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B&B: July 2024 Discussion Thread

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OMG...this show is just so...BAD.

So, Thomas spends a few episodes talking about how in love he is with Paris, etc. only to propose to Hope AGAIN while Paris is outside the house. Why Hope would be there at this party to begin with is a whole other bizarre question to ask. WTH? This is what's soooo soooo wrong with this show. Everything is just...pointless. There are no lasting ramifications to ANYTHING.

For this story to have worked on some level, Thomas really needed to be in love with Paris and steadfast about this. He should truly be torn and not just toss Paris aside the moment Hope looks all interested again. Instead, Paris, who's wooden as all get out, is just used as a prop for the show to drag out to look like it's diverse. The same way they bring out Carter and do nothing with him at all or turn Zende into a rapist. This show can not and refuses to make characters of color three dimensional. They're just shoehorned into random stories and then dropped like a hot potato. They really had a chance with the Avants and for some unknown reason let them all fade away.

LSV is THE hottest man on the show with amazing presence, and what do they do with him? Nada! Nothing since Quinn and those two were the hottest thing the show had in years but they dropped the ball yet again. Is he still dating Katie? Who the hell knows? Do we care? No? But, we're reminded that he can officiate weddings and is "like family."

They ruined the character of Zende...for what? They could have built a true rivalry between Zende and RJ and a love triangle with Luna in the middle and introduce another young female troublemaker character to round it out. But, that insane "mints" story ruined all of that potential. I feel like they introduce stories that could be compelling at times, but the follow through is just awful.

Then, we get a homeless guy murdered with random people we haven't seen in forever popping up to be "suspects." What's the point of that? Why is the audience supposed to care?

I'm just hate watching the show at this point when I tune in on occasion. There are some great actors on this show, and they deserve SOOOOOOO much better. The underuse of KKL is criminal.

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I have no idea, but seeing even more videos of that event... People in Italy sure love Bold and KKL, they are reacting like it's Michael Jackson or Madonna. I love it. Italians LOVE Bold. I remember one time I hooked up with an italian guy and one thing we had in common was that he knew Bold. 

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I'm not defending this show, because I think it's total crap, but I think Thomas asking Hope to marry him is a fake-out. He's calling her bluff because he KNOWS she's again -- stupidly and illogically -- going to say no.

All this does is make "heroine" Hope look even dumber and more ridiculous. And yes, Paris is wooden to the max. There's nothing natural about her acting or the way she interacts with Thomas. It's painful to watch.


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What is going on with this DRIVEL... Brooke became co-CEO nearly 2 weeks ago and NOTHING... NOOOOTHING. And now we have to watch this stupid Tom murder fiasco... and THOMAS AND HOPE.

Count me OUT. 


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I posted that yesterday, and I was right. It's typical BOLD writing -- stupid and worthless.

I wish someone could give me ANY defense or explanation for Hope's refusal to marry Thomas even though she "wants to be with him." In what universe does this make any sense?

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