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DAYS: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Welcome back, JJ! We’ve missed you. And that was a very nice bro hug that you gave Chad

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Today was a good one. It didn’t feel rushed and we got a really good understanding of what many characters were feeling, especially Xander and Sarah. Their scene today at the Kiriakis mansion is really what the Fiona storyline should have been from the very beginning. 

I was liking Tate and Sophia’s scenes too but I still think that maybe it would’ve been better and led to more story opportunities if Sophia had been the one to expose Fiona, as a way of scoring points with Tate. Same thing can be said for Holly. I don’t mind her being in Paris right now and I enjoyed her scene with Chad, but I think she should have stayed in Salem for a little while longer and continued to plot against Brady. Holly projecting her anger about Eric onto Brady was one of the best dynamics of this storyline. 

And I know that Tate/Holly are supposed to be the main couple, but I’m still liking Tate/Sophia lol

And even though, I’m not liking the storyline or how it came to be, I am a little interested in seeing what’s gonna happen now that Chad is married to NotAbigail.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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One quibble from today:  this is not Lost, so there's no need for a “not Penny's boat” moment.  Unless Kayla's text plan charges by the word, she could've written, “reran the DNA, confirmed that is not Abby”, and sent a pic of the results.  Brevity is as unnecessary as the number of trans-Atlantic phone calls between the Greene siblings.  I swear at this point F-Abby has spoken to Mark more than Chad!

Also, text messages still go in the deleted file on the iPhone, and how will she explain Chad's phone password is the one thing that she recalls?

On a positive, Fiona finally got the monologue she deserved.

I totally agree that Sophia is a better partner for Tate, although there is no conflict in the relationship, and we all know that cannot sustain on a soap.

I don't get why Xander can't tell EJ about Rolf.  Surely he would be empathic to the man who brought him back from the dead?



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Today was excellent. Tate is now really working for me, but I much prefer him with Sophia. I feel like Holly needs an older bad boy to temper her annoying personality a bit. I have really liked the teens inclusion in the hit and run story.

Brady and Fiona were so good today. Serena Scott Thomas sure got stuck with a loathsome character. Her body language today was spot on. She was alternating between self pity and self loathing. I am glad they gave these characters some time to talk out what went down.

Loved Holly calling out Fabby on her most recent lie. Of course Chad will still buy whatever excuse she comes up with. I assume the marriage is not legal because she married under a false name and identity.

Paul Telfer was MVP today. His face, his acting. He showed so much sorrow today, and how awful for her to have to face that he was right all along about his vile mother. And that the person he loves above all others was her latest victim in a lifetime of selfish behaviour. Say what you like about Xander's past, but he again acknowledged today that he is a creation of Fiona, and has been as awful as her. I can't believe they still had to talk EJ into letting Brady go.

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That sounds good too. 

I wish they had kept Tate messier though, especially now, after everything he just went through with his parents.

Him being messy all on his own could be another reason why Sophia’s parents reject him. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The cliffhanger was ok, but it wasn’t what I was expecting. Today was such a short episode that I think they could have dragged out the Chad/Mark/NotAbigail scenes a lot longer and given us the cliffhanger that we were all expecting. 

I’m glad Days remembered the Tate/Aaron friendship today though. As subpar as the actor is, I still like the character of Aaron, and how sweet and nerdy he is. But I also wouldn’t have a problem with him turning out to have lied to Tate and start trying to cause problems for him and Sophia.

Btw, is Ava gonna be Sophia’s new confidant now? I don’t mind it. If Sophia’s gonna be sticking around, I like that they’re trying to let her interact with other characters, outside of the teen group. 

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