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DAYS: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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I think you're misreading the way that played out. Gabi was verbally seducing EJ in the living room. Then they cut away to other stories and picked up with them in the bedroom. EJ had gone upstairs with her. She was the aggressor, but she didn't "nearly rape him." He made an offscreen decision to go up to the bedroom with her. They made it a "reveal" instead of showing the decision-making moment play out in order to end the week on a shocking cliffhanger rather than a scene that simply showed the culmination of an already-made decision.

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If you say so, then maybe so, but, honestly it just doesn't sound like what i saw. I did not mean anything negative or accusatory toward or about Gabi. I simply saw her as the aggressor & he in the more typical female passive role. And, I thought this morning when he talked about the pain he is in all the time that it more than gave a reason that things had to go that way. 

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My point was that it isn't "nearly rape" if both partners consented and there was no coercion. It was a consensual encounter in which one partner took the more dominant/aggressive role and the conversation that displayed consent took place offscreen. "Nearly rape" would be if Gabi had almost assaulted him but the encounter was stopped before anything actually took place.

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So sorry. Probably old outdated language. I struggled to find words. Obviously, I failed. 

Look, I don't want to go on & on about this. I am describing what I saw on screen. You are talking about things that you assume happened off screen. As far as I can see that is the only difference but it is quite a difference. However, I am clear that no rape occurred. 

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I was thinking that this is bothering too many people. So I decided to change it.  Gabi was sexually aggressive. At first EJ pulled back. His reluctance comes from we know not what. But as things are often going to happen  they proceeded to make love. This is much better than being right. And now good night.

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I was a few episodes behind, but I caught back up.

For some reason it seems natural that Tate overheard Kim/Theresa talking about Eric killing Daniel.   I could be wrong, but I got the impression Kim/Eric are quite close (even with Kim being mostly off screen).  They were in JA's Eric's time.

What was interesting to me is that Nicole told Holly the driver that killed Daniel was dead.  I was thinking it was more of a lie of omission by not telling Holly, but she was actively covering for Eric.

I agree with @AbcNbc247 that the show just took Fiona too far too fast.  I was still thinking she was guilty about her mistake, but now she's going to try to kill Sarah.  I like, or at least am intrigued by Fiona.  I don't want her to burn out too quickly.

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It seems like another character with wasted potential.

Idk what kind of contract they offered Serena Scott Thomas, but if this storyline is over and done with in and Fiona’s gone in a few months from now, it’s almost like this would have been all for nothing. 

If the contract is the issue, they should’ve just kept her recurring. 

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At this moment I just learned Fiona was Kristen Scott Thomas's sister lol.  They look alike, so duh, but I didn't know the actress's name until now.

Anyhow, there was a lot more to tell with the Victor story alone.  The show moved way too quickly into making her a villain.  I am not sure why the show didn't wait to play out the Xander paternity story and then move into the Sarah story.  It does seem so wasted, but maybe she'll stay on longer.

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