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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I have my job back!!! YAY!! The days in a row of Tracy and she is not sitting in the background as window dressing, but saying actual words!!! I'm happy and it's Friday and the power went out in my office for three hours and my boss took us all out to lunch! It's a good day!!!

Thanks for all the spoilers and link to the media net pics Hooked!!

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Wow... I check in this morning and there's nothing. I check in this evening and it's present time. Where they got the 'ex' business confuses me, but I love the art.

And yeah... someone is conspicuous by her absence.

So, next week looks a little like this,

Monday - Thanksgiving

Tuesday - Election Day

Wednesday - Tracy looks for Luke

Thursday - Tracy finds Luke

Friday - Tracy and Luke are in jail together

Then the following week,

Monday - More LuNacy

Tuesday - More LuNacy?

Sounds good to me!

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So nice to see Tracy in scoops and spoiler pictures!

Sweetest Goodbyes has the large versions up...

Here we go...

Luke (alone):

Normal size

Super size

Tracy behind bars; grabs Luke's shirt

Normal size

Super size

Tracy behind bars; Luke on the other side

Normal size

Super size

Tracy and Luke in the same cell (has she just hit him with something?)

Normal size

Super size

Tracy, not amused.

Normal size

Super size


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks for the pics, Ms. Q! :)

As you said, Ms. Q, Tracy doesn't look too amused. However, she doesn't look that mad either. I assume this is after she and Luke are thrown into the same cell. And, by the way, I couldn't help but notice that there's only one small bed for the two of them.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Here are the spoilers from soapoperasource.com

Please consider posting over there. Ryan has pinned the Tracy Q thread at the top of their message board under Love thread so that it is always the top one!

He will post Tracy info there too he said...

Here are the spoiler for next week

Tracy tells Edward and Monica she has a lead on Luke on Wednesday, October 15.

Elizabeth convinces Jason to put his problems aside and spend some time with her; Also, Tracy finds a drunk Luke in the Mexican catina on Thursday, October 16!

Tracy gets more than she bargained for; Robin decides to deliver her baby via C-section on Friday, October 17.

Next week on General Hospital…

Tracy makes things worse for her and Luke. Sonny tells Kate something she doesn't really want to hear. Kate urges Olivia to reveal her secret. Jerry sets Sam up for a fall. Claudia tells Jason her outrageous plan. Jax sets out to beat Nikolas at his own game. Laura returns on October 23. Luke realizes Edward has no plans of helping him and Tracy. Laura will do anything to protect her daughter. Nikolas assures Nadine nothing is going on between him and Carly.

Here is the link to the TQ thread on SOS

Please post there as Ryan is a great source of info..and a friend


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Thanks for the spoilers, hooked! The one mentioning Edward not helping Tracy and Luke reminded me of something you posted a couple of weeks ago from SD. It was something about Tracy, Luke, and Eddie to the rescue. So, I'll bet the reprobate's father-in-law ends up in Mexico, too.

And hey! I just got the email that ABC sends out for the soaps each week, and Tracy and Luke's photos is at the top. So, woohoo!!

Hooked, I'll join you over at soapoperasource.com. We can keep both threads going, no problem...right?

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Some more info from SD..grain of salt...

The drug storyline hasn't been a success for the show. Guza has decided to focus more on family issues coming up for his characters.

The Zacchara family will be dealing with their own family secret. This will involve Anthony, Johnny, Ric , Trevor and Claudia. There is a lot of deception going on with this. Ric will not want to be the unfavored one again.

Nikolas and Nadine are being pushed but there are other variables, both short term and long term. Johnny and LuLu remain an issue for concerned siblings which keep two people connected longer term. However short term, an odd quad are made when a wife tries to get her estranged husband's attention and ends up pushing him away even further.

Laura's return temporiarly causes some turmoil for the Quartermaines and Spencers.

Sonny's new unborn child will be dominating a lot of screen storyline. Expect Kate, Olivia, Dante , Sonny and Carly to play some major roles in this. While Sonny feels betrayed could more develope between him and Olivia now that they share a son. That is Kate's fear.

Patrick's own outside role will also setoff his feelings about his own brother. We will dwelve into his family issues and secrets with Matt and Noah. And we will see that struggle as he becomes husband and father. Maxie becomes a lifeline for Matt much to Spinelli's displeasure.

The Karpov storyline will be wrapped up fairly quickly and the drug storyline will slowly fade into the background. Many wonder why things changed course. Especially for Sam/Lucky and Jerry/Alexis whose main storylines coming up were stuck firmly in the drug storyline. That is because they will finally be approaching the identity of Sam's father and what is coming with that. An old interest of Guza's has been brought to the forefront and he wants to approach this. Combining that with allowances that were being made for Sebastian, and what they had suddenly scrapped, they didn't feel there was a place to go for that story anymore.

Sam's notice of Lucky's dedication to the boys bring up her curiousity of her own paterity. Wounds open over tramatic affairs still raw for Alexis because of Jerry. Trips down memory lane will start to resurface. What Alexis remembers and what actually happened are very different.

Also don't count Jax or CarJax out yet, rumor has it when he returns he will be a Daddy to be.. at last.

As for Jason/Liz/Jake/Cameron/Lucky: Let's say that a mother is hurt, and if that mother is hurt, who steps up and makes those decisions for her, the supposed father of her kids or the man she loves more then anything. And what of her children, who steps up for them, the father who has been there or the father who yearns to be there?

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*Jason agrees to see Liz in secret again

*Olivia has her eyes on Patrick

*Sonny gets curious about Olivia's son

*Lulu vows to fall out of love with Johnny

*Anthony's plan is going as planned or is it? Sonny's getting his good sense back.

*Claudia teams up with Jason to find out what Anthony is cooking.

*Olivia walks in on Sonny and Kate having sex, she later take her anger out on Kate.

*someone is watching Laura at shadybrook

*Luke doesnt know how to deal with the latest news

*Jax vows to get revenge on Nikolas and Carly!

Laura will do whatever it takes to help LuLu -- this is supposed to play out in two weeks

SpinMax decide to break LuLu out of Shadybrooke -- is the week coming up

Tracy finds Luke in Mexico jail

that's all I have for the next two weeks

I'll ask about the letters ... IMO, I think that has to do with Scott, it's been spumored that they are going to pick up the threads of who killed Rick Webber SL that was dropped. But take this as IMO and spumor ... I'll try and get someone to spill


Edited by hookedongh
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Morning Tracy peeps...

some drops overnight for me in the IL...(not sure who dropped these but um...they sound great--hope they are true). Makes sense though that they would have Lunacy be all close before Luke finds out Laura is awake!

Someone pass this info along to Tracyfan for me.

Luke needs saving and in the process Tracy ends up needing saving herself.

Luke admits Tracy owns his heart.

Luke gets into a fist fight when someone tries to dance with his woman

Luke admits that it hurt when Tracy bailed on him

Tracy admits she is not Laura and life on the run isn't her thing. Luke however, tells her he wanted the trip to be about them. Would love another shot at it as she is the one he can't resist.

Scott is the one behind Lulu's insanity and the letters or is it Trevor? Nah, it's Scotty. When he strikes out at Lulu will the person who saves her need saving themselves? You bet. And everyone thought it was all in her head.

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