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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay I just caught up on GH finally! I watched this week on ABC.com Pretty good qualty and full screen.

I just have to say I Loved the Luke/Tracy/Ethan. JE totally carried those scenes--loved she was like the go between and that she totally played both of them even though both of them were trying to work her!

I like the vibe of those three and I have to say that the gravy train comment didn't bother me at all. I know we like luke/tracy being happy, but honestly, I dont' need to see more mushy stuff--I like their sparring schtick. Clearly she was over her pissed offness to bail him out and say he was free to torment her now....and how he was grabbing her to leave, etc like they didn't need Ethan!

The car scene cracked me up too.

I hope we get some follow up--but these definitely had the luke/robert/tracy vibe to them to me.

I would much rather there be a third party with Ethan than someon else!

Also--even if luke/ethan are sort of pushed for a while and the dynamic between them, I like that Tracy is going to be involved somewhat in the Rebecca stuff with Monica/Edward and of couse, Tracy is the one who isn't snowed by her and takes an instant dislike or thinks she is scamming them. We all know Tracy is usually right!

Maybe I am just easy these days--but I am just happy to see her on screen. With Lulu, with Edward, with Luke, with Ethan, with whoever..patrick...I don't care.

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Wow nobody has posted all day. That is a first I think!

There was a recap of Greg Vaughn's event this weekend where he said he has some scenes coming up with Ethan/luke/tracy where luke and Tracy come down on him pretty hard and side with Ethan because of the "con".

So at least we know Luke/Tracy have some scenes coming up the week of the 9th--cause I think the lucky fist fight iwth Ethan is for the 9th. Ethan is on this week and so is Luke but only mention of Tracy is on TH with the Rebecca thing. Maybe we will get some add in scenes hopefully pop up unexpectedly. Seems like there should be some follow up from Friday--but with this show...more like not. We will just see Ethan meeting Robin and Lulu on Wed. I think.

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Hey everyone, I've been around to check but I haven't posted. Today I had an IKEA delivery, and my hands are sore putting things together. However I have some of the kids toys better organized, so that's a bonus.

Tracy this week should be good - playing with one con while calling another on it. Tracy is always right so it will be interesting to see who Rebecca turns out to be. I think Ethan and Rebecca are connected. At least I've seen something to that effect. I don't really care because we have Lulu/Ethan and Rebecca/Lucky making story with/for LuNacy. Tracy's on with Luke and together they are doing something other than fighting about their marriage. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy.

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Wow I haven't been home all weekend, it feels odd. Friday, after school, I went to my friend's house cause she's moving. Then saturday I went over to my other friend's house and another girl and I spent the night there. We are all getting over a Mamma Mia high (it's quite the addiction). We spent all last night watching it multiple times and since I have the sing-along DVD, we memorized the songs and the dances at the end. I'm shocked I still have a voice! But we had sooo much fun, acting silly and getting Waterloo stuck in our heads. My friends and I are insane.

Thanks for the clips nex!

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I've seen the show three times. Nothing was as good as seeing it on broadway, but I saw it here twice and the movie.

Oh..forgot to mention before....I think Luke added a nickname to his list--luscious lambchop! He has said luscious lollipop before, but not lambchop I don't think! B)

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Dead perhaps, but I'm still monitoring anything interesting.... there isn't anything interesting about LuNacy anywhere.

I'm continuing to make furniture and clean/organize. With six people in a 3 bedroom apartment - 5 of whom are actually here a lot of the time - organizing is my #1 skill. The Diva has decided that it's now time to have her girl space, so slowly she's moving out of the 'kid's' room and into a 'girl's' room. The thing is at nighttime she misses her brothers so much she wants to sleep in the same bedroom. Personally... a bedroom (and bed) of my own is something I fantasize about, but my little girl is having trouble being a pre-teen in daylight and a little kid at nighttime. It's sweet actually - it means she's still mine for a little while longer.

Lainey, how do I summarize my organizational gift for a CV? This is GOT to count for something.

What are the chances of a continuation of Friday? I think it could go either way since Tracy has been on a whole lot more than spoilers/dates might indicate.

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