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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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This is a total outsiders' question, but don't you find the entire process goes on too long? It seem like you folks have election fatigue. The authorities seem to spend two years covering their ass and two years trying to get elected again. It can be argued that our election times are too short in comparison, but we have the better voter turn-out.

As I said, this is an outsider's perspective.


And on to the reason we are really here. This was on SD:


Anything you can drop for Tracy or Jax coming up?

I don't have much. But look for Laura to be a huge factor in the Tracy and Luke relationship. Has she really come out of it or is it all in Lulu's head?

I'm actually liking the vibe of this. LuNacy could not have dealt with ewcbo before, but you know they had to at some point. Tracy needs to know that Luke will stay with her regardless, right now she's with everyone thinking she's the substitute (even some fans). I hope they play this well. Even if LuNacy isn't the ultimate outcome (and I won't be convinced until I see it air), Luke isn't just going to drop her.

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Just posting some threads from SOC :D. Continue to spread the love...

A Study/poll on GH fave couples

not too bad, but out of a list of 9 preselected couples, lunacy are averaging about 4th/5th place.

Luke and Laura: I don't want them back together.....

I don't think the EWCBO followers are going to be too thrilled with my last comment. hee.

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Welcome to America. Anything worth doing here is worth doing BIG!


Consumerism (especially cars!)



and yes.. politics. oy

You know I was really insulted the last time they brought Laura back, and Luke just dropped Tracy like a hot potato. Everything we're hearing indicates that WON'T happen this time. That - weather Laura is real or not - she'll bring up issues for Luke and Tracy that they'll actually have to DEAL with. Us LuNatics may not like the outcome (and personally, I think we will. ;) It's a gut thing) -- but at least we're getting the push-pull, love/angst we are all convinced our girl deserves.

Sounds like Tracy is REALLY going to be a factor in Luke/Laura's love story this time around. And all I have to say about that is: THANK GOD. It's about TIME!!!

ta ta,


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Woo hoo! Eureka! I finally got a Luke return date from someone on SD today...

Some other insider was saying he was back end of October and was mad at Tracy for not keeping Lulu safe while he was gone. What a crock that is.

Anyone someone else came on and said that

Luke returns October 16th. Which is a TH. We know he is back the week of the 13th, so I tend to disregard the first info about him being mad at Tracy.

Also this was dropped!

A little birdy told me the TPTB are slightly encouraged by the recent reaction to love in the afternoon (i.e Lusam's recent scenes, liason's recent scene's, Olivia blowing in to town). Expect some more little tweaks in particular Alexis POV is coming and a dash more Tracy to the mix. Initial feedback is the Big !@#$%^&*] stuff is actually very funny and all had a blast...

A dash--doesn't seem like a ton--but hopefully this means some of our calls and letters are helping!

I think Halee mailed out like 30 letters last week! Time to keep calling Frons and writing! B)


Some more info dropped...don't really like how this sounds...

Hello everyone!

some sneak peeks of stories leading to sweeps.

After Kate is shot, everyone in town in their own way will be out for Karpov's blood, the evidences lead them to believe that Karpov is responsible, even Carly is furious and want Jason to hit back, Claudia, Alexis, Diane, Max, etc. all of them will be determined to make him pay somehow, is this leading up to a ''who killed Karpov?'' story? you bet!

Olivia's secret is out and it starts with Patrick, however it wont stay that way. The young guy that is going to be Sonny's son will arrive in town just before sweeps and he'll interact with a few people including Sonny himself without him knowing the guy is his firstborn son! Kate and Olivia's grandmother raised the child for a few years then he was sent to boarding school, however something led him to Port-Charles and it is a shocking twist.

Sam starts to think about babies again but what happens when she takes her dreams for reality? Elizabeth's kids will play a role in this.

Elizabeth and Jason finally decide to not walk away from each other but what happens when danger closes in on Jason? will he still allow Elizabeth near him?

Maximus makes trouble for the Corinthos-Morgan organization.

Alexis is in big trouble when she plays the DA on the wrong person, Natacha will strike again.

Nikolas and Nadine have a hard time admitting to each other what they feel but something will force them to consider those feelings.

Lulu is not the only person seeing Laura, Luke does too! Tracy is hiding something from everyone, same for Scotty.

Two couples will get married: one out of love and the other one is a marriage of convienence that will shock PC.

i'll come back when i know more including the big sweeps story

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Crock of bull pucky

Bless you, a date even :lol::lol:

It's about time! A 'dash' more Tracy always translates well for TPTB - you'd think they would have realized that before now...

This sounds like it should be right. And interpretation according to the World of Remos:

- Luke notices Laura is a wake and talks with Tracy about it during some private time

- Tracy is afraid her secret will come out, not realizing her secret is already walking around time socializing with everyone Tracy knows. Luke will be stunned to learn about the new member of the Spencermaine family

- Scott admits he has known about Tracy's 'secret' for some time, and they try to blackmail each other into silence until tragedy strikes. Will Tracy need her daughter more than ever?

- Discovering her step-mother is seriously ill and needing full support of her family, Lulu grows up and becomes the daughter/step-daughter her father and Tracy need

BTW, I like Lainey's interpretation of the spoilers too. But I ask... is Tracy a factor in Luke/Laura's love story or is Laura a factor in Luke/Tracy's love story??? B)

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You got that right remos, it's Luke and TRACY'S love story. :D:);):PB)

And folks, it seems our letters and calls may be helping our girl/couple. continue to write in and call. I have more mail going out on Monday.

Anyone for the BR for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by TracyLuv
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Quick, someone give me TG's quotes about JE. Someone on SOC is doing his 'recent' quotes about ewcbo, but those are 2 years old and I hate the fact that JJ is the 'real' Lucky and not GV.

BTW, as a matter of opinion when watching other soaps, have other cast changes had the hard time moving on that the Spencer men have? It seems everyone else gets a life but anyone who touched the ewcbo's garment strings much remain frozen in time until her goodness returns. It's gag-worthy.


Okay, I found my own quotes, but do we have them centralized anywhere?

I know some of you avoid SOC, but there have been some interesting discussions there. The poll TL spoke about (re: Favourite Couples) now has the results posted:

LuNacy ranks #4 or 5, depending on how you crunch the numbers. Is the least polarizing couple, and consistently scored in the top 1-4 with Scrubs, SpinMax, LuSam and Nicodine.

I know it's only reflective of SOC, but the numbers seem to keep in line with the general opinion of the board.

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Just saying hello and bumping the thread this morning...

Tracy tomorrow--at least something to look forward to (and to discuss--hair and wardrobe)

Nothing on the horizon for the week of the 6th...that I can see at least. We know she has to be on the week of the 13th cause Luke is back on the 16th. I really hope we don't have to go from the 29th til the 16th...

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remos, there is a collection of quotes at We All Need LuNacy, but there is just one of TG. I tried doing a search in this thread but no luck...

Here are some more I found in scans, though, if you're interested (not as recent as the ones you posted on SOC):

Jane Elliot (Tracy)

(These both are VERY similar)

"You've got to be on top of your game with Jane because otherwise, she's going to bust you for being less than you should be. I love that, and I need that." ~ Summer 2005

"I love working with [Jane]. She will bust me up one side and down the other if I'm not on my game - in a professional way - and I love that. I need it because I can be very lazy." ~ March 2006

Julie Marie Berman (Lulu)

"I love her. She is going places. They were very lucky to get her under contract, and I don't think they are going to let her go." ~ March 2006

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Damn this doesn't sound good--doesn't sound like the massage reunion last year!

Do you have any info you can drop about Tracy that week (13th)and what she is doing when Luke returns? Is she happy to see him or angry?

What about the week of the 6th? Any scenes for Tracy?

No scenes for Tracy week of the 6th. JE just taped her first scenes with AG last week. She might be happy he's back but she aint showing it. Luke isnt too kind to his wife at first sight either.

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I'll bet you Luke's pissed at Tracy for taking off with the case of money and leaving him high and dry and she's pissed at him for not being in contact with her for months, and for not being able to find him when all the stuff started with Lulu.

Could make for some very juicy, angsty scenes....with hopefully make up kissing (and more) afterward!!! :D

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