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All I’m going to say is bold ratings increased when they put Scott Jacqui and Kim front and center 2012. The triangle was badly written. But initially it brought life back into the show 

Because people were tired of the same stories centering around bridge/stephanie/taylor. It got old and stale.

Steffy is the star of the show. Fans are very engaged with her and Hope. They are not the problem. The writing is. I agree that Liam is stale because the character has always needed Steffy and Hope to carry him.

Anyways Steffy and Hope aren’t younger anymore. But it makes sense the show centers around them. I agree soaps (except gh) doesn’t have a strong younger set. But I blame the acting and writing. They js need to cast better. But they are important. 

soaps ratings have been at their peaked with 30s to 40 year olds leading. It has been proven.I’m not saying there shouldn’t be balance. But I disagree with the sentiment that the younger set is the problem. And I do think vets should take a backseat. It’s a problem i have with Yr. Nikki’s is going through a drinking crisis how many times now?

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One reason I think so many characters act the same age is because of SORAS, which wreaks havoc with the ages for multiple characters. Days is especially bad at this. It's hard sometimes to remember which characters are supposed to be contemporaries because they've all been aged differently and with different speed. 

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Bold doesn't have a star of the show ever since Susan Flannery left. Sorry, but that's the reality. If you look around the boards, you will find that most characters right now are more or less NOT liked and annoying viewers as hell - including your favorite - Steffy.

I also don't understand how anything of what you wrote proves your thesis that older characters shouldn't be leading story. Nobody is saying that 30 to 40 year olds shouldn't be leading, but this is not what you said, was it? You said that older character shouldn't be leading storylines. When they should - not always, nobody says that, but THEY should when the time and storyline is right. It's incredibly ageist in my opinion to say otherwise. 

And I'm sorry, but no matter how you spin the ratings after Hope/Liam/Steffy began, I know for a fact that countries around the world stopped airing Bold after one or two years of this unbearably boring triangle. I wonder why that was? And nobody is saying this is because the characters were young - my opinion is that people hated this generic copy/paste of the original triangle that nobody wanted to see for the 198289th time. Bradley didn't write it in any different way - he just made Hope into Caroline/Taylor, Steffy into Brooke and Liam - the most basic male character there is. And I haven't seen this GREAT ratings bump you are talking about. What I'm seeing is that after 1-2 years of an increase, the ratings have continuously declined. How do you explain that? 

Anyways, I wanted to talk more about the issue of older character leading, but seeing how every time the facts are repeated, there is a derailment and shifting the focus, I don't know what else to say. Except that older characters are very very important to soap operas, and history of the genre has proven that hundreds of times. People over 50 or 60 are most interesting to me and to a lot of other viewers and we crave storylines where there is maturity and level of experience in the characters. That's all. I respectfully disagree with the ageist statement that older characters shouldn't lead in soap operas. 



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The problem with soaps today is that they lack the ability to write new characters in a manner that builds audience investment.

I really don't see Steffy as the star of the show. She could be an interesting character independent of the repetitive writing, but that has yet to be accomplished. 

Yes, nothing lasts forever. After a certain point people are tired of seeing the same characters go through the same problems repeatedly, so it may be time to bring in new blood. However, after being invested in people like Victor and Nikki or Brooke for over 30 years, it's going to be hard to watch the show without them there.

Soap writers need to learn to pen for mature characters. On the one hand you have shows like Y&R/B&B that embraces them but keeps them in the same boring stories and does not develop a younger generation of characters. Then you have the ABC soaps who back burner the vets. A good medium is Marland era ATWT. A Multi generational show that has storylines relevant to each age group. 

Agreed, let Bill give Victor and Jack a challenge or make Brad alive again. Send Heater Tom back to Y&R as Victoria and send Liam back to GH.  Purge the rest.

Edited by Planet Soap
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The ratings during the 2012-2016 years were the highest it was in years.  And this era was anchored by the younger set. Steffy Hope Liam the avants, Caroline, Rick, with a side of Bill Katie Brooke Ridge Quinn were the focus. I’m not twisting anything. Is a fact. Here’s a link. I can’t speak for other countries but ik in Us. The Hope Liam Steffy triangle increased ratings. And also brought light to social media engament.


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Steffy is the star of the show. Since 2011 the actress has received constant fan awards. Emmys. And the character has the most vocal fandom on social media. She is Bold and the Beautiful. Not to mention the character page  has the largest following on FB. Compared to the others. I’m not saying she’s as iconic as Stephanie or even Brooke. But she’s been the anchor of the show for years now. If Kim Matula was still on. It would be Jacqui and Kim anchoring the show.

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I didn't want to engage anymore... but I find it fascinating how... once again you didn't answer the question I asked - Why older characters should not lead in soaps? You said this yesterday and left no arguments to why. I gave you mine in the contrary. I am still listening and waiting to hear why you think older characters have no business leading soaps. Please explain this statement to me.  

It's funny to me how you chose to skip the issue I was commenting on and prefer to compare fan bases and facebook page likes. Is it so important to you for us to agree that Steffy is the star of the show? What are the criteria for a star of the show?

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Is it what you just described? Fan awards (), Emmys and facebook pages... and online engagement? Who chose this criteria? You? Then you should probably rephrase your statement to - Steffy is MY star of the show and I will receive it with no issue. Don't get me wrong, I have grown to like and respect JMW as an actress, this has nothing to do with her.  

I really don't know what else can I say. If it makes you feel good to believe all the things you are writing (especially that older character should not be leading soaps) - I guess... I'm happy for you. 



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Let me repeat... did I read correctly...Now... you say that older characters should not lead soaps, because writers don't have the intelligence to write for them? So in your logic - less intelligent writer means - can only write younger characters? You do realize that Bradley Bell is 60 years old, right? How is it that it's going to be easier for him to write about youngsters, when he is 60 himself? I am struggling with finding logic. Bad writer equals bad writing. No matter what the age of the characters. You are now trying to find an excuse for your statement, but it still falls flat.

I will phrase this like this - If a writer is intelligent (in your perception), should older character be leading in a show then? If you say yes (which you basically did), then your whole argument completely falls. Which was that older characters should not be leading soaps. 

So, I am tired of going in circles. I think even the Pope heard about my stance on this today. I hope you realize how contradictory and unsubstantiated your statements are. And I'm saying this with every drop of respect I can gather after you uttered that ageist remark yesterday. Know that you are going to be old one day and you would love to see people your age too... on the screen. Older characters are irreplaceable. They are part of our lives and part of soap operas. 

The end. 


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Obviously Younger characters are more active characters and receive more stereotypical common plots (which they recycle for older characters). You know this.

if these writers aren’t creative enough to give older characters age appropriate stories. I don’t want to see them driving stories. That the younger set should be driving. Period. And regardless. The 30s-40s set. Should be the focus and priority of the soaps. They are the future.

there is a reason B&b has a more passionate intense fandom compared to Yr. Despite the awful writing. Steffy fans, with an edge of Hope fans. Keep this shows social media presence alive.

and taken accolades, mainstream coverage, fan engagement, reaction, following into consideration. Steffy/Jacqui is very much the star of the show. We are in streaming era. Media presence in very important. In keep these shows relevant and alive.
I thought this was common knowledge? That she’s pretty much the shows IT girl. And has been for years. The actress literally has more Ig followers than every other soap star. It speaks for itself. 

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The thing that concerns me in this topic is the blatant ageism. I think ageism is as bad, possibly worse than some, as any other bias-based philosophy or argument. And, I do not think that a case can be made for more success or ratings in general with discriminating based on age as a basis. 

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