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Beyonce targeted by PETA


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I'm a vegetarian, mainly b/c I don't trust the USDA, but I also support animal rights. To me, though, PETA is a terrorist organization! Whenever people wear fur or eat meat, I don't get upset: it's a lifestyle choice to me, not some moral obligation. People on this board have been talking about Ann Coulter, and I think PETA is a good example of extremists on the left.

They came to my college (b/c we have a big # of veggies/vegans on campus) and started passing around pamphlets aimed for little kids about how wrong it is to eat meat. IMO, that's just wrong. They also gave stickers: the only one I remember was one of a baby chicken that said, "I'm not a nugget", but there were other ones too.

Kids should wait until they're able to make a conscious decision about eating meat. Becoming a vegetarian requires a lot of work, I'll admit, and you just can't eat a bunch of junk food and say you're a vegetarian. I became a vegetarian when I was 16, and IMO, I think that that was too young b/c I didn't understand that b/c I was leaving out certain types of food in my diet, I needed to replace them w/ other foods. I developed anemia and got really sick, and wound up having to eat certain meats again (poultry and fish) in order to recover. Now, though, I pay better attention to what I'm eating: I make sure that I'm getting enough vitamins and proteins. Plus, at college it helps b/c we have a v/v dining hall, in addition to a healthy options house, so I go to those two places to eat my meals. Scaring kids into not eating meat (especially at their age when they need vitamins and nutrients to grow and develop) is disgusting.

To me, when a celebrity comes out and has that he or she refuses to wear fur for whatever reasons, it's a bigger stance than having a group of people bash and harass a celeb b/c she or he wears fur. Even if I don't agree w/ their clothing choices, I feel bad for people like Beyonce and J.Lo and the other celebs that PETA have attacked. PETA needs to STFU: they're doing more harm than good.

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Didn't Heather Mills make some comments about Jennifer Lopez not that long ago for her wearing fur?

I understand PETA has their beliefs, but I think it's wrong and harrassing to bombard people non-stop, shoving their views down people's throats....

I saw the video of them at the dinner table with Beyonce yesterday evening.....

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I can't stand Beyonce, but PETA are a bunch of deranged assholes. I call them Psychos for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They're pathetic petty nutjobs. These idiots get upset at people who fish because they think putting a hook on a worm and using hooks to catch fish is cruel and unusual punishment.

There are animals in this world who are bred and born for food and clothing. They need to get a life and get over it.

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I'm not a member of PETA, but when you put it like you did in your last line, Bree, I almost get their point! I mean, if I were an animal, how would I like being treated? Would I want my whole life's destiny to be imminent death for the fur industry, or meat so that others could eat me? It's a very difficult situation.

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I love PETA, they have to do these things or no one will listen.

My favorite was seeing on vh1 how they throw paint on someone when they're wearing a fur coat. :lol: Can you imagine how hilarious it would be to see J LO or Paris Hilton have paint dumped all over them? :lol:

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QUOTE(Chris B @ Jun 21 2006, 01:34 AM)

I love PETA, they have to do these things or no one will listen.

My favorite was seeing on vh1 how they throw paint on someone when they're wearing a fur coat. :lol: Can you imagine how hilarious it would be to see J LO or Paris Hilton have paint dumped all over them? :lol:

Um, that's not free speech. It actually is illegal. How's that funny? Though I disagree with j.Lo's existence in the public eye, if I were lawyer, I would fight the toughest battle against the idiots who think they can break the law to further a political agenda.

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Well of course it's wrong, but PETA is a very over the top organization. Still, I say it would be hilarious if they did that. I'd love to see a video of them doing it to women in the 80s.

Something about crazy animal activists running around town cracks me up. You wouldn't expect that from your average animal lover.

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They can't accept that there are animals out there who aren't meant to be cuddly pets. A cow is not the same as a dog. A mink is not the same as a cat. The animals being killed for food and clothing are not domestic animals. If this means less alligators running loose and trying to bite peoples' heads off, I'm okay with that. I don't wear leather or fur because I don't see the big deal about it, but I do support others' rights to wear it, and the industry to use it.

In my county a woman was cited for animal neglect and cruelty for having over 60 dogs and cats, letting them live in their own feces, and all have severe health problems due to her care. Luckily the animals were rescued and some were adopted, others are waiting for homes. I didn't see anyone from PETA get angry about this, yet they pitch a fit because some overhyped, overpaid celebrity wears a fur coat. Their priorities are screwed up. When they start caring about REAL cruelty, I'll change my tune.

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I thought it was funny, actually...

PETA is a little extreme, and I'm not against eating meat, even though I am a veggie. But, fur is a whole nother issue. We don't NEED fur, there are other fabrics that can keep us warm. It is simply a luxury item, a digusting, vile one at that. I don't give a rats a** if the animals are born and bred for it, it's still an animal LIFE. You're bringing something into the world to kill it. And these animals are bred in often times, deplorable conditions. It is a disgusting exsistence and I don't understand how a world so concerned with human rights and political correctness can allow the useless killing of animals.

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