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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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THe show sounds good today....*hold me I'm skeered*

Cause ya know that doesn't happen that often that I say that.

Of course I'm going by recaps only.

Most of the time I read recaps and get excited that TQ had a good day,and I'm disappointed.

She's on tomorrow too based on previews.

MinervaFan for years and years I had tapes of Tracy from her second GH stint 89-93,AND her stint in late 96 on GH and then straight to The City, but I have moved about thirteen times in as many years,and those boxes of tapes just got to be too much to move around with me. So I eventually through them all out,and NOW boy am I ever kicking myself.

So I can't help you there.....I can see if Dave(a huge TQ fan who posts on SB) might have any tapes,at one point he said he had a friend that was going to hook him up with some so I need to find out if he ever got them.

As far as Tracy/Jacob....they were accused by one of Tracy's creditors as being lovers ( I believe the man referred to Jacob as her "dredlocked" lover...:o) )

And they kind of laughed about it but you could tell they were freaked out,LOL.

I don't know...I liked them as friends.

If I brought him on GH it'd be just a good,warm friendship.

Tracy doesn't really have any of those,and everyone needs a few.

That's why I liked Zoey so much,as well.

Darnell WAS really buff on that show,though. And the dreds?


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Okay if you haven't seen today's show yet, you may not want to read on









I started out extremely disappointed with today's episode. I was listening to the chat between Tracy and Robert at the beginning, and I was thinking 'what the heck is up with this filler cr**?!?!' But, I have to tell you, I was 1000% wrong!!!!! I ended up thinking today was amazing!! It was as if the writers were peeking in here or reading our minds or something. I thought Robert's description of Tracy was dead on!!!! (I am away from my Tivo, so can't rewind and quote directly -- but basically he said she was independent and lacked sensitivity and would do what it takes to get what she wanted, but that she genuinely cared about Luke and therefore cared about Lulu. There is more I liked in his description, but I can't remember). Anyway, Robert's description of Tracy was something I would write -- or something someone in here would write. And then came the part when Tracy compared herself to LuLu. She said she was a lot like LuLu at her age --that they were both were eager to attract the attentions of absent/distant fathers. I may be mistaken, but I believe MinervaFan (or someone else) said exactly that just a short time back.

Anyway, I clicked off the TV feeling quite hopeful that at least the writers know the same Tracy I know.. and that is a good thing for now!!

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Well, the Tracy parts are good... the rest is...pure torture. ;D

(Here be spoiler monsters for today's ep...)\





Hair is lovely. Still with the bit of a curl and the auburn color, which I think is very flattering. Good makeup too. Wardrobe still provided by Chao Ming's Exotic curtain emporium, but the colors go nicely with the new hair color and the makeup, so it's okay.

I LOVED her reaction to finding Dillon and Lulu together. So perfect. Just disgusted...as am I, but concerned for not only Dillon's spikey little complacent head, but for Lulu's as well. And our girl finally did what no one has had the sense to do for years, and put a damned lock on the boathouse. If she'd only have done that years ago, we would have been spared all of the horrible boathouse sex scenes of recent years. But OMG! I just want to smack Dillon's stupid, oversexed, smug, complacent little hyperactive face. Lulu's as well, but geez, Dillon acts like he didn't do anything wrong. Sleeping with your virgin stepsister while you're still married to get back at your wife...I mean, that's Jerry Springer territory.

Prepare to love Robert. Screw Luke. If he doesn't want to hang around, RACY ALL THE WAY! I loved their scenes today. Robert is still bumbling, embarassing, Inspector Gadget Robert, but at least the two are entertaining together. And he rightfully wanted nothing to do with it, which is good....because why would he? But our girl changes his mind, and watch the look on her face at the moment he does change his mind. Cracks. Me. Up. This face must be made into animated icon form. And what he said to Lulu about Tracy...seriously, I think we may have to build a damn shrine to the man....or possibly the one good writer who was on dialogue duty for that scene today. I mean, the rest of the show SUCKED, but it was worth it for that little insight as to what Robert thinks of Tracy.


Edited to wave at LaineyBev714...great minds thing alike!

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I think we're all in agreement that today's episode was really great for Tracy and Robert. Yeah, he was a little bumbling, but got the job done. I love his description of her--complicated. As someone who is on prompt 18 of a 100-story exploration of The Divine Ms. Q, I think that is the most concise and perfect description of her ever used.

I also think we should put together a fund for whoever wrote the last few scenes Tracy's had, because they are teh sheet and must be revered.

As must Jane Elliot, who is the queen of all things subtle and beautiful. Her scenes today were glorious--no screeching, OTT, cartoonish "DAMN YOU LUKE SPENSAHHHHHH" moments, no Cruella da Ville hand rubbing and evil looks--just honest, true, complicated Tracy. She gets it, on some level, what these two kids are doing and why. She remembers what it was to be like Lulu, and she has compassion (boy, she must ADORE that boy) for her clueless idiot of a son.

But she's also determined to do what's right. She sets limits, gives her reasons, lets them say their peace, but still does the right thing.

I'm so frackin' SICK of all these people who trash Tracy as a bad mother. She's a damned good mother. She loves her son, and she kicks his ass when need be. She shows him more affection than she ever got from her parents (don't GET me started on Saint Lila Quartermaine) She gives it to Ned, too, when he lets her, although so much has gone under the bridge with them that they may never have the kind of relationship I think they both crave.

OTOH, did anybody LTAO when Dillon and Lulu began laughing at her threats? Fey was at the computer when that scene came on and she stopped what she was doing, turned around, folded her arms, and said to the Dillon on screen, "Boy, talk to your brother Ned if you think your mama is joking." They are such CUTE morons, aren't they?

Smirks, I am SO glad you're posting again. Your fluency in the delicate language of snark is greatly appreciated by all.

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I loved how Robert talked Tracy up to Lulu today. And I love how Tracy talked to Dillon today. There were definite LOL mom ents.

Tracy: Sweetheart

(long pause)

Dillon: Yes?


I especially loved when Tracy said she saw Lulu in herself, especially the Daddy relationshiop. SQUEE.

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Finally after sending Each of the writer's 5 bucks a week every week, and sacrificing My MacDonald's happy meals Finally I know that they have received my money and My notes of anguish at the lack of JE on the screens. :P Just kidding.

I'm kinda upset that they paired Lulu and Dillon it seems kind of weird, even without Tracy being married to Luke that still is his step cousin and is incest ;) . I just hope that when Luke comes back he will be a real father to lulu.

Hey About the show can I add Amy sedaris from strangers with candy and Stephanie Beacham from dynasty

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Mothers and Sons and Lila and Tracy


I know this is appropos to nothing, but after reading all those transcripts from The City, Dillon's behavior and attitude towards Tracy just makes me so mad. I mean, grrrrrr!

I am not painting Tracy out as a victim, here. But there was this scene, when she's sending little Dillon off to bed as she's preparing to go off and marry Gino Solieto where she says something to the effect of, "I love you. I'm doing this all for you." And I just think of this spoiled, arrogant, annoying, snot-nosed kid who couldn't survive five months living over Kelly's, and how much his mother was willing to go through to keep him with her, to keep him from Edward's clutches, and mostly--to keep him from knowing how dire their situation was. I think of the scenes where Edward and (damn her!) Lila would call Dillon and Tracy would run to the phone, hoping to talk to them, only to hear a dial-tone when she got the phone. How many times in that short six-month run they showed her crying, not crocodile tears for the audience, but by herself, when she thought nobody was looking.

How many times she asked him--who's your best girl? Who's my best guy? How she promised him, no matter what, no matter who she married, he would always be her best guy.

It just occurred to me that Tracy might actually consider divorcing Luke if Dillon is really in love with Lulu, to give him a chance. I doubt she'd do it, because she knows how fragile and fleeting love is, but I can see her considering it. Seriously.

I just get so mad when Lila (who is held up as the parragon of motherhood, but never really had to suffer a day in her adult life) can get away with letting Edward treat his daughter that way (and actually participated in the shut-out during The City years), but Tracy, who has sacrified everything from her money to her pride to her freedom, who was willing to risk marrying a repulsive killer to keep Dillon (and herself, yeah...) from poverty, is hailed as the mother from hell.

Yeah, she did awful things to him later. She manipulated (everybody here who has never been manipulated by your mother, please raise your hand. Bueller? Bueller?), lied, used him, did horrible things to his girlfriend...but in the end, in her mind, everything she did was for his own damned good. She used him to take over ELQ in order to ensure his inheritance and his fortune (and considering how many times Tracy couldn't cover the price of a martini, that's a serious concern). She tried to destroy his relationship with Georgie because she thought (rightly so) that neither of them was strong enough or mature enough for a relationship (yeah, and that Georgie wasn't good enough for him).

Yeah, Tracy is not a perfect mother. Sometimes she's not even a good mother. But she damn sure loves her sons. Lila, who is sweet and gentle and lovely, allowed her daughter to become destitute, to marry herself off to the highest bidder--several times, actually, since Edward refused to give Tracy money unless she was married--Lila is considered a great mother. But Tracy, who is never sweet and rarely gentle and hardly ever even nice, sacrificed everything for her kids--including their love and affection.

I think I'd prefer Tracy to Lila as my mom.

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I enjoyed the show yesterday,at least the Tracy/Dillon/Robert/Lulu parts.

And brilliant minds think alike,LOL...because I'm pretty much in agreement with what everyone said.

coolkid if I would have known all it took was five bucks a week,I might have chipped in. LOL And Amy Sedaris? Love her.

Dillon's behavior towards Tracy makes me mad sometimes too....but it's not like it's unwarranted or unprovoked,although Dillon IS sometimes obnoxious to Tracy for no apparent reason,or MORE obnoxious than her words and actions warrant.

I have thought the same thing,that Tracy would let Luke go if it came down to it,I thought the same thing as I was watching,that this is one of the reasons Tracy is asking him this.


I think Tracy has good "intentions" which keeps her from being a horrible mother in my book.

However the execution of those intentions also counts,and more often than not,Tracy screws up.

I can see how that would mark her as a bad mom in Dillon's eyes and most of the viewers,but the fact that she TRIES only makes me love her more.

And WORD to the scenes where Tracy would go to the phone and Edward or Lila had hung up.


She should be on today,too. :)

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Haven't watched yet,still at work,going on recaps only but she's on today.

Doesn't sound like as much airtime as yesterday,though.

Still her part today seems like it might be good to watch.

I wish Dillon weren't too old to spank,LOL.

He's on my list,he's being soooo bad.

spoiler/spec talk

I think/thought Lulu was supposed to confess to Tracy and that Tracy gives her advice,I think Wizard spoiled that...but we shall see.

I like the idea of that and want to see how it plays out,plus it always means more airtime for JE which is good.

Of course spoilers have Lulu going to Carly for advice too....so I wonder how it'll all go down.

GOsh it's dead in here......where is everyone???

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I didn't want to reply until I saw the whole thing. Missed the first third of the show today, because apparently my clock is 15 minutes slow....Grr.

Not a lot of Tracy goodness quantity-wise, but it's always high quality. From what I gather, there are three segments, maybe 4 if they got a quick scene in before the opening credits. Dillon is a pig. Really, that's all I've got to say about him. Just, such an an ass, and he's really lucky that he has a mother who cares for him enough to want to hear about how he really feels, and cares enough to want what's best for him, even if it's something she doesn't necessarily want for him.

There's another scene with Robert today, where she tracks him down afterward outside of Kelly's to see how it went. Oh, should mention that Kelly's is closed and Georgie and Diego are out on a date, inside. Great reaction to that, by the way. Lots of people hanging out outside Kelly's after it closes... I thought that was pretty contrived and stupid, but whatever. You'll see. Robert seems very intruigued with the wisdom of 'Sparky'. It's nice having one person around who doesn't dismiss and trash Tracy before she opens her mouth. No agenda either. I'm digging it.

Seems like no teen set tomorrow, and no teen set means no Tracy. :(

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Smirks, did it feel to you that there was a final scene missing from the show--a follow-up to the Tracy-Robert scene? It felt, at least to the writer in me, that they were leading to another conversation betweent them, and just dropped it. Oh, well, I just happen to have a new prompt waiting, and wow! That "missing scene" fits the prompt perfectly. (Go figure....) So I think my next 100 Situations piece is going to be Tracy and Robert.

BTW, totally still on that The City thing, because well--it had lots of Tracy and I am Tracy's !@#$%^&*]..... I have a question for anybody who actually watched the show about Pamela, the hooker Tracy hired to consummate her marriage with Gino. In the archives, they say Tracy helped this girl get out of hooking and into interior design (I'd actually read that somewhere else, too).

My question is simple--how on Earth would Tracy ever be in a position to know a NYC hooker, much less help rehabilitate her? Did they go into that, or was that just one of those soap things they do? If not, does anybody have any speculation? Because that is a pretty amazing thing to do, to help someone out of prostitution and into a legitimate career...not really something you'd expect from the stereotypical image of Tracy Quartermaine. I wonder if there are other people out there Tracy has helped and nobody knows about?

ETA: Oooh, we're on page 99!!! I hear the siren's song of the breadmaker in the near future....now, let's not everybody start posting frenetically in the hopes of getting the first post on page 100!!!!! :)

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Wow it's dead in here.

I miss Ms.Q. :(

Hope she's having fun.

About Robert/Tracy yesterday.......I'm sure offscreen they did talk about other things. LOL

But are they going to waste precious time showing more conversation between Robert and Tracy?


It's funny that you mention The City and Pam the hooker...because yesterday on the LP on SZ someone had what I call an "aha!" moment about Tracy when she told Robert she was trying to avoid a scandal in the family,and I replied that Tracy usually does have more than one reason for doing something. This person thought it was Tracy's "real" motivation for getting involved,that she didn't really care about Lulu and that the "scandal" was why she was interfering at all.

After I watched,though.....my interpretation of it was that Tracy didn't bring up the family and the scandal,until Robert accused her of being a romantic. I think she used the family as her "shield",or excuse,to keep her wall up so that she wouldn't have to admit she cares about Lulu.

She can say something like that to Dillon because she knows he might not take her seriously anyway.

But to anyone else,I think she'd deny it or hide it.

Does that make any sense?


About the Pam thing....it was just one of those soap things, I guess. I found it a nice surprise,but knowing Tracy the way I do,I still think it was in character because underneath it all Tracy has a soft spot,and she expresses it sometimes(like with her concern over Lulu) in the most surprising but touching ways.

I think Tracy's exiles...and having to scratch,bite and claw her way through life......give her a perspective the rest of the Q's(except for maybe AJ) have no clue about.

Just one of the many reasons I love her.

Can't wait for that missing scene, by the way.

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I agree--which makes the story I'm going to write much harder. There are things I want her to say, but I don't think Tracy IC would say to Robert. I guess I'm going to have to fall back on the old Homer Trick--think one thing, say another thing, hope to all heck that you don't mix them up.

Great line from The City:

Alex: They have a word for women who go to bed with men for money.

Tracy: Wealthy!

But seriously, my guess is that TQ has felt like a bit of a whore now and then, given what she's had to do to get money. She married Gino for his money, yes, but if you want to look further back--

*Edward would not let her have any money after she divorced Larry unless she was married. So she forced Mitch Williams to marry her, even though he was not really interested.

*Edward gave her two million dollars after the Fake Heart Attack, but she could only use it on her husband's campaign (i.e., stay married).

Tracy has whored herself out for money in that most subtle and damaging way women have--she married for it, stayed married for it, took a hell of a lot of crap for it. So, yeah, I could see her having a soft spot for someone who had to take the grittier route....and helping if she could. I think that's why Tracy has a soft spot for Lulu--Lulu has nothing to fall back on, no trust fund, no mother, nothing. If she gets lost, Lulu could fall on very bad times, and I think Tracy doesn't want to see that happen. It's funny watching her discuss this issue--Dillon's "my irresponsible son," but Lulu is treated much more gently. I'm still stunned she admitted that bit about "the uncaring father" to Dillon....but I loved it anyway.

BTW, if somebody has them, would you be willing to post the clips from yesterday's and Monday's episodes? I didn't get it on our tape and had to borrow my MIL's. Thanks.

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