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DAYS: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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Well, there are scenes where Kristen literally tells Brady she's going to be his new mother in 1997.  I'd link them, but you know, it's impossible to do that with all the copyright strikes.

I know it's no EJ SORAS'ed situation, but aging Belle/Brady too soon messed a lot of things up in the Days universe.

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What a great opening scene

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Tate and Holly were really sweet and romantic today. But I still feel like they’re missing the mark with them as a couple. Holly being so fine about Sophia’s pregnancy is not the way to go. She should be more angry about it, which in turn would allow her to get closer to Doug III. And Tate should have more animosity towards Doug III. I don’t know why they’re not really pushing a rivalry/feud with them yet. 

Speaking of Doug III, I enjoyed his scenes with JJ. I liked seeing him interact with a different character and that he has someone around his own age to confide in about his feelings for Holly. And I’m glad that Days remembered that Jennifer asked JJ to keep an eye on Doug III.

Every scene that involved Jada would have been a lot better if this Fake Rafe crap wasn’t a part of it. And EJ being so campy is the wrong choice for this storyline as well.

As for Fake Rafe kissing Belle…

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Well, right off the bat, you are talking about Madam's mostly cherished Ivan. He has a name. but as to this tem, I have no idea. And, it certainly wasn't used much, at all.

Meanwhile, this picture was posted on Twi/x yesterday. I don't know the context, unfortunately.

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@Mona Kane Croft is not asking about Ivan.
In the storyline/time period that they're asking about-- that was Vivian Alamain's henchman/servant whose name was "Gus Pascal"

Pictures of the actor:

The actor signed an autograph for @JAS0N47

I don't know the answer to the question, what was the term Vivian used to refer to Gus's position when he was working for her.

Edited by janea4old
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Actually this time it was not Ivan.  He was a much younger guy, very handsome, with dark hair.  He was only with her for that one storyline. The assistant had a name (of course), but Vivian didn't call him by his name, she used an unusual term which I assume means servant or assistant in another language.   

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Is this who you mean?
Character name was "Gus Pascal" 
Character description here but it might be incomplete:

Pictures of the actor:

The actor signed an autograph for @JAS0N47


Edit to add: stats from Jason47.com
Kamall Shaikh appeared (recurring) as Gus Pascal for 97 episodes, from Oct. 30, 2009 - Sept. 21, 2011


Oh wait, you said 10 or 11 years ago for only one storyline?
Well then nevermind. I probably picked the wrong person.

Edited by janea4old
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Yes, Jane has pointed out my error. If we can come up with a date I can find this answer. So far I've just now looked at Viv's first week & no luck yet. 

A question to clarify: Did this other manservant come on after Ivan was introduced? I ask because I just got a brief glimpse of Ivan on 3-11-92.

@JAS0N47Are you by any chance aware of a manservant to Vivian who was not Ivan but was younger, with dark hair & good looking?


Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Yes, this is the actor.  Thanks for the links.  Now I hope to find someone who remember what Vivian called him. 


Janea4old is on the right track.  This guy was on DOOL around 2009-ish. So he was on the show after Ivan.  Jane has identified the actor correctly.  Now, I'm still trying to remember what Vivian called him.   

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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As of 11-4-2009 Viv is obsessed with Carly & charged Gus with locating her. He reports finding her - in Salem. Viv laughs & declares, "Carly is nothing if not predictable." 

The bad news is she's consistently called him "Gus" for the last 4 days.

11-9-2009 Well, this was bound to happen. Who is the baby Nicole has with her all the time? Also, I am amazed at how large the cast is.

Sorry, Mona, still no luck.

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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