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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Some VERY interesting news to report from the Live Feeds.

As you guys know Danielle is HOH and has now rallied the rest of the house (minus the Sovs) to get Janelle out of the house.

Her plan is to put James and Janelle up on the block so that James and herself can play for veto. That way James can take himself off the block and she can put up another Sov.

However, in a turn of events Will has decided that he wants to [!@#$%^&*] James and Danielle (and the rest of the floaters) and side with the Sov's to keep Janelle.

Will pulled Mike into the bathroom and they both removed their microphones and Will told Mike that rather than going with what they agreed with Danielle/James that instead they will switch their votes and vote with the way the Sov's are voting.

They also said that if they are chosen for veto and win, they will take Janelle of the block forcing one of the other "less hated" Sov members to go up against James.

They will then vote James out.

Will's reasoning is he wants Janelle to stay because her next target is Danielle and Will wants to get Danielle out of the game because she is a dangerous player, and rather than letting the house think CT is after Danielle he wants Janelle to be the one to take her out to keep the target off of them, in otherwords he wants Janelle to continue to do his dirty work.

So it looks like Mike and Will are gonna screw Danielle over and keep Janelle.

Definetly an interest development.

It is up in the air whether or not James truly is out of the Sov's, he has talked game with both them AND his supposed to new alliance with Danielle, Mike and Will.

Also Will told Mike that Erika is NOT to be trusted and that despite the fact that they are getting close under the sheets, that she will [!@#$%^&*] them over in a heartbeat.

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Will will go up a lot in my book if he saves Janey, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Being put up is neve ra good thing. I really have to question Dani's brains for putting up James, the closest person to her in the house. Doesn't she know how stupid that is?

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I think that's probably the biggest reason why SON-ers don't seem to like her as much. IMO, as soap fans we like to see the underdog, and she's Queen Bee this year.

People in real life I know and people on Joker's and voters on the CBS site seem to love her still, but she doesn't seem as popular on here. So, I hope she does go back to being the underdog again!

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Janelle is soooooo working Will. She's been playing up the dumb naive blonde to him and I think its working. She knows CT is her only chance of staying. She's letting Will think he can control her and I think he will keep her in bc of this. She's being alot smarter than people are giving her credit for

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Janelle is tossing around the idea of asking Will to play for POV if she gets the option - I think she knows he will throw it. Kaysar has told Janelle he doesn't want to choose between saving Janelle and saving James.

People on Joker's are calling Danielle the Black Widow. Hehehe.

James is putting on a good show pretending to be upset over nominations.

Howie, Kaysar, and Janelle are confused and hurt because it seems Dani and Marcellas are being really mean, and Dani's being very cold and harsh. They think they were pretty nice during their reigns as HOH and their nomination speeches so they don't understand why people are acting this way towards them.

Kaysar and Janelle hate Marcellas and vow to send him out the door.

Danielle said in her speech that she won't do Sov 6's dirty work for them and get rid of CT. OK Danielle, that's rich. You let people do the dirty work for you your entire season! Eh, whatevs!

Janelle says if she wins the POV, she'll scream "GAME ON, !@#$%^&*]!"

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Marcellas says with James nullifying the vote that it could come down to a tie again. Marcie asks Dani who she would save James or Janelle. He assumes James and kinda says James, right? But Dani is back peddling now and she's either lying to Marcie or considering her options and throwing James under the bus.

James, Janelle, Danielle, Will, Boogie, and Marcellas are playing veto.

Janelle picked Marcellas because she feared having Howie or Kaysar choose between her and James, and what it could do to their alliance. Tell me again, James, how Janelle isn't thinking of your alliance?

Is POV tomorrow?

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