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Chapter 10 - Episode 3

Episode 3 After his visit with Sonny, Trevor went back to the hospital to see his son. He stepped off the elevator and walked down the dismal hallway of the hospital towards Ric's room. Frankie stood guard, just where he was when Trevor had left a few hours before. Frankie made eye contact with Trevor as he approached. "I didn't expect to see you again, tonight, Mr. Lansing." Frankie greeted as Trevor approached him. "I wasn't planning on it, but something has come up that I thoug



Elizabeth Webber-Morgan

Portrayed by Rebecca Herbst Wife of Jason Morgan, surgical nurse at General Hospital and mother of two children, Cameron, and Addison. Best friends with Emily Quartermaine Smith, Nikolas Cassadine, and Lucky Spencer. Elizabeth is also an aspiring artist and maintains an art studio near the waterfront.



Jason Morgan

Portrayed by Steve Burton Jason Morgan, born Jason Quartermaine, but due to an accident 10 years ago, Jason Morgan has emerged and he continues to live as Sonny Corinthos' right hand man and enforcer. Jason is married to Elizabeth Webber and they are raising two children together. Jason is also the brother to Emily Quartermaine Smith and the grandson of Edward Quartermaine, and son to Monica and Alan Quartermaine. Though Jason doesn't recognize himself as a Quartermaine, he still has a



Carly Corinthos

Portrayed by Tamara Braun Carly Corinthos, born Caroline Benson arrived in PC looking for her biological mother, and through alot of trials and tribulations she found her. Carly now owns MetroCourt, a 5 star hotel located in the center of Port Charles. She also owns and operates a night club called Club 101. She is the wife of mobster Sonny Corinthos, the daughter of Bobbie Spencer, and her family ties are connected to the Spencer clan, which includes Luke, Lucky, and Lulu Spencer. He



Sonny Corinthos

Portrayed by Maurice Benard Sonny Corinthos and his brother, Ric Lansing control the northern territory and no one exports or imports without their knowledge. They themselves import and export out of the Port Charles Harbor on a daily basis. Shipments of illegal content are run through the town of Port Charles, underneath the noses of the Port Charles Police Department. Sonny, married to Carly, father of 2 boys, Michael and Morgan and resides on a 30 acre estate at the edge of the city



Trevor Lansing

Portrayed by Roscoe Born Trevor Lansing, father of Ric Lansing and silent partner in Ric and Sonny's partnership. Trevor still holds controlling shares within Ric's territory. Trevor and Ric, though father and son, still have residual ill feelings from past mistakes. Trevor spent more time with the business when Ric was younger, than with him. It has caused deep wounds and scars that resurface frequently. Trevor permanent home is Miami, Florida.



Alexis Davis-Lansing

Portrayed by Nancy Lee Grahn Alexis Davis Lansing, a successful attorney at law, and now the Port Charles District Attorney tries to juggle being a mother, a career, and being a mob wife. Difficult to do, her loyalties come into question frequently. Alexis' family ties in Port Charles connect her to the most ruthless and dangerous family of Cassadines. Of Russian and Greek decent, the Cassadines have certainly lived up to their name's reputation. Since her coming to Port Charles



Ric Lansing

Portrayed by Rick Hearst Ric Lansing grew up in the middle of a mob life with his father Trevor. He and his brother, Sonny Corinthos, though raised in two separate households, both were exposed to the life of crime. It wasn't until recently the two combined their territories and raised the stakes. Ric married to Alexis Davis, the Port Charles District Attorney, for the past 5 years. They raise two daughters together, Kristina and Emma. Kristina's biological father is from a previous



Chapter 10 - Episode 2

Episode 2 After his meeting with Sonny, Jason tracked down Emily at the hospital. It had been a while since he last saw his sister and they had a lot to catch up on. Jason stepped off the elevator and his eyes met his wife's, who was supervising the nurse's station. He approached and a smile appeared across her face. "Hi ... I didn't expect to see you today." Elizabeth said as Jason walked up to the desk. "I was hoping to find Emily here, I heard she and Zander came home." "Yea



Chapter 10 - Episode 1

Chapter 10 - Episode 1 Durant invited Zander into his office and offered him a seat. Before sitting, Zander removed his leather jacket and revealed to Durant the 9mm in his shoulder holster. Zander's detective badge could be seen in plain sight, hanging on one of his front belt loops. The shiny badge caught Durant's eye as he took a seat behind the large mahogany desk. Zander took a seat in front of Durant, and was ready to get down to business. "So, you have some information you think



Chapter 9 - Episode 4

Episode 4 At Greystone ... Sonny poured himself another drink and walked over and sat down in the chair behind his mahogany desk. The file that laid staring up at him he pushed aside and reached for the phone. Sonny dialed the phone and called Benny, his financial adviser and accountant. "Benny, call together the 5 families. Tell them I'm requesting a meeting." Sonny instructed and then he hung up the phone as Jason entered the living room. He got up from his seat and swallow



Chapter 9 - Episode 3

Episode 3 As Trevor and Ric discussed business, Frankie interrupted, Ric noticing Alexis standing in the doorway and smiled a hello. She stepped in and into the welcoming arms of Trevor. "Hello Trevor." she greeted with a smile. "It's nice to see you again." "It's nice to see you again, Alexis." he replied and then Alexis went to give Ric a warmer hello. She leaned in and gave him a kiss, as Trevor looked on. "Ahem ..." Trevor cleared his throat to remind them he was still i



Chapter 9 - Episode 2

Episode 2 At the hospital ... Ric's restful sleep was interrupted by Mario, Johnny and Ian, who had just been involved in a high speed car chase of someone they believed to be Lorenzo Alcazar. Frankie opened the door to Ric's room and the three men entered with heads hanging low, because they left Alcazar slip through their fingers. By the look on their faces, Ric knew it wasn't good news. "Did you have a talk with Alcazar about his involvement in all this?" Ric asked as the thre



Chapter 9 - Episode 1

Previously -- Durant on his way to interrogate Ric about the shooting, Zander tried to deter him by piquing his interest with some information he had on Sonny Corinthos. "I think you and I need to have a chat." "And why would we need to do that?" "Because I think I have some information you'd be very interested in." Zander replied and he noticed he piqued Durant's interest just a bit. "I'm on my way to interrogate someone, call my office tomorrow and set up an appointment." Durant



A Writer's Note : Readers Take Note

Readers take note - beginning in Chapter 9 - the story will change format. I am a fan fic writer whose style has always been dialogue writing. I am going to change the style for this story and to give more of an episodic feel to it. I hope it brings more interest and more readers to this story. Chapter 9 will be posted later today. Thank you to everyone who has been leaving comments, it is greatly appreciated. Jen



Safe From Harm - Chapter 8

In a warehouse across town ... "If this plan of yours doesn't work, I'm a dead man." Lorenzo scowled towards her. "Don't worry, it's all planned out. What could possibly go wrong?" Faith seethed as her and Lorenzo looked out across the new shipment they swiped from Ric's warehouse. "For one, you're playing with fire. Sonny and Ric are not going to take it lightly that their shipment was stolen from underneath their noses." "I know ...." "Are you insane?" Lorenzo barked at Fai



Safe From Harm - Chapter 7

It was getting late and Alexis said goodnight to Ric, the children were waiting for her at the cabin with Viola. She hadn't spent any time with them on her brief return to home earlier that day. She gave Ric a soft kiss goodbye and walked towards the door. She looked over her shoulder to see him smile, one last reassurance for her that everything was going to be all right. Greg waited for her outside Ric's room, ready to take her where ever she wanted to go. The two of them said goodnight t



Safe From Harm - Chapter 6

Alexis came back from stretching her legs and noticed Frankie standing guard at the door to Ric's hospital room. She made a remark about it being business as usual and Frankie nodded to her to say hello. Ric was sleeping when she came into the room, so she quietly sat down on the chair in the corner of the room and watched over him. Alexis hadn't slept either and before long she felt herself falling into a peaceful slumber in the chair. A duty nurse came in and woke her when they had Ric's p



Safe From Harm - Chapter 5

"Your husband is a very lucky man." the doctor began and Alexis let out a sigh of relief. "We stopped the internal bleeding and removed the bullet. We repaired the lung which had collapsed because of the damage done by the bullet. He's resting comfortably now, but I don't see him coming out of the anesthesia till sometime tomorrow." "Thank you. Can I at least go sit with him?" "Sure .. I'll have a nurse take you up to recovery. He'll be there till he comes out of it and we can get hi



Safe From Harm - Chapter 4

Durant finished the search of Ric's warehouse and found nothing. He and the officers left with just as much as they came in with, nothing but a piece of paper. Ric smiled as Durant passed him on the way out. "I told you wouldn't find anything, Durant." "One of these day's Lansing I will and then I'll put you and your brother away for a very long time." Durant once again having the last word, as he walked out the door of the warehouse with the PCPD officers. As soon as Durant was out



Safe From Harm - Chapter 3

The long black limo turned off the main road and onto a dirt drive lined on both sides with dense forest. Alexis, Viola, and the children sat in the back seat for the last hour awaiting their arrival at their final destination. Ric promised her he would be at the cabin later that night after he dealt with some business regarding the new threat that was in town. Derek pulled the limo up to the cabin that sat deep in the woods, away from every one and every thing back in Port Charles. Mario an



Safe From Harm - Chapter 2

Alexis and Viola left with Greg following close behind after receiving the orders from Ric on keeping a watchful on his family. Greg, one of Ric's men who had been with him the longest, he felt comfortable in leaving his family in Greg's care. He knew Greg would lay down his life for Alexis and the children, just as he would for Ric. Alexis had been only gone a few minutes before Marcus announced to Ric that Sonny had arrived. Sonny stepped into the foyer of the penthouse and Ric greeted h



Safe From Harm - Chapter 1

*Disclaimer - Love scene ahead - and I tried my best to keep it as clean as possible.* The rain pounded hard against the glass windows, and lightning cracked as it hit somewhere across town. Ric Lansing found himself sitting in the plush chair in their master suite not being able to sleep. It was one of many nights these past few weeks he had not been able to sleep a whole night through, it was like clockwork. He removed himself from the queen sized bed so his wife, Alexis could sleep in p



Safe From Harm - A GH Fanfic

BACKGROUND Ric Lansing and his half brother, Sonny Corinthos had been raised by two different fathers, yet grew up in the same business ... the dangerous business of the mob. Both families were in deep and the two brothers learned the business as youngsters. Without knowing each other, the two finally met and were reunited long after they were of age. When Ric turned 18, his father Trevor dealt him into the business as an enforcer. Ric soon learned the business aspect of the family as he



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