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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow...I guess the LF is on its last legs these days. Hope everyone is doing well.

I guess there is not much to talk about these days. I've had the worst week of my entire life this past week and found out that having blind trust in someone is NOT always a wise idea. My world has been turned upside down in the course of a day. It sucks. But on a happy note, I lost 7 pounds in one week! Gotta look on the bright side.

Halee said that she would rather see Tracy just offscreen til Luke returns than have her have a few 30 seconds scenes the next two months that are just stupid. Guess that is true.

It just always blows my mind that they cannot find another bit of storyline to incorporate her into--especially now when the whole ethan/rebecca thing was going on. It will be strange to see the Q mansion with Edward and Monica but no Tracy in all those scenes. Ms. Q--sounds like the summer of 2005 when she went to Europe for two months. Only this time they don't even bother to give a flip enough to make an excuse why she is not around. A throw away line would even suffice! Pathetic.

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The thing with Tracy not being on means that my summer business isn't interupted by Tracy-time. Today the oldest two went away for a week to Music Camp. The Diva didn't pass her White Sail II, although she came close. She's too timid with the rudder. I'm glad they failed her and she's taking it just fine. Apparently the kids who passed the first time have parents white sail boats so they've had more experience. One of the major pitfalls with homeschooled kids is that they don't know how to deal with failure. I'm so grateful that Ru is working that out now when it doesn't really matter. She's failed music theory at Music Camp the last two years as well, so she's pretty cool about it and just works harder. I hope this year will be the charm - but the two of them are in the same class so it will be interesting.

I'm sorry to hear things are going so badly for you, Hooked. But congrats on the 7 pounds - that's a celebration in itself.

I know everyone is better occupied elsewhere. I can contribute the following information....

ILTQ is doing well. Nothing radical there.

Star's baby is growing and continues to be ahead of the curve. He's had an infection this week that put him back a bit, but he seems to be pulling though. He's big enough and strong enough now to be in an isolate (as opposed to an open warming bed) and I think they can put clothing on him now - or if not now it will be soon.

GrovyTQ has been busy with life and has just taken a break from the internet. She sends her love and promises that she will return at some point.

Funny has heard from TL. Ms.Q is on summer vacation somewhere I'd imagine. I see our Australian buddies here in the off hours regularly. MF checked in with the news that her 'puter doesn't work... Lainey travelling?

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Recaps, Monday July 13th

SOlivia tongue wrestling

Lulu, Maxie, Becks and Diane perform at Karaoke Night (Lainey, you'll love Dax)

Spin take the stage - song tomorrow

Sonny hires Dominic

JaSam hinting

Z-crazy tries to convince Jason he's innocent (yeah, right!)

Spencer kids etc. continue their bonding

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Heyyyy everyone. I just spent the weekend at my college's freshman orientation. It was rather hectic, but fun. I also find it funny that the friends I made were all guys. Go figure.

GH is seriously getting boring, although I did like the girls singing "Dontcha" (or however you spell it).

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Interesting tracy-less day....

I thought I liked both Joliva AND Clauson... but that Soliva action was.. well... uh... HOT!!!!

I found the JaSam teasing strangely appealing. I never really liked them together before today (I used to have major HATES for Sam. Not so much anymore).

And Dax... well they are just too cute!!! They need to be on more. They have a fun and fabulous chemistry.

Only thing that felt "off" to me was Spixie. I usually FLOVE them. Today they were getting on my nerves. Just hurry up and become a REAL couple already, will ya?!!


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Hi everyone...sorry I have been MIA as of late. Between work and family stuff, the boards get neglected.

I'm heading out on Thursday to FCW and I'm hoping beyond hope that JE makes an appearance at Leslie's event. Will post pix when I return. Hope all is well with you all.!

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If you have a facebook, and you go to Daytime Gives Back you can see videos of Tony at a center for abandoned children today and photos of the Feed the Children trip.

I've been watching the guy on twitter who is the producer of the daytime emmy's. So far I haven't seen anything about JE/TG but they are saying Bradford and Kirsten are presenting.


If you don't have facebook, I just found the website link


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Recaps, Wednesday July 15th

Edward on with Rebecca

Scrubs dealing with Andrea, who has convinced the Hughs family to drop the suit

ClauSon fighting - again

Jason/Johnny/Dante - very funny threesome

Spin proposed to Maxie but freaked her out and didn't give him the answer he wanted

More talking about Tracy but not seeing her

Sweet Johnny/Claudia moment

Krissy/Michael playing tennis at Q's (we just see the living room)

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I just have to laugh...

Check out this link of Daytime Gives back--you know the trip that Tony, Susan Lucci and Kelly Monaco were invited on to Africa for Feed the Children.

Guess who Tony brought as his guest! Nathan!! Um....okay. For some reason it irks me that Nathan's greasy mug is now getting publicity from all this when he wasn't invited as a daytime star. And we wonder why he is so prominent on GH???? It helps when Tony's in your corner I guess.


If you want to see the videos, click on this and click on videos and scroll down.

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Off topic: Hey all. I'm alive. Been having some excruciating tooth pain lately which has kept me off the boards. It's been over 2 years since my last tooth adventure, so I guess it was time for another. It's unfair 'cause I wanted to have a fun summer after a rough first year of teaching, but I guess on the bright side, I have an open schedule to make dental appointments. I just hope the problem can be fixed. I've done one too many internet searches and shouldn't have. I am paranoid that I am never going to be pain free! (sounds ridiculous, but I am by nature, a paranoid person...) :(

On topic: I have been watching GH on and off lately. I thought Karaoke Night was an interesting way to add some "fun" to the show. As for our girl, I don't miss Tracy too much. I'll be glad when she's on again (hopefully, with longer hair - ya know my post wouldn't have been complete without that comment ;) ), but it's not like in the past, where I would get angry when she was offscreen for like 2 months. I am so "whatever" about it now.

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hehehehe... you so don't want to hear the "other considerations" i've come up with. ;)

You're the intuitive type, Remos. Channel me for a moment.....

Yep, that's what I'm thinking!

It's true. It is! I know it!

(What's that I hear? Loud laughter coming from the direction of Houston? Hmmm)

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