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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the recap Remos!

you know it is bad if Remos says her hair was bad!!! And I will add the outfit is bad too--she wore that I think when lulu came home in Dec. of 07 and said she was skiing.

Where are her good clothes????

But you know what--- TRACY IS BACK! Woo hoo!

In honor of Luke's return tomorrow and Lunacy return...


It's been a long lonely summer....


8pm Central time

Bring your Lunacy lovin' hearts and party hats!

We need to breathe some life back into the LF!

RSVP (just kidding)

Edited by hookedongh
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For tomorrow chicas..

Thursday October 16th, 2008:

Lulu's visitors (Maxie, and then Spinelli) are shocked to see her worsened condition.

Maxie tells Johnny to go visit Lulu.

Carly thinks twice about selling half of her Metro Court shares to Nikolas.

Nikolas and Nadine finally have a truthful conversation.

Liz convinces Jason to spend a little time with her without worrying about the business.

Tracy finds Luke drunk in a Mexican cantina.

Luke and Tracy attempt to return to Port Charles.

THere are no words..


BTW--The LnL fans are PISSED that the spoilers seem to be indicating that Laura doesn't just fall into Luke's arms or vice versa!

We need to be just as loud! Good time for some pro-lunacy calls and letters.

If anyone did not watch NS2 last night--it was really amazing with the luke/robert/tiffany/sean stuff

You can FF thru the rest but it is up on youtube


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Yeah.... but her eyes were SHINNING!!!

Entitled much? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Luke already has his hands full with his Popsicle - 'the angel' needs to fly away.

Honestly, who/what do they think they/LnL are??? Two people are on contract and one is a publicity stunt to move another story along. There was no other outcome but LuNacy. Are they even aware this is 2008 or are they living so deeply in dream world that they haven't seen what life is now like in Port Chuck?

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Re: Outfit. Yeah, it definitely looked like the one she wore that one day in December where she met Spinelli. I thought it was just a sweater with black slacks that day, but after doing some clip watching, we never really saw past the waist. So my conclusion is that it's the same outfit, but the director that day had the good sense to make sure the hideous part of the outfit was not shown on camera. ;):D

Re: Hair. I still think February 20th was the worst hair day ever. Was it just me, though, or does it look redder in the media pics than it does on the TV? Maybe my color settings need to be changed. Or maybe Tracy gets a dye job on her way to Mexico. :lol:

This would be good for a Halloween banner... One of my photoshop programs (the main one I use) stopped working though!!! I think I need to uninstall and re-install...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Wow, what to say about today....

I think you all know my feelings on the hair ::shudder::.....so I'll tell you my friend's reaction. I was on the phone with her when she saw it (she had it recorded) and I tried to warn her but she didn't believe me. I hear her on the line give this high pitched squeak and whine then, "The hair! Ohmigod what happened!?" Hahaha I told her! Then of course we both bitched about the outfit! ::shudders again::

Well I guess I should just be happy she was on! Yay!

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I'm sorry LB.....

We all have differing views and CH and I don't agree on politics either so its a subject I just avoid with her. And with my dad and other members of my family. My dad and I can get into a big screaming match if the election is mentioned.

What can I say....I have odd family members!! :)

I'm enjoying it! I like VP and think he's a nice, temp addtion to GH. I talked to Derk on Saturday at the EWTS event and he said that everyone involved was having fun with the storyline...and it shows.

Steve Burton's facial expressions alone (trying not to laugh) were priceless!

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Okay gals, please vote for Obama and get McCain on the retirement line. Within 15 minuted of listening to it:

We need to get rid of foreign oil. Middle East, Venezuela.... we'll keep Canada's, I have no problem with them..... Oh, so glad you like our raw crude...

Free Trade: don't even get me going.

Health Care: "If you want a one payment system move to Canada..."

Now while we do have a one-pay system (the gov't) and our oil is mercenary-free, it's the tone and attitude. Ding dong, we are NOT the 51st state!

BTW, why are you still discussing abortion?

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Love your perspective, Remos.

Hilarious. Totally dead on.

Me? I'm all for putting McCain on the retirement line.

Truth is, if he looses, he'll still be in the Senate. Better than in the white house.. but we're not getting rid of him entirely, even if Obama wins.

(You know, Remos, McCain used to be one of the most logical, moderate Republicans in the Senate.. that was BEFORE he was a "serious" candidate for president, and had to start courting the religious right. Prior to that he was... sensible, even likable: a fiscal conservative, but fairly liberal on several social issues.

Heat Miser!!!!

You are hilarious, Halee.

Bring on the Heat!!

Bring on the Heat!!

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OMG, that is hilarious!!! I showed Mike the pictures and all he could say was "oh.... my....". Now live she was animated, excited and really super happy - a still just doesn't capture that.

And for anyone (like my husband) who didn't get the reference:

The Heat Miser...

You know, this is something I have never understood about US politics. It's "God Bless America" and separation of God and state; courting the religious right but banning religious holiday expressions (like Christmas trees - which are pagan to begin with anyway). Canadians just don't seem to have the polarity you folks have. I always find it fascinating that two nations that from the outside appear like they developed simultaneously are so very different in nature and character and social history.

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You guys got lucky.

Most of the religious wackos stayed south of the border (They were encouraged by our 'freedoms,' and honestly -- they're wusses. Didn't like the cold).

The left wouldn't scream as loudly as they do if they're weren't so afraid the right was going to snuff them out while sleeping. The left are defensive for a reason!

Edited by LaineyBev714
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