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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I will have to rely on everyone's vivid details about what is happening and what will happen, because right now at home I have neither internet or cable-trying to pay off some of these medical and other bills...speeding ticket, blah blah blah...so it's kind of crunch time for me, and I can't afford non essentials right now.

And, we aren't allowed to access YouTube at work anymore, or download clips, so I might actually end up several months behind in viewing.....*grumbles*...there goes my Will Ferrell "funny or die" clip viewing, too....*mumbles*

I'm cool with it. It'll kind of be neat to catch up on everything happening all at once. At any rate, even if I had access, work is so INSANE, and I have been going out of town because of that, and going again in a few days, so I'm never home lately anyway. Which is kind of cool, but I think I gained five pounds last week from eating out.

So, much appreciation in advance for anyone providing recaps. :) You are the best.

About Laura-eh, I think some people are blowing smoke. An official anouncement would have been made by the mags before someone on SD would know about it. I don't buy that, I especially don't buy that they know about it but can't answer more specific questions.

Just wishful thinking..and if she does come back, ho-hum. I don't think it's possible to care less.

I know the LnL's want the Lunacy/Lacy camp to be shaking in their boots over that bore, but I haven't and never will.

And Genie Francis just bores me in scenes. She makes Tracy almost unwatchable for me.

I don't care one way or the other about Mayan, I am still holding out for Ethan and Brook. Shake it up and put Maya with Nikolas-and switch them. One is more the other's type, anyway.....I am looking forward to the Christmas wedding. :)

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Hugo Napier is a riot, I knew he had a good sense of humor. :) And the "very, VERY good friends" with JE explains their awesome chemistry.

So he's back into acting, huh? Hmmm. Interesting. *rubs hands together* Was this the new SOW ? I just might buy that mag (haven't bought one in YEARS).

As far as how Ethan and Maya end up married, I think I got it: Tracy and Luke are so drunk, Ethan and Maya have to be their "proxies", and end up trying to say "I do" for them, but since proxy has to be approved beforehand (doesn't it?), since Ethan and Maya probably say the vows....legally, THEY are married, not Luke and Tracy.

But, that's just a guess.

Oh, Larry Ashton/Hugo. The man is sex-ay. STILL. And he's more than old enough to be my father, but I don't care.


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