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Follow the lives of the residents of Salem. This blog begins with events following the February 14, 2014 episode of the TV series, taking it on a new course based on events prior to that date.


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Entries in this blog

DAYS #143: Brady attempts to get the truth out of Anita, Victor tells Tyler how to handle Nick

EPISODE 143 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Brady walks into the living room at Anita's cabin. Stepping over to the computer, he moves the mouse slightly, triggering the computer to wake up from its dormant state. He calls out to Anita, who is in the next room.   BRADY: Anita! I'm just gonna pull down the ad for the truck, alright?!   Anita calls back from the other room, the sound somewhat



DAYS #142: Adrienne warns Alex that Anjelica is in town, Sami warns Will that Nick's running Titan

EPISODE 142 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco     Roman walks into his office at the Salem PD, and looks the room over, suddenly feeling foreign to him.   After a moment of inspecting everything, his desk, the window to outside, the picture of his family from years ago, he sets the framed picture down on the desk face down, and looks the room over once again.    His eye turns to the door as Kate



DAYS #141: Victor wakes up from his coma, Abby gets in the middle of Nicole and Sami's squabble

EPISODE 141 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Nicole steps into her office at WXIR, shutting the door behind her, as Sami and Abby look on in shock.   SAMI: I'm sorry...what did you say? NICOLE: Nick just held a press conference, and announced to the world that he is now the CEO of Titan Industries. So, hey, at least you can take solace in knowing that at least ONE thing is going your way today, right,



DAYS #140: Sami gives Abby an ultimatum, Eric tells Marlena about the Chyka file

EPISODE 140 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Sami glares at Abby as they stand in Nicole's office at WXIR. Abby looks on, somewhat uncomfortable by the position Sami is putting her in, and stands with her arms folded.   SAMI: Well? Should I be worried that this report is going to implicate Will?   Abby sighs, dropping her arms to her side in frustration.   ABBY: Sami-- SAMI: I think



DAYS #139: Roman explodes at a worried Eric, Sheryl makes the connection

EPISODE 139 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   In Marlena's penthouse, Roman walks through the living room, sandwich in hand. He's evidently walked in for a quick bite to eat while on duty.   ROMAN: Thanks, Doc for the sandwich, I'll be back around 7.   He grabs his jacket to quickly put on as he's heading back out to work, when the doorbell rings. Looking back to see if Marlena's headed over o



DAYS #138: The Titan board regroups, Sheryl shifts her target

EPISODE 138 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Nicole rushes into her office at WXIR, where Abby and Jerome await her. The sound of the opening door causes Abby to turn toward the door, exciting her as she steps toward Nicole.   ABBY: Nicole! Just in time! NICOLE: Why? What's happening?    Nicole stops in her tracks as she sees Jerome at her computer. Her demeanour changes instantly, as she po



DAYS # 137: Eric reassures Nicole, The Titan board reels from Nick's coup

EPISODE 137 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Gabi paces in her apartment, holding the modelling contract in her hand, as she debates whether or not to sign. She turns to Arianna, who sits in her crib, playing, and rests on the ledge of it. She talks to her.   GABI: Should I even do this?  Sami and Kate say that playing along is the best way to keep Nick in line. But I don't want you to get hurt. And I don



DAYS #136: Anjelica goads Adrienne at the Town Square, Nick delivers a hard blow to the Titan board

EPISODE 136 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Eric and Nicole lay in bed together, truly happy. They smile, breathing heavily as their heart rates descend from a long session of lovemaking. Nicole rolls over, resting against Eric's naked chest, before leaning in for a kiss.   NICOLE: You know...I could handle this whole...being married thing if this is how it's gonna be every day from now on.  



DAYS # 135: Nick's board meeting meltdown, Adrienne runs into Anjelica

EPISODE 135 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Abigail sits next to Jerome, as they drive down the road toward the DiMera Tower. Abigail seems on edge, anticipating what could be on Nick's flash drive. Jerome senses Abby's tension and looks over at her, flashing a smile that helps comfort her.   JEROME: I will say this is nothing like any first date I've ever been on.   Abby laughs, looking over and



DAYS #134: EJ has a reminder for Sami, Nick and Percy arrive for the board meeting

EPISODE 134 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Nick and Percy walk onto the elevator together at the Titan building. Both men appear to be in a chipper demeanour, standing silently as the doors to the elevator close.   Nick presses the button to the floor they intend to travel to, and the lift begins to move. Percy turns to Nick with a nervous smile.   PERCY: Nicholas, I...I hate to ask--  



DAYS #133: Nick hands more evidence to Abby, Sami vents to EJ about Nicole & Eric's wedding

EPISODE 133 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Noelle paces nervously inside the Kiriakis Mansion by the glass doors to the garden. She holds her cell phone up to her ear, hoping her call will be answered, checking to see if anyone's coming from either the kitchen or the living room.   NOELLE: Come on, Nick. Pick up your damn phone.   After a second, the call goes to voice mail. Noelle hangs up in f



DAYS #132: Brady meets "Crystal Clarke", JJ deposits Liam's cheque

EPISODE 132 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco    Brady walks into the main room of Anita's cabin, as she sits on her sofa reading the paper. Hearing Brady come into the room, she looks over her shoulder to see him putting his jacket on.   ANITA: Going somehwere? BRADY: Not far. Just gotta meet with that woman I was telling you about.   Anita sets down the paper and turns her body toward Brady. She lo



DAYS #131: Sheryl's transformation, Laura & JJ contemplate Liam's $50,000 offer

EPISODE 131 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Sheryl, standing in her motel room at the edge of town,  hears the beeping sound of Jordan refusing her call, and hangs up the motel room's landline phone, frustrated.   SHERYL: Dammit. Jordan, none of us are safe as long as you're in Salem.    Sheryl turns toward the bathroom door, where she's placed the supplies Jerome's given her. Sheryl looks on at



DAYS #130: Billie and John figure out their next move, Nick gives Jordan a warning

EPISODE 130 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Billie pulls John aside into the alley behing Club TBD. Looking behind her left and right to ensure no one is around to hear, she speaks to him softly so as not to draw attention to herself, but with a great intensity.   BILLIE: We need a new plan to stop Jordan and Sheryl. Like...yesterday.   John holds his hand up in a stopping motion, trying to get B



DAYS #129: John's unpleasant reunion with Marlena and the Bradys, Nick pays Jordan a visit

EPISODE 129 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco   Billie sits across the table from Kate at Club TBD. She's stunned by Kate's reticence to take on Nick Fallon at the upcoming Titan baord meeting.   BILLIE: Mom...I can't believe what I'm hearing right now.    Kate casually sips her martini, trying hard to hide her fears about Nick.   KATE: Believe it. BILLIE: I mean, this is not you. The Kate



DAYS #128: Kate shocks Billie, Anjelica meets with Stefano and Nick

EPISODE 128 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Kate and Billie sit at a booth at Club TBD together. Sitting stirring her martini as she chews solemnly over what Billie's told her about Nick's plan to take over Titan.   KATE: Billie...are you absolutely sure that was Justin told you is the truth?   Billie looks at her mother, unflinchingly. She nods her head before responding.   BILLIE



DAYS #127: Stefano's partner appears at the mansion, Billie and Kate go over their options

EPISODE 127 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   John and Anjelica sit next to each other in First Class on the flight from Paris to Salem. John sits, looking at the Salem Spectator headline displayed on Anjelica's tablet:   DEVERAUX KICKS OFF CAMPAIGN: DISGRACED SENATOR'S EX-WIFE ENTERS GOVERNOR'S RACE   He looks up at Anjelica, as she looks back, a wry smile on her face.   JOHN: Gover



DAYS #126: Stefano passes on a big clue to Nick, Anjelica & John connect mid-Atlantic

EPISODE 126 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson     Stefano sits in his living room on the recliner, as Nick sits on the adjacent sofa. Stefano looks intensely at Nick, who listens attentively.   STEFANO: I need to be clear with you about this, Nicholas. This woman is MY partner in this plan. You are only privvy to this information to assist me. You will not hold any sway when it comes to decision



DAYS #125: Anjelica Returns!

EPISODE 125 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson       In the DiMera living room, Stefano sits alone at his desk, rifling through paperwork, when Harold steps in, Nick behind him.   HAROLD: Mr. DiMera...   Stefano responds, not looking up. Harold responds nervously.   HAROLD: Uh...Mr. Nicholas Fallon to see you, Sir.   Stefano looks up, as a smirking Nick steps forward



DAYS #124: Sami confronts Nicole about her secret wedding to Eric, Jerome cracks the code

EPISODE 124 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Valerie sits at home, preparing an e-mail to Crystal Clarke, the new nurse she's hired on at University Hospital.   She finishes up the e-mail, and hits send. Closing her laptop, she smiles.   VALERIE: Alright. There we go Crystal. Welcome to University Hospital.   ---   Alex, Tyler, and Justin stand in the Kiriakis livi



DAYS #123: Jordan shows off her engagement ring to Kate, Jerome and Abby make a date

EPISODE 123 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Jerome sits down in front of Sheryl's new laptop, inside her grungy motel room at the edge of Salem. As Sheryl paces behind him, almost supervising him as he works, Jerome types away, intensely focused at the screen as he helps formulate a plan to help Sheryl.   JEROME: There we go. And that should also give you access to Billie as well, since she'll be



DAYS # 122: EJ tries to convince Sonny to follow his plan, Marlena & Sami crash Eric & Nicole's wedding

EPISODE 122 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Alex stands, tablet in hand, in the Kiriakis living room. He taps a few spots on his tablet screen before handing his tablet to a waiting Justin, who sits in the easy chair nearby, looking baffled.   ALEX: Mom's decided to follow in Harper's footsteps. JUSTIN: I'm hoping you mean that exclusively in the political sense.   J



DAYS #121: Sami & Marlena, wedding crashers?

EPISODE 121 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Alex comes down the steps of the Kiriakis mansion, adjusting his tie as he prepares for work. At the bottom of the steps, he turns to enter the living room, finding Justin there, as he ends a call on his cell phone.   JUSTIN: (into phone) Yeah, thanks. I'll be there.   Hanging up, Justin turns to face Alex.   JUSTIN: Alex! Good morni



DAYS #120: EJ, Gabi, and Will try to talk Sonny down

EPISODE 120 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Sonny stands with EJ in the living room of his apartment, as Gabi lays Ariana down in her crib. Sonny looks at a half-asleep Will, who stands in the doorway to their bedroom. Sonny is mystified by Will's acceptance of EJ gifting Gabi a gun to protect her.   SONNY: What is wrong with you, Will? You think it's a good idea to keep a gun in this house? With



DAYS #119: Sami rushes to stop the wedding, Sonny stands up to EJ

EPISODE 119 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   EJ stands in Gabi, Sonny, and Will's apartment, holding a pistol he was about to hand Gabi. Sonny stands in the doorway to the bedroom, glaring angrily at EJ.   EJ: Sonny.   Gabi turns around to look at Sonny, who walks hastily over and takes the gun from EJ's hand.   SONNY: What the HELL do you think you're doing bringing a gun in t



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