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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Here is FH's SOW article that mentions the scene with Luke. Anna leaves next week. She doesn't indicate she will be back for sure. I don't think she is ushering luke off. With him getting arrested, I bet he escapes and goes on the run--maybe he doesn't say bye to tracy cause he doesn't want to make her an accessory to him like he did last year!!

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Oy... the first time they continue a LuNacy tender moment... the FIRST TIME... and they BLEW IT... Big

Nex: Scenes 1 and 2

1. Tracy opens by looking at him for a few moments, then tells him what he said means more to her than he can imagine - she knows how hard it is for him to say it. Some would say that she's stubborn but she honours her marriage vows - whatever they are (to which Luke smirks). But hitching his wagon to the mob is more dangerous than 3 heart attacks. He agrees they are a match made in hell. More about the danger of the choices he's making, then Sonny comes in and tells Luke he needs his time. I think Tracy says something like 'right on cue'.

2. Luke says his timing is off, as he gestures towards Tracy. Sonny asks if it's a bad time. Tracy says yes. She asks Luke to walk away and commit fully to what he told her. He tells her he won't be emtionally blackmailed (Tracy didn't sound like she was doing that, but anyway...). He says he meant every single word he said to her, but he picks his own business partners. Tracy says fine, she's not putting any more money into his corps, then storms off. Luke says "Women, can't live with them, can't poison their martini glasses - again" (Last bit was said louder and in the direction where Tracy had gone.) Sonny asks what's happening. Luke tells him Tracy thinks association with the Zacharas will cause his death. Sonny says he hates to agree "But you wife is right". Luke doesn't look happy.

Rest of the show is Luke/Sonny stuff then AZ coming into the bar saying he's sorry Luke had a heart attack. He doesn't remember what he did at Windamere, and he's there to talk business. Yadda yadda the world revolves around Lulu.

Oh Lainey... Diane and Max with Sonny and Jason. Isn't this the day Guza was going on about being so funny he wanted another hour? That man is stupid and doesn't know comedy if that was supposed to be funny. All that happened was Sonny accused Diane of loosing the case because all she can think about is Max, so he's sending Max to Peurto Rico. Max stands up to Sonny saying he put his life on the line many times and has shown him completely loyalty over the past five years, but Sonny has got to keep his nose out of Max's personal life. Diane is amazed Max stood up for himself. Good for Max, but it wasn't funny.

Edited by remos
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We got ripped off.

But Tracy's hair looked better today, so that was good.

hooked, checked out the lyrics. I'd have to be very creative to make it work.

Rach, thanks for the info. about Monica. Wish she was going to be on sooner.

When Luke is

, I hope Tracy

Am off to SOC with my armor, should I need it.

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Oh well...at least we got a tender moment...even if they blew it, at least he admitted that to her. At least the viewers heard it onscreen how he feels about her!

Still haven't watched. I wonder if Tracy is really on tomorrow. Here are the things for tomorrow: I would think Tracy would have to sort of see Anna and Luke together to be jealous of them to go to Robin next week on Monday and for her robin, patrick and Tracy to walk in on their drinking game.

Oh in the FH article in SOW it says "they play strip roulette" When asked what the prize is, she said there is no prize, but whoever ends up naked first wins. She is hanging from the rope upside down. And it was her, but there were two ropes.

Also, she leaves town next week.

Friday 2nd:

Maxie asks Spinelli to find Kate's million dollars.

Anna's back and Robin tells her about Patrick's crush on her.

Jason explains to Sonny about Claudia.

Carly gets Michael's test results back.

Lulu tells Anthony that she and Johnny are over.

Anna tries to put thoughts of being a granny behind her by going to Luke for adventure.

Maxie stows away with Jason and Spinelli who go looking for Ian.

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SID Polls (From SZ)

Should Tracy forgive Luke and take him back?

87% Eventually

13% NEVER!

Also.. about the Anna/Luke thing. One of the larger mediapics does show him with his shirt unbuttoned. Wonder if he'll have a scar............

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Ms Q--Here is the other site for screencaps.


Sorry I forgot to post earlier.

Remos--thanks for those results! Seems a bit stupid though as she has already taken him back, unless they are on the outs again as of today.

Hey the ILY made the promo for yesterday and today. Did we know that?


For your reading pleasure (I like how they talk about his love for Tracy)


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This clip from alanmonicaforever features Tracy/Ned/Julia but also FLASHBACKS of Tracy/Mitch, Tracy/Larry (as nun and priest), Tracy/Scott (waking up next to each other), Tracy/Harlan, and Tracy/Paul.


Lady Ashton, do you have the Tracy/Larry scenes by chance? I remember you mentioning it, and I believe you have it somewhere, but not sure. I don't want to pressure you to into finding it, transferring it, and doing all that other time-consuming stuff, but if you do come across it one day and have a chance, could you upload? :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I had already voted, but just checked to see how Jane was doing. Got the familiar screen saying "invalid thread". <_<

On to other things...

The spoilers say....(highlight to read) that Anna is called away on a mission before she has a chance to explain anything. (Has this already been posted? Sorry for the repeat if it has been.) IIRC, this was for Tuesday, May 5. Couple that with Luke's arrest and everyone warning him to get out of town, and it looks Luke's leaving has nothing to do with any mid-life crisis/adventure with anyone. My happy bubble tells me that Luke only leaves because he feels he has no choice. "No other choice" from Luke's perspective, that is.

It was short, but I loved what we got today. Just the fact that there was any follow-up is *relatively* impressive when you consider that most couples get even less. Wow...have I lowered my expectations as much as it sounds like I have? :o

Anyway, so cute and so funny when Tracy talked about honoring her marriage vows, even if she didn't remember them. :lol:

The best line was probably Luke's about how they were a match made in hell, but a glorious match. Since TG is known for writing a lot of his dialogue, I wonder if that wasn't straight from Tony himself. Wouldn't be surprised since we know that...(see banner :D )

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Okay, if an effort to find screencaps, I found Tracy standing behind that plant, and I missed that when I watched earlier...I know everyone was saying how she was lurking behind plants, but I thought it was just a background shot. I didn't realize it was a close-up of her looking rather stalker-ish... Not that I think she is stalking him; it's the way the shot came off. Oy!!!

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Okay... I've revised my first assessment of today. I've just been watching the clips from Cazigirl (love her), and I guess the writers didn't drop it as badly as I first thought they had. Tracy does say ILY, and they are cute together - in their typically LuNacy way. I guess I was holding out for some touching... and upon review I noticed that she was playing with his hand when she told him she loved him back. Still... why the hell did Sonny interupt?

Hopefully we have something tomorrow. You're right, Hooked. She would have to see them tomorrow if she's going to Robin on Monday. So far that insider that said she would be on Tuesday through Friday has been right.

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I didn't get to watch today yet, but did get to watch yesterday. Just from reading the recaps, I didn't really get this, but watching it...it was really sort of great because when he said "You just want me to be financially dependent on you" and she said, "I SO resent that." He meant that what is so ironic, is that she is trying to make him financially dependent because in Tracy's mind, that is why she perceives that he keeps coming back to her---cause she controls the purse strings. But what he was really saying was that the irony of it all, is that isn't the reason why he comes back at all. He can live without the money, the trappings, etc, but he loves her. Just one big AWWWWW. Plus I LOVED when he said he could live without the pancakes and she looked at him and laughed. I really was thinking that might have been a TG ad-lib. (Maybe one that he got approval for but that sounded like it could be).

Today sounds cute even though it was brief.

So here is my thinking on this...we are actually one of the ONLY couples who got any real nice moments as of late. You would not believe the Liason fan base. They are so upset that hteir couple got a proposal and then they have to stop seeing each other and have had no movement in their storyline at all and Jason is paired iwth Claudia.

Lusam fans are like so upset cause now they are talking about a new doctor maybe for Sam, etc....

Skate fans are upset at the angst coming up, Carjax fans are upset that they are breaking up likely, etc....

Even spin/max fans are bummed that this new doc might be for KS.

And Jlex fans are like WTF..our couple kisses and then nothing for a month or more.

So, in short, considering that Lunacy are not one of the favored air hog couples, I'd say we are doing well. And now everyone knows that Luke loves her.

I could see Luke making going on the run and not telling Tracy to not make her an accessory this time. Since he left her holding the bag last summer.

And WTF with Tracy thinking Sam would want to be in her husbands lap? Hello? Sam is dating his son!!!! Who is HOT!!!!

Breakroom anyone?

8:15 pm???

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Oh also you guys, I emailed Halee to see how she was, since she has been MIA (I know mother hen thing going on again) and she said her father had emergency heart surgery, but was doing better and she was back home and not really online. I told her we were all keeping her in our thoughts, so you might want to drop her a note.

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