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A fan-written fiction based on Days of Our Lives

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Sad Announcement

After long back and forths the past week, and even for months and months, I've decided that, for the moment, my forrays into fan fiction must come to an end. I didn't want to do this, so soon into my blog. I had so many plans, but a number of things have gone into this decision. I find I spend far too much time on the computer. Others seem to handle balancing a blog, posting time, school, work pretty well. I, however, am very bad at doing this. I'm trying to spend less time on it now. Ending



Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #16 – Thursday, July 19, 2007 At Basic Black Adrienne is meeting with Anna, who informs her of Kate’s attitude. She knows that Basic Black wants her designs, but she doesn’t want to have to deal with such hostility. Adrienne assures her that she won’t need to. Anna finds this reassuring, but is curious as to how she can promise this. Adrienne tells her that Kate won’t be attached to this project. Anna’s not so sure that will be enough. <HR> Meanwhile, Kate sho



Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #15 – Wednesday, July 18, 2007 Mickey and Maggie are taken aback by Nick’s pronouncement. They ask if he’s not happy here, but he tells them it’s not that it all. He’s just…growing up, and he thinks it’s time he tried to make it on his own. Maggie recalls the Willow debacle and doesn’t think he’s ready at all. Mickey tells Maggie that they need to let Nick make that decision, whether or not they think it’s the right one. Nick tells them he’ll be back after his appoi



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #14 – Tuesday, July 17, 2007 At the Brady Pub… Benjy asks Kayla why he should believe she and Steve are helping him after what he’s done. Kayla tells him that they will always love him like a son, no matter what Stefano makes him do to try and hurt them. Benjy flinches when Kayla places her hand on his, pulling back. Benjy doesn’t believe a word she says. He knows something isn’t right. <HR> Steve arrives at Basic Black and sees his sister, just off the phone



Monday, July 16, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #13 – Monday, July 16, 2007 At the Brady Pub, Steve glances over at his daughter, over by the bar talking with his grandfather. He tells Kayla that Shawn was right about him all those years ago – he’s just not cut out to be a family man. Kayla tells him not to worry about Stephanie. He knows she’s right, giving his wife a knowing look. Benjy wonders if they are talking about him. Steve whispers something to Kayla, kisses her and goes to leave. Kayla attempts to ease



Promo: Week of July 16th

ANNOUNCER: This week on Our Days in Salem...a family reunion will make Benjy talk... [A SOFT PIANO MELODY PLAYS AS BENJY MEETS LEXIE AND THE SIBLINGS EMBRACE] [AN EPIC SCORE TAKES OVER AS BENJY GESTURES EMOTIONALLY] Celeste: His family has been taken hostage. Steve: Well, there's only one thing to do. ANNOUNCER: Operation Rescue Hawk begins, but will Benjy lead his friends into a trap? [A PHOTOGRAPH OF SONIA, BENJY'S WIFE, AND THEIR SON. BILLIE PICKS IT UP.] Billie: I know



Friday, July 13, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode 11 – Thursday, July 12, 2007 “Rolf, how is he?” Lexie persists. “Your father needs his rest,” he insists. She’s curious whether she should trust Rolf, given their history. She asks if she may see him. He allows it. She apologizes for her insolence, but needs him to understand that she’s so sick and tired of being walked all over by everyone. He asks if this means that she’s ready to move on from Abe, at last? <HR> Jett stops by the Carver place unaware that



Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #10 – Thursday, July 12, 2007 Jeremy has been taken in for questioning. In the interrogation room… “You know,” Hope begins, “I opened my home to you- my home with a little girl in it, because you are family, Jeremy. Mike and Jenn are like siblings to me. Perhaps you just didn’t know any better, but here’s the newsflash – the DiMeras are bad news. They’re not just a bunch of punks out for money. No, they’re not like you. You see; there is a vendetta between our famili



Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #9 – Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Stefano is sitting at his chessboard, deep in thought. The doorbell rings, and Bart announces his guests—daughter, Lexie, and former paramour, Celeste. “Very good,” Stefano tells his brainless servant, “Show them to me at once.” Upon her entrance, Stefano can see despite her ravishing glow, that Lexie is still rattled by her experience in the tunnels. His heart breaks for her, attempting to go to her and comfort her. Celeste reminds hi



Promo: Week of July 9th

ANNOUNCER: On Our Days in Salem, Stefano's dying... Stefano: It's time we end this vendetta. [CLIP OF THE DIMERA FAMILY MEETING] ANNOUNCER: But when does Stefano DiMera ever die? [sTEFANO COLLAPSES. LEXIE TRIES TO HELP HIM] Stefano: Rolf, damn it! Get Rolf! [sHOT OF A PHOENIX] (STEFANO LAUGHS)



Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #8 – Tuesday, July 10, 2007 At the police department, Roman, still milling over his conversation with Anna, looks up as a knock comes to his door. Kayla drags Steve in, and they are discussing Benjy amongst themselves. Roman whistles to get their attention. He wants to know ‘what da hell’ is going on. “It’s simple, Commander. You the dude your people found at the Samsters little safe-house?” “Benjy.” “Well,” Kayla cuts in, “he’s trying to convince us that he is



Monday, July 9, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #6 – Monday, July 9, 2007 Steve and Kayla arrive at the prison, there to visit Benjy. Steve is quiet and Kayla asks if he’s okay. He says nothing to put her mind at ease. She wants him to promise her that he’ll keep his cool. “No promises, baby. This dude helped them play me like a harmonica. Is that cool with you?” Kayla shakes her head, but reminds him that if they keep an open mind, they can use their connection to Benjy to get some inside information. “Do you reme



Pre-emption Notice

To those who may have been wondering, has been pre-empted for Thursday, July 5, and Friday, July 6, to coincide with the Wimbeldon pre-emption on it's NBC sister show, 'Days of our Lives'. We return on Monday with brand-new episodes!



Wednesday, July 4, 2007 (Part 2)

Disclaimer: The July 4th episode continues... I do apologize for the length, but from family moments to plotted drama, it all makes for a great event. I hope you enjoy! Our Days in Salem Episode #8 – Wednesday, July 4, 2007 Part 2... Inside, Nick arrives with Billie. Chelsea isn’t sure how to take this. He takes her aside, telling her that he knows that for her, he and Billie’s one night is still a big deal and that, he thinks until the two begin to mend their relationship, it will contin



Wednesday, July 4, 2007 (Part 1)

Disclaimer: This is my first big event, and thus it is going to be a bit long. There is a lot of resolution and drama and family moments, all of which were too important to me not to include. I hope you enjoy the episode! Part 2 will follow... Our Days in Salem Episode #8 – Wednesday, July 4, 2007 Bo and Hope’s is already milling with excitement. They each have their share of helpers. Belle and Chelsea are inside, helping Hope in the kitchen. Jeremy (now played by Michael Graziadei),



Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #7 – Tuesday, July 3, 2007 At Bo and Hope’s house, Jeremy heads down the stairs, yelling into the kitchen that he’s going out. His volume, however, awakens Ciara, alerting Doug and Julie, who tell him he’s not going anywhere until he’s made his own keep around here. Jeremy argues that he has important business to tend to. Julie asks Doug if he’ll tend to Ciara (and he’s glad to) while she informs Jeremy that she’s known many businessmen in her life and when they’re to



June Episode Count

Because Our Days didn't debut until the 25th, I thought it would be fun to combine the real episode counts with the first week of the blog, which happenes to be the final week of June, and then compare airtime to that of the real, final episode counts for June 2007. Our Days Alison Sweeney (Samantha Roberts) 18 Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 17 Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 15 James Scott (EJ Wells) 13 Blake Berris (Nick Fallon) 12 Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 12 Deidre Hall (Marlena Eva



Monday, July 2, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #6 – Monday, July 2, 2007 At Bo and Hope’s, the couple is fretting over someone to watch Ciara. Then, there’s a knock on their door. It’s Doug and Julie. “Daddy, it’s so good to see you! And Julie, oh!” They embrace her, and Bo, who asks how “Mrs. H” is doing. They say she’s excited about the picnic tomorrow. Hope says that’s wonderful, but wonders what brings the pair of them by. “Well,” Julie intervenes, “Doug and I were in the mood to spoil this little girl. No



Friday, June 29, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #5 - Friday, June 29, 2007 Kate is waiting impatiently for Roman in his office. Upon his arrival, she has a few choice words. “You have some nerve, you know. I’m here waiting to get in to see you and your lackey out there is giving me a hard time, practically treating me like a criminal. I ought to sue the damn department.” He tells Kate to calm down. He’s here now, and all ears. She remarks that for once he probably will be, since this isn’t about his precious daug



Thursday, June 28, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #4 - Thursday, June 28, 2007 Lucas and Sami tell Marlena they know that her carrying twins could mean double trouble, with either Lucas or EJ being the father of the kids. Marlena sheds some light on a far more bizarre possibility, making the couple realize that each kid may have a different father. Sami says it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but Marlena assures them that there are real cases. While it’s rare, she says, it can happen if the pregnant



Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #3 - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 At University Hospital, Marlena and Sami share a moment, having just learned that Sami will carry on the twin tradition of the Evans family with this pregnancy. Lucas makes his presence known. Marlena lets him have some time with Sami for the final moments of the sonogram, explaining that she’s going to go visit with Abe and see how he’s doing. Lucas watches the screen in awe as Sami points out what’s what. This is all so new to him, nev



Promo: Week of June 25th

ANNOUNCER: Over twenty years ago, he disappeared into the mist while looking for his missing wife... [sHOT OF ANNA REMOVING HER SCARF IN THE BRADY PUB] ANNOUNCER: Now she's back... ANNA (in the Brady Pub): Tony's changed. ANNOUNCER: And so is he. [sHOT OF TONY ON THE PHONE WITH ANNA.] ANNOUNCER: And now they come face to face. [TONY, IN RIDING GEAR ON THE GROUND IN THE DiMERA GARDENS, STARING TOWARDS AN OFF-SCREEN ANNA, AS IF ENTRANCED] Tony: Anna.



Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Our Days in Salem Episode #2 – Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Sami asks that Marlena not look at her like that, telling her old habits die hard. She noticed tension between Anna and her at the Pub last night. Marlena tells her that she’s imagining things. She and Anna were good friends before she left Salem. Sami finds it hard to imagine they remained so, between the long-distance and the way Sami terrorized Anna’s daughter. Marlena explains to Sami that Anna was never a very motherly type, informing



Monday, June 25, 2007

<br> Our Days in Salem Episode #1 - Monday, June 25, 2007 <br><br> Billie arrives at the Brady Pub the next morning for breakfast, meeting with Lucas. Immediately, she notes that he seems distracted and asks, “All right, what’s Sami done now?” <br><br> Lucas asks that she stop channeling their mother. Billie apologizes, admitting that while she’s happy for her brother’s happiness, Sami’s history does lend itself to wariness. Lucas understands and thanks her for



Monday on 'Our Days'...

-Lucas wants a favor from Billie -Lexie comes face-to-face with Sami -Hope catches Nick in Chelsea's room OUR DAYS debuts June 25th!



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