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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Last bit of recapper info

Damn I love Kelly and her JE love! She didn't say by any chance if she and Jane share any upcoming scenes did she? Lusam recapper?

We were teased by the Tram fake spoilers this spring for when Luke left and they would be running the HS together!

No she never said, but we never asked either. But she seems to adore her.

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Ah, Hooked, I love that! You are so good. This totally beats waking up to orange yesterday. JE just cracks me up. Consistently we are told she's funny and brilliant. And the hair... well I don't mind the current cut but they could do so much more with it. The "collar and leash" doo was great. She's looking too much like my mother these days to be comfortable for me.

You know, I'm starting to wonder if there is somethings TPTB know about aging actors that they themselves don't want to acknowledge. Anna Lee was removed from contract and died not long afterwards. I know the general feeling on that one was that her termination lead to an early death, but perhaps those behind the scenes knew something about her health and ability that the audience will never know. Same for the guy who played Asa Buchanan on OLTL. They accomodated his cancer and then brought him back, but perhaps it was just more than he could deal with and the works was adversely affecting his health. DOOL has taken a different approach with Francis Reed and kept her on contract but only brings her out for Christmas and July 4th (which she couldn't even do this year). Now Stuart Damon is having health issues and needs surgery. I'm guessing his back is bad since Alan looked incredibly stiff those last few years.

I think it's easy as fans to get up in the air about the replacement of vets, especially when they seem so calous in how it's done and are often talking about money being an issue. However these actors are aging and won't be around forever. Part of the profile for actors is to think you are God's gift to the world and without you things won't work (they have to have this mentality in the early days to survive that cutthroat field, so that I understand). But often as people age there is great denial that their bodies won't do everything they need anymore. These folks are getting into their 70's, 80's and 90's, long past the point the average person has retired. I know they do what they do because they love it, but what toll is it taking?

Perhaps TPTB were trying to be kind to SD two years ago, take the blame while he could still walk out in dignity. It didn't appear that way and SD certainly didn't seem to take it that way, but maybe that's what was truly behind Alan's death.

Every time someone new comes into soap land, they tend to say one of two things. It's either they are impressed with the calibre of the acting OR they talk about how fast paced everything is. If the directors have to do multipul takes because one aging performer can't do it as well, where do they draw the line between sentimentality and business?

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Good theory but I 100% believe they screwed over Stuart Damon and totally blindsighted him. I know it was only throwing fans a bone to appease them due to pressure over his firing that we got ghost alan.

I, in no way, think they did him a favor whatsoever. I think he has had back problems for years. For as little as he was doing anyway on the show, I doubt it was taxing to his health, etc.

I just think it is what it is...complete lack of vision, complete lack of care for core families and what made the show what it once was, and ....oh shoot have to leave to go drive carpool and get off my soapbox!

Later guys...

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Oh don't misunderstand, I think he was blindsided too and he certainly felt 'screwed over'. All I'm trying to suggest is that there might be a little bit of thought into some of this along the way. Not every vet is killed, some are still doing well (depending on the show, some better than others). And some do know when to call it a day (John Clarke, DAYS, and the one who played Audrey, just can't remember her name off hand). I also believe GH doesn't know what to do with it's history and are running in circles. I'm just saying it might not be as black and white as fans, rumours and magazines might have us believe.

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So Miss Thing.. (yeah, I'm talking to you, Hooked); you give me grief about kicking up the dirt on SOC but you're rolling in it over on SD. Pot and Kettle much?

(Incidentally, vino is much better than OJ for breakfast, and my kid's French tutor is excited to get started immediately. Life is good this morning :P .)

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Aw but the difference is I am commenting on TC's very well-known status of stealing storylines and whining and using his FOJ influence to get things changed the way he wants them...not spinning my wheels with fanatical fans!!! Channel that energy into your writing!!!!

So pot/kettle? Not so much! LOL!!! Okay maybe a little.

Edited by hookedongh
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Maybe a LOT!!!

The kids have gone next door for their French lesson. I am such a happy mommy!!! It's July and they are willingly doing their school work - doesn't get better than that.

BTW, Hooked, I muck up all sorts of stuff on SOC. I've found many kindred spirits, just as you have on SD. Only advantage for you is that they actually know something. SOC is just a sharing of opinions. So muck away, my friend... we need everything you can learn.

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