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WICKED: Episode 2

He was startled by the cell phone ringing in his jacket pocket and went quietly to answer it. He slipped out of the bedroom so he not disturb Emily who was sleeping peacefully, and he walked down the stairs before flipping the phone open and saying hello. "Do you have any idea of what time it is?" he said to caller. "I'm sorry sir but this can't wait." the voice replied. "What can't wait Thomas?" Zander asked when he recognized the voice belonged to his foreman at the warehouse. "Tur



WICKED: Episode 1

Episode #1 Late Night - at the safehouse cabin -- The rain pounded hard against the windows and the thunder rolled across the midnight sky as Zander sat in the wooden rocker just rocking himself back and forth. It had seemed to become routine for him to be restless at night, not being able to sleep, he had guessed because he had alot on his mind. He had yet to come to peace about his father's death, the only father he had ever known, and his killer still walked free from the responsi




<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> DRIVE by Alan Jackson It was painted red the stripe was white It was eighteen feet from the bow to the stern light Secondhand from a dealer in Atlanta I rode up with daddy when he went there to get her We put on a shine; put on a m



Wicked : The Sequel to The Storm

WICKED is the sequel to the STORM and it will pick up where the STORM leaves off with episode 50. Readers will see more of the bodyguards as they will play more of a role in the sequel. Readers can expect more explosions and more shoot outs between the mob rivals Jason and Zander, and in the sequel Lorenzo Alcazar is thrown into this volatile mix. Readers will also be told a story of Zander's past as a child and also a close bond forming between Alexis and Ric. The cast will stay the same



The Storm - Episode 50

At the hospital -- Zander and Emily stepped off the elevator on the 5th floor of the hospital, they were on their way for Emily's appointment with Dr. Meadows. With smiles across their faces, they walked down the corridor to the doctor's office, knowing what the results would be made it a little easier for Emily to be there, there was no stressing about what the results would be, she already knew. Her appointment was just for confirmation and to get set up on a routine of vitamins and doc



The Storm - Episode 49

At the cabin -- "So ... are we pregnant?" she asked anxiously. He still giving her a blank stare. "Well, I don't really know .. all I saw were lines." he cracked a smile. "Lines? Lines as in two of them?!" she asked as she was starting to get excited. She couldn't stand it anymore and pulled the cap off of the stick to see for herself. He stood there and watched her look down at the results, a smile came across her face and then his. He was waiting for her reaction to the re



The Storm - Episode 48

The cabin --- It had been a few weeks since the verdict and Zander was not all too happy about the idea that Sonny was still walking the streets, he was anxious to find out about the federal case that was pending against Sonny. He had exhausted all his personal avenues, including his brother and had decided what was best for his family was that Sonny needed to be removed from their lives for good. He had others to worry about besides himself, and now that his mother was living in Port Cha



The Storm - Episode 47

The courtroom -- The family walked into the courtroom, Ric and Alexis followed them in and they all took their seats. Sonny was yet to arrive to the courtroom, only his attorney was sitting at the defense table. The side door opened and the guard walked in with Sonny by his side. Sonny handcuffed in front and led to his seat at the table with Victoria. The guard sat him down in the seat hard and it took all of what Zander had in him not to snicker at the thought of Sonny spending the ne



The Storm - Episode 46

Ric's office at the Courthouse -- Ric sat in his office behind the desk when the phone call came in. He called Zander and was the bearer of news that the judge was reconvening court that afternoon, he had made his decision. Ric collected the files on his desk and placed them into his outbox, then stood from his seat and smoothed out his jacket and tie, buttoning the jacket before walking towards the door. He picked up his briefcase before leaving his office and heading for a meeting wi



The Storm - Episode 45

At the cabin --- Emily and Elenore had taken Devon for a walk down to the lake, leaving Zander alone in the house to work in peace and quiet. With his mom staying with them, it was a little more crowded and alot more noisy then before, so to give him time to do some paperwork, Emily decided to give him a break from the family for a little while. Zander sat at the desk staring at the paperwork in front of him, he knew exactly why he was still looking at the same page for the last 20 minu



The Storm - Episode 44

Judge Cooper's Chambers -- "It's nice to meet you, Emily .... I'm Elenore." Zander's mother replied as she extended her hand to Emily. "I wish I could say that I've heard a lot about you, but Zander's been pretty quiet about his family over the years." Emily smiled. "It's okay, dear. I have my boys with me now and of course a new family with you and my grandchild, we can start anew and forget about the past." Elenore proclaimed. "I'm sure your sons would like that very much, as w



The Storm - Episode 43

Judge Cooper's Chambers--- Zander tried to focus his eyes on his mother, as warm tears welled in them. He had thought for so long that she was dead and now she was standing before him, it was all too surreal for him to comprehend at the moment. All he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and never let her go again. Elenore wiped her eyes from tears and released her grip on her son and offered him a seat so they could talk. "I'm sorry about all this Alex, I didn't want you involved in



The Storm - Episode 42

Judge Cooper's Chambers -- Ric glanced around the room to see who was in attendance and then focused back on his mother who still had his hands in hers. He pulled a chair from the corner of the room and sat down next to her. She latching onto his hands once more as she stared at him, memorizing every inch of his face. Judge Cooper introduced everyone in the room to each other and then opened the case file that laid on his desk in front of him. Ric noticed that Sonny's attorney was not pr



The Storm - Episode 41

At the hospital -- Zander stopped in his tracks and looked down at his brother in disbelief. He didn't want to believe what Ric said to be the truth, he was at the funeral, he saw the casket being lowered into the ground. His mother was dead. Ric pulled him back down to the couch and had Zander sit with him once more. "What you mean she isn't? She's dead Ric, I know, I was there." "I know, so was I but trust me, she's not dead. Our mother is alive, Zander." "No Ric, you're lying! W




Two more of Zander's body guards have been cast. These two young hopefuls are part of the Michael Bruno Group. They will be portraying two of the bodyguards, Trent and Jerry, respectively. "Trent" Will be portrayed by Dean Cochran, most known for competing on SOAPnet's "I Wanna Be A Soap Star." "Jerry" Will be portrayed by Jason Campbell



The Storm - Episode 40

The Courtroom -- Ric noticed that Zander and Emily were both missing from the courtroom still and leaned in to Alexis to ask if she had known where they had gone to. He became concerned about his brother and Emily as he was asked if he had anymore witnesses. "If I may beg the court's indulgence, and ask for a short recess, my next witness has not arrived yet and I'm waiting to hear when that will be." Ric asked the judge for some extra time. The judge looked down at his watch and noti




A few new additions will be added to our roster. The following roles have been cast and for the duration of The Storm, they are recurring roles. The following actors may become contract players upon completion of The Storm, as the story moves into it's sequel, Wicked. Character Actor "Elenore Lansing-Smith" Will be portrayed by Anna Stuart. Probably most well known for her role on Another World as Donna Love. "Elenore" will debut in the upcoming episode #40. Zander's



The Storm - Episode 39

The Courthouse -- Zander stormed down the hallway, and punched the first wall he came too with a closed fist. He pulled back his hand, the knuckles all red from the small drips of blood that seeped from the cuts the wall had made when his fist connected with it. He shook off the pain and stormed down the stairs, his temper still flared. As he walked down the front steps of the courthouse, the defenseless trash can that sat on the sidewalk found itself air born as Zander kicked it with his f



The Storm - Episode 38

The courtroom -- Zander stood up from his seat and felt all the eyes in courtroom were now on him. He buttoned his suit jacket and walked to the witness box, and before he sat down, he unbuttoned it again. He noticed Alexis and Emily both smiling at him, trying to reassure him he was doing the right thing and he would be okay. Ric walked towards him as he straightened out the crinkle in his suit jacket. Zander smirked when he noticed that Ric was still meticulous as he was when he was yo



The Storm - Episode 37

The cabin -- The alarm went off at 6:30am, like every morning before and Zander turned over and smacked the clock till the alarm stopped buzzing. He rubbed his face with his hands trying to revive himself from his restful sleep. The day had come he dreaded, Sonny's trial started this morning and he and Emily were to be there by 10. He turned over and watched her sleeping peacefully. "Em .. baby..." he said softly as he caressed her arms to wake her. He leaned in and kissed her cheek w



The Storm - Episode 36

Zander's warehouse -- Zander walked into the warehouse with another man, Cory. He was Zander's General Manager, for the lack of a better word. Cory oversaw everything that came and went from the warehouse and knew the inner workings of all that happened there. Cory and Zander walked into the office and Zander took a seat behind his desk. Cory sat down in the chair after he closed the office door. "So tell me about the partial shipment we have sitting here. What's missing, how much is mis



The Storm - Episode 35

In the limo -- The rain still pouring down in buckets, Marcus drove as fast as he could trying to keep the car under control as they passed the city limits sign. "About 20 more minutes, sir ..." he said as they passed into the Port Charles limits. Emily trying her best to keep the child comfortable, but she knew with an ear infection there wasn't much she could do to take the hurt away. She held him against her, he still wrapped in the blanket, she tried to bounce him gently in her arms.



The Storm - Episode 34

At the cabin -- The hard rain pounded against the glass windows as the thunder rolled amidst the dark storm clouds, and Emily sat in the wooden rocker, rocking Devon back to sleep. The storm had kept him up and his cries could be heard throughout the house. She had tried everything with him to get him to go back to sleep, from bouncing to walking to singing and now rocking, nothing seemed to work, he was still crying and he was very sleepy. She heard footsteps upstairs and knew Devon had no



The Storm - Episode 33

"Emily! .... " he was shocked to see her standing there listening. "Don't do anything yet, I'll call you back." he continued and flipped closed his cell phone. "You're going to have Jason taken out, aren't you?" she said as she came down the stairs and rubbed up against him as she passed by. "He's my brother, Zander .. how could you do that to me?" she scolded her husband for even thinking such an awful thing. "Emily, listen to me .. this is business, it has nothing to do with family relat



The Storm - Episode 32

The Cabin -- "I don't want to hear that Cory .. what's the problem?" Zander asked as he walked into the other room to talk business. "Those containers that came in this morning are not filled with all of the product, some is missing." Cory replied. "How much is missing, this time?!" Zander replied sternly. "Enough not to make the quota and certainly enough to cause concern, sir." This was not what Zander wanted to hear, his mind filling with ideas of who would steal from his ware



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