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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yeah we willjus have to see how it plays out. But how do we know that Holly will leave town knowing that Luke loves Tracy? We only know she is guilty over something.

Nobody spoiled anything on the luke/holly get arrested stuff. I wonder what that is about. If they call tracy to bail luke out. Or if she is the one who has them arrested. I can see tracy trying to get Holly deported or something. That would be funny.

I'm sure Jane loved taping those scenes with Tony and Emma.

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^^^ As long as it's not Luke, I don't really care. But nice that the Nanny gets some action - she spends all her time raising the 'action' of others.

The article you had from SOW I believe, ES was saying that Holly assumed LuNacy was a marriage of convenience but when she realizes she's wrong she leaves. She can still believe it's Tracy's money that keeps Luke if only Tracy says something, but if Luke or someone else says/does something than that will send Holly the message.

The jail thing is interesting. I'm wondering what that's all about. Nice to see Mac and Alexis being brought into this story too - they also have history with Holly and Luke respectively.

What's the word on TG's vacation? Outside of the GV PA, did we actually hear when Lukey hits the road? I don't recall seeing anything.

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SOW did not say anything about Holly figuring out it was more than just a sham of a marriage. I think it was the interview with Michael Fairman that said last time holly saw luke/tracy they were bickering and a sham of a marriage of convenience. But it didn't say that she found out it was more and leaves town.

I would be that Tracy will fill her in on TH when they are fighting over Luke.

I know Lucky questions Holly about Luke on Friday. I wonder if he somehow has them arrested or Tracy does.

Sean--I agree. I think tony will at least be airing into say second week of june at least if he pre-taped some stuff. SID was the June 1st issue and no mention of him leaving. SOD that just came out with previews is week of June 1st also.

I am betting they give it another maybe two weeks after Holly leaves. I don't think he will be gone from screen more than a couple of months this time. I am trying to find out, but I am guessing he will be back taping sometime in august.

Or, he might not be leaving for very long at all. I know this story is his deal...so he may be sticking around to see how it is going ot play out for now. Or maybe he took off May and will be back for july sweeps?

I am thinking we know for sure Tracy is on TH so that will be 12 days this month. We know she is on at least one out of the four days next week. So minimum of 13 days this month out of 20. I thikn this is the best since Feb. 2007 during the MC crisis and alan's death.

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^With Tracy on 11 days in a row we are very close to break a record. She was on 14 days in a row in February 2004 during the PC Hotel Fire. but even if the record is not broken Tracy had much more quality time this time around during the fire she was just a member of a group with a few lines every day.

I believe she will have 14 or 15 episodes this month and with Luke staying June could be good too.

Right now I enjoy GH very much. I really the Michael story which includes the Qs.

Edited by SeanM
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Streak is over, no Tracy today. RECAPS, Wednesday May 20th


Vets: Luke, Holly

Kisses: n/a

Appearance: n/a

Other Stories: Michael trying to make sense of everything; Carly both overjoyed and heartbroken that Michael is awake but angry at her; Olivia and Johnny do the deed.. on the COUCH; JaSam discuss Michael; Sonny tells Michael what happened; Carly pours out her heart to Michael who pretends he's sleeping; Sonny walks in on Olivia and Johnny

Line of the Day:

Sc. 1 - no Tracy; Luke/Ethan/Holly drinking at Patrick's place and Luke flirts a little but both Luke and Ethan demand answers.

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; Patrick is trying to sort out what's going on. Ethan tells how he met Holly and she took all his money, he should have known she was looking for him. Luke asked if she came on to him and Ethan said no. Luke says that should have been his first clue. Ethan protested saying she's old enough... to be his mother, Luke finishes. Patrick then asks Luke what happened, if they slept together and Luke says yes... and it was glorious. They both thought it was the end of their lives. Holly concurs and says she didn't know if they would live or die. Luke leans in and asks why she didn't tell him she was pregnant. Holly then says who said she was? Patrick then tells them there is an easy way to deal with this, and they all look at him surprised.

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Patrick thinks Luke doesn't need Holly, just have a DNA test. Luke says they did that and Tracy rigged the results. Patrick says fine, do another... do 12 until you have the answer. Luke says no tests, it's beyond tests they have to hear the truth from Holly's rosebud lips. Ethan says he just wants to know if Holly is his mother, and if she ever gave a damn. Holly then tells Ethan that's not the point, the point is how much does Luke really want the answers. Luke asks that he has to show that by paying for it? Holly says yes, with Tracy's money. They will only know how serious Luke is about the truth if he's willing to risk his wife's displeasure by paying for the information. Luke smiles - game on.

Sc. 4 - no LuNacy

Sc. 5 - no Tracy; Luke says if she wants him to use his wife's money to buy the information, she's off her rocker. Ethan says he sees it, Holly wants Tracy so poor and broken that she will kick Luke to the curb. Holly gets up, nods her glass to Ethan and says 'smart boy'. Luke tries to further clarify that Holly wants to take Tracy's money and the two of them to ride off into the sunset. But what about the Artful Dodger. Holly asks if that's a trick question? Patrick then says they don't need a test, it's obvious they are related - they are all insane. He taps Luke on the shoulder and says "Congratulations, it's a boy" Then Patrick announces that he is going upstairs to kiss his daughter, call his wife and celebrate normal domesticity - that's something he never thought he would say. Then Patrick leaves.

Sc. 6 - no LuNacy

Sc. 7 - no Tracy; Ethan says as much as he wants to know who his parents are, he's not willing to destroy Tracy and Luke's marriage for the answers. Luke says he appreciates that Joey, now hop away because there are serious negotiations to be done. Ethan points out they aren't in Luke's house to Luke can't kick him out. Duly noted, Luke says then grabs Holly's hand to pull her out the door. Holly pulls back and says she's not going anywhere until the finances are worked out, once she has Tracy's money as her reward she will give Luke his. They both lean in for a kiss but Holly quickly pulls away and closes the door. Outside Ethan asks Luke now what? Luke says he hopes Ethan was taking notes because he just witnessed a master conwoman at the top of her game. Ethan just laughs and shakes her head, then Luke tells him to fasten his seatbelt for the ride of his life, and they both walk off excited about the game.

Edited by remos
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Thanks for the recap Remos. I wonder if Luke is now scamming tracy to pay holly the cash and sets her up knowing she will do anything to get holly gone.

This who is conning who is making my head spin. All I know for sure is that luke is definitely the dad. I'm hearing that ethan will indeed be paired with rebecca somewhat (at least this week)

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It does get a bit much, and who is the ultimate master in this large game of one upmanship? Who knows.

Some things that did come across however is that Ethan is much more protective of Tracy than Holly, that Luke has no intention of hurting Tracy in this, and that both Ethan and Luke will work together to get the best of Holly in the end.

Funny - the LnLers are saying look, Luke is kissing Holly too so how much could he really love Tracy (seriously 4 years in and you STILL won't read the memo?). Anyway for those who haven't seen it yet and are worried, I've had warmer kisses with male friends of mine in front of my husband (and no, I'm not talking about cutie-Frank or the Cub leader). There is zero interest in anything but the game, so just like the talk about the LuNacy fight was overblown yesterday, any talk about a Holly/Luke kiss will be overblown today. It's all fine.

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LOL... yeah... but the problem is I'm now one of the only voices with a different opinion now that all of you left. Today someone said I'm the only poster they've ever seen that thought Laura wasn't a viable character, and I had to respond that we were definitely travelling in different online circles, 'cause I ain't the only one.

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Thanks Hooked. Ethan was getting ready to do that today, so this spoiler doesn't surprise me in the least.

I imagine the Rebecca's secret thing will be in the conversation with Helena, so it's not like anyone else but the audience will know. But at least that's something.

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