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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That's cause he wasn't there! It was my other son! But it was the kid's mother who took them so that is why he is in most of them! B)

Thanks Halee for posting that clip! I did try to find it so you wouldn't have to...I had other clips from that day but not that one saved for some reason.

TL--I like your updated banner!

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I started a "Save the Q" thread on soapoperasource.com


Go forth and post (QT-I stole the contact info off the Luke/Tracy page.

I also got Brian Frons direct office line someone gave me...

Here it is...a live person answers the phone. I just told her a message to tell him about being a long time viewer for 30 years and about to stop watching because of the decimation of the Qs and the character of Tracy and how happy I was that Monica was going to be on Nightshift ..WTH right? I called back a few minutes later and there is also a recording...it can't hurt right!


Edited by hookedongh
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She's on...

Mediapic happened today. Tracy sneaks out of courtroom where Maxie's testifying. Alan says only reason Maxie it there is to justify why Lulu needs to be called. Tracy asks Alan why he's stating the obvious, and she doesn't know how to stop it. Then she walks away.

Okay, show's now over... I'm not sure what to tell you about clips, Nex. She doesn't have much but what she does have is notable.

Towards the end Lulu is called to the stand and Tracy is sitting on the edge of her seat looking like she's ready to jump up and stop it.

Oh, and Edward has a few funny lines - mostly about the jury not being catered and not wanting the Sushi that water-bottle man has just invited Epiphany for. "Juror #2" (Edward) has to get chastized again.

Edited by remos
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Thanks remos, maybe I will just wait until Friday and add all her scenes together, if she has any more scenes. That reminds me that I have to add last weeks 5 second clip to Tuesdays. I'll do all of that at the end of the week.

Halee, thank you so much for that clip of Luke and Tracy's first ever kiss, I have looked and asked everywhere and nobody had it, so thank you! :D

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*Klunk...ker plop*

The sound of hooked fainting at the IL drop on the dish..

Tracy spies Lulu with a very much awake Laura.

However, Tracy believes its best that no one knows Laura is awake, even if it means Lulu second guesses herself.

THIS is what I have been saying should happen all along. I know some of you won't agree with me, because you don't want Tracy to lie to Luke, but this would be SOOOO classic Tracy to do...so in character...to see that Laura is awake and let Lulu think it is in her head because she doesn't want to lose Luke, etc....I know it might suck for LuNacy....but really, this would be the most in character thing Tracy could do...like the Tracy of old...plus it will give Jane some screentime and you know she will rock it!

And with all the LnL stuff...the outcome for Lunacy is up in the air anyway...at least if they are going to do it, let Tracy get a decent storyline out of it. Luke has certainly screwed her over enough!!

Hoever, this isn't confirmed...but the YES insider did say that Tracy does observe lulu....so guess we will see...

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Sorry for being MIA lately, homeworks consumed my time lately its crazy I'm finishing the last of it thats due tomorrow then getting started on whats due next week. Its a never ending process lol. I have like 3 tests in my day classes next week and I'm not ready for any of them at all.

I'm just now watching todays gh why I write a paper no Tracy yet though hope it comes up soon.

Anybody up for a chat?? 9:15 central time??

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Has this been confirmed? I'd love to see Tracy in the mix somehow, but you've even put this on SD before... could someone be playing and parroting back what they think you want to hear?

We've only got 7 more days when Laura can be around. Lulu is in court tomorrow and the next, so Laura isn't going to be on then. Johnny's tril is over on the 17th, I believe and Lulu is 'surprised' on the 19th, so any dates associated with this spoiler?

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And Lulu has *definitely* screwed her over enough! (Oh, and tangential, but...Why does Edward get a closeup of Lulu being called to testify and not Tracy who is her stepmother?!?!) Over the past couple of years, Tracy has been nothing but selfless in regard to Lulu which, really, is not the Tracy we know and love, while getting absolutely *zip* in return.

Bottom line for me, though, is Tracy's place on the canvas and Jane's place on the show. This year has been horrendous with some of the hospital extras getting more airtime than Tracy. GF has gotten more airtime in the past few days than Jane has all summer. And who knows what will happen in October, or a few months down the road?

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