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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh MS. Q, THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! Best line in the thing: "I know that I have issues, but you're pretty messed up, too.." HAHAHAHAHA Perfect. Just perfect. And your video choices are grand. Question -- I don't recognize the last kiss, in the black jacket. What day did that happen? When is it from? Also, you cut together two different days for your opening scene right (She wasn't wearing that jacket when he said I'm the best you ever had. Right? Or am I wrong?))

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Thanks! The last kiss can be found here. It's from January 12, 2009. And I didn't cut 2 different scenes, but there's a chance that he's said that line before. Tracy's response in the scene I used is "I know. That's what makes this so damn sad." Luke tells her, "I won't give up on you, Wife." And Tracy asks him to do her a favor and not ever call her that again. Clips here - credit Trudy.

TL, glad you enjoyed the video.

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Nikolas joins up with the Qs to investigate Rebecca’s background and origins.

Tracy goes on and on bitching about another MIA move by Luke, as Lulu pretends to give a damn.


**Tracy takes a shine to Ethan and tells Luke to hire him for the Haunted Star

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MsQ, when did you ninja my mind? I was thinking of doing a vid to that song! haha oh well, mine wouldn't have been half as good as yours! I bow down to your greatness!

Lisa, I *love* your cast vids and this one was just as fabulous! Its also great to know that I'm not the only who makes vids to Fall Out Boy! haha

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Can't sleep...blech....

That vid was great, Ms.Q. And chin-up about slbitch on SOC, just put her on your permanent ignore list. The other ewcbo hopefulls are at least respectful. That one's just poison. Trust me, life's more enjoyable over there without her harping.

So.... meandering around the dial...

SZ is run by someone who still hasn't let LnL go, so the wording of the spoiler doesn't surprise me. But this was on the gossip page, ignore the poor grammar and GOS and all....

But why is Tracy’s eyes gonna bug out either this or next week when she gets a load of Ethan? Is he her son by some long-lost love none of us know about?

Over on Wubs the spoilers are in, with this addition (although nothing new)....

Looks like Ethan is going to charm Tracy–he may move into the Q mansion, and work on the Haunted Star.

And the post-mortum for Friday is on on DC...

Loved the Tracy/Lulu interactions. See, it is possible to like Lulu (although I think it's because she's not with Johnny)

General sense out there was that TraLu was amazing, but viewers are not amused that Lukey was a no-show. Hope TPTB rectify this somehow.

On a personal note, the most disconcerting thing happened in church this morning. As most of you know, my marriage is pretty bad and rarely does it have it's good moments. Well that's the context. One of the men in our church I knew 20 years ago when we attended a student conference together. In fact we dated that week and were pretty inseperable. He sat beside me unravelling yarn while I knit a sweater - that's the kind of special man he was/is (I still have the sweater and think of him every time I wear it). Well today the sermon was about forgiveness, and after Eucharist he put his arm around me and apologized for not treating me very well all those years ago. I lost it. I completely disolved. My husband can't apologize for anything and calls me some pretty hideous names, and this man can apologize for not being nice to me at the end of one special week 20 years ago.... I just don't know what to do with that. 1:30 AM and I'm still mulling it.

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Not to sound trite (it's gonna sound trite -- I apologize)... but the grass is always greener on the other side. You don't know how this other man treats his wife or family members. What's more you don't know what prompted him to apologize (it did take him 20 years). Maybe he's making amends for a series of sins; Maybe he's had a horrible diagnosis and is trying to make all things right with God. What I'm saying is - don't hold this man's niceness against your husband. And don't use it to make any radical, meaningful or life changing decisions. He was nice. Good. It made you feel good. Good. But that's all it is... and anything else you tell yourself is just stories. We're both good at telling stories. Don't go there. Tata, LB

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You are rarely trite, my dear. Straight to the point, cut through the BS, hold the sugar... direct. Never trite.

I'm not thinking about James in any special terms. I'm wondering where the hell did it go wrong for my marriage. And I know exactly what prompted James - he was sitting behind me the whole time while his wife nursed their 4 month old son. They heard the same sermon I did. Interestingly enough he's been carrying that for some time - I've only been carrying the sweater. When I first saw him a few years ago I couldn't remember his name, but he knew me instantly and remembered mine. James is part of an enjoyable memory. It's life with Mike that's the problem.

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Loved the videos Ms.Q & Lisa! :D

Hey is Tracy supposed to be on today? I have the day off and it is raining. It would be nice to have some TQ to look forward to.

Wishing you well while you figure things out Remos.

Edited by halee
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Afternoon all... well, spent the morning going through old photos - 1930's old. Nothing is stranger than seeing a picture of your grandmother dating your grandfather and looking all schmoopsy with him. And beside my pack of well buried Chip'N'Dale playing cards, was this trivia card game from Days of our Lives..... I wish I had been into GH the same way back then, those cards would have been interesting.

I wasn't expecting to see Tracy today - 5 days in a row would be to much, but today...


Vets: Luke, Alexis, Monica, Edward, Mac

Kisses: n/a

Appearance: n/a

Other Stories:Johnny saving Maxie who was trying to save Spinelli; ClauSon and CarJax reunite; Robin with Emma; Nadine/Nic/Nadine/Matt uncomfortable post-crisis; Raynor interupts Kate's telling on Claudia and holds Sonny for questioning; Alexis looking for Sam; Lulu back at GH to find Johnny; Jason/Sam looking for Spinelli; Rebecca is freaked out by Nicholas; Kate threatens Claudia who laughs her off; Mac visits with Robin/Emma (very sweet); JoMax hug in front of Lulu;

Line of the Day: Kate "I know what you did" Claudia "That sounds like a bad movie"

Sc. 1 - no Tracy

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; Luke/Ethan still in jail and Luke's fed up. He demands the deputy call Lucky ASAP.

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Luke says the deputy is denying him a phone call, and he has a right to call his son - the least of which he will get transfered to PCPD. The deputy isn't budging an inch. Luke talks about Lucky to Ethan, saying he was remarkable and turned into a moralizing cop - why he did is one of the great mysteries of Luke's life. Meanwhile Monica and Edward have called Mac repeatedly and tell him about Rebecca, and Mac is stunned that all they have in a name. Edward tells Mac if he saw someone who looked like Georgie Mac would move heaven and earth - Mac knows he's right.

Sc. 4 - no Tracy; Luke talks more about Lucky, saying it's strange his son is a cop. But who is he to judge, Lucky's a grown man. Then Luke gets drunk saying Ethan probably condems him thinking he's nothing more than a drunk who hates cops and doesn't care about his kids. Ethan says no, he gets it - Luke would probably like it if Lucky had been an outlaw. Luke says yeah, he would. Then says he and Lucky started out so well... he doesn't know what went wrong.

Sc. 5 - no Tracy; Ethan asks if Lucky was always on the straight and narrow. Luke says no, as a child he was a natural with cons. Ethan suggests Lucky might just want to shake off the legacy and quotes something to Luke which Luke recognizes. Luke reads Hemmingway, who knew? Ethan got it from a matchbook - they laugh. Meanwhile Nic visits Monica/Edward who says Rebecca is fine. They pepper him with questions.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Luke/Ethan wonder how long they've been there, and Luke suggests the break out of there. (at hospital, finally a background fire alarm). Meanwhile Nic still with Monica/Edward talking about Rebecily

Sc. 7 - no Tracy

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Thanks for the recap. I haven't watched since a week ago Friday. I am six days behind.

I have a feeling the Tracy vents to Lulu from the hotsheet for this week has already happened last week with the tracy/lulu scenes and it was moved around. I have a feeling we won't see tracy this week. Unless lulu makes it back to Mercy tomorrow. No sign of Tracy or the Qs in previews for tomorrow. Lulu was at GH today and saw Maxie and Johnny together. I doubt she is going back to Tracy.

Doesn't seem like luke/ethan are getting out anytime soon either. I wonder if they are there til Tracy bails Ethan out next week (if those scenes weren't cut).

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