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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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I would like to see Janelle win HOH again tomorrow, however this could make a seriously negative impact on her chances of surviving in the house. Winning 2/4 HOH's would make it more notable that she is a major threat forcing the houseguests to work to get her out even harder. Therefore, I want to see Howie win tomorrow! The Sea Six would still hold the power without drawing too much attention to one single alliance member.

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I hate saying this, but I'd rather Howie win. Wouldn't that be wild, all 4 sovs winning 4 weeks in a row?

I'd want Howie to win only because neither Kaysar nor Janelle need to have the heat put back on them.

I personally see Danielle winning HOH and getting Marcellas evicted. I really don't know why I feel this, but I do ... lol. Or vice versa. Although Marcellas is currently plotting to evict Howie, which would be a huge blunder, as he should be going after Danielle.

I think either Erika or Diane will win the endurance challenge, whenever that is (usually after the 5th eviction).

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I feel like Danielle is very genuine this season. She told S6, she wouldn't be going after them. I think she'd evict Marcellas too.

As for endurance, I think Kaysar will sweep it. I would have said Diane before July 6th. :lol: She's just so weak this year so far!

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Kaysar rocks at endurance! I hope he can win this year. I remember last year the endurance comp was the day before I moved and I tried to stay up and watch the whole thing but I couldn't lol. The next morning I went on the walk thru with my mother (yes, i still live at home but I am planing on moving out soon) and the first thing I set up was my comptuer and I was Shocked that the endurance comp was still going on. (that does bring bad memories of that jennifer biotch) uughhhh!

I wonder what the endurance comp will be like this year. I imangine if DR Will is still there he will go out right away shortly after followed by Boogie.

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I want to see Booger leave next week. Ive just seen stuff on the feeds that have disgusted me. I cant beleive I actually wanted him back. Im embarassed to say that. He needs to go. After him either Will or Erika. Erika's game play sickens me and the fact that she's in league with Booger doesnt do anything for her

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I don't really care for Boogie but I am loving watching Will play.

I think it is funny that he is the only winner in the house and then he is put up as the pawn.

This year I like certain people but I am not rooting for a particular side (if i had to pick I would pick the sov's) but Nakomis and Diane were my favorite from season 5 so it is hard to root against them. I rooted for Erika (and Jack) season 4 So it is hard for me to root against her.

I am just enjoying all the schemeing this year with everyone.

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Erika's in with EVERYONE. It's what a floater does. They build up so many alliances that they end up afraid to voice an opinion and win HOH for fear of alienating someone. Only two people I see her even being able to nominate would be George and Howie. She doesn't like either of them very much.

Erika is with Boogie and Will. Erika is with Marcellas. Erika is with James. Erika is with Janelle. Erika is with Kaysar.

Dani's in a similar situation. Dani's with James. Dani's working Kaysar. Dani's worked George. Dani's with Boogie and Will.

It's hilarious. I can't wait until the numbers dwindle and the game really heats up. Everyone's got so many alliances tensions are bound to start escalating! Let the games BEGIN!

And was Diane evicted last week with Nakomis, too, cause I actually forget sometimes she's there. She's so invisible this year. If she can keep it up, she might actually go to the very end again. I liked Diane in BB5 but I'm not liking her as much this year, because of her Janellousy.

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