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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Yeah ... Howie's wearing thin on me too. He screams way too much, ugh. He needs to step it up and freaking win something.

And I agree with KR, I totally feel that too, that Marcellas is due for a win. I do see him putting up Chilltown. Marcellas is the ultimate turn-coat, so I really have no clue what he'll do.

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The houseguests just saw the third clue for the coup d'etat. It was a grim reaper. Booger was the first one to go to the DR with the phrase "you reap what you sew."

Janie went afterwards and said the same thing, but in a different order, just in case, "you sew what you reap."

To recap, the clues have been a female sheep (ewe = you?), a needle and thread (sew?), and the grim reaper (reap?).

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I absolutely adore Howie, the louder the better. That's why I like him, and I like how talks, the f word and all. Love the guy, he's my favorite.

I have to say that Marcellas is digging himself a hole, and whatever he says is not logical at all. He just whines like a little baby. What he said about Janelle and Howie being poor sports is how he's acting. When they win, they shout it out loud, hell yeah I love it, great show. When they lose, they just look worried, but Marcelles whines and !@#$%^&*]es, that's being a poor sport.

Booger's the winner then, that must be it. Now it is the question if he changes the noms. Hmmm. He's close to Erika, or is that just for show?

Forgot to say that Kaysar said on HC the reason that Janie didn't take him to play for veto was b/c they wanted to not make her choose between him and James, so that it's fair this year for James, and that way he should not feel like an outcast in their alliance. He's such a good guy that James :rolleyes:

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I love Howie! I don't get how people love him last year and hate him this year. He has not changed one stinking bit!

Mike Boogie the winner of all stars. LOL! This COULD guarantee him and Will both making it to the final six!!! Knowing him, he will use it this week to save Erika or something.

As ye sew, so shall ye reap is a saying, but not commonly used in the BB game. God, why did Janey not get there sooner!!!!

I'd love it if they rigged this, and they said it was YOU SEW AS YOU REAP! LMAO!.

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what is Janelle thinking? She wants to put up George. That makes no sense. She needs to put up Will bc I think thats her only guarantee of getting rid of Erika. She says she'd put up George bc she wouldnt be pissing anyone off if she does. Well Will wont get pissed if she puts him up and he said he'd be okay. I think she's scared the house will vote out CT but it doesnt makse sense bc she has 3 votes and thats all she needs, unless she's not trusting James to keep Will

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Putting up George IS stupid and she also believes she and Marcy are working together (which is why she is refusing to put him up). Hell, they even had a meeting in the workout room and agreed to pretend to hate each other ... lol.

If George goes up, he's going to be the first member of the jury.

And F.Y.I the finale is September 12th. Which means ... double evictions.

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