be undone because of his return. Alan asks Monica to stand by AJ’s side and give him a chance to make things right. Edward says that Jason needs to know that AJ is alive and he is the one who plans on telling him. Skye says maybe Sonny, Carly and Jason need to learn together and if anyone is going to do it, it should be the Quartermaines as a united front. AJ thanks Skye for her support and says the sooner they can get this done the better. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - The mayor orders Mac to have his office cleaned out by the 1st of the month. - Anna is stunned to see David in Port Charles - Nikolas seeks the help of Lainey for Sam - Lorenzo & Carly run into each other at the MetroCourt
Hey Scotty, I intend to address AJ's "death". I don't like to just ignore what really happened, especially if there's a way to write around it. Acting like stuff never happened is not something I'll do. Now you may think my explanation is stupid, but at least I'll address it, lol.
Finally we can reveal the updated opening. Link to Updated Opening Added: Lynn Herring as Lucy Coe Jon Lindstrom as Kevin Collins Nolan North as Steven Webber Justin Bruenning as Lucas Jones Spencer Dan Gauthier as AJ Quartermaine Kimberlin Brown as Alexandria Nov Eileen Davidson as Victoria Nov Vincent Irizarry as David Hayward Finola Hughes as Anna Devane Ashley Jones as Sarah Webber Wally Kurt as Ned Ashton Taken Out: Natalia Livingston as Emily Quartermaine The order of the lineup has also been changed and alternate shots have been added. The theme music has also changed.
Two Surprise Returns Follow Up! Lic Itup On yesterday’s episode of GH: Secrets & Lies, viewers were treated to a very good surprise when Lynn Herring returned to the show as fan favorite Lucy Coe Collins! The actress has been in talks to return to the show since last year. Lynn actually signed a contract to return to the show back in July, but her return was only known by high level executives. Lynn is very happy with her upcoming storyline and is thrilled that the show asked her to return. Don’t expect things to be smooth between she and Kevin anytime soon. She asked the writers not to pair her up immediately with Jon Lindstrom’s character because she wanted the chance to work with other actors. Additionally, viewers were stunned to see AJ Quartermaine return to the show! Some fans were disappointed that neither Sean Kanan or Billy Warlock were asked to return. Actor Dan Gauthier (ex-Kevin, OLTL) has taken over the role. When asked why Dan was chosen, the show replied that AJ was to be taken in a new direction. “We feel that Dan will transition the AJ character into the next phase of his life. We feel that Dan is an amazing actor who will do great things. We would have loved to bring back Billy or Sean, but we felt Dan was the better choice.” During AJ’s time back, he will try to make amends with his son and the mother of his child. The history between AJ & Carly is so rich and the writers plan on capitalizing on that. There are no plans to kill of AJ’s character under this regime and there are no plans to pair up Carly & AJ romantically. AJ’s storyline will predominately involve him trying to have a relationship with Michael.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 84-86 Tuesday, December 26, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Elizabeth walks into Cameron's room, and she looks at him playing with his toys. She has a heartfelt smile on her face as she goes and sits down next to him. While playing with Cameron, she begins to reflect on the conversation Audrey and Lucky had. She begins to talk to Cameron as she begions to let out her griefs and frustrations. Liz: Yes, Cameron, you play with your toys....yes, what is that? Cameron: Fire truck Liz: Fire truck! Oh, you are such a precious, little boy, yes you are. *sighs* I just want you to have the best Christmas this year...and with me and Lucky making things horrible for all around....I just want you to be loved the way that you should be. Don't take anything for granted, and don't settle for less. (Liz's voice start to break up as she begins to start crying while talking to Cameron) No one is perfect, but that doesn't mean for u to try to go for the alternative. You are going to be a mature, honest, young man. You're going to be strong. You will make mistakes along the way, but that is what growing up is about. Liz suddenly felt the urge to look back, as if she felt a presence in the room who had heard everything she said, and sure enough she was right. She turned around slowly to see Audrey standing by the door. Audrey gives Elizabeth a smile as she walks over them, giving both Liz and Cameron big hugs as Liz begins to cry in Audrey's arms. - Monica walks into Kevin’s hotel room and is surprised to see a very romantic setting. In the spirit of Christmas, Kevin has red & green candles lit and requested that silk blue sheets be placed on his bed. He greets Monica with a gift. Inside the box, she finds a pair of gold earrings with diamond jewels. Kevin tells Monica that even though they can’t be together openly, he wants her to feel special. He doesn’t want her to feel like she’s his dirty little secret. Monica hopes that Kevin doesn’t feel that way about her. She says that once everything is set up, she can be with him. Kevin feels bad about having the affair with Monica, but cares about her entirely too much to let Alan have her. Monica shuts Kevin up with a kiss when he keeps bringing up Alan’s name. She says this night is about spending time with the one you love, which means not talking about those you don’t. - Meanwhile, Lucas and Brandon return to the apartment so they can share a private Christmas between the two of them. Brandon makes mention of how he feels that it is great that he and Bobbie are on their way of reconciling. He does however wonder Dillon reacted the way he did to the news even though he knew about it already. Lucas just explains that he was just happy for them both. Brandon is surprised when he opens his gift and there’s nothing inside. He laughs, thinking it’s a joke, but Lucas tells him it’s not. “The reason why the box is empty is because you already have your gift,” he says looking deeply into Brandon’s eyes. “Why give you a material object when I can give you something so much better.” Brandon gently touches Lucas’ face and strokes his hair. “I don’t want you to think that I was being materialistic or any—” “Shhhhhh,” Lucas says as he puts his finger on Brandon’s lips. “This is my time to speak.” Lucas grabs Brandon’s hand and caresses his fingers. “My Christmas gift to you Brandon is my heart. I was furious at you for outing me earlier in the year, but I should have come clean with my family a lot earlier. Over this past year you’ve been my brother, my best friend, my significant other. You’ve been patient with me while I’ve come to terms with my sexuality, you’ve helped me combat my mother and you’ve been considerate about my feelings.” Brandon smiles while Lucas is talking to him. Lucas asks Brandon to close his eyes while he does something. When Lucas, he asks Brandon to open his eyes. The lights in the penthouse are now dim, the fireplace is lit and soft music plays in the background. - The scene then fades over to Liz, where we see who is at the door. She answers the door and is surprised to see her brother & sister, Steven and Sarah Webber. They all embrace in a hug, and Audrey comes up, and is excited herself to see the two. They all go into the living room, and both Sarah and Steven see Cameron, and they started to play with the child. Liz and Audrey couldn't be happier. - At the Spencers, Bobbie, Noah, Lulu, Robin, Patrick, Carly, Nikolas, Michael, Morgan, Sonny, Spencer, Courtney & Mike laugh and watch as the children open their gifts. Carly smiles at Nikolas and kisses him under the mistletoe. Robin & Patrick do the same on the other side of the room. The camera fades to a little later, Carly walks over to Robin. She surprises Robin by not fighting with her, instead giving her a Christmas gift. Robin is surprised and happy to find stuffed animal (a robin) with a halo over it’s head. Robin laughs and goes to hug Carly put Carly puts her hand up, telling Robin not to get ahead of herself. They all laugh at what happened. Sonny & Courtney notice how happy Carly & Nikolas seem with each other and it makes them a little sad. Patrick hands his father a picture of them from when he was a child. Noah then goes into his bag and gives Patrick a present. He opens it and sees an engraved stethoscope. Patrick puts out his hand for a handshake. Noah grabbed and hugged him instead, and the two were able to put aside their differences for the night. Michael goes to hand Bobbie her gift when he realizes she’s not there anymore. - The Webbers gather around the Christmas tree and sing Christmas songs. Liz smiles as Cameron tries to ride the tricycle that Lucky got him for Christmas. Steven gives his grandmother Audrey a hug and says he’s glad to be home. Sarah puts her hand on Liz’s shoulder and smiles. The unspoken words between them say a lot. - At the Scorpios/Jones, they watch the annual Christmas game and talk amongst themselves. Anna overhears Mac talking to Robert about the situation at work, but says he won’t let it get him down. Anna’s eyebrow is raised while they’re speaking. Georgie is upset that Dillon isn’t there spending the holidays with them. Maxie offers to be her “shoulder” to cry on. - At Lucky’s, Sam falls asleep on with her head on Lucky’s shoulder; At Jason’s, Jason flashes back to the year before when he and Sam had a wonderful Christmas together. - Some of the hospital staff with no family to celebrate the holidays with hangs out at the MetroCourt. David decides to get some air. He stares at a picture of his daughter Babe and grandson Little Adam and his heart, or the place where his heart should be begins to warm a little. His thoughts are interrupted when a little kid runs into him. The kid apologizes deeply, afraid that he’s going to catch hell. Surprisingly, David hands the kid some money and tells him to have a good Christmas. - At the MetroCourt, the camera switches to the first person view, as someone makes their way to Kevin’s hotel suite. - At the Quartermaine’s, the dysfunctional bunch all exchange gifts with each other. Edward is surprisingly civil to Lorenzo when he comes to the house with Skye. Ned is able to convince Brooke Lynn to give Tracy a call for Christmas. Though Tracy is happy, she gets pissed when Brooke calls her “grandma” and hands up the phone. Edward laughs at his children. Alan reads the latest e-mail sent to them from Emily, who apologizes for not being there, but says the entire family is in her thoughts. Edward flashes back to Christmas time a few years ago back when his sweet Lila was alive. He takes a deep breathe and wishes her a Merry Christmas. Ned wonders where Dillon is. The montage ends…. - Back at the Harbor View Towers, Lucas & Brandon finally stop dancing. Lucas walks Brandon over to the sofa. “Getting my heart was not your only gift,” Lucas says to Brandon. Lucas takes off his shirt and pants. “What are you doing?” Brandon asks. “Now that you have my heart…..I’m ready for you to have my body.” Lucas pulls Brandon in for a kiss. The two begin making out on the sofa, but Brandon stops. “Are you sure?” He asks out of breath. “Are you sure you want this.” Lucas kisses Brandon hard and looks into his eyes. “I have never been surer about anything than I am right now.” Lucas pulls Brandon into another kiss and the two begin to make love. Apparently Lucas didn’t shut the door well because it was easily opened. Dillon arrives with gifts for his friends. He opens the door and is stunned when he sees Lucas with his legs around Brandon kissing him, obviously the two of them making love. Dillon’s heart stops and he drops his gift. Bobbie shows up as Dillon is rushing into the elevator. She gets to the door and witnesses Brandon kissing Lucas and pulling him onto him. Bobbie takes a deep breath and leaves through the stairwell. - At the MetroCourt, Kevin and Monica bask in the afterglow after making love. Kevin tries to get the handcuffs off of him (Yes, they used handcuffs) but is unable do. Monica looks for the keys but can’t find them. Kevin tells her that the kind they used has a safety feature that you have to turn to unlock. Monica can’t figure out which way to turn. “Monica turn it to the right. No no, you’re other right. My left.” “It’s not working.” “Try harder!” “Damn it, it’s stuck. It’s not turning.” Kevin sighs, then remembers the old saying of how to loosen things up. “Hey Monica, remember the expression for stuff like this. It’s ‘Righty tighty, lefty loosey.” “Oh ok, let me see if I’ve got it now.” The door to their hotel room opens, but they are too caught up in their own mess to notice. “Come on Monica. Righty tighty, lefty….Lucy?” Monica gives out a high pitched ‘yay’ as the handcuffs finally come off. She looks up at Kevin and notices the shocked look on his face. Monica slowly turns around and sees Lucy Coe standing in their room!!” - At the Quartermaines, the doorbell is ringing. Alan calls for Alice to get the door, but tells her never mind. He’s having a conversation with someone in the other room when he gets to the door. He opens it without looking. Still talking to the person in the other room, he tells the person to hold on. “Merry Christmas Dad,” says a familiar voice. Alan slowly turns his head and is stunned to see the person standing before him. “Alan? Alan what’s wrong. Why did you stop—” says Skye before she stops her sentence abruptly. “No, it can’t be.” Edward makes his way out shortly, demanding to know why the door is open. “Oh my god,” he says when he steps into the living room. By now the rest of the Quartermaines in the house go the hall to see what’s going on. “Merry Christmas,” the man says. “Glad to see me?” The camera pans around to the stunned & mixed reactions of the Quartermaine family. Finally the camera pans to the man standing in the door. After moving slowly from his feet to his face, the man on camera is revealed to be AJ Quartermaine (played by Dan Gauthier)!! On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- It’s the day after Christmas. The episode will be told in flashbacks as it deals with the fallout from important happenings in the previous episode. Those featured in the episode include The Quartermaines, Monica/Lucy/Kevin and Brandon & Lucas.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 81-83 Monday, December 25, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH begins in the den of the Quartermaine Mansion. Kevin walks over to Monica and begins kissing her all over. The two begin to make love when Alan walks in. Alan asks what’s going on but Monica just pulls Kevin in closer. Alan yells for Kevin to stop but he laughs evilly. She hears her name being called over and over and over. She screams “What” and realizes she was dreaming. Edward yells for her to wake up and get ready for the celebration. Alan walks in the den and surprisingly wishes Monica a good morning. All Monica can think of is getting to Kevin for their rendezvous. - "Robin, I can't believe you have me out here in the snow," Patrick grumbled, rubbing his hands together. Rolling her eyes, she playfully kicked at the snow with her foot. Both were standing outside General Hospital, in a big pile of snow. "Will you please stop complaining, Patrick? You were the one that said I could pick anything fun for us to do." Smirking, Patrick looked at Robin with that boyish look. "Well, Robin, when I said pick something fun to do, I was thinking more along the lines of us between the sheets, not standing out here in the cold." Picking up some snow, Robin flung it at him. "Is that all you think about? Us having sex in the storage closet, the bed, on the floor by the fireplace? I seriously like playing out in the snow." Groaning, Patrick jumped up and down keeping warm. "Okay, we're here in the snow. Play in it already so we can go back inside." The minute he said the words, he was hit in the face with a snowball. "You don't want to go there, Robin, really you don't." Robin placed a innocent smile on her lips, feigning innocence. "What? What did I do? I'm simply enjoying the wonderful snow," she said, bending down to scoop up another handful of snow. Unfortunately, before she could make another snowball, Patrick covered her face full of the icy wetness. -While the Quartermaines are making last minute preparations for their celebrations, someone watches them from outside the window. He does his best to make sure he’s hidden. - "Elizabeth, darling, I think we should have the Christmas tree over here this year," Audrey said, looking at the tree that had yet to be decorated. "This is going to be the most glorious Christmas." Setting down a box of decorations, Elizabeth smiled at her grandmother. "I think it looks just fine right where it is. I want to get these decorations up so Cameron will be surprised." "Aww, that little fellow is going to have the best Christmas ever; tons of presents to rip into; it's simply divine seeing my great- grandson celebrate his first Christmas." Smiling a little, Elizabeth was thrilled too, hoping her son had the best Christmas ever. "Grandma just don't spoil him too much," she said, selecting the ornaments to place on the tree. "What am I saying? I think I'm going to be joining in on the spoiling. I can't wait to see his eyes light up when he sees the tree and all the presents under the tree. Audrey smiled at her granddaughter, thinking about how cute she was when she was a little girl, beaming from ear to ear at all the Christmas presents. "I thought we would take Cameron with see Santa Claus later this afternoon." "He'd love that,” she exclaimed, walking over to the tree to hang her selected ornaments. "I would love to have a picture of him in Santa's lap to put on the mantle." "Darling, I know that this is going to be a special day for all of us, but have you thought about asking Lucky to come and help celebrate Christmas with Cameron?" Audrey knew that it was a touchy subject for Elizabeth, however, it was Christmas, and past mistakes should be put on the shelf for that time. Exhaling deeply, Elizabeth faced her grandmother. "To be honest with you, I thought about it a lot; really, however, I don't think I could go through with having a wonderful Christmas, only for it to be tainted with awkwardness. Lucky hasn't said anything to me; he won't say anything to me, and I don't think I should continue to beat my head up against the wall, trying to get through to him.." Sitting on the couch, Audrey picked up the angel tree topper. "I truly think you should extend a welcome to celebrate....." before she could finish her sentence, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it. You just keep hanging those beautiful ornaments on the tree." Opening the door, Audrey was surprised to see the very person she was talking about standing before her. "My, your ears must be burning. I was just talking about you." she said, stepping aside to let Lucky Spencer in. "Let me take your cold." Looking up, Elizabeth nearly dropped the box of ornaments from her hands. "Lucky, what are you doing here?" She immediately felt an icy chill go down her back when he refused to speak to her. "Grandma, I'm going to go check on Cameron," she said, quickly exiting the room. Seeing that things have not improved, Audrey tried to break Lucky's cool stare. "Lucky, why don't you sit down for a bit." - Within minutes the two of them were chasing one another, pelting each other with snow. Squealing in delight, Robin tried to get out of Patrick's grasp, but trip, landing face first in the snow. "Are you going to stop clowning around," Patrick said, suddenly pinning Robin in the snow. When she hit him with another handful of snow, he took both hands to keep her from doing it again. "We can stay out here like this all day, Robin." Looking up at him, Robin stopped laughing and simply stared into his eyes. "I wish you would kiss me, Patrick," she said, touching his face with her wet gloved hand. Raising up a bit, her lips found his. "See, playing in the snow does have it's benefits." Kissing her again, Patrick smiled mischievously at her, and smeared her face with a handful of snow. "Yeah, it does have it's benefits, doesn't it?" he asked, kissing her again. - "I'm not going to stay long. I just came here to give you a few Christmas presents I got for Cam," his tone was low, as he looked around the house, trying to erase the sight of Liz from his mind. "I didn't know she would be here, if I did, I would have come at a different time." "Lucky, please don't rush off. I really would like to talk to you for a few minutes, if that's alright," she asked, standing up. "I'm going to bring two cups of hot cocoa to warm us up, and we can chat." Once she was gone, Lucky stood up, walking towards the Christmas tree. He knew he shouldn't be bitter, especially at a time where Christmas spirit would be flooding Port Charles, however, he wasn't going to be told to let go of his anger towards Liz. She was the one that made the mistakes too; not just him; and mistakes cost relationships. Audrey returned shortly with two steaming mugs of hot cocoa. Handing him one, she directed him to sit back down with her. "This should hit the spot; it's so cold outside today," she said, still trying to make an attempt to talk with him. "Thanks, Audrey. I really don't want to stay too long, you know," he said, taking a careful sip of cocoa. "I see you are going all out this Christmas for Cameron. He'll enjoy it. I just wish that things were different, maybe then I’d be helping him celebrate it." "Darling, you still can help him celebrate Christmas. You just have to take the time to put aside your anger towards Liz to do so." When she saw that he was about to protest, she cut him off. "I'm not condoning at all what Elizabeth did. She should never have sought comfort in the arms of another man. However Lucky, we are all human. We all make mistakes we are not at all proud of. What it comes down to is this: you can either continue to be bitter towards Elizabeth, damaging any form of bond with Cameron, or you can learn to forgive and move forward." Laughing ruefully, Lucky took another sip of cocoa. "That's easier said than done. How am I supposed to forgive the woman I love....loved, knowing she has feeling for another man? She even took the time to act on those feelings. My God, Audrey, how do you expect me to forgive her?" Taking his hand in hers, she squeezed it affectionately. "Lucky, sometimes forgiveness is what makes relationships stronger." Neither one realized that Elizabeth was at the top of the stairs and witnessed and heard the entire conversation. - At the Scorpios, Robin & Patrick walk in as Mac, Felicia and Maxie put the last of their gifts under the Christmas tree. Robin kisses Mac and apologizes for not spending the entire day with them, but Mac understands. Maxie flirts shamelessly with Patrick, but Georgie comes over to pull her away. Kevin arrives and drops off some presents for the family and apologizes for not being able to stay long. Kevin won’t say why, but Mac knows he plans on meeting up with his mystery love. Robin gets ready to leave when she’s surprised by the sound of a familiar voice. “Oh I hope you have time to stay a little bit longer.” Robin turns around and is surprised to see her mother Anna!! Robin runs over and hugs her mother, having not seen her in months. Much to Robin’s surprise, Robert shows up as well. Anna explains that she was able to get her leave earlier than expected and decided to come back earlier than expected. Anna tells her daughter that she’s here for an indefinite amount of time and would like to spend time with her. Robin is thankful for this wonderful Christmas gift. Anna convinces Robin to go over to Bobbie’s to finish her plans, then come back so they can catch up. - At Bobbie’s, Lucas & Brandon enjoy spending time with the family. Lucas tells Bobbie that he plans on doing something special for Brandon later and has to take off. Bobbie gives them both hugs surprisingly and wishes them a Merry Christmas. Everything is going very well at Bobbie’s until Sonny shows up…. - Back at the Quartermaines, Monica checks her watch again. Alan asks why she keeps checking her watch, wondering if she has some place she’d much rather be. Monica uses this as an opportunity to pick a fight with Alan. As Skye & Lorenzo walk into the Mansion, Monica throws a china bowl at Alan. Edward rushes in with Alice and demands that Monica calm herself down. Alan grabs Monica’s arm and demands that she show him respect. She slaps her husband, grabs her things and heads out angrily. Ned suggests that Monica leaving was the best possible thing for the family tonight. At the MetroCourt, Kevin gets a text message from Monica telling him she’s on her way…. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Lucas gives Brandon a very special Christmas gift - The mystery man reveals himself to the Quartermaines - Kevin & Monica are in for a surprise themselves - Audrey & Liz get a wonderful Christmas gift - The citizens of Port Charles celebrate Christmas A special performance by a talented singer….
Secrets & Lies: Episode 78-80 Sunday, December 24, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH begins in the living room at Wyndemere Castle. Nikolas walks to the window with his cup of coffee. He smiles at the snow falling down as he sips his hot cup of joe. He flashes back to the intense night of passion that he had with Carly. He knows it’ll be a great day. Soon after, Carly walks into the living room wearing one of Nik’s shirts. They kiss good morning and just stare at each other. They both reach for the newspaper and their hands touch. They both laugh and kiss each other again. Nikolas asks Carly’s plans for Christmas and recommends she and the kids spend it at Wyndemere. Carly agrees at first, but turns him down when she remembers they’re spending it at Bobbie’s. Carly then invites him to spend the day with her family. He accepts her invitation and promises it’ll be a Christmas they never forget. - At Bobbie’s brownstone, Bobbie is setting up the decorations on the Christmas tree, as Noah walks in the door and greets Bobbie with a kiss. Noah: Wow, someone is in the Christmas spirit, aren't ya, love? Bobbie: I couldn't be happier. Noah: And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you very joyous? Bobbie: Well, if you must know, Lucas and I...I think we are on the way back to having a relationship again. Noah: Oh, that's wonderful! Definitely the Christmas miracle you have hoped for. Bobbie: Absolutely. It just gives me a reason to celebrate. I just wish the same could happen for you and Patrick. Noah: Well, you never know. Patrick and Robin are coming by for Christmas, after all. Bobbie: Really? How were you able to swing that? Noah: Well, Robin does want to spend the holidays with her family, but if it hadn't been for her, Patrick wouldn't be here to celebrate. She managed to put our differences aside...at least for the night. Do you think Carly & Robin will be able to be civil with each other? Bobbie: She’d better be. Noah: I’m glad that we’ll all be spending time together. Bobbie: Well, I think that's terrific. Who knows...maybe this could be the start of a wonderful new year. - The visitors from Europe finally make their way into Port Charles. They walk past each other, and for a second, they think they may know each other. The woman heads off to check into a hotel, while the man does his best to get out of sight right away. - Lorenzo thought that by taking Skye out to lunch, she would be able to take her mind off the fact that Tracy ousted her from ELQ; unfortunately, Skye's mood was somewhat sullen. "Skye, I know that you are hurt by being burned by Tracy, but honey, forget about her. I brought you out tonight to not only spend a romantic night with you, but also talk to you about a few things I had in mind for the two of us." Smiling shyly, Skye took a sip of her Merlot, knowing that whenever Lorenzo spoke her name, she crumbled and succumbed to all he had planned. "So, tell me, what do you have in mind? I mean, what am I in for?" Taking her hand in his, he leaned forward, making sure his words were only for her ears. "Skye, I want to spend Christmas with you. I mean, I want to sweep you off your feet; give you all the works; the tree, the decorations, even the Christmas music." Laughing a little, Skye lightly brushed her fingers across Lorenzo's cheek. "You want to spend Christmas with me? Do you think you could handle me bossing you around about how to decorate a big Christmas tree"? she laughed. Whatever Lorenzo had planned, she was bound to like, plus it helped erase all her seething anger towards Tracy. Kissing her hand, Lorenzo smirked at her. "I think I can handle anything you dish out for me, just as long as we are spending the holiday together. Skye, I want this Christmas to be special for us", he said, closing his eyes a bit. He felt a twinge of pain come over him. Immediately taking notice to the change in his demeanor, Skye could tell something was troubling him. "What are you think about, Lorenzo? Tell me." Sighing deeply, he squeezed Skye's hand tightly. "I was thinking about how messed up I made things for Diego. Because of the man I have become, I lost sight of the little things I could have shared with Diego. I just wish I could turn back time and start over again." Leaning over to kiss him, Skye eased his mind. "I know, I know.....Maybe this Christmas, you and I can start with a whole clean slate." "How so, Skye"? He asked, stroking her hand with his. "I can see the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours." Taking in a deep breath, Skye said the words that she knew would make Lorenzo's heart soar. "I think we should ring in the New Year as man and wife. I want to be your wife and the mother of your children." Cupping her face in his hands, Lorenzo smiled at her, kissing her lightly on the lips. "Are you sure, Skye? You….you’re ready to get married and adopt?” “Yes,” she says smiling at him. “This is my Christmas gift to you.” Without saying any words, Lorenzo responds to her answer with a kiss. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Robin & Patrick have a playful snowball fight - Audrey & Liz set up for Christmas and get a surprise visitor - Monica picks a fight with Alan so she has an excuse to leave - Someone is watching the Quartermaines - The Scorpios receive an early Christmas surprise!
Wow, I wasn't expecting for Hope to be Chelsea's mother. It was an interesting twist that I TOTALLY wasn't expecting. You two did an amazing job with this episode. Oh, and I was totally imagining Charity Rhamer say Sami's lines in this episode. It kinda creeped me out.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 74-77 Saturday, December 23, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - In Europe…..two people board a plane making it’s way to Port Charles. Though they don’t see each other, both have something in common and have connections to Port Charles. Both haven’t seen people in Port Charles for a while now, but they intend on making up for time lost. - At Club Evolution….. Dillon: (sighs) Oh, man....what the hell is going on with me? Maxie: (walks up behind him): I think I can answer that. Dillon: (sarcastically) Great...just what I need. Maxie: Don't get me wrong. I thought that hug you two shared at Kelly’s was kinda cute. Imagine my surprise when yet again, I find the two of you hugging. I guess anything to be in the big strong arms of Lucas huh? Could be the start of a newfound relationship in Port Charles? Dillon: Maxie, would you give it a rest? There is nothing wrong with me sharing a nice moment with a close friend. Maxie: If that's true, then why did you burst out the club in a huff? Sorry to burst you bubble, Dillon, but it's plain as day that you want Lucas, and it is tearing you up inside that you cannot have him. Dillon: This isn't working, Maxie. Maxie: And it would definitely be a curse to the Quartermaine name. I mean, Edward would disown you from the family, Tracy...well Tracy would have you receive therapy...it's no wonder you are this way. Look at the family you came from. Dillon is on the verge on berating Maxie after her latest statement. But then suddenly backs off and not give into the temptation. That makes Maxie gloat even more that since he didn't speak up, he knows what she is saying is the truth. Dillon does nothing but shakes his head and walks away, leaving Maxie looking on with nothing but a smirk on her face. - Carly & Nikolas are shown talking at Wyndemere. Carly thanks Nikolas for taking her out and showing her a good time. He smiles at Carly before grabbing her hand. “Carly, there’s no need to thank me. I’ve really come to appreciate and value your friendship,” he starts. “You helped me realize that I can bounce back from a failed relationship. When Courtney left me last year……it was the hardest thing for me. But you were there for me. You didn’t ask me anything in return. You were just there for me and I thank you for that.” A tear begins to fall down Carly’s cheek. “We’re friends Nikolas. That is what friends are for. I know that you caught hell for letting me into your life, but to be quite honest with you, you helped me too.” “How so?” the hunky prince asks. “By helping me not go back to Sonny. I could have used his breakup with Emily to try and get back with him but I didn’t want to. I like you. I like you a lot. There’s something about you that makes my heart skip a beat.” She tosses her hair back and tries to hold back tears. “For some reason, you make me want to be a better person. We’ve danced around our feelings for months now, but tonight is the first time that we’re being open with each other.” “You make me happy Carly Corinthos.” “You make me hot Nikolas Cassadine.” He learns his face against hers, their lips barely touching. “So what do you want to do?” he asks. “I want to feel your body next to mine.” “And I want you…I want you,” she pauses and moans as he kisses her neck. “We can’t if we’re not ready,” she whispers softly. “We’ve…..we’ve gotta be ready.” Nikolas kisses her neck and face more. “I’m ready. I’ve been ready for a long time now. Are you ready?” “I’m ready,” she moans.” Elsewhere…… - Jason walks Liz to the Audrey’s front door. The snow storm heading towards Port Charles gets off to a slow start. As the snow falls to the ground, it seems to illuminate the houses in the neighborhood. Liz thanks Jason for a wonderful night and minus the Carly incident, she had a great time. Jason asks if Liz would like to spend Christmas Eve with him, but she unfortunately has to turn him down. She, Audrey and Cameron will be doing some last minute preparations for their holiday celebration. Jason is disappointed, but wishes her a great day anyone. Jason and Liz both go in for a kiss, but Liz goes for his cheek while Jason goes for her mouth. As soon as he kisses her she feels her heart melt. She wants him badly, but no…she mustn’t. She is married and wants to be with Lucky. It’s her fault that they aren’t together now, but she won’t wreck her marriage any further. She backs away from Jason and he apologizes. It takes all of her willpower to walk into her grandmother’s without inviting him in. She waves goodnight. As Jason is walking back to his car, Liz watches him through the window. Jason gets in his car and watches the snow fall for a bit. He smiles and realizes this is the first time since Sam’s death that he’s been genuinely happy. - Back at Wyndemere, Nikolas lights the candles in the room and the fireplace. He pushes the button to the stereo. Soon after, “Can’t Get Enough” by Tamia begins to play. When I think about You I Think About Giving Myself To You Cause You Know I Want You Baby and I Would Do Anything I Know You Thinking The Same Thing Baby So Come Get It (come and get it baby) I'm So Excited I Can't Hide My Feelings Get It I Want Stop To We Start Over and Finish Tonight It's All About My Baby I'm Fiending For You You Get Me High I Can't Stop You Feel Me Right [Nikolas walks over to Carly and slowly unzips her dress from the back. He kisses her neck and rubs his hands down her arms and back. The two of them kiss passionately and bump into objects in the living room. The two of them make their way into the hallway and fall on the floor.] Close The Door Bed or Floor? I Just Want More I Can't Get Enough Of You What I Got In Store It's All Of Yours I just Want More I Can't Get Enough Of You [Carly takes off Nikolas’ shirt. He gets on top of her and kisses her more. In one motion her bra comes off. Nikolas’ rock hard pecks press against her luscious mounds. The two of them roll around until Carly ends up on top. She slowly unbuttons his pans and caresses his muscular legs. She slowly runs her hands up and down his legs before making her way to his boxers. Carly slowly takes all of Nikolas inside her, enjoying every inch of his well endowed organ.] When I Think About Us I think About The Way We Make Love The Way That You Make Me Sweat Make Me Want A Cigarette and I Ain't no Smoking Chick But You Got Me Wanting It So Don't Stop [The camera fades into another scene with Nikolas massaging hot body oil on Carly’s abdomen and legs. He blows gently on her stomach and his face further and further down her body.] You Making Me Feel Really Feel It Right There Wait Don't Make Me Turn Yet Keep It Right It There My Adrenaline is Pumping My Stomach Muscles Getting Tight [The camera fades into another scene between Carly & Nikolas. Carly’s eyes roll into the back of her head. Nikolas pours hot wax across over abdomen and blows once more. Nikolas is out of camera range as she moans in ecstasy. She moans for him not to stop. Her hands clench the blankets and her ab muscles contract and detract. More and more she pleads. Finally Nikolas is shown rubbing her feet and thighs.] Skin So Wet My Fingers Slide I’m Going To Take You To A Place You Ain’t Never Been Again Again and Again I Want You to Feel It Baby I'm About To Handle My Business Baby Make Sure You Handle Me Too [Nikolas pulls Carly further, deeper, harder into him. The two of them completely in sync with each other. Not to fast, not too slow, he works his shaft methodically through her sugar walls.] Close The Door Bed or Floor I Just Want More I Can't Get Enough Of You What I Got In Store Its All Of Yours I just Want More I Can't Get Enough Of You [Continuing with the song, the two of them kiss and work their way into the bedroom. After making love on the floor in various parts of Wyndemere, they finally make their way to the bed where he lays her on her stomach. He takes a mental picture, wanting to remember all of her curves for as long as he can. Carly takes a deep breath as he enters her gateway once again, this time placing her hands on his thighs to control the rate of speed, especially after hitting her head on the headboard.] Come Here Baby Who's Going To Be First To Scream Out Loud I Know You Lose After Second Round The Consequence Maybe That You Have Switch to The Third Round And Make Me Scream Like When I Put It Down Put On A Little Show To Let Your Baby Know By Then, I Should Be Screaming Uncontrollably Hope You ready To Stay Up One Time Is Not Enough ‘Cause Nothing Too Much, Baby Just What I Want Baby [The two of them roll around in the sheets. Nikolas gets up, but Carly pulls him into an embrace, kissing him, stroking him, loving him. He goes inside once again, causing her toes to curl up. He places one hand behind her back, lifting her up a little more. She wraps her arms around him, scratching his back as he plows deeper into her body. She lets out an intense scream, calling his name. The camera shots go faster and faster. Their hands meet and lock fingers. They roll once again with Carly coming out on top, her never losing his connection inside her. Another roll lands Nikolas back on top. Carly’s leg quivers and she calls for him to go slower and deeper. Nikolas does as requested. A final thrust leaves both of their bodies quivering and the two out of breath. The camera cuts to the fireplace. The fire continues to rage higher and higher and higher until it goes back to its normal state.] Close The Door Bed or Floor I Just Want More I Can't Get Enough Of You What I Got In Store Its All Of Yours I just Want More I Can't Get Enough Of You [The camera fades to Carly snuggling up to Nikolas in the bed. After an intense night of making love, they fall asleep in each others arms. The snow begins to come down heavily over Port Charles as GH comes to a close.] On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Robin & Patrick have fun in the snow - Nikolas & Carly plan to spend the holiday together - Lorenzo & Skye look forward to their future - The unknown visitors arrive in Port Charles - Noah & Bobbie look forward to spending the holidays with their families
Secrets & Lies: Episode 70-73 Friday, December 22, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33) Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Monica arrives home at the Quartermaine mansion, and sits in front of the computer...waiting for any sign for Kevin to sign on. She waits patiently, while also looking around to see if anyone is about to come into the study. Kevin finally signs on and IMs Monica, asking how her day was. They begin talking about the packages she’s been receiving. Kevin tells her not to worry about it. They can easily prove the photos were photo shopped. - At Club Evolution, Carly excuses herself to go talk to Jason. Nikolas tries to grab Carly before she does something stupid. Carly: Wow, Jason…..I’m glad to see you’re out and about. How are you feeling? Jason: I’m doing good Carly. I see you’re here with Nikolas. I hope you’re having a good time. Carly: We’re having a great time. Anyways, see you around. Liz grabs Carly by the shoulder and is angry that she didn’t acknowledge her. “So you’re just going to act like I’m not here?” she snaps. “Don’t you dismiss me Carly.” Nikolas grabs Carly but she snatches her arm away. “Now you listen here bitch. I didn’t acknowledge you because I had no intention of speaking to you. I’d much rather ignore you than fight with you. But….since you feel that you must speak to me….” Carly stops talking and gears up her sarcastic tone. “How are you doing Liz? Are you feeling good? I hope you are. How’s Lucky? Oh yeah, that’s right…you wouldn’t know.” “Carly that’s enough,” interrupts Jason. “Just let it go.” “I don’t understand you Elizabeth. You claim that you want Lucky back, yet you’re out here with Jason. Those actions don’t seem like those of a woman who wants her husband back,” says Nikolas. “Maybe you should start acting like Lucky is who you want.” “Maybe Nikolas, you should mind your own business. Jason and I are friends. I can hang out with my friends anytime I want to. You don’t see me questioning your taste in friends do you.” Nikolas smiles at his sister-in-law, making sure he doesn’t say anything to hurt her feelings. “Carly is more than just a friend to me. I happen to like her very much. But unlike you Liz, I’m not married. I’m not working on trying to get the love of my life back.” He turns to Jason and apologizes. “I’m sorry we interrupted your evening.” Carly wave’s bye to Jason as Nikolas takes her to the VIP area of the club. In another area of the club….. - Dillon is sits at the bar, twirling his straw in his drink. He begins to flashback to his fantasy that he had with Lucas. He snaps out of it and is startled when someone puts their hand and on his shoulder. He looks up and notices Lucas and Brandon standing together. Lucas wonders what is wrong with Dillon and apologizes for startling him. Dillon says that it is ok, and he had a lot on his mind. He then tells Lucas he is glad to see him. Lucas then reveals to Brandon, that he and Bobbie finally had a revelation about their relationship, and they are both on their way to reconciling their differences. Dillon couldn't be happier for Lucas (not letting Brandon know that he found out from Lucas the day before), and gives him a hug. Dillon melts in Lucas’ arms. After feeling too comfortable, Dillon suddenly backs away, and makes his apologies as he storms out of the building. Dillon starts to breathe heavily. Dillon: (sighs) Oh, man....what the hell is going on with me? Maxie: (walks up behind him): I think I can answer that. - At the lakehouse, Alexis is sitting on her couch looking at a picture of Sam. She begins thinking to herself how she never had the chance to get to know Sam, and wish that things were different where everyone is concerned. Ric walks in and sees Alexis staring at the photo, and walks up to her and hugs/kisses her. Ric: You have got to relax. Alexis: How can I do that, Ric? I have not been able to get my mind off of things lately. I lost so much time in the last few months...let alone YEARS...to get to know Sam. Now she's gone. Makes you wonder. Ric: Wonder what? Alexis: What life has in store? You never know when it will be your last, so you should... Ric: (finishes Alexis' sentence)...live it to the fullest. It's a good thing you thought that, because what would you say if I told you I was able to set your mind at ease? Alexis: Just how exactly are you going to do that? Reversing time is certainly not an option. Ric: (laughs) No, but a vacation is definitely in order. Alexis: (sternly) No, Ric. I have so much work to do at the office. I mean, there are many cases that I have to follow up on, and the time...the deadlines...they are all... Ric: Alexis... (Grabs her so she can stop feeling incredibly rampant)...You have got to stop this. Listen to me. I know what has happened is going to remain with you, but that doesn't mean you have to spend every waking minute drowning your sorrows in work. You need to get away, which is why I have plane tickets to Greece in my briefcase. We are all set to leave tonight. Alexis: (uneasy) I don't know....I mean, I cannot get up and leave Kristina.... Ric: Kristina will be with us. I’m sure Sonny wouldn’t mind her spending some time in the place that is a part of her heritage. And don't try to weasel out of this either. This is coming to you. And just maybe you will finally be able to lose that stress that you have been feeling. So...what do you say? Alexis starts to smile and tells him yes, that she will go to Greece with him. The two embrace in a kiss, and Alexis hugs him, hoping that this may be the vacation that she has been longing for to help ease her mourning. - Back at the Quartermaine’s, Monica tells Kevin that he was the only thing on her mind the entire time of her shift. And keeping this secret from Alan is tearing her up inside, however it is such a relief to finally find someone who appreciates her for who she is and shows her love and support. Kevin replies that he is always there for her whenever she needs it, and Monica wants to set up another date after work. Kevin suggests they meet up on Christmas Eve to spend some time together. Monica agrees and mentions that would make her Christmas Eve a lot happier. that he will get back to her on a day, but to look for it in the coming week ahead. Monica smiles, and sends him an icon of a smiley face, just as Alan enters the room. He starts to ask her what she is doing, but Monica answers him with how it is none of his business what she does and to butt out. She then shuts off the computer and storms out the study to her room. - Back at the Club, Lucky walks in after a long day at work with some buddies of his. He spends less than 5 minutes there, before he leaves suddenly. He peeks back in through the window and sees Liz & Jason slow dancing to the song “Anytime” being sung by Brian McKnight on stage. Lucky shakes his head in disgust and leaves the premises. Also lurking around is Sam!!! She sneaks her way around the back of the club and also witnesses Jason & Liz dancing slowly. She can’t help but stare at the two of them. While doing so, she flashes back to the man choosing that woman over her. For some reason Sam can’t put two and two together, but is angry inside at what she sees. Elsewhere, Nikolas & Carly stare deeply into each others eyes. Carly thanks Nikolas for such a wonderful time and wishes the night doesn’t have to end. Nikolas invites her to come back to Wyndemere with him to enjoy each other’s company. Carly takes him up on it. They grab their belongings and leave the club. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Maxie is happy that she’s getting under Dillon’s skin - Jason kisses Liz goodnight - Someone’s on their way to Port Charles - Carly & Nikolas’ relationship moves to the next level
Thanks guys, but I really couldn't do it w/o the help of Venus (SweetNYGal) and NaVell
Secrets & Lies: Episode 67-69 Thursday, December 21, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Nikolas arrives at Carly’s house promptly at 9PM. Lulu answers the door. The two of them begin talking about Christmas plans. When Carly finally makes her way downstairs, Nikolas’ breath is taken away. Standing at the bottom of the stairs is Carly, in a lowcut black dress that slants as it gets closer to her knees. He notices the beautiful platinum locket around her neck. She smiles at him as she moves her hair to her left shoulder. Lulu comments on how gorgeous Carly is, having to elbow Nikolas to get him to speak. Nikolas walks over to her and kisses her hand. As the two of them leave, Carly turns around and whispers “Thank you” to Lulu. - While working on some paperwork, Ric is interrupted by a phone call. Though the conversation is one sided, the expression on Ric’s face is what tells it all. Angry that he’s being disturbed, Ric yells at the person the other end. He finally calls the man “dad” and doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. Finally we can hear his father speak. “If you think that turning your back on me is going to make you a better person then you’re wrong. You’ll always be second best to your brother. Look at you, Alexis is only with you now because she can’t have Sonny. Your not my son. No, you’re not. You can’t make me proud. Maybe I should find someone who can.” Ric gets angry and throws his notepad down. “You know what Trevor, you should spend more time worrying about the other members of our family. You know, your brother and sister. I’ve been making trips to NJ so I can help them out. Where are you?” he asks his father. “Oh that’s right, you’re too good to spend time with your family. You haven’t even visited your granddaughter yet. She’s two dad. Two. You know what, I don’t have time for this. Merry Christmas Dad.” - In Nikolas’ car, Carly is surprised when Nikolas doesn’t head towards the restaurant they intended on dining at. Instead, he takes her to the soon to be hotspot in town, Club Evolution. Nikolas tells Carly to be live it up because the press are there. As they step out of the car, the press runs to them. Reporter: Nice to see you again Mr. Cassadine. How are you feeling today? Nikolas: I’m doing well. Reporter: And who are you with tonight? Nikolas: This beautiful, intelligent woman is the lovely Carly Corinthos. Reporter: Corinthos? Ah yes, the wife of Sonny Corinthos and owner of Deception Enterprises. Carly: Ex-wife. But yes, I am the owner of Deception. Nikolas: We hear that this is the place to be, so why not have two of Port Charles’ most intriguing people attend it right? Carly: See you all inside! -Inside the club, Liz is thrilled to be enjoying an night away from all of her troubles. Jason on the other hand is a little uncomfortable being around all of these people, but makes the best of the situation for Liz’s sake. They both seem to enjoy their night until Liz sees Carly enter the club with Nikolas. - Monica Quartermaine walked the halls of General Hospital, praying that she would run into Kevin. Her sleep was very restless; how could it not have been, after receiving an ominous note and a puzzle piece with her on it. She continued to walk past the admittance desk when she bumped into Alan. The last person she wanted to see today was him; last night at home, he made it a point in snubbing her at dinner. How long would the silent treatment last, she wondered? Did she really even care? "Hello, Monica," Alan said, coolly. "I'm really surprised to see you here at the hospital tonight." "I had some patient files to work on, I'm not staying long, so don't worry about bumping into me again," she replied. "Have you seen Kevin anywhere?" Giving her a questionable look, Alan folded his hands. "Why would you ask me about Kevin? Is there some reason why you want to know if he's here?" Trying to keep herself in check or give herself away, Monica spoke in a firm tone. "I was curious if he was here, is all. I had a few of his charts by mistake, and I wanted to give them to him," she lied. "Forget that I asked," "It's funny how you can talk to everyone else in this hospital, but you can’t even treat me with one shred of respect, whether it is here or at home. But to answer your question, no, Monica, I have not seen Kevin today. He's got the day off." Keeping her eyes from looking at Alan any further, Monica brushed past him, muttering, "You could have said that to begin with, instead of grilling me, Alan." As she walked away, her mind went back to the puzzle piece she received. Could Alan have sent it to her? Monica quickly dismissed it; thinking that it was not his style to play cat and mouse games with her. Going to the elevator, Monica was approached by Georgie. "I wanted to catch you before you got on the elevator," she said, handing a small package to Monica. "It was left at the admittance desk for you." Monica suddenly felt a little lump in her throat, as she looked at the package. "Georgie, do you know who gave this to you? Did you see anyone around the admittance desk when this package arrived?" Shrugging, Georgie shook her head. "I not too long ago got there. Sorry," Georgie replied, walking away. The elevator doors opened, and Monica quickly walked in, letting the doors quickly close behind her. Once alone, she quickly opened the package, curious as to what was sent to her this time. Inside was another puzzle piece, this time it showed the face of Kevin. Monica's heart begins start to race, scared as to what this was all about. She removed the note that was written in the same bold handwriting as before; however, this time the words she read sent chills down her spine. I was right, Monica, you definitely are a 'piece" of work.....Does Kevin think so too? Once the elevator doors opened up, Monica quickly walked to her car that was parked in the parking structure. Getting in, she opened her glove compartment, and took out the first envelope that contained the first puzzle piece. Taking it in her hand, she put them together. It was a perfect fit and revealed what Monica feared: the two pieces revealed Monica and Kevin kissing. Grabbing her cell phone from her purse, she quickly dialed Kevin's number. "Please be home. Please," she begged as the phone continued to ring. She winced immediately as the answering machine clicked on. Having no other choice, Monica blurted out, "Kevin, please call me when you get this message. It's important. I think someone knows." Back at the residence of Kevin Collins, Kevin is sitting on his couch, very aware that Monica called him; very aware what the call was about. Kevin opens an envelope, and produces two puzzle pieces, very much like the pieces Monica received. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Carly & Liz clash at Club Evolution - Dillon finds it harder and harder to resist his attraction to Lucas - Ric surprises Alexis with a Christmas surprise - Frustrated with Alan, Monica wants to meet up with Kevin for another night of passion
Secrets & Lies: Episode 64-66 Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH opens at Jake’s with Kevin and Mac shooting some pool and knockin’ back some beers. Kevin tries to cheer Mac up by purposely losing some games to him, but Mac sees right through it. Kevin learns that Mac is upset because the Mayor is coming down hard on him. Mac changes the subject, instead wanting to know how his friend has been doing for a while. As they continue to move around the table playing 8-ball, Kevin gives subtle details regarding his relationship with Monica, making sure not to mention her name. He tells Mac how she makes his heart skip a beat, but isn’t sure whether she’s ready for a serious relationship. - Carly, who was still in her silk robe, began to grow nervous over her dinner date with Nikolas. Why should she be nervous? She's been around Nikolas before; but then again, not like this. Not on a date, at least. Carly was fretting so much, that she didn't hear the doorbell ring. Collecting herself, she hurried to the door, praying that it wasn't Nikolas coming early. "Why are you still in your bathrobe?" a curious Lulu said as she barged into Carly's living room. Plopping on the couch, Lulu stared at Carly. "What's the matter with you?" "Lulu, I don't have time to talk shop with you, if that's why you came over. I'm trying to get ready for a date," she said, sighing deeply, looking in the mirror at her make-up. Perking up at the word 'date', Lulu immediately sprang to her feet. "What date? Who are you going on a date with, Carly, spill it, woman!" Carly felt her cheeks grow warm at the simple thought of Nikolas asking her out on a date. "Nikolas asked me out to dinner tonight, and I'm not even ready yet. I don't have any idea what to wear." Raising an eyebrow at Carly, Lulu immediately snatched her hand and led her up the stairs. "Don't worry about a thing, Carly, before you know it, Nikolas will forget all about dinner, and focus on what's for dessert." "Lulu!" Carly gasped, as she practically ran up the stairs to keep up with her cousin. - The camera pans around to the happenings at the MetroCourt. David is shown talking on his cell phone to an unknown person. While talking, he notices a woman from across the room laying into the maitre d’ for getting her drink wrong. She threatens to have him fired and orders him away. David tells the person on the phone he’ll call back later. David asks the maitre d’ (who’s been reduced to tears) the name of the woman. David grabs a glass of Gamay Beaujolais and walks over to the table. “A glass of wine for the beautiful lady?” The woman looks at him with disgust. She purses her lips and responds, “What do you want?” He smiles at her, intrigued by her icy greeting. “I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room. I figured that I had a 50/50 shot of getting you to talk to me. 50 it would go well, 50 I’d end up in tears like that piss ant.” “Well so far it’s going well.” “The name’s David. David Hayward.” He pauses waiting for her to respond. “Oh I’m sorry, were you waiting for me to give you mine?” she snaps. “Yes I was,” he says with a keen interest. “I was hoping you’d be open.” “My name is Tracy Quartermaine. I’m the CEO of ELQ Industries.” David smirks at Tracy, then reaches out his hand in friendship. “Nice to meet you Tracy. I work over at GH with your husband.” “My husband? No, my husband works for me.” Tracy plays his little game a bit more. “You work with my brother Alan and his wife Monica.” “I don’t think I met Monica yet.” “It’s nothing special, trust me.” David and Tracy continue to get to know each other a bit more. - At the Quartermaine estate, Monica did her best to stay out of Alan's way. His moody behavior towards her just wasn't what she needed. What she needed was to be with someone that obviously makes her feel alive; someone that make her weak in the knees every time she was near him; someone that was obviously Kevin. Making her way downstairs, she made her way into the study and found that Edward was there, looking over some papers. "Hello, Edward." "Monica," he said in a dry tone, not at all interested that she came into the room. "As large as this house is, it never ceases to amaze me how loud you and Alan are with your constant, mindless bickering." Groaning in disgust, Monica rolled her eyes. "Can we please not talk about Alan?" "Fine with me, I don't want to talk about your petty problems to begin with." Standing up, Edward made his way to the door to leave the study. "Before I forget, a delivery person brought a package for you. It's over there on the desk." Going to the desk, Monica picked up the small package, eyeing it, curious as to what it could be. "Edward, did the delivery person say who sent it?" Grunting in annoyance, Edward shrugged. "How should I know who it's from? The delivery man gave it to me, I signed for it, and he left. You'll have to see for yourself who it's from. Do I look like your personal assistant? Get your own damn mail. Now if you'll excuse me, Monica, I have some pressing matters to attend to." Looking over the package again, she slowly opened it. Inside was a puzzle piece that showed her face and a note. Not sure of what was going on; she carefully read the bold writing. Monica, you truly are a 'piece' of work. Monica wasn't sure if this was some little prank or if the note was to be some form of a threat; all she did know was that it had her greatly concerned. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Carly & Nikolas’ plans change and they end up going somewhere else - Jason & Liz enjoy the opening of Club Evolution - Monica receives another package - Ric gets a disturbing call from his father Also….the music of Brian McKnight
Secrets & Lies: Episode 60-63 Tuesday, December 19, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Dillon comes into Kelly's and notices Lucas sitting at a table by himself. It takes everything he can muster not to let his feelings show on his face. After his heated argument with Maxie, he wanted to make sure that he can keep the feelings he's harboring in check. Carefully approaching the table, he sits down across from Lucas. "Hey, how's it going Lucas? I haven't seen you in a couple of days. Is everything alright?" Looking up at Dillon, Lucas smiles weakly, unsure of how to explain his conversation with Bobbie. "Yeah, I've had a lot of things going on, how have you been?" "Okay, nothing really to brag about. Still dealing with my family, but what else is new, right?” he said, feeling nervous every time he looked into Lucas' eyes. Why am I feeling this way, he asked himself. Why was it so hard for me to just sit across from someone and simply talk to them? Taking a sip of his soda, Lucas leaned in closer to Dillon, making sure what he discussed was not overheard. "Can I tell you something? Maybe if I said what I was feeling out in the open, it would help me understand what took place." Dillon felt his temperature rise at the idea of Lucas opening confiding in him. - Liz is locking the door to her apartment when she feels someone behind her. She turns around expecting the worse but it’s Jason. “Jeeze Jason. You scared me.” “Sorry. You on your way to work?” “Yeah. I asked Bobbie if I could pick up a few extra shifts. Cameron wants this new toy but I can’t get it for him if I don’t pick up this extra work.” Jason begins talking to her, but Elizabeth tunes him out. She stares at his body, dreaming about taking off his clothes right here and now. She snaps back to reality and asks why he came to see her. “Well…..I was hoping you’d have time to hang out with an old friend this week.” Jason admires her body. Even in her scrubs she looks beautiful. “What did you have in mind Jason?” “You remember Luke’s old club right?” says Jason as he walks Elizabeth to her car. “Yeah, last time I checked Claude was running it.” “Luke sold the club last year to some private investors and they renovated the place. It’s called Evolution now. They’re opening this week and Brian McKnight will be performing.” After throwing her purse in the car, she does a double take. “Oh my god, did you say Brian McKnight? I love him! I’d love to go.” “Really?” says Jason happily. “Great. I’ll pick you up around 9. It’s a date.” Jason gives Elizabeth a hug then walks to his car. “Yeah, it’s a date,” sighs Liz thinking of Lucky. She realizes that she can’t wait for Lucky to forgive her forever. Besides, she and Jason are friends. There’s nothing wrong with hanging out with your friends.” - Back at Bobbie's house, Bobbie is gathering up her coat to leave to head out to do some errands. Just as she's about to walk to the door, her doorbell rings. Opening the door, she is face-to-face with Noah. "What are you doing here?” she asks, stepping aside to let him come in. "I thought you had a shift at the hospital today." Removing his coat, Noah, made his way to the couch. "Actually, I ended my shift early. I figured I would pay you a visit to see how you are doing." Tossing her coat on the chair, she sat across from him. "Well, I was going to head out for a bit, take care of a few errands, and pick up some things to make one of Lucas' favorite meals." Noah could see the smile form on Bobbie's lips, and became curious as to what may have transpired between mother and son. "So, are you going to tell me about it, or do I have to play guessing games with you?" Bobbie replayed the intense conversation between her and Lucas in her mind. She truly felt that she made progress in talking with her son about how he truly felt; how she felt. Looking up at Noah, she told him about the conversation between her and her son. Once Bobbie had finished talking, Noah sat quietly, processing everything that she shared with him. "Bobbie, I think that it is wonderful that you and Lucas sat down and talked out your feelings, really I do...." "I feel a 'but' coming on. Noah, what are you going to say to me that could possibly ruin my happiness that I am feeling?" Bobbie was not at all ready to hear any negative words from her close friend. "Bobbie, as I said, I think it's wonderful that the two of you talked, but I want you to be careful. This was one serious conversation; this conversation does not solve all your problems that you still may be harboring about Lucas' sexuality. You need to truly ask yourself if you can truly come to accept your son for who he is or if you are truly trying to pacify what fears you may still have." Bobbie sat in silence, wondering if everything she said was from the heart, or if she would wind up doing something to push Lucas away once again. - Carly storms into Wyndemere in a bad mood. Nikolas is so caught up in his own drama that he didn’t even notice her come in. Carly gets Nik’s attention after a couple of minutes. He apologizes for not noticing her. Carly begins telling Nikolas about her conversation with Sonny, but again, Nikolas is thinking about what happened at Lucky’s. In a surprising move, Carly drops what is bothering her and genuinely asks what has Nikolas so disturbed. Though he’s tempted to tell her, he does not. Carly has a big mouth and knowing her, she’d run tell Jason. Nikolas instead asks if Carly would like to go to dinner to celebrate her latest success. She accepts his invitation and gives him a hug. - Back at Kelly's, Dillon sat listening in awe over what Lucas was sharing with him. To be honest, he couldn't help but be secretly thrilled that Lucas was talking to him about what happened between him and his mother. "It surprised me that my mother, my own mother actually listened to how I felt; listened to what I needed to tell her for so long," Lucas said, shaking Dillon from his private thoughts of him. Clearing his throat, Dillon smiled back at him. "I think that's great man, I mean, it's a step in the right direction, right?" "I guess so, but Dillon, I worry that everything I shared will be for nothing; that the minute something goes wrong between her and I, she will begin to blame me again for who I am." Shaking his head, Dillon tried to stop Lucas from dwelling on the bad. "Lucas, just take it one day at a time. Don't expect that one conversation has completely changed everything; you two have a long way to go." Standing up, Lucas pushed his chair towards the table. Dillon followed suit. "Man, thanks for listening to me. I really needed to talk to someone; to get everything off my chest, you know what I mean? Dillon nodded in agreement. Without thinking about what he was doing, he embraced Lucas in a hug; a hug to which a newly arrived Maxie became witness to. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Lulu helps Carly get ready for her date with Nikolas - Kevin tells Mac about his new love - Monica is disturbed when she receives a package - David meets Tracy Quartermaine for the first time at the MetroCourt
Actress Swap! New Addition To Cast! by Leph Turn Look for actress Ashley Jones (Bridget, B& to join the cast of GH as "Sarah Webber". A few months ago we broke news that Erin Hershey Presley was to play the role, but due to the actress' pregnancy, the show decided to recast the role with her permission. Originally the writers planned to write her pregnancy into the show once they learned the news, but she didn't want them to make special concessions for her. It is expected that she will join the show in a yet unnamed role next year after her child is born. There are no hard feelings between Erin & GH and the storyline with Sarah Webber will continue on as scheduled. Joining the returning Sarah Webber will be her and Liz's brother "Steven Lars Webber". Steven will be played by actor Nolan North, best known for his role on Port Charles as Dr. Chris Ramsey. The role of Steven was last played by Shaun Benson in 2005. We called the show for comment and was surprised when they agreed to do so. "Steven is returning to the show to be with his family. His sisters will be going through a rough time come 2007 and will need to be there to help them. The show is also in need of male characters. There have been many female additions to the cast. There is much story to be told with the Steven character." Look for Nolan & Ashley to begin airing in two weeks. We have received word that contract negotiations between Ingo Rademacher and GH have been going very well. It is expected the actor will be bumped back up to contract status in mid 2007. Rumor has it that "Jax" could be paired with Ashley Jones' character "Sarah" or Eileen Davidson's character "Victoria".
Thanks for the comments guys. I really do appreciate it. This is still a work in progress, but I'm glad those that read it are enjoying it. You don't know how much that means to me.
Epiosde 15: Alexis goes after Ric!
Ryan commented on Tishy's blog entry in The Citizens of Port Charles
I'm liking what you're doing with Scotty Tishy. Don't be afraid to tweak the character here and there. I am loving writing new shades to the characters in my fic. You've love doing it too. I am looking forward to the Ric/Alexis storyline. -
Lol Juniorz. Sometimes you gotta show yourself a little attitude. I'm glad you're liking what you're reading. I'm about to go get caught up on the episodes I've missed in your blog.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 54-59 Saturday, December 16, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Lucas and Bobbie sit in her living room in silence. They both try to start conversation but can never finish what it is they’d like to say. Finally, Bobbie decides to put this time to good use. “Are you happy Lucas?” she asks. “I mean are you truly happy. Does this Brandon treat you well?” He looks up at his mother with much love and responds. “Yes I do. I have never been happier. Brandon makes me feel loved. I connect with him. I feel him.” “I just don’t understand this whole change in you Lucas. Did someone make you this way?” “You think someone ‘turned’ me gay?” asks Lucas with slight laughter. “If you think that I went to a sleepover as a kid and was brainwashed to like guys? If so then you’re wrong. I was born this way.” Bobbie begins to tense up at this point. She’s afraid of what to say to him next, fearing that it’ll come out wrong and she’ll drive him away yet again. - When Monica comes home from work, all she wants to do is have a nice long bath and remember her wonderful time with Kevin. She puts her key in the door and finds Alan sitting in the downstairs room. Unlike most days, Alan doesn’t even speak to Monica. She had already prepared herself for him being a pain in the ass and apologizes to her, but this threw her for a loop. Monica reluctantly speaks to Alan, but all she gets as a response is a look. Alan grabs his paper and goes upstairs. Angry that he’s ignoring her, she follows him trying to pick an argument. She follows him into his room and asks why he isn’t talking to her. When he doesn’t respond, she fears that he may have overseen her with Kevin, but realizes it couldn’t have happened because she locked the door. Without even looking at her, Alan says that things will be different between them from now on. Until she can learn to show him some respect, he will not speak to her unless it pertains to their job. She tells him to shove it and goes to walk out. He stops her before she leaves, and informs her that until further notice, she is to refer to him as Dr. Quartermaine. - At Lucky’s, Nikolas learns that Lucky believes Helena faked her death and altered Sam’s memory. Nikolas doesn’t think that Helena would pay that much attention to Sam, especially since she didn’t know Sam was her step-granddaughter. Nikolas demands to know why Lucky kept this secret. His brother explains that he did it to protect Sam. We don’t know if Helena knows Sam is missing from wherever she was being held. For some reason unknown to them, she came to Lucky. That’s nothing he can do about that. The less people that know she’s alive, the safer she’ll be. Nikolas promises to help protect Sam but will need time to get some things into place. Before he goes, he wants to know if Lucky is going to tell Jason that she’s alive. Lucky says that Sam’s memory is very fragile right now and he thinks her seeing Jason will do more harm than good. All the while, Sam has been eavesdropping on their conversation. When Nikolas leaves, Sam smiles and walks back into the bedroom. - Carly walks into Sonny’s mansion to inform him about their holiday plans. Sonny however wants to talk only about Nikolas. According to Courtney, things between the two of them are getting a little more personal. First off, Carly’s offended that Courtney is off running her mouth to Sonny and secondly, that Sonny has the audacity to question her about what goes on in her personal life. Instead of getting mad and storming out, she tells Sonny that she likes Nikolas. He makes her hot. He makes her want to be a better person. They connect with each other. However they are not together and she doesn’t know if they ever will be. Carly tells Max that she’s ready to leave. Sonny asks why she came over, but she won’t tell him. She says that maybe he should have asked her that instead of prying into her personal life. - Back at Bobbie’s, Bobbie and Lucas are still talking. “I know you feel that you were born that way, but I think it’s your choice. You always have to be bold and go against the norm. That’s why I think you’re going through this whole gay phase.” “Go against the norm? So what, I’m not normal now?” Lucas begins to tear up. “You think that I chose to be this way? It’s not a choice. Do you think I would purposely choose to make my life and the lives of my family difficult? Do you think that I would choose to live a life where I am hated just because I am the way I am? God mother, why do you hate me so much?” “I don’t hate you.” “Yes you do! There have been so many times when I’ve wanted to come and confide and you but couldn’t because you made it perfectly clear that you hated me in my choices. It’s bad enough that I hate myself, but to have you hate me too is just too much.” Lucas really begins to let his emotions out at this point. Bobbie is crying now as well. “Don’t you ever say that you hate yourself!” Bobbie cries. “It shouldn’t matter what anyone else things Lucas, you should love yourself. I don’t hate you. I love you. You are my child. I may not agree with your decisions but I could never hate you. I am sorry for making you feel that way.” She grabs her estranged son and hugs him tightly. “You are my life.” Lucas lets all of the pain that he’s been feeling since February come out. Bobbie grabs his face and kisses him on the cheek. The camera pans away as the two of them hug and consoling one another. - Back at the Quartermaine Mansion, Ned tries to talk to his mother. She’s none too happy that he dragged her into the den before she could blast Skye. Ned: How do you do it, Mother? Tracy: Do what? Ned: Be such a damn ice queen. Tracy: Thanks for the compliment. Ned: Quit with the snarkiness. How could you have possibly gotten rid of Skye? She’s family! Tracy: I am not related to anyone named Skye so I couldn’t have possibly fired a family member. Ned: Answer my damn question. You had no right to get rid of her the way you did. Tracy: First off, Skye is not even a Quartermaine. She is nothing but common trash that tarnished the family name. She doesn't deserve to be anywhere near this company OR this family. The sooner you'll realize that, the sooner you'll know why I got rid of her like I did. Ned: Wow, this power trip of yours has really gone to that thick head of yours. Skye may not be a blood Quartermaine, but she will always remain a part of this family, much to your dismay...and if you think you can alienate her anymore than you already have, you are sadly mistaken. Tracy: (gets up from the sofa) I don’t like your tone. You actually think you can stand there and make idle threats? Ned: Mother, you had done everything you possible could to snag this job right from under Skye...not to mention me. You claim that you want nothing but the best for me, that you want me to have it all. Is so mother….then stop being such an arrogant, power-hungry bitch who’ll ruin everyone including her son in her never ending quest for power. Tracy: Bitch? You’re calling me a bitch? Ned: I didn’t mean it that— Tracy (pushing Ned): You sit down and up! Let me make this clear to you little boy. I want to make this as clear as crystal. It doesn’t matter how old you are Edward Ashton, you are my child. I will not tolerate you speaking to me in any manner that give me the respect that I deserve. I gave you life and I am entitled to that respect.. Despite the fact you hate what I have done to Skye, you WILL show me some damn respect. I am your mother and though I'll tolerate a lot from you, I will not tolerate that from you. What I have done has been in the making for a long time. Skye has constantly baited me and baited me and now that I can make her life hell I am going to do so. If you don’t like that Edward Ashton…my child…..then Skye will not be the only person out of ELQ. Ned: Is that a threat, Mother? Tracy: Oh, that's not a threat, Ned. That's a promise. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies- - Jason asks Liz out on a date - Carly feels Nikolas is hiding something from her - Kevin tells Mac about his new love - Noah is proud when Bobbie reveals the progress she’s made with Lucas - Dillon is thrilled when Lucas confides in him
Lol Roman! My favorite ice cream is Cookie Dough
Interview With The Headwriter By Val. E. West Sweeps is over and what a month it was for General Hospital on SONBC. The show's been holding strong in the ratings and storylines seem to be progressing at a very good pace. Now with some permanent backup, can the writers continue their momentum? SONBC reporter Val E. West recently conducted an interview with one of the head writers at the show. VW: Thanks for sitting down with me to do this interview. RC: No problem. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak. VW: You've been writing for GH for a while now. What are some of the mistakes you've made and things you would do over? RC: For one, I wouldn't have taken such a long sabbatical over the summer. There were so many things that should have happened this summer that affected some storylines now. For instance, I had this really huge story planned out for Peyton List's character Jamie, but once she started airing, we realized that it was a waste to bring the character on. If we don't like the way a character is working out, we'll can it. We aren't going to force the viewers to watch a character they don't care about. That's unfair to them and us. VW: Was that the only mistake? RC: No it's not. The original focus of the first arc "Secrets & Lies" changed dramatically since it was originally thought of. Originally Sam, Helena & Alexis were to be the main focus, but we realized that we couldn't have the show revolve around those three. It has been done in the past under previous regimes with certain groups of characters and it turned many fans off to it. Also, we recasted the Diego character with Tyler Hoechlin, but never did anything with the character once he joined the show. Again, that was bad planning on our part but we can't do anything about it now. VW: I was told that many backstage are unhappy with the recent cuts and feel their job is next. What do you have to say about that? RC: When actors are let go, especially those who are well liked, it will create some sadness and anger, but as I said when those cuts were announced, many of them will be back later down the line. We just didn't have any story for them at this time and it would be unfair to keep them around and reduce them to extras. VW: One thing I can say is the show has been a lot more balanced. Did you and your writers specifically go for that angle? RC: Yes we did. There is no reason why everyone who is on contract can't be in a storyline. Usually when that happens, it's a big umbrella storyline, but these are separate storylines that cross over into each other on a weekly basis. Even characters who didn't have a storyline in the beginning of the arc are beginning to have one now. Look at Mac for instance, he didn't do much in the beginning, but recently we've been laying the groundwork for his storyline. If you have a big cast it is your responsibility to write for them and make their stories connect. You can't have a bunch of storylines that don't flow and keep characters islanded off somewhere. That's the sign of a bad writer. VW: I'm hearing rumors of a cross-over with "As Days Go By". Is there truth to those rumors? RC: Would our shows be mentioning each other's characters and companies if we weren't gearing up for some kind of crossover? VW: You answered my question with a question. RC: I sure did. VW: Lol, moving on. RC: Yes, let's do so, lol VW: What will the title of the next arc be? RC: Nothing is concrete at this time, but we're toying with the names "Fated," "Endgame," "Armageddon," but plans could change at any time. VW: Have you all begun penning stories for the next arc? RC: Yes, we have. I am very confident that my team and I will do a good job. VW: You have any previews for us for the next arc? RC: I can say that this will be the storyline that gets Sonny & Jason out of the mob. It'll also open up a new chapter in the Anna/David relationship and lay the groundwork for future storyline. VW: Can you give us a preview of what's to come this month. RC: Sure. Bobbie and Lucas' relationship will be repaired….for the time being. There's an event that will happen that will send Bobbie back a few steps. Dillon will find himself spilling more of his feelings than he expected. Monica & Alan's relationship will switch roles for a while. Carly & Nikolas finally address their feelings for one another. There will be no Christmas spirit for Tracy who takes her frustration with Luke out on everyone else. The storyline involving Sam takes an interesting twist that the audience will be in on but not the other characters (or will they). And the end of the month will foster in the surprise return of two characters and the return of one announced.
Secrets & Lies: Episode 50-53 Thursday, December 14, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: NaVell J. Lee Opening Video - GH begins in the apartment of Lucky Spencer. Nikolas has just seen that Sam is alive and deduced that Lucky was aware the entire time. He punched Lucky. Sam: Why in the hell would you punch him? Who are you? Why are you here? Nikolas: I'm your cousin Nikolas. Get up Lucky! Lucky: What was that for? Nikolas: You bastard. How could you do this? How could you do this to us? Sam: What is he talking about Lucky? What did you do? Nikolas: You continued to allow us to believe that Sam was dead when she was staying with you all along? Sam: They thought I was dead? Nikolas: Why…why does she keep asking questions? Lucky: Because she can't remember. Damn you hit hard. Nikolas: Not hard enough. How could you keep this from us? Lucky: I didn't do anything. Sam showed up on Thanksgiving with no memory of what went down over the summer. She doesn't know why, but she asked me not to call anyone to let them know she was alive. (turning to Sam). Sam, can you give Nikolas & I some privacy? Sam: Sure. If you need me, I'll be in the back. When Sam leaves, Lucky takes Nikolas over to the sofa and gets ready to tell him his theory regarding Sam's alleged death. - Elizabeth arrives at Kelly's for her lunch date with Audrey. Elizabeth puts on a happy face but her grandmother knows that she's faking it. Audrey gets Elizabeth to open up about her problems with Lucky and her conflicting feelings for Jason. Audrey: You know how I feel about the situation Elizabeth. But I will not force my opinions and beliefs upon you. You need to make a decision that will benefit not only you but your child as well. Do you really want to be with Lucky? Do you want to be with him because you love him or because you feel like you should stay? Elizabeth: Honestly grandmother I don't know. I love Lucky with all of my heart. But things haven't been great between us since Sam died. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. But with Jason….with Jason I feel like I am free and I can be myself. Audrey: Then you have a lot of thinking to do my dear. No matter what you decide, I will be there for you if you need me. I will always be here for you my dear. Elizabeth: Thanks Gram. - At the Quartermaine Mansion, Tracy is looking for Luke to give him a surprise. Upset that she's unable to find him, she asks Alice where he could be. The gargantuan maid informs Tracy that Luke received a call from Holly and went off to go help her. Tracy throws a fit, pissed off that her husband again is chasing around a woman besides her. Tracy mopes her way downstairs and finds Skye talking on the phone with Lorenzo. Ned forsees a possible situation and drags his mother into the den. Ned tells Tracy to sit down, shut up and listen because he has something to say. - After a long day of work and shopping for groceries, Bobbie is ready to do nothing but take a nice bath and sleep. First however, she has to carry all of these damn groceries. Lucas, who's been on clearing his head, sees his mother struggling with the bags and is tempted to go over and help her. He turns around to walk the other way but something stops him. Knowing that he might regret it later, he turns back around and runs to her house. He surprises her a bit, but all he says is "Let me help you Mom." After making a few trips, he helps her unpack the groceries. Bobbie is happy that her son is around to help her. She notices that he picked up her laundry bags and carries them upstairs for her. She smiles at first, but is then overcome with sadness. She still can't believe that her big strong son is gay. He comes back down and gets ready to leave. Bobbie: Can't you stay a little bit longer? Lucas: Why so you can go off about how I'll never be accepted or be happy because I'm gay? No mom, I can't. I can't stay. Bobbie: Lucas…..please. I miss talking to you. I miss spending time with you. Lucas: I miss spending time with you too mom. But if you're going to constantly bash the choices I'm making in my life then I don't want to be around you. I can't be around you. I'll see you around. Bobbie: Lucas….you're father would want you to stay for a while. Lucas stops in his tracks. Before Tony moved away, he asked Lucas to give Bobbie time to adjust and try to hear her out when she is reach to talk. Lucas: Fine. I'll stay. On the next GH: Secrets & Lies - Lucas (to Bobbie) : Why do you hate me so much? - Lucky tells Nikolas what he thinks happened to Sam - Ned and Tracy argue about Skye - Monica comes home to a much different Alan - Sonny questions Carly about her feelings for Nikolas (thanks to Courtney)