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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm wondering....is THIS their big adventure?

And if so....wow,what's Guza smoking?

I mean,really?

Cause Ms.Q..you're right...it will be over by the end of the week at this rate.

Even if there's more to it,I expect it to be over by the end of the month,or November sweeps at least.

Can I just say I love Tracy and she needs some meaty stuff to play?

One scene every three months (the Charitable Endowment scenes were the last,back in July) are not enough.

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Ah, I loved the Charitable Endowment scenes. I thought those scenes meant "Lacy" was moving forward. But 3 months later: Tracy could be killed; and Luke doesn't care?!? :rolleyes: Guess I was wrong.

Just a random question: Will we see Tracy with her family sometime in the near future? And if Tracy isn't with the entire family, which family member should she be with? Tracy/Dillon could probably use a scene...or 2...or 3...LOL...considering the teens latest SL. Although I'm fairly certain Dillon has been cleared. Or he will be after today.












Whatever happened to Luke having something that everyone...including old enemies...want? And IIRC the spoiler was worded, "Luke and Tracy JOIN Skye and Lo on a huge adventure. I haven't seen any "joining." LOL. Or any signs of an adventure for that matter. <_<

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I was thinking today about the CE scenes and others Ms.Q...my thought is,after being married five months,if TPTB were planning on moving them closer together,they'd be doing it by now.

BUT...they've actually only been onscreen together for HALF that time,since TG has been on break.

So.....are they moving at an acceptable pace considering that? Or,due to TG's breaks,should they be moving FASTER?

LOL Am I making any sense?

I guess I'm trying to feel what TIIC are thinking,what they are doing,and where logically,Lacy SHOULD be,in terms of their relationship,if they're going to be a couple.

But ultimately, I think their fate rests on whether or not TK/LW click as Lo/Carly. If they do,and RC re-signs,I'm sure Lacy will end and Skuke will be a go. At least,I'm kinda sure. :)

But,if TK/LW don't strike gold again and Skye/Lo are a go,Lacy may continue for a while.

Do we want that,is the question?

*sigh* I don't know. I know Tracy is just as deserving of love as ANY of these cretins.

About family Ms.Q....surely you jest. On Guza's GH? Not likely. About your spoiler question...maybe that's coming up. Or maybe,since I think that was a net spoiler,maybe it's not happening. But Guza in the mags stated there'd be a BIG adventure for all four of them.

But Guza also promised a return to glory for the Q's.

Go figure. :)

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Im glad that SON has seen the return of the greatest thread EVER :P LOL. Jane's thread is so hot she needs to be a sticky just to stay on the page. :D But all seriousness aside I love Tracy Q do ya think the fab five will every come back and bump this thread up? B)

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I have no idea, coolkid, but I hope so. There can never be too many Tracy/Jane fans. :)

ILoveTracyQ, ah yes, I know family on GH is a long-shot, but I am still hoping for something. LOL. And you are making sense to me. :)

My answer: Yes because it gives JE screentime when TG is on canvas and despite the ridculousness of their SL, Luke and Tracy usually entertain me...drama or no drama (although I'd REALLY appreciate it there could be *some* drama more than every 3 months, but I digress.) And no because I don't like watching Tracy be humiliated, and JE will have no SL when TG is not on canvas. Hmm...

Lots of LOL moments during today's show...

Tracy: She's not going anywhere until you give your wife -- that would be me -- some satisfaction.

Tracy: This is not good forgery.

Luke: That is exactly how he makes his A's.

Tracy "shaking"

Tracy: Life just isn't fair.

Lorenzo: You two are still married, right?

Luke: Life just isn't fair.

I also enjoyed the kiss and "take a bus." LOL.

ETA: Page 2!

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Okay my thoughts after playing "catch up" this weekend:

Monday's show: the scenes were too short but I loved how they showed Tracy as standing up for herself.

Now,I realize it was played mainly for laughs,but contrast the way Tracy acted,as opposed to how Skye acted the next day,and tell me which one is a better match with Luke.

I mean is there anything attractive about a woman who is in full capacity of her mind,just sitting and waiting on some guy to save her?

Not for me.

And I don't like the way Luke acts toward Tracy most of the time,especially considering she saved his butt more than once and he can't do the same for her.

BUT I like that she can take care of herself,and more importantly,Luke KNOWS this.

So,I guess that's a fair trade.


I liked the Luke/Tracy conversation during breakfast. Those scenes were also too short,but hey...some Tracy is better than none,right?

Thursday: I liked the kiss and the "take the bus",too.

NOW....questions,opinions....where do we see their marriage headed,and where do we WANT to see it go?

PS coolkid I read your fanfic update. Too funny!

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Hi ILoveTracyQ. IA. There weren't enough Tracy scenes and they were too short. But I will try not to complain because Jane Elliot is receiving airtime.

As of this moment, I don't see their marriage going anywhere. Same old. Same old. Luke/Skye is the story; Tracy is just there to spice things up, but she IS good at it. :lol: As for where I WANT it to go? I'd like Luke and Tracy to fall in love but hide their feelings from one another at first. And then something happens that forces them to admit their true feelings. Oh I don't know! LOL. I just want it to go somewhere...anywhere. But can Tracy please win in the end?












Any speculation on the train wreck? Will Tracy and the other Q's be involved? If so...Will they serve a purpose or will they be limited to glorified extras?

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Ms.Q what makes you think the story is Luke/Skye?

I don't know,sometimes I think the same,but Luke sure LOOKED like he was having fun last week.

As far as Tracy winning....I'd love it. There's a first time for everything,right?

I mean she's won battles before...but when it comes to the man,she's never won the war. :D

I'd love to see them have feelings too. We'll see.

And ITA...I will try not to complain. At least we get to see her.

ABout the spoilers...I hope it involves the Q's...but mostly I bet it'll be all about the Corinthii.

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Semi-long post ahead...

This is an interesting question; I'm not even sure I have an answer especially after today's scenes.* LOL. I guess it's because Luke/Skye have the romantic relationship, and the audience accepts them. That's not to say the audience wouldn't accept Luke/Tracy; I just don't see us finding out with these writers. IMO, TPTB don't consider JE a viable romantic lead for TG. Maybe he change that. Maybe not. But until Luke/Skye are broken up for more than 3 days and until Luke starts treating his wife respectfully, I don't see Tracy serving much of a purpose other than to provide angst for Luke/Skye. But then TPTB throw in something like those Charitable Endowment scenes, so who knows?

*Today's Scenes: No Tracy, but she sure was talked about.

Luke:"...We're really good together, in a convoluted, perverse kind of semi self-destructive way. I mean, that's what keeps it interesting."

Skye: "Luke, what you just described...That's what you have with Tracy. I think you even love her in your own way. I do. She keeps you busy. She makes you laugh. She fills the void. You never have to drop your guard around her, much less open your heart."

I'd almost say the writing was in Luke/Tracy's favor, but like I said earlier, Luke/Skye need to remain apart for a little while before I start seeing things differently. Oh...And for those who didn't watch, Lucky does know his father is married to Tracy. I was wondering when that would be acknowledged. Took TIIC long enough. :rolleyes: And if it was acknowledged in the past...oops. LOL.

About the spoilers...GaP say the "entire cast" will be involved. Ahem. GaP lie. So far no spoilers indicating that Tracy and the other Q's will be involved (or the teens for that matter, but I'll gladly pass on about half of them.) No Bobbie or Mac either as of yet, but that's not a surprise.

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You see,it's comments like that that make me hate the character of Skye.

It's almost like she's saying Tracy can't love or be loved.


And to keep this a mostly positive post,that's all I have to say about that.

The way I'd like to see it develop?

I'd like for the upcoming spoilers to bring them together in a more conventional husband/wife type of way.

I'd like for both of them to decide if they want it to be more,and then instead of playing games,just tell the other one.

That'd be a nice start,and way different from Luke/Skye IMO

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Hi ILoveTracyQ! Thanks for keeping this thread up with me. :) Where have all the other TQ fans gone? Regarding Skye: I was focusing on the "I think you love her...She makes you laugh..." The good stuff.

Nice to see Tracy and the other Q's today although 2 minutes is NOT enough, and they should have been involved with Brook/Dillion. But I need to stop complaining. LOL. I'm glad Tracy poured the hot water on Luke. He deserved it. But it looks like we won't be seeing Tracy for the rest of the week. WTH? Does Jane Elliot have a one day/week guarantee now? :( BTW, ILoveTracyQ, what upcoming spoilers are you referring to?

Coolkid, the "recycled wardrobe" continues. We hardly see Tracy the way it is. WHY must the wardrobe department use the same jackets over...and over...and over again? Note to self: Stop complaining. LOL.

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Okay. I haven't watched yet,so maybe the Luke/Skye convo was okay.

What did Luke do to deserve the hot water treatment? Although I trust ya,if you say he deserved it,he did.

I don't know if Tracy will be on tomorrow or Friday either but I hope she is,what makes you think she won't be?

About the jacket...I do think Jane E asked wardrobe to copy her favorite jacket and make it out of many different colors and fabrics.

I LIKE it... I know GM hates it. LOL Although I'm not too crazy about some of the colors.

Oh,I was talking about the November sweeps spoilers:


Spoiler discussion below******************






Nothing directly relating to Luke and Tracy besides the "triangle" continuing. But I thought the train spoiler,where Lucky is supposedly hurt,could bring them closer maybe.

I had heard a family member would get "shot" by a member of the Ruiz family and thought it was Bobbie.

And that this prompts Luke to help Sonny and Lo get rid of the Ruiz's.

So many spoilers are changing though that I don't know what to believe.

I have a good feeling that even though the airtime MIGHT be minimal(hey,their "big adventure" lasted less than a week),that Tracy and Luke will have some good stuff coming up,not a spoiler just spec.











END OF SPOILER POST**************************************************************

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Well you were right Ms.Q,no Tracy today.....what a shame that she's married to Luke Spencer and can't rate two strong days a week,even?


But to be fair it doesn't seem that Luke is getting a LOT of airtime even though he's been on three days.

Yesterday and today sounded minimal even for him.

I'm trying NOT to complain.


So,were Tuesday and yesterday good enough for me to watch?

If so I'll catch it on SN this weekend.

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ILoveTracyQ, Luke admitted to Tracy that he was using their marriage as a way to avoid committing himself to Skye. So basically to quote Tracy: So you hide behind our marriage, and every once in a while you poke your little nose out and satisfy your basic needs with your flame fairy, and then when things get too hot, you scamper back to me. Luke's reponse? Right... And he managed to call Tracy "virtually heartless." So I say go, Tracy, go! LOL.

Yes, TG/Luke's airtime has also been minimal; but at least he's been allowed to interact with other characters lately (Lucky, Elizabeth, Lucas). If only Tracy can have a scene that doesn't involve Luke...

As for the jacket...I don't mind it. I'm just tired of it. Time for some new ones. But I didn't know GM hated it. Did he just randomly post it one day? LOL. And GM, if you're reading, we love you!

On Tuesday, Luke/Lucky and Luke/Lucky/Elizabeth are worth watching. Skye/Luke are decent too. And you should watch Wednesday just 'cause Tracy is ON. ;)












That is some very hopeful speculation, ILoveTracyQ, and I hope it's correct. So...About this train wreck that will be BETTER than the hotel fire (which I didn't mind as much as some...but that's all because of the Tracy/Dillon/Ned hug)...Where do we think Tracy stands?

As far as we know she and the rest of the Q's are not on the train. Those not on the train (according to Guza and Pratt) will be helping the victims or going into the tunnels to rescue people. Now I love my Tracy, but unless Dillon (or Ned or Alan or even Brook, I suppose) is ON that train, I don't see Tracy voluntarily subjecting herself to disaster. So are GaP lying? Since Luke and Skye are apparently involved in the subsequent disasters, does that mean Tracy is too? Am I hoping for too much? LOL. Sorry. I'd just hate to see JE/Tracy be missing from Sweeps AGAIN.

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