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GH: Actress Confirms Exit Following Last Scenes

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No we are fans and I for one am part of the LGBTQIA Community. I want to see characters that rep me on GH. FV has cut LGBTQIA roles before when ratings dive cause he blames it on these characters. He has done it before, got backlash and did it again. FV never learns and I for one am sick of this [!@#$%^&*]. 

Edited by John
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Pretty much anytime any exec destroys something rare & beautiful & representing one or more minorities, you can count on harsh words being said. I would think that would be obvious, but if not, here's a hand up. 

Kraze was very popular on Twi/X, on my forum, on YouTube & on Spotify. There are people who post here who did not post about Kraze here although they did post about Kraze other places. 

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Kristina and Blaze is not Kish, lol. Let's just be clear. Both actors on OLTL were very talented, the couple was very popular, whereas Lopez was a dayplayer who got a come-up and had good and bad days. And Kish dominated a huge portion of OLTL for 2009-early 2010 and gave us the first gay love scene on daytime. I think it's awful that Frank has once again shivved the gays, but these stories and couples were not created equal.

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Sorry, I'm not aware of ever being too passionate. Especially when it comes to my soaps. And, honestly, why wouldn't I be? I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community & I want to see us up on our screens. Perhaps you do not know this but there's a long ample history of these people always getting short shrift. For unrelated individuals who say they don't care to deem crap decisions like this one as "okay" is baffling to say the least. Do you not want your shows to be forward-thinking?

For the record, I have not called Frank a bigot, although his point of view about Natalia, is exceedingly difficult to understand. Natalia, a rude abrasive, homophobic bigot, clearly unable to read a room or get with the program, with an actress saying in interviews that her character is not homophobic. Stop me if you have some explanation for Frank when it comes to this truly appalling character!!! 

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I am quite familiar with "these people" Contessa, thank you very much for your concern. And I think you are getting way too "passionate" every time someone expresses a different opinion. Not passionate like the times you posted 100 25-page posts every single day, but in a different way.  

PS: Who are the unrelated individuals?

Edited by Sapounopera
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My personal golden rule of posting is "agree to disagree". Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much room for that here today. There are people who are upset about these recent events but there are some people who are not. And, that's just the way things go. But they do seem to possibly minimize or trivialize something like this. You know, to them it's just not a big deal but to a lot of us, it is. If you see a way around that, my ears, eyes & mind are always open. 

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To me, just as a bystander, this is sending a vile message. I don't care how many fans this couple or character had...(it's strange to me that people are counting them, but whatever...) the message that the homophobe mother stays, while the gay character/half of a gay couple... is exiting, is, to me, a premonition of scary times to come. It just feels off. And I would second what @Liberty City mentioned - Jacqueline Lopez said she didn't see it coming. 

And people should really LET others have different opinions on this forum. Just because you don't see something, that doesn't mean others don't. 

If I was a fan of this couple and that happened, I would be upset, 100 percent upset. If we didn't care why would we even spend time on boards discussing things. We care, we are passionate, and that's okay. 


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I’m guessing it’s possible that Frank is repeating what he did on OLTL, but now that I’m thinking about it, if that’s the case, then why wasn’t Parry Shen immediately sent packing after Brad constantly sexually harassed Michael, the rape victim? 

Not disagreeing with anybody, just a thought. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The gay storyline on GH was B/C material at best in that era, and in those years Frank and Ron were still riding high and fairly untouchable. Brad in particular started as a bit player in that story, he was not a more prominent character til later.

Edited by Vee
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Exactly. I am not a Frank apologist and I certainly hope that he brings on a new female partner for Kristina as opposed to throwing her back with men. He has made a ton of mistakes with these stories in his career, I just happen to think firing this actress is not one of them. 

I am all about lgbt representation on the soaps, I am gay and want lots of it. I still remember being a young closeted teenager and being so impacted by Bianca’s coming out story. But I also want good, strong actors in entertaining stories while I’m watching my shows as well. Representation for representation sake does nobody any favors.  My boss is a 55 year old lesbian who LOVES Kristina and, when I told her about this exit, responded with “oh well, I didn’t really care for her”.

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