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Beyonce targeted by PETA


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Hey Bree, not all the animals used for this are meant for that. I remember seeing on Larry King Live a couple months ago huge kennels full of dogs being mistreated, then used for fur. It was very sad to actually see all of these pets stuffed into a tiny metal cage and thrown around like garbage. :(

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Good for them when it comes to fur! Anyone who makes money off of torture for the SOLE reason of vanity and money is an [!@#$%^&*]. Shallow and heartless people like THAT make ME sick.

You need to rattle cages for changes to be made.

Being skinned alive for some rich !@#$%^&*] Cruella to wear as a coat isn’t "REAL" cruelty? They have feelings and nervous systems, you know. It's not like they're put to sleep. And if you just care about dogs and cats, they're being skinned alive in Asia for fur as well.

And just because an animal isn't "cute" or domesticated means it's OK to torture it? You lost me there.





To sugarland and Chris B: Thanks for your posts. It's nice to know there are other people on here who at least care and have hearts.

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Give me a break.

Like I said before, there are certain animals who are bred for food and clothing. Is the way they are killed humane? No---but you don't hear about PETA going after those people. They target the celebrities because they know the media will put their name in the news over that.

Newspapers and TV shows don't care about Joe Blow in overalls killing minks for fur---but they will broadcast or report PETA confronting Beyonce, J.Lo and any other famous person because that's what gets publicity. PETA will show up at fashion shows and get on the news, but will you see Access Hollywood outside a mink farm or a puppy mill filming PETA breaking in to rescue the animals? Not in this lifetime---or unless Pamela Anderson decides one day to do it and she contacts them.

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I think wearing fur is tacky.

But PETA is even tackier for obsessing over it.

A group of them were parading around without their clothes on saying they'd rather be naked than wear fur. None of them were arrested though.

The rest of us who work for a living don't have time to waste on sh*t like that.

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They “target” celebrities just like every organization focuses on high profile people. Look at all the religious organizations and Madonna. High profile people have influence over the populace, so it makes sense. Just because PETA has some "over-the-top" or "annoying" methods shouldn't make a difference to the actual torture. If I saw a nice kid with an annoying mom fall off a bike and get injured, I wouldn't care less about him just because he has an annoying mom. It's not his fault.

People who wear fur create a demand for it. If it weren’t for them buying it, there would be no demand and no breeding. And how are PETA members going around naked hurting any of you? Does it really matter? Being tortured just because you are bred for a specific purpose means it's OK? Being bred for a specific purpose means they can’t feel pain? The fur industry is the most disgusting because it is done simply for vanity and there are so many cruel-free alternatives. The only reason they’re bred and tortured is to be made into a coat that no one actually needs. There is no reason to wear real fur in today’s world and I can’t believe how cold and heartless some of you are. Being kept in a cage the size of your body where you can’t move, and covered in your own feces and urine for months, and then being killed by being swung by your hind legs into the ground to break your neck, but still left conscious while skinned alive? Heinous, incredibly cruel, disgusting and totally UNNECESSARY.

I think the Golden Girls said it best - "Cruelty is not fashionable"



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Well if someone doesn't want to wear fur, than that is certainly their business, but if I want to wear fur, than that's my business and mine alone. Dumping a can a paint on someone is not only illegal, but proves what kind of person they truly are...bumbling idiots!

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You're a bunch of ignorant people.

These are creatures with no freaking voice and for PETA to speak for them is to be applauded.

BTW, these people have day job too, so this is their passion.

I hate all the Hollywood !@#$%^&*]es parading with their furs, throwing paint at them is not enough for those idiots.

I'm not a member of PETA but I own 2 dogs that I adore and like Oprah said they're human with fur, that's it.

I saw a lot of videos on animal crualty and it was unwatchable so for all of you who defends people who wear fur I say have a heart

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