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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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crc, I watched the same one! :lol:

She just threw every HOH until the final four one. I love her, and she is still my #3 this season (although that is not saying much), but she really made some bad moves this HOH.

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Not backdooring Janelle was a really bad move.

Nominating James was a really bad move.

Bidding on 24 solitairy was a really bad move.

I personally don't think not listening to everyone in the house was a bad move. But if people think Janelle made a by move by ignoring the house's demands of wanting Will to go up, then one would have to also agree Danielle made the wrong move by not doing what the house wanted and putting up Marcellas. The editing really down played that, but the HG's were gunning for Marcellas to be the target after that POV for like two days.

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I hope Boogie takes Will to Aruba with him.

Will can take hisw 5 grand and buy lots of margaritas and they can buy cocunut phones and play that stupid phone game that they play in the DR on the beach that I hate to admit I am starting to enjoy.

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Oh, another thing I think they edited REALLY BADLY. And I think non-spoilees should know about.

Marcellas did not want to give CG the slop pass Sunday. Danielle BEGGED him to do it and really harrassed him. You could kind of see it because he rolled his eyes and walked away from Danielle and gave it to CG, but you could barely tell if you weren't looking for it.

Also, we saw Marcellas kick something into James' face when he kicked the remnants of his rotten egg. But supposedly there was a big blowout. Like a physical scuffle they had to be held back from. The feeds went to FLAMES.

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Mike I could tell that alot was edited out from that. I could tell that Marcellas didn't really want to give it to him. If he had then he would have given it to him sooner, because Danni had asked that anyone who got it give it to George up front.

Now I don't like Marcellas all that much, but I don't hate him like a lot of others here do. I see him as another victim of Boogie and Will - since they tried to blame everything on him.

I think Janelle made a big mistake, but all of them are making big mistakes too - and when Will and Boogie end up in the top 3 and maybe even the top 2 - they can all only blame themselves.

None of them are playing like they should - and are almost an embarrassment to even be called all stars. I expected alot more out of them than what we are seeing.

I am glad to see Danielle go after one of the biggest alliances, but she should have used one of CT as a pawn too. But Will seems to get to them all and they seem to do his bidding whether they want to or not.

I've never seen a whole house ruled by an alliance of 2.

And how all of them can be stupid enough to believe Marcellas was the one who took all the prizes. I mean Marcellas is not bright enough to hide anything. He got so excited over the slop pass thing - do they honestly think he could have held down excitement over $5,000 dollars. How dumb are all these people. They all deserve whatever Will and Boogie do to them.

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I agree. No one is making any power plays or bold moves except for Danielle and Janelle. Say what you want, but at least she didn't go the predictable route and keep a bore like Diane around. I don't like Will, but at least he's sometimes funny. Diane was a non-entity.

I agree about CT. A CT final two would not surprise me at all at this point.

Neither would a George/Erika one. That finale would be watched like 15 people. :lol:

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Yeah. Or Kaysar asking Danielle to put up Marcellas, and Danielle saying to Kaysar "Give me another option!" fifteen thousand times. And Kaysar saying he can't make her a deal because he is too good of a person. :rolleyes: Whatev, Kaysar! This is a reality show!

Anyway, I am just really not feeling this season anymore! I don't know what it is. I hope the coup d'etat spices things up.

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ICAM with all of it!!! Especially the part about Marcellas and the prizes. Come on, I thought he was going to jump out of his skin when they announced the slop pass - that surely wouldn't compare to winning $5k or a trip to Aruba! :rolleyes:

Even though I really dislike Will, I am becoming more and more amused by his antics. And I'm to the point now to where it would serve all the other HGs right if Will and Boogie did make it to the Final 2. Every HoH so far has had the opportunity to put them up and no one has. And of course, they'll all be crapping on themselves when 2 of the Final 4 are Will and Boogie. :lol:

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I feel absolutely gutted. My heart ached for Kaysar when he found out about James' betrayal and on his birthday. I hope James gets whats coming to him soon. I hate the bastard

The haunting of the ghosts was funny as hell, especially Janelle's reaction.

Oh crap Erika won HoH. Its okay though bc Janie and Howie could still get the coup d'etat and I HOPE they do. Janelle is exposed bc she cant play for veto so she needs to win the coup. I will ROTFL if she does and nominates Dani and Erika, the floating !@#$%^&*]es

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