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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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My kind of girls---pizza and wine! My two favorite things--I so needed to be hanging with them!!!

Here are jane's answers if you guys want to not have to look up the links...I compiled them for you...as well as the other responses. The transcript should be available tomorrow of the chat.

JE on celebrity endorsements...

I think that people respond to a familiar face and it is incubent upon us in the entertainment industry to use our familiarity with the audience to give a voice to issues that the average voter would not ordinarily pay attention to.

Kimberly on the fight against AIDS

Clearly the thing that troubles me the most is that both McCain and Palin believe that there should be abstinence only education. This means that education of young men and woman about STDS including HIV and AIDS in schools would be thrown out the window.

In 2004, HIV was the leading cause of death in the United States for Africa-American women. Women ages 25-34 are especially at risk.

Barack is involved with promoting microbicides, which is a medicine that can be applied topically without the consent of the sexual partner. This is particularly important in areas where there's mass violence against women as in Darfur. Women who are raped will be able to protect themselves that they wouldn't contract HIV. And even though they would have to deal with the physical and emotional trauma of being raped, they would have the power to protect their health.

Because Barack wants to empower women not only at home and globally, I believe Obama would be the best champion in the fights against AIDs.

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NLG on why a soap opera fans chat...

It wasn't about the demographic of Soap Opera fans it was about reaching our audience of Soap Opera fans.

Everyone, no matter what their age should have a voice in this election and about these issues. It's critical.

Even my 10 year old has expressed her opinions about some of these issues. Kate travels with me for the campaign and reads the material presented and has discovered that Sarah Palin wouldn't put Polar Bears and Beluga Whales on the endangered species list. Needless to say, Kate is an Obama Supporter

Heather Tom on getting past partisan agenda

Barack Obama, I feel, is uniquely qualified to unite the country and reach across party lines to pass legislation that will bring our country back. He has proven that he can work in a bi-partisan way. And he's motivated millions of people to get involved in the political process.

JE on Supreme Court justices and women's right to choose:

A women's right to choose is a very important issue. Senator Obama has a 100% Pro-Choice voting record. He has said that protecting and safeguarding Roe v. Wade would be a priority in his administration and his record reflects that.

Regarding the Supreme Court, I think that Senator Obama will pick thoughtful, intelligent judges who will support his belief in a woman's right to choose.

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NLG on interplay of arts and politics

Re: Interplay of arts and politics

Reply #2 - Today at 7:49pm Quote I would say that in Primetime that answer is yes they are inclined to be more liberal. I'm not sure what you mean specifically about being 'liberal' but I do think they tend to be more open minded and sensitive to other people's points of view. I think for instance, David Kelly is brilliant.

As for soaps, and I say this with love, but they tend to more concerned about offending less people so they tend to not take sides and ride the middle on most issues which unfortunately makes it a lot less compelling.

More NLG on her most important issue

It has in the past been been a woman's right to choose for most of us, but now in light of everything that is going on and what has gone on in the last eight years, it's everything.

JE on veteran's war issues

As a member of the Senate's Veterans Affairs Committee, Barack Obama has introduced legislation to force the Pentagon and VA to better track the newest generation of veterans--including the number of women veterans--so that the VA can better plan their care. Obama has also introduced legislation to fight homelessness among veterans, with a special focus on treating women who may have been victims of sexual trauma.

Heather Thom on how to reach women voters

just wanted to say that everything that was said here is fantastic. I, too, was a Hillary supporter in the primaries. And while I was disappointed with the outcome, I felt like we had two amazing candidates.

If you want to get involved and you don't live in a "battleground state", there are still a lot of things you can do. You can phone bank from anywhere if you can to the website, they will give you information on that. You could also travel to a "battleground state" and volunteer, for instance if you live in CA, you could go to Nevada. And most of all, you can talk to your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and make sure that they vote. Elections are won face-to-face.

NLG on the same topic

I think that depends on what issues are important to you. Barack supports personal freedom, he supports equal pay for equal work, he supports funding for domestic violence, he supports a woman's right to choose, and he wants to bring jobs to this country by investing in green energy, etc.

If you're happy with the way things are now, the economy, the war, the oil crisis, the job loss, etc then stick with McCain, if you aren't then vote for change!

I would encourage you to vote to take part of the democratic process, to not vote is to disregard the efforts of those before us who lost their lives fighting to have that right.

JE on most important issue for her

The most important issue to me is change. We have been governed by a doctrine of fear and Barack Obama will lead the country with a message of hope. His ability to mobilize the youth of America will be our best resource to regain the ground we have lost.

Heather Thom on voting party line vs issues

Ask your family members if they are better off now then they were 8 years ago? Remind them that George Bush inherited a surplus and now are facing the worst economic crisis in history. Change comes when the pain becomes so great that people are forced to look outside the box for answers. Ask them how much greater the pain has to get.

From MaryBeth Evans in the regular thread

I went to Ohio last weekend to visit my son in college and and I volunteered to go on the road because Ohio is a batteground state and I wanted to do something.

Even though you may think that one person can't possibly make a difference and it may be hard to throw yourself out there, I would have to say I'm glad I did it.

I met amazing people and I registered 25 people to vote and it didn't matter how they were going to vote, I was proud to have helped people become involved in this political process.

If I can say one thing, it's to become involved in whatever capacity you can.

Love Ya,

Mary Beth

JE on gun control

Senator Obama is for reasonable and responsible gun control like taking assault weapons off the streets.

Damn our girl is chatty tonight....

JE on cancer research

Obama has passed a law in the Illinois State Senate to require coverage of breast and cervical cancer screenings, and he helped pass a law ensuring that women and minorities are included in state-funded clinical research.

However, John McCain voted against transferring $214 million from the Defense Department to fund breast cancer research.

Mary Beth Evans on speaking out this year

The gravity of the country's current situation has hit everyone very deeply, but I think that's particularly true for parents. It's been a tradition in America that that each generation of children could look forward to a better life than their parents had, but unfortunately that's no longer the case. I want my children to have that better life, and I'm doing as much as I can to make sure of it by supporting the candidate who I believe will provide it.

JE on voting for a candidate vs. a party

You are absolutely right. I couldn't agree more. This isn't a sporting event. It's not the Yankees versus the Dodgers. This is about voting for the best man for the country. Senator Obama is that man.

Heather Tom on which way to vote

My first question is do you like the direction our country is heading? Eight years ago George Bush inherited a surplus and now we're facing the greatest economic crisis our country has ever experienced. Barack Obama will change the way Washington works. He will change the way we think about jobs, about energy, and about freedom. And he will bring respect back to our country worldwide.

As a young person, I'm assuming that you might want to go to college, buy a house someday, and have a family. As a woman, I'm assuming that you want to make as much as money as a man for the same amount of work. I'm assuming that personal equality and freedom are important to you. Barack Obama is the only candidate who will ensure that your freedoms are protected.

John McCain has consistently voted against women's health, equal pay, and other issues that are important to women. He even suggested that woman are paid less because we are less educated and less skilled.

If you want to hear more specifics about Barack's policies, go to his website. I encourage you to stay involved in politics.

JE on Obama's running mate as a good choice

Absolutely! Not only does he support all of Senator Obama's positions, he brings extensive foreign policy experience to the ticket. He is the current chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

JE on Can Obama really do the job

Senator Obama's gift is to mobilize people. Nobody can affect change by themselves. I have no doubt that Senator Obama will accomplish everything he sets out to do with our help.

Heather tom on negativity in politics

agree on the McCain side that campaigning has been particularly nasty. It's amazing to me that someone who claims to have integrity will make commercials that he clearly knows are boldface lies.

I'm happy that Obama has not stooped to that level. He's running a campaign of hope while McCain is running a campaign of fear.


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This is from someone legit..

I'm not here to hand hold

because my info only goes two weeks out these days

As for Sam/Lucky and JLex

all I have been told is:

Karpov tells Jerry to kill Alexis

Sam goes after Jerry ... and that wasn't meant sexually

Jerry is out to protect Alexis

I see others have other info

Again I would urge you to trust the people you believe in

No, I have nothing about Jason/Liz ... mainly because I got "pissy" with my source for IMO "embellishing" what they told me

and TracyFan the only thing I have been given as "legit" is what I posted ... that Tracy is the one to find Luke ... no details

JoLu fans ... strap in for the angst


Doesn't meant the Tracy secret thing won't happen because I have seen it too much for it not to be something...but I guess she does Tracy down luke. hopefully it will be more than just the day she finds him and I just really hope they don't make luke in a bar with some floozy somewhere...to totally undo the sincerity before he left town.

a wayward luke doesn't sound too good!

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks for the recap, Hooked. I'm amazed that you are still having to discuss some of those issues. I'm not saying Canada is more advanced (not at all), but we're been influenced by more socially-liberal politics for so long that issues like abortion, equal pay and medical coverage are just part of the plan. Canada like Obama because he talks our language. Bush has done terribly things to you on the economic and international playing fields and Obama looking like he can bring your nation around.

Also thanks for the spoilers. I was actually hoping that the only reason Tracy has been out of touch with Luke is that he's been in some sort of trouble and couldn't get to her. Luke enjoying life and not being in touch would fly in the face of their love. I know that casts Tracy in the role of hero again (and so wishing the story would come up for Luke to be her hero) but it would strengthen them even more, especially in the face of what's to come.

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Thanks, LisaQ and Hooked!

I have ALWAYS loved Tracy. Now I can honestly say I admire and respect Jane Elliot -- a nice solid Dem with well-reasoned opinions and a feminist bent.

Love it! Love it!

Oh Hooked, baby. One look at that first picture. HA! You know what I'm thinking. I am so right. SO RIGHT!! :lol:

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Sorry for the long delay but Hella Good finally posted Monday's clips. The volume on the clips were too loud and sounded weird so I lowered the volume to help with the quality, I hope they come out alright for everybody.


Clips provided by Trudy, edited by me.

LisaQ, thanks for posting the links to the chat from last night. And hooked, thanks for posting the break downs of the chat.

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