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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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I knew Diane was out. Dont you just love how BB edits it so that she might be staying? LOL. Even had a live eviction for dramatic effect

I love this HoH. It looks so interesting and the egg twists are good, especially the eviction vote cancellation. That could become vital when the numbers are down.

Im scared of the coup d'tet (sp?) twist. Im just scared my favorite might get HoH just to have the power shifted. That could be interesting though.

Oh and if I wasnt disliking Marcellas before that clip made me hate him. He is such a !@#$%^&*] and I can totally see him being the one that caused his friendship to end. I used to think it was more her fault bc Ive only ever heard him talk but I think its all on him. He turned on her and Im seeing him turn on Janelle. At first I thought it was an act for strategy but he's totally using Janelle and becoming so jealous of her.

Also hate James now. I hope his new 4 alliance turns on him. What a prick

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I'm sick of Marcellas and his constant !@#$%^&*]ing.

I'm PISSED Diane was kicked out. Don't really care if she was going after Janelle or not, but she kept the house interesting. Erika doesn't do [!@#$%^&*]!!!! She's as useless as wallpaper, as unimportant as a wet paper towel...

Can Chicken George PLEASE wear something else beside that green shirt?! <_<

-Glad Will voted for Erika. :)

LMAO at Diane calling Janelle a FAT !@#$%^&*]!! :lol:

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No, just most.

I just watched Marcellas' segment again. WOW! They really portrayed him as a vile !@#$%^&*]! That look he is giving the camera during the last shot of the segment is pure evil! Eeeeeeeek! I wish I could be a fly on the wall when he sees this. I wonder why they would do this when he is the host of Housecalls.

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I don't get why the women who are probably jealous keep referring to Janelle as fat. Amy was very disappointing, I expected more from her than her bashing Janelle. Wtf does she know about Janelle's heart? Why do women have to be so jealous and talk badly about each other so much :(

VERY happy that BB5 is out the door :P Worse season in my book, and the folks they picked were annoying. I would have loved Will or Marvin. I always say put all the gays from all the seasons in the house with Marcellas and you'll see [!@#$%^&*] fly :lol: Wonder how he feels about Bunky taking his place on HC. I would have loved him being in the house, they hate each other.

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